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EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Glorified ten dollar a month chat room.
Review: When I first purchased this game I had high hopes... for the first time someone had undertaken the task of taking roleplaying off of back room counters into the mainstream public domain of the internet sporting all sorts of bright lights and facinating colors. Then I played it and was utterly disgusted. The first thing id like to point out is that the game is just bad. From a single player viewpoint it has literally no plusses. It is not only devoid of any imaginary elements (yep same ole dwarves elves etc)but beyond the tenth level the game becomes impossible to continue without commiting an extra half of an hour a night to finding 5 other people to group and hunt with.. which brings me to the multiplayer element of EQ. If you have ever unwittingly wandered through the mainstream AOL chatrooms of old such is what you will find upon entering the realm of Norrath. Roleplaying? nada. If anything, anyone who tries to stay in charecter is automatically thought of as odd. To make matters worse the players you are forced to interact with in all have the maturity levels of 3rd graders. Beyond the player base though simply advancing through the game is nearly impossible without spending a minimum of SIX hours a day with it. Casual gamers need not apply there is no future for you. a person having achieved the highest rank possible in EQ has on average spent nearly 80 FULL 24 hour days in front of the computer screen. The icing on this very rotten cake however comes in technical support form or rather the lack of it. The GMs who supposedly run the game are worthless and help nobody and despite constant pressure from players change no elements in the game. Please for your sake do not waste your money on this trash.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Everquest is the best game on the earth
Review: This is the greatest game ever created. Buy it.

I have a character on the Quellious server named Nugjar.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: Extremly immense, toataly spectacular! Many zones for the begginer or for the master slayer! Many new items and NPCs(non-player characters)to fulfill any gamers wishes! Fans will be very pleased with all the new, uncharted land to explore. Also, brand new quests to make the game seem a whole lot more than "Rat Hunter 3D"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW!
Review: I bought EQ long after it's initial release, yet I cannot say that I am any less enamoured with it's fullness and complexity. A TRUE roleplayers dream, not those of you who claim to be one but quit at the end of the day. A place where you can go to truly act out your character creation, his/her personality, beliefs, and morals. Joining a guild in EQ is even more fun. A regular crowd that you get to know very well, I have met several in person already that are in mine. Alas, no game is perfect, and EQ is no exception. Oftentimes lag removes enjoyment, and for those of us RPers out there, the powergamers are just too much of a joke, only playing a game to beat it, not enjoy it. (NOTE: you can't beat EQ, there is no end, just like TRUE roleplay). Even with the problems it has, I haven't played another game in 7 months.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Tech Support From The Dark Ages
Review: Unfortunately I never got to try this game as numerous connection problems prevented the updates from downloading prior to play. Appaling tech support, and complete lack of interest of customer service. Forget this product, try Asheron's Call instead.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good game if you have the time
Review: This game is good and is fun and can be very addicting and has problems. The biggest one is this game should be called everlevel, that is what it is all about. Quests are hard and boring as you have to sit for a long time waiting to kill someone to get a item, that they might not even drop. All the good loot is camped 24/7 and is hard for someone that has limited playing time , about 3-4hrs a nite, to get in a group to get. I am sorry but my time is more important than that to me. Why sit there twidling your thumbs when you can be doing something more fun. When you are not camping something you are fighting, here is a typical sequence, monster spawns-every one stands up- group attacks it- it dies in about 30 sec- you sit back down and wait. Dont get me wrong sometimes the game can be and is exciting , about 30% of the time I would say. Other 70% is like that. Unless you are a Necromancer you cant solo at high lvls and always have to be in a group to get exp, if you buy this game plz listen to me and be a Dark Elf Necromancer it will pay of at higher lvls when you dont have to sit around for hours waiting for a spot in a group to open up. The best part about this game in the end is the people that play it, I met a lot of nice people and had fun talking with them thru my time playing it. If it wasnt for talking with people that I had met playing the game I would have stopped a while ago. If you have lots of time on your hands and dont mind wasting it this game is for you and will be a lot of fun. If you dont have a lot of time on your hands you should think about it before you buy this game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Kunark takes the Cake
Review: Since a young age, I have been an addict of video games. From Mario to Final Fantasy, I have seen them all. And coming out at the top is Everquest. This game is ONLY for people who desire never to see the light of day again. The interaction between people is amazing, and there is so much to explore, that days worth of play time is just the icing on the cake. Everquest is only for two kinds of people- those you hate and never want to see again, and those you love who you want to be given the best gift possible. Many complain about the lag, fees, BUT its no big deal. Once you enter Norrath, you'll never want to leave again.....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good game
Review: Ok, I bought it and I love it. I have never had logging in problems and my machne runs the game flawlessly. He graphics are beautiful. All in all this is probably the best game I've played in a long time.

