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EVE Online: The Second Genesis

EVE Online: The Second Genesis

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Still in beta version and no good player interaction!!!!!!
Review: I played eve for quite a while and it is just not worth the timer or money. There are no real exciting aspects of the game other than talking to people. You spend hours and hours of minning time to get better weapons that you cant even use on other players. If you are thinking of becoming a pirate forget it! Eve only supports fair play now. They patch and patch and bugs are more prominent then ever.... some even spend days unable to play because of bugs. I know... it happened to me 2 times. Do not be decieved by its good looks... its gets really booring and every galaxy looks like exactly like the other... just with different color. You might as well call it a single player game too because anything exciting involves npcs while player interaction is just trading and simply saying hello!

If you know what is good for you... then you will take the time that you would have spent playing eve and go work at a supermaket and actually get paid to work.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Eve is a bugged piece of trash!
Review: Move on and find a real MMOG. I played beta. I bought release. I sold my account on eBay. I lived. I saw. I watched Eve die. The game is still beta. Ironically, the version you get on the "retail" CD is actually a beta version you patch up. Looking back, it was an auspicious sign. The game is no fun. It's work. If you don't have a job, go ahead and buy this game. It's like having one. You can tell people you play Eve. They look impressed at your occupation and your accomplishment. I would highly recommend reading the forums from the outraged players at Eve online. I'm assuming, you're a new player to Eve. Most of the people who are pro-Eve are mostly the big-cats from back to beta. They're in this game for better or worse because they run the game. But, do the research before you play. Check out what players *really* think about this game. Go to the fan sites and read the outrage. If a game can cause so much anger and frustration, why would you willing pay every month for this? I play games to escape, relax, and simply unwind. Eve just winds me up.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EVE-The fun Addiction!
Review: EVE-what can I say? The box doesn't give the game justice. The monthy charge is an intital turn off. The game itself is well worth the [money] and monthly charge! EVE rocks! Finally a Online Space game that allows some much depth! You can run your own corporation,sell,pirate,research,manufacture or mine.... EVE puts you in the captains chair of your space ship to build your future made by your decisions. I WARN ALL THAT BUY THIS GAME. YOU WILL BE ADDICTED TO THIS GAME! EVE is the best game I have played since the 8086 processor days...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great potential
Review: First and foremost, you will either like this game or you will hate this game. To make one things clear, Eve is not a combat focused game. While combat is an integral part of the game design, the most in-depth feature is the games economy and corporation systems.

Combat is actually well thought out, however the implementation is a bit off. Ships are too weak as far as defense, and are overpowered extenesively in offense. This leads to short battles where the first person who pulls the trigger is most likely the victor. I would much rather see long drawn out battles, lasting perhaps 5 minutes but with lucrative rewards.

On thing to note however is that combat is based on a twist of the point-and-click system. You never directly control your ship, you merely give it orders and those orders are carried out based on your skill. To engage in combat you right click any ship, select 'Lock Target' and click on the weapon you wish to fire. The twist is the you can attack multiple targets up to the limit of weapons you have available (and your targeting skill).

Skills... a system which is usually implemented poorly. Games such as Ultima Online avoided this system to great success, however that aforementioned online game is now hindered by it's 7 year old graphics engine ('new' 3D engine not counting). Skills are initially bought for a price and take about 12 minutes for the first level of that skill. Then you research those skills based on your characters core attributes. Researching is free, but it is also very time consuming. Luckily, researching is automated and will continue researching whenever you log off.

Now onto the economy and corporations. The economy is primarily based on players who manufacture goods. NPC factories produce some also, but only when player goods are not available. To produce an item you must have a blueprint which can be purchased or found (never 'found' one yet) and then it must be taken to a factory. At the factory you will be charged for the rent (a low amount if you only have one factory) and then you will need to supply that factory with the minerals necessary to create the finished product. Unfortunately you do not find out the amount until you've submitted the item for building.

Blue prints can be copied for reselling, or they can be improved upon. This is all provided that you have an original blueprint of course. Copies (created by other players or NPC) cannot be researched or copied.

