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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Advice From A Professional Gamer
Review: I have been playing this game for 32 months and there is no game that has ever tested your skills this way, and there is no game this fun. I have never gotten bored of playing this game, infact I play this game 24/7 and I never get tired while engaged in this thrilling and realistic game. This game will have new Weapons, Maps, Terrorist/Counter-Terrorist Models, and an optional 1 Player Mode. Anyone who is new to this game and is concerned about hackers ruining the fun in the game, there is a protection against hacking called HLguard (Half-Life) or CSguard (Counter-Strike) servers with this installed and if that's not enough, you can just play the new 1 Player Mode with skillfull AI Bots and a non-hack enviroment.

!FOR THE PARENTS! --------> Please notice that this game is rated "M" for Mature and includes gore and Adult Language when chatting and tehre are logos that players can spray everywhere in a server with pornography, and there is no control over this unless the ADMIN of the server feels that it is in-appropriate (which usually they don't) the ADMIN will kick/boot that person. If you launch Counter-Strike and go to configuration you can turn off the language you feel is in-appropriate for your child.

Recommended For Enjoyable And Non-Hassle GamePlay.
-256K Modem (DSL) Connection or higher (Cable, T1 etc.)
-nvidia Gforce2 Video Card (or any nvidia and no VooDoo)
-A Very Functional Mouse (Microsoft) (Cheap Mouse)
-GameSpy 3D -- Don't pay for Gamespy, use the one without all capabilities. You will still be able to do everything you need to play Counter-Strike -----...-----
For People Who Have Never Played Counter-Strike, low ping is good go into servers with ping around 115 or lower.

I hope this review has helped you in any way possible. I suggest kids over 12 or 13 of age should be able to play this game.
Thank you -- Clayton Davis

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: CZ Preview: What to expect
Review: BASICS:
This is a PREview, not a REview: Condition Zero was just announced to be released this fall. (I am 80% certain they'll finish it by then, too). CZ is an sequel to the hit internet game, Counter-Strike, which has been the #1 team-based shooter on the web for over 3 years. 70,000 fans cannot be wrong - Counter-Strike is the funnest, most addictive game you can play right now. Trust us. Check out reviews for Counter-strike if you don't believe me.

New maps are themed from 6 new "Hot-spots", namely: North & South America, the Middle-East, northern Russia, Asia, and "urban" Europe. Each hot-spot has several maps to play on, and each map has 12 objectives to complete in order to unlock new weapons and characters. As the developers actually travels to these various locations for research, the maps look very realistic and authentic. Each map has 12 objectives to complete in the single player game, thus unlocking new weapons, maps and characters. You will outfit your team pre-mission, a la Rainbow Six, and as you unlock new soldiers you'll find each has unique skills, specialties, and personalities (ie, AI routines). I've heard there are over 160 characters in the game so far, so lots to unlock and play with.

New teams include the Russian Spetznatz for the Counter-terrorists, and extremist militia group for the terrorists. New weapons in CZ include: Machete, Galil, Famas, M60, Law Rocket, Molotov Cocktail, Machete, Riot Shield, tear-gas grenade and coresponding gas mask. The Riot Shield will add some very interesting strategy to old favorites like Dust and Militia; the Molotov cocktail also introduces fire to Counter-Strike, and sounds like the perfect terrorist weapon.

The greatest addition CZ brings are new AI bots. Finally, people without high-speed internet connections can enjoy the game. Basically, the developers, Gearbox, are working on a complex team-driven AI that mimics real players: your AI teammates will choose appropriate weapons, work in teams, cover choke points, and even do crazy stuff like jump irrationally in corners or do other weird things that people sometimes do. The bots actually learn your tactics and adjust accordingly. Some beta-testers for Gearbox have already reported that they have a hard time telling the computer-controlled characters apart from real players. The best part is that all the AI is script-able, meaning you can go in and adjust the AI to behave exactly how you want it to. I can't wait.

