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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

List Price: $39.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Counterstrike: Condition Zero
Review: The game is already fun now with cs:cz is going to be more fun because it going to have better maps, game play, graphics, and now with people without internet can play single player mode. But what I dont like about this game is that is not going to be able to be played in Windows XP because is only for Windows 95/98/Me and more but not for Windows XP. That is what i dont like that im not going to be able to play this game and gets me sad becouse im a hardcore cs fan that I almost go evry day to a cyber computer place and pay now I just found out that CS:CZ is only going to have same requirements it is not going to have windows XP. That is why I wrotte this because im sure im not the only cs fan out there people are buying new computers that only come with windows XP.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: counter review
Review: simpel cool and stuning i like the bloode

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Counter-Strike:CZ
Review: It's Counter-Strike the most best game ever. Counter-strike was and is still rated best mutiplayer game, CS:CZ has mutiplayer that means it is going to be rated best mutiplayer again. and the most coolest thing thats going to happen with CS:CZ is that it has single player missions with better graphics more guns, and diffrent skins. (this part for those n00b who cheat and hack in cs) u stupid kids out there. stop cheating in cs and buy CS:CZ and cheat in SINGLE PLAYER and never come back to mutiplayer!!! see that is really good b/c then we won't have any hackers in mutiplayer any more. and I get banned and get kicked from almost every single public server there is in this world b/c they think im cheating/hacking. i've been playing cs since it first came out (4 years ago) so its going to be cool for me b/c i can't get kicked in single player. some new stuff that Gearbox added to bots in single player is that the bots memorize where u went if u die so the bots always go the diffrent way. (look at MGS 1 and 2 (Metal Gear Solid) the bots r always at the same place so people could beat a level so easly if they die once. but that will never happen again in CS:CZ. cool hu?) if u have cs and really like cs then u HAVE to get this game since's when CS:CZ comes out there will won't be any CS v 1.6 or 1.7 etc. the multiplayer will only use CS:CZ BAD THING FOR Multiplayer is that if u use 56k modem u will lag a little if u have Cable modem/DSL/T1/T3 then u will have no problem playin the multiplayer but if u have 26k then don't even think about playing in multiplayer, trust me if u play with 26k then only thing u'll do is just ruin ur reputation thats all. so get CS:CZ its going to be that best. THIS GAME IS NOT A MOD IT IS RETAIL AND RETAIL ONLY

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: lets hope it will be a great game
Review: When i came to play cs for the first time i was amazed on how great of a game it is. I know many people disagree with me because its not a complete counter terrorism game, it has its flaws. CS dosent have all the great skins or weapons that a game, lets say Ghost Recon has, its also not as realistic. But for some reason theres people up all night playing the game. People all around the world who have been enjoying it since its arival. All i have to say that if CS can draw so many experienced players of other hardcore pc games, Condition Zero will 10x that. As i say in the title lets hope it will be a great game. From what i've read it seems that valve and sierra have put great and extensive time into this game. I recommend anybody who comes across it when it FINALLY comes out to try it out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cool Game
Review: This is the cooles game ever made! I havn't ever seen anything like it. This game is something every person should have. Man, The graphics are great. I have like the slowerst computer in the world, and the game still runs. The gas grenades are so cool... All the new stuff about the game is so good, that I want this game the VERY first day it's out on the market. What more can I say... It's just cool. I'll figure out the rest when I have the game in my own hands.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Counter Strike...
Review: This game is a must buy, Valve has made some intresting games and i think this game is the most intresting so far....
If You aRe looking foward to playing a fun PC game this is the answer...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Could be the best ever
Review: If this game is just an gfx engine update with single player it will be the best game ever. Hopefuly they will take out the awp and not make the weapons out of balance.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: C01
Review: i cant wait till this comes out.ive been looking at interviews of Randy Pitchford on sites.he says there will be new weapons,singleplayer mode,new skins,new levels,new items,and alot more.ive also heard on a site that u can upgrade ur player skills.well bye bye:)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: CS:CZ
Review: I want this game NOW!!! My friend who belongs to a clan which has very string links to the developers of the game, has a beta of it, but wont give me a sodding copy :< How much longer will we have to wait??? Btw, if anyone does have a copy, then please email me at sh_2000_2k@yahoo.co.uk thx =]

Rest asurred, this game WILL be worth it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It aint out yet
Review: ummmm stupid question but how [is] everyone reveiwing a game that isn't even out yet? I mean [it] looks bloody sweet but... IT AINT OUT!

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