For all you guys who keep saying Asheron's Call is better, you consistantly point out that EQ is slow or has bad graphics. The only thing I can concieve of to explain sucha descrepancy is our machines. EQ is a high-end game and demands alot of power from a PC, but it is well worth it. Give it a try.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What you'll realize in a month
Review: As is the case with many of these 4 and 5 star reviews, i was impressed with the concept and glitz of Everquest in the first month that i bought the game. It wasn't until about a month into the game thati realized the true colors of the game, as i became extremely bored or angry everytime that i played. I would put hours into the game at a time, and not accomplish anything. So i quit. Canecelled my account and didn't play the game for 6 months. Just recently i got bored and reactivated my account to see if anything had changed, but i was dissappointed to find that the game was in the same sad state as when i left.

There are so many bad things about this game, but i will try to list them here in brief form.

1) Verant, company that made the game, is money hungry and does not listen to or take input from it's players at all. In fact through it's customer service policies the company proves that it assumes all players are snotty/whiny/cheating/scammers. If you doubt any of this all you need to do is read the Official Everquest forum at check out the gameplay forum especially, this is the only forum that the ONLY public relations employee at verant reads, so its where most of the players go to speak their mind)

2) The only way to advance your character is by leveling up since you cannot get experience any other way. Technically you can get experience by doing quests, but its so little thats its not worth the effort. Since characters are defined by classes, almost all characters of the same class and level are exactly the same.

3) There are tons of bugs in this game, and with such a poor Customer service department, if you die from a bug you are screwed. You could lose all of your items and money due to a bug, but you will not be compensated.

4) The economy is out of control. I mean it doesn't work at all. Inflation is so bad that at high levels money becomes useless.

5) Trade skills are useless and/or not profitable. For some reason in Everquest trade skills such as Smithing/fletching/tailoring, etc... are useless. the time and money you put into these skills will never pay off since the cost to buy the raw goods often exceed the profit you make by selling the product. Several of the Trade skills have been broken since day one... such as alchemy.

6) The downtime in between fights can be huge! Seriously once you pass level 10 you have to wait several minutes in between each fight to restore your hit points and magic points. At the higher levels i heard it takes as long as 20 minutes to recover mana, and during this time your character must be sitting down, and not doing anything at all. So i guess the players of everquest are supposed to read a book or do their laundry during these long periods of downtime.

7) oh yeah, due to the way the game is structured, its not really an RPG. Its a hack and slash game where the only purpose is to gain more levels. The quests are far and few in between and most of them are pretty lame. The players have absolutely NO impact on the world. You cannot join an army, or hold a goverment position, or any kind of job for that matter. You are good for nothing other than killing monsters out in the wilderness... which after a while gets really boring.

8) The creatures that give the best loot are "Camped" 24/7, meaning that several groups will sit and wait at the areas where these monsters spawn and kill it as soon as it spawns, and then wait again for however long it takes for the monster to spawn again... sometimes hours. Again this is very lame and boring.

oh well, i guess thats enough reasons for now, although I"m sure i could think of more if i tried... oh yeah the grouping system is not good. You can only effectively group with people near you in level otherwise neither person will gain experience.

My advice? In my opinion there aren't any good MMORPGS out right now, Asheron's Call has potential. You can try Everquest if you are bored and want to see what these online games are like, but don't let it dissappoint you the way it did me. The game has lots of potential, but for whatever reason Verant fell flat on its face as far as making any of it work.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't listen to those bad reviews
Review: I am a BIG roleplayer. i have played many games INCLUDING Asheron's Call and Ultima Online. I think that this game is a very well made game, the graphics are great, the control of lag is much better than Asheron's Call, and the plot is better. The probl with Asheron's Call is that you can be everything.. making it very hard to roleplay... In Everuqest there are 14 differemt calsses EACH with their ups and downs.. ranging from a kind Paladin to a bloodthirsty Shadowknight(the opposite of a Paladin). There are also many quests making gameplay more fun. There ar VERY few quests in Asherons Call. In Everquest there are different races you can be.. some good and some evil, personally, i like to play evil races, makes the game much more challenging. In Asheron's Call, theres only 3 types of "humans" and they're all pretty much the same. In Everquest you can battle some of the mighty gods in search to get better items. In Asheron's Call, when i died no one would help me, they didnt care for a person in need. In Everquest, there's always a person lending a hand to help someone. In conclusion, Everquest is a much better game than Asheron's Call, but it's up to you, choose wisely.

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