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The X-Files Game with X-Files the Movie

The X-Files Game with X-Files the Movie

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: X PHILE
Review: Since I am a fan of the show I decided I needed to try out the game as well. The concept was wonderful although a bit trying at times when your character is wondering around bumping into walls. I did however, think it was great to find out what you can make your character do. As I wondered around through the first couple of disks I wanted to find out what the creators thought a gamer might try. When I shot the big boss, Shanks, I thought the "booking" sequence was hilarious. It actually starled me because it was such a surprise. I also loved a couple of the other ending before completing the actual goal. Maybe I'm biased but even though the story could have been a little strong the game was left open for X Files II. Well if X is telling the truth then I'll be in line to own the next game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Don't get stuck!
Review: The only problem I have had with this game is several times I have gotten stuck somewhere in the game and couldn't continue on. I even tried putting it on easy mode where it gives you hints about what you are to do next. It wouldn't even do that. After starting the game over I didn't have that problem when i reached the place I was stuck at before. Don't save your game until you know that you are not stuck somewhere in the game, otherwise you will have to start it over like me. Other than that, I thought it was a pretty neat game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: If I could live my life on the TV, I wanna be on the X-Files
Review: The Title line says it all (stolen from a song by Danger Bob, a little-bitty but great band). If you watch the show, you will enjoy the chance to be on it. I guess it almost simulates being on the show because you DON'T play Mulder or Scully. It also simulates being on the show in the way of waiting for something to happen, although you aren't waiting for the lighting crew to set up the proper lighting, etc. You are looking for clues, and at times they are annoyingly difficult to find. The only way to progress is by finding them. There are wonderful in-jokes for the fans, and once you find Mulder and Scully, it is very exciting to have them onscreen. The story is okay, pretty much on par with this season of the X-Files. The items you use to help in the investigation make the game much more interesting and fun. The end became pretty draggy trying to figure out what to do. The sequence mid-game with X was terrific, as you get to experience again what a badass he is. Overall, thrilling but a little draggy for fans, probably a bit of a drag for non-fans.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A portal to another dimension...
Review: The X-Files Game is a ground-breaking achievement in video game production. The technology responsible for the realistic effect experienced in the X-Files Game is the first of its kind to be used in video gaming. You will be astounded by the full motion video and how it draws you into the story. It feels as though every action you take is crucial to the development of the story...as if every thing you do might have repercussions. The entire game has that creepy X-Files feel, inducing that familiar shiver as you explore the dark, ominous corners that permeate every scene in the X-Files Game. My one and only problem with the game is the sparcity of Mulder and Scully appearances throughout. They don't show up until disk five, and after that they have little involvement. Despite this, they are rarely missed; a testament to how entertaining this game is. I applaud Jordan Lee(Agent Willmore) and Paige White (Agent Astadourian) for their superb acting. They hold the story together, while not being overwhelmed by the amazing graphics of this game. Those of you who purchase this, prepare for a wild ride. The white-knuckle finale will leave you begging for more.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: There could have been nothin better for x files fans when they heard of this game being released.it had actual movie graphics,a good gameplay,what this game lacked was the chills one gets while watch x files.there wasnt much action or a spooky feel to it.the biggest drawback was that u dont get much of mulder and scully.the biggest advantage was that u play as agent craig wilmore in search of mulder and scully who have dissapeared and make them look like two rookies throughout the game.whatever i say or one has to say,i feel u must buy this game,cause u wont be dissapointed.i personally feel that another game on x files should be made but with a little more of horror.thats realy what this game lacks.once again id still say its worth the money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must for FMV adventure fans
Review: This game is a lot of fun, with a creepy atmosphere that revolves around the disappearance of Agents Mulder and Scully. I've heard some complain that they wish Mulder and Scully were in the game more, but I think you still see enough of them to keep most fans happy, plus I found the character of Agent Willmore (whom you play) to be very likeable. The storyline is very strong, the puzzles make sense, and the full motion video (FMV) sequences are very good. There are not very many FMV games around anymore, so if you like your adventure games with video sequences, this is really a "must have".

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Who Wants To Be On X Files?
Review: This game is interesting because it puts you right into the television show. The game is just like a real episode. However, the actual game is sort of pointless. All you have to do is keep clicking on clues until you progress to the next scene. There really is no thinking required. You have to be Special Agent Craig Willmore, which definitely isn't as exciting as being one of our heroes since I have a huge crush on Mulder. And, you don't get to really even see Mulder and Scully until towards the end of the game. It gets kind of tedious just mindlessly clicking after awhile. It would be fun for an X Files fan, but that's pretty much it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT GAME!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: When I grow up I want to be just like Agent Wilmore! LOL
Review: This is the sweetest game! The grafics are incredibly realistic and let's face it with Scully, Mulder and the Lone Gunmen in the game who could you possibly miss? ((Besides Krycek of course!)) If you LUV the X-Files You should buy this game. You'll fall in love with it. I sure did!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good game.
Review: This was a pretty good game, but not a great game. I'd probably rate this closer to 3 1/2 stars. You are agent Craig Wilmore. Scully & Mulder have disappered and it's your job to find them. You have several locations to go to and many people to talk to in your search. A couple of the features I really like was you actually have a shoot out that you control in one location and in another location, you have to do a real time search to catch the "bad" guys towards the end. Most of the cast members from the show are here (Skinner, The Cigarette Smoking Man, & The Lone Gunmen), but they weren't used nearly enough. There were some cool explosions and the story was pretty good, but they could have made this a little harder in some aspects and a little easier (like being able to get a password for your own computer. Why was this so hard?). Overall, a good game, but just a few more additions and changes and this could have been a great game.

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