Corporations are likely to be considered a massive player. Corporations are mostly controlled by the acting CEO, whom depending on shares, can be booted out of his/her position. When you create a corporation you start with the role of CEO and then you can assign other player who wish to join you accordingly. Later you can assign other player to complete these roles for you. Those roles include recruiting, finances (aka bills), factory and station management, and military assignments. As far as voting inside the corporation is concerned, this is based on how many shares are distributed, and whom has the most. Shares can be sold on the Market, or they can be distributed privately. In either case, the are a security flaw, so I personally don't advise giving shares to strangers.

On a side note, CEOs have immense power and can drain the finances of a corporation is he/she feels so inclined. That isn't recommened though, as as CEO you can practically control a large group of players, and almost change the game's balance as you see fit.

Well... that more a description than an actual review. As far as my review is concerned, all these things together make up to create a large online game of economics, pirating, and backstabbing. If that's your type of game then I recommend you give this game a shot, or at least find a friend who has the game and watch it in action.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Rough Megacyte
Review: Great game if you like complexity. Still has bugs that need to be ironed out. This is my 4th MMORPG and the only one I've paid the second month to keep playing. I can't get enough of it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lost in a dream World
Review: I love this game. The interface feels rather intuitive to me and the bugs are basicaly non existant at this point. Where EVE might go becouse of its open ended structure is the big question and it is also the big thrill. The game is gorgeous and dream like in its ambience.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very Addictive.........
Review: Firstly, if you are the impatient type or you are expecting a "joystick shoot 'em up"....stop here...otherwise:

What an amazing game! I just can't stop playing it. Forget the other reviews that say this game is boring; If you are prepared to invest time, and if you like space simulations, then this game is for you. This game is for the intellectual. My recommendation is to join a good corporation, speak to the people in game, do your own assessment, as people are friendly and they will help you mine and haul to start you off with a lump sum of cash. Don't go on a powertrip though, it won't work until you've explored the vastness of the options available. Now what are you waiting for? Get your credit card out!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The worst MMORPG in the history of gaming!
Review: Okay i don't mean to be too insulting but this was the worst mmorpg i have ever played. Its more FRUSTRATING and requires EXTREME PATIENCE. For example i spent an entire day mining ore 1 million isk(space money) And i only get 10-20k per trip which takes about 5mins ther and back - the mining time which is like 30 mins. So i could get this fancy nice lil mining ship then i find after i bought it i gota wait 1 ENTIRE WEEK BEFORE IM ALOUD TO USE THE SHIP BECAUSE OF A SKILL. NOTE SKILLS CAN TAKE WEEKS TO LEARN. + THEY COST TONS OF MONEY. So in other words u could buy a ship or slowly learn a skill for any form of trade marketin research and not even be able to use it for weeks. Anways i must say this much the graphics of this game r not bad at all i must say they are great but for example there is this game called estonia 3 which doesnt really have the best graphics in the world and i would give it a rating of 10 on gameplay and give this a rating of 2! Don't get it, you'll be sorry.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Played BETA
Review: Do NOT get this game. Save your money. Download Earth and Beyond for 5 days. If you like that, EVE simply has better graphix. Its all the same. After you play for about 20 hours total, you'll probably be bored with the repetitiveness of flying trade missions or harvesting ore.

Wait for World of Warcraft if you are going to be buying a pay to play game this year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not a linear experience :-)
Review: EVE is suffering from a crop of release bugs, but it's definitely something to get into if you are looking for a deep online experience...even with the current issues.

You either love this game, or hate it. That much is evident when you scan the reviews.

EVE naturally weeds out those who want a more structured gaming experience. Those who are left are communicative and interactive. The key to EVE is social. If you are waiting for EVE to tell you what to do, you won't last very long. You need to explore the possibilities, focus in on a plan, and execute. There are things you can do in this game that you can't even imagine in other games. However, if you can't interact and tap into the player culture, you won't get much done.

Those who miss the community aspect quickly tire of mining, interacting with AI agents, blowing up AI pirates, and leave.

Those who stay, love it and never want to leave.

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