One thing about CZ which might sound like a rip-off but is actually great - the multiplayer updates will be available for free online, including the new maps and weapons. That means that the 70,000+ current players can play with the new CZ players right when the game comes out. There won't be a division between "haves" and "have-nots". Of course, those people who download the free updates will miss out on much of CZ's coolest features, like the single player bots and new graphics.

The game still uses the ancient Quake 2 engine (5 years old!) but Gearbox has somehow managed to make CZ look good. The game supports high-res textures, 32-bit color, and trilinear filtering. There are also new, high-geometry character models and weapons. This doesn't make CZ look as good as Doom 3, but it still stands up pretty well for today's standards. And this graphical update is only available to people who buy CZ, not those who just download the free updates.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Strange but true
Review: When i first played this game, i was sitting in a counter-strike multiplayer centre where you get two pay 6 dollars for two hours of play. My friends were there with me and they knew all about the game. I was a rookie you might say. But even though i got stabbed shot bombed a hundred times i still enjoyed it! why? graphics? well let me tell you that cs was ok in graphics.It wasnt that graphical but who cares? the amount of guns utilities items bombs and characters to choose from were awsome but what's even better is the gameplay! the gameplay blew me out my mind. I was about to play 24 hours-a-day if my time didn't run out. I completely lost it. But aint there set backs to this game? well the multiplayer is the set back. there arent any players verses bots mode. but thats where cs condition zero comes in. here you can play 1 player shoot-out. the graphics will be better since technology is been updated and the guns will be having a huger selection and varieties of them. the blood that'll pour out of the player's body will be most real_istic!!! believe me :):) this gane will turn out to BECOME TOP E3 GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: awesome game
Review: If it is anything like the first counter-strike, it would definately deserve MORE than 5 stars if it were possible.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: 2 Many Cheaters
Review: The game CS was the best but soo many people cheated and made copies of the game. all the CS forums had a million people asking for keys & all the servers had cheaters, hackers, bots and people w/ warez. thankfully this game might have a 1P VS Comp mode.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WooooooooooW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: What Else Can I say??? GET IT! This BEST ON PC EVER!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW wow WOW wow WOW!
Review: Counterstrike RULES!!! I fully expect the new version to, not only titillate my eyeballs for hundreds of hours this year, but to drain my pocketbook, and annoy my roomate. See, i turn up the volume on my PC speaker system to 100% when playing, so i can shake the walls and wake the neighbors with the sounds of my shotty blasts to your dome. My Counterstrike play illuminates the darkest corners of the globe. If it weren't for me playing CS for 4+ hours per day, your lights would go out, the sky would turn black, cats would chase dogs, & pure chaos would define this planet's existance. If this new version will improve anything, especially regarding aural-shattering shizzotty, I'M IN!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: CS_CZ!!! BABY :)
Review: Counter-Strike Condition Zero is best tactical shooting game on planet Earth!!! I recomend this game to everyone that likes shooting games! Plus there are thousands of maps! I give this game an A+++++ for the weapons and maps plus you get to go online with it!!! Bye.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Condition Zero..................................
Review: Improved and new player models. New and improved weapons and equipment. Improved computer AI. New maps. What is there not to like? After reading all of the reviews and viewing all of the game pics, i cant wait to get my hands on this game. I have been playing Counter-Strike for over a year and a half, and I am very impressed with what I have seen in these new developments. As soon as this game comes out, i will waste no time getting my hands on the new LAW RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade), the FAMAS Assualt Rifle, and the Galil rifle, but what i cannot wait for is the new M 60 machine gun (!). This game will rock, no doubt about it. This'll be one sweet game.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Counter Strike: Condition Zero is an awesome game! The graphics are going to be 70% better!! More skins to choose from, and new guns such as the FMAS, Rocket Launcher(maybe), and a Close-combat weapon, the machette! The game will also be featuring new maps, and a better multiplayer experience. One of the best things for people without the internet or a 56k modem is that there is also a Single-Player game!!! The release date is not yet concrete, but I can't wait to play, YOU SHOULD BUY THIS GAME!!! I'M GOING TO!

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