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EVE Online: The Second Genesis

EVE Online: The Second Genesis

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Graphics Support for Eve
Review: Just received my copy of EVE online and low and behold, it can't run on my computer because the software isn't supported by my graphics card (INTEL EXTREME). Make sure that you check the list of acceptable graphics cards before ordering.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 6 Months later....
Review: Ok, so i'm back, 6 months later. Some people said the bugs would be fixed. And a lot of them have. They promised a lot of stuff, and never really delivered. They promised new stuff ever month or so, and we're going into month 7 without a major release of anything. Some said new paches every 7-14 days. We're on month 2 going to month 3 without the new patch. They claim to have 30K subscribers, but for some reason, I only see half the number of people from beta playing at once. Don't buy this game right now. I am still playing because I can't find anything else better right now, and niether can my friends. We just sit and chat most of the time in the game. I think some cool stuff will be released next year, maybe 6 months or so. I plan on quiting this game as soon as World of Warcraft comes out. Then I might come back in 2004. They just werrn't ready for this, and now they can't keep up. Basically since beta, there have been many bug fixes, but nothing new. Cool Idea, still not there yet.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Generates its own storyline
Review: Eve-Online is a great game, yet many of the features are already touched upon by the editiorial review.

One of the greatest aspects is that, as the servers are not divided, complex and diverse alliances and armies form.

I personally am a member of the Curse Alliance, and we are at war with the Fountain and Stain Alliance. (At the moment we're in a cease fire stage with the Coalition of Free Stars while the last details of the peace treaty are hammered out).

Another plus for the game is that there is no leveling system, so the game isnt dominated by the need to level. Indeed, your choices at the extreamly complex character Creation Screen have almost no effect on later gameplay, as you can always purchase different skill packs.

Currently I'm a Caldari (my char name is Demerzel) whom uses Amarr ships and laser weapons, despite the fact that the usual Caldari weapons are Missles and Hybrids.

See ya ingame!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Good eye-candy, but buggy, incomplete, and woeful support.
Review: Eve will catch your interest early with it's spectacular visuals. The game holds much promise, with a variety of different careers available, an enormous galaxy to explore, a complex market, and the thrill of player versus player combat.

But after playing awhile you will be only too aware how much of it is merely promise. That enormous galaxy is going to end up being the same everyplace you go. The skeletal market and combat systems might concievably have held together if all the players would cooperate, but that doesn't ever seem to happen, so both are in very poor shape. Studying the community forums (CCP will carefully, and rather intrusively, censor its own forums to protect its interests) will reveal that the game has not advanced in any significant manner since it was 'released' in May. Many of those neat artifacts you acquire, or skills you spend the time to learn, don't do anything, or don't act the way they're eventually intended to. The 'colossal events' are empty news blurbs. (the Amarr emperor has died!) The first one might be interesting, but you'll tune them out after that.

The only 2 ways to make enough money to buy the ships and equipment you want (not that there aren't other options, just that they don't really work yet to generate income) are to mine, or to steal from miners. And if you choose to mine you'll have to deal with occasionally losing days worth of work to the thieves. You are going to be spending a large proportion of your playing time staring at a rock listening to the hum of your mining lasers.

Other than freeing players whose characters have become 'stuck' (Which they will usually be able to do for you within an hour. Which is good, because it will happen frequently) customer support is comically poor, with responses frequently taking days, and occasionally not getting back to you at all. Don't waste your time complaining about the delay, they will be quick to remind you of the EULA (licence agreement) that you ok everytime you start the game, which basically relieves them of any responsibility toward you at all. This aspect of the game service bothered me more than any of its other faults, it's almost as if they invite you to quit anytime you have the gall to ask them for help.

My impression was that this game was released much too early because of the financial difficulties of the developing company. (CCP) While there has always been a chance that they may pull something together in time to stem the tide of departing players, (there *is* a glimmer of an interesting game in there) it has never appeared that they are trying very hard. The discount pricing I'm seeing appear in the stores, and the fatalistic disregard of the customer support staff are looking like the warning signs of a MMORPG on the way out.

