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Command & Conquer Red Strike Bundle

Command & Conquer Red Strike Bundle

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is an awesome game I just got it 3 weeks ago and i love it.
It has some of the best graphics everand the gameplay is great.
Multiplayer is very fun. You can even chat with your opponet.
Yuri's revenge is good and you can use yuri.
IT is a great strategy game. You will instantly become hooked.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Don't buy this game it is a waste of your time and money. That is all. :-)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Mininum requirements are high.
Review: I have a Pentium III 1 Ghz with 512MB of RAM and an average ATI video card. GENERALS crashes regardless what I try to do - even on the lowest settings. I am NOT faulting EA Games - they obviously made a cutting edge game. This review should simply serve as a warning to those of you out there that are hard headed (like me) - that read the minimum requirements and think that a little more memory will make-up for an average video card. This is one of those games where size does matter. I am just trying to save some people the frustration of NOT being able to play this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fabulous Game!
Review: Command and Conquer Generals is a good game. It has really good graphics, too (A HUGE jump from the old C&C games). Additionally, it has challenging missions. I would like more missions though. However, I miss the between game videos that were in Red Alert 2. The sound system has a faulty. It says things twice (there is an echo). It isn't fair that the GLA doesn't need power. Why do you need to have Generals Abilities? I feel that it is so unfair. Maybe a suggestion to EA Games would be to spend money on the abilities. I think China is the best.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disapointment
Review: This games seems to be very racist for one which was a factor in my rating. Graphics are a major improvement. Game lacks a real plot, the plot is boring, no movies like previous versions. It can get kind of sluggish.
The strategy has not improved much, still make the best weapons and more weapons to take over your enemy, no real new strategy improvement.
Bottom line... not worth the money

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: review by michael wiersma of Grand Rapids MI.
Review: The reson I gave this 5 stars is because when I go to my cousins house I beg him to let me play it and it never gets boring. Its so much fun, its worth every penny.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great game
Review: Great game that will give you days and nights of fun just make sure your PC can handel it before you buy it. Seems the GeForce2 and above work best. my friend had a newer PC,but had a different name brand (started with an R)video card and had to change it out to a GeForce2. