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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Situation Zero Version 1.000001
Review: To start with, this is the same game as CS but with different box graphics.
This is a ploy by Valve to generate more revenue with absolutely the least amount of addition effort.
Don't be milead by the high star "average customer rating" listed on Amazon, the majority of the high raters NEVER even played the game ... .
The Steam Online Network is poorly designed ... and another measure of useless complexity that doesn't work most of the time.
Do not buy this game,... ... I am telling you this because I care about value and quality in the gaming experience. ... If you must have Condition Zero you can dig it out of the dumpster where I will be keeping my copy until the garbage truck comes on Tuesday.
... we expected so much more.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Nothing new...
Review: I thought the bots were supposed to be intellegent? I have watched both T and CT stand looking at each other for a few seconds before firing. Also, mostly your guys get in your way or kill the hostages if a T is in line with one. If this is as good as it gets, then cancel my HL2 order.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: whatever man.
Review: Soldier of Fortune is an awesome game but instead of this game? whatever. Alright, lot of you guys don't like it because you can't play as a terrorist. Are you guys crazy? why do you wanna be a terrorist? you planning to hit the empire state building? I'm just kidding lol I know I don't like it either but Playing as a CT is awesome too! and you can play as a terrorist in custom play and multi play that's all that counts right? I mean all the good players go to multi player instead of single play mission. Some of you guys think this is a waste of money because you already have CS. well I don't care really cause this game has better graphics~ it doesn't show distorted weird crazy looking walls at dust and aztec and many more maps. You gotta buy this game man

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: For offline or new players only
Review: I've been waiting years for Condition Zero(CZ) to come out but now that it's out, it's to little to late. CZ is extremely dissapointing for a hard core CS veteran like myself. The meat of CS has and always will be multiplayer and CZ adds nothing new other than updated graphics. The singleplayer aspect of CZ is mediocre compared to games like Call of Duty and Far Cry. Too add to the disspapointment CZ comes out a week after UT2004 and Battlefield Vietnam which are both superb multiplayer games.

+ Intelligent Bots
+ Updated Graphics

- Same old CS gameplay.
- Mediocre single player.
- Adds NOTHING new to multiplayer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Condition Zero!!!!!!!
Review: First of all, to correct all of the people whom are wrong, there are new weapons in the game, such as the two new grenades( gas grenades and the molotove cocktail) Weapons (balistic shield, and the LAW Rocket Launcher) and dont forget the Famas from 1.6, and the defender from 1.6! There are many new maps, improved graphivcal affects, and many new terrorist skins as well as CT skins ( the way people and characters look). In my opinion, anybody whp buys this game is in for a real badass time with CS! Anyone who opposes this game should run to the emergency room and recieve a CAT scan emedietly. BUY this game as soon as it comes out, I know i will!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Gotta disagree with you there...
Review: I hope there are never any vehicles in CS. CS is about simulating counter-terrorism, not full on war. It's a completely different type of situation that BF1942.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Counter Strike: Condition Zero, The official review
Review: Team-based first person action battlefield shooters have brought a new era of gaming in the video game industry. These games are fun to play, do not need a depth in storyline, and provide a freedom in gaming, by which people can do just about anything, pick and side and fight to the finish. These games (also known as "pick and play" games) provide the best gaming experiences for everyone. You aren't required to understand any storyline, however, only required to teach yourself the skills of being patient, determined and accurate.

The counter strike series has full-filled its task as one of the best "pick and play" games of the year. Ofcourse, we have other good games such as unreal tournament and Battlefield 1942 by which the same requirments are provided. What distinguishes CS with UT and BF is the lack of vehichles. CS is more of a first person shooter than a war simulation as BF requires the knowledge of first person shooting, however, with the ability of driving vehichles, using stealth and camo. along with other existent methods of infiltration. This serves to be the biggest dispointment of CS. However, producers are wokring on maps where you can use vehichles to an extent.

CS:C0 features many game modes. For once, single player is available. You have 2 options in single player. One is to join the campaign missions where you get to accomplish several tasks for both terrorists or counter-terrorists in several "hot-spots"/continents. Each continent has different multiple maps where you can play in. Those maps tend to be linear. This means that you cannot infiltrate places by using several different routes, however, can only take down something or someone by following a singular path. This isnt a tradition in CS since many games such as UT, BF and CS tend to be more non-linear, which means that you can go anywhere, anytime and under any method of infiltration. Now, the other single player mode is known as OFFLINE SIMULATION. This is a more fluent version, which doesnt require you to follow a certain path. All you do is pick a map, pick either counter-terrorist or terrorist and then battle it out. Ofcourse, you can win rounds by being last man standing or diffusing/setting out a bomb. Other tasks include saving/preventing hostages from escaping.

As for AI, i tell you this now, AI is more smarter and capable of performing tasks. They are quick, determined and perform multiple methods of infiltration or detection, which makes you keep thinking of what they might do next. Other things AI do is learn your moves. They will know exactly where you hide, or go to if you keep repeating the methods. Thus you must confuse them by going to different locations each time unless you're asking for a death wish ;)

Graphics, amazing, ive seen the videos and screenshots and i know that pictures are worth a thousand words. Therefore, im not afraid of that. As for pc lag time in multiplayer, im not worried about that. As long as my ping is alright with BF1942, its alright with CS:C0 since there will be less load on my pc with this game than others.

Sound, more amazing, now you can have more commands, more realistic voices of both guns and the sorrounding environment (birds, water etc) Ofcourse, voice commands are even better nowadays than before.

Steam; now cs players can play along with CS:C0 players as long as they have updated patches, files and maps!

Conclusion, buy it, its cheaper than other games, more fun than most other games, and its summer in a few months =P

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Condition Zero Kicks
Review: I dont know where all of you are getting this wont be any better than 1.6 at. HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE 1.6 GRAPHICS. That fact alone makes me want to buy this game just so the graphics are good again. There is also a single player mode which any good CS player has been wanting since the release of the first one. New maps and weapons will most likely be in the making if not already in the game. ITS GONNA BE SWEET !!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Why bother?
Review: No new game play. No new guns. Some new maps and skins, but there are a plethora of these on the web anyway.

Stick to CS 1.6.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A serious word about CS:CZ
Review: Graphics: They're much better than in CS 1.6, and they can be compared to Half-Life 2 graphics.

IA: An IA that is just like human. Bots hear like humans, see like humans and don't do same way all the time.

Sound: You can live a sound expirience that you will never forget. The sound's depth in closed places it's real.

If you want to know mor... wait for the game release.
Note: This information I published here are from web sites of the speciality. O Camacho não deve ler isto.

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