I'd recommend staying away from this one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: HOLY BETA
Review: half the features on the box arn't even in yet, played the game for a few months now, its full of bugs and there isn't mutch to in the game, support is a joke, and if one of those bugs effects you the standard policy is to bad. im tired of buying unfinished games and having companies expect me to pay while they finish it so i can play the game im paying for

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you like space games you will love eve
Review: I have been playing eve for 2 weeks now. I have joined a corporation and made some advances and mistakes. EVE is alot like life. You make decisions and have to live with the consequences of those decisions. Pirates (both NPC and player) are waiting at the richest asteroid fields. Each trip is an adventure. Each system has a security rating. Buy an item at one station and warp through stargates to another station to collect it. ISK is the monetary structure and you can make ISK's in various ways. Asteroid mining, agent missions, joining a corporation helps because they help you advance in the skill levels and with things you want to buy in eve that you may not be able to afford yourself. Chat channels exist for local players (in the same system) and a help channel. EVE has taken over my life. I played Star Wars Galaxies also but if you like Wing Commander, or Freelancer I am sure that EVE will become the only program on your computer. Players from all over the world exist in EVE. Eve keeps time in UCT (GMT or Univeral Coordinated time).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Massively Multiplayer Online Space Simulation (MMOSS)
Review: Although the review by Amazon.com explains my thoughts upon this game quite well, I'd like to let all you MMORPG Junkies know that this is not like an RPG in that, although you must run around and complete menial tasks, the object of the game is not to become the most powerful in-game character so that you might boss others around, but to expand the corporations, the populous, and make money in the meantime. Build an empire, or take one down. This requires a powerful user, instead of a 'level 99' character.

Rating: 0 stars
Summary: You would have been disappointed but you wont be now!
Review: The BEST game ever made should be bought now! I warn you the story line has just kicked off and it can only get better. How would you have liked to participated in a PvP battle of roughly 100 ships from frigates all the way up to Battleships.... all to fight for new technology to get the better hand in the universe. A truly immersive gameplay and you will be left behind if you do not buy it now. 30 free trial what is the problem ? Make sure you have a top notch system this game is not for the weak ones and you will no longer have a life. BUY IT NOW -- If you buy EVE after reading this review EVE Mail me when you get online and I will give you a little something <wink>

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Eve can be fun!
Review: I'm one week old in the Eve universe - I've got a nice combat frigate and I'm plodding on earning isk (money) by a combination of mining and shooting low-level NPC pirates. Given time (and assuming my wife doens't ban me from using the computer) I hope to get a better ship fairly soon.

Other players for the most part appear friendly and are willing to help explain the basics to newcomers. There tends to be approx. 4000+ people on-line most days but as others have said because the Eve Universe is so vast there are lots of 'empty' spaces without players lurking in them.

I haven't done a huge amount of exploring - it took me a while to work out the Map and waypoint system - maybe I'm just slow?

Sometimes you can have lots of game menu windows open and keeping track of them and performing other activities can get difficult.

The Security rating system is defintely one area where the Developers need to issue clearer guidelines to Newbies. Essentially each sytem has a security rating which determines how lawless it is. If you venture into 0.0 space prepare for lots of fights..however if you want to put your feet up and a snooze go for 1.0 space.

Players also get a security rating...if you're bad you get a negative rating. What really isn't clear is when (and if) you are allowed to target or indeed fire upon other player characters. If you do this in 1.0 space you get blasted by the NPC cops but after that it all seems a bit vague or overly complex - have a look at the forums to see what I mean. This for me spoils the player versus player aspect of the game.

The game still has bugs, for example I've docked at a space station and the screen has gone black and I wasn't able to do anything. You can petition and you might get moved to another station..but all your stuff is still in the old station.

Lag does crop up from time to time especially it seems if there are more than 5 player ships zipping around in the same area as yourself...or at least that is my experience.

Customer support does seem to be a bit lacking. After playing another massively multiplayer game (Time of Defiance) I was used to developers who took an active interest in the forum boards and provided quick feedback to players who had a problem. It doesn't quite seem that way yet with Eve On-line.

The game is good..it deserves to do well and I for one will put up with the little irritating bugs that crop up because the game has so much excellent potential.

Overall it's worth playing but if you're really an all out action fan best look elsewhere.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Mark
Review: I have played this game since Beta testing and without any doubt this is a game i was waiting for since playing other space games such as Elite etc. I have played lots of Multiplayer Online games in my time and simply put nothing compares to this. The Graphics are unbelievable and the sound is subliminal. As for the Gameplay - theres nothing like it.

This really is how a space trading/online game should be!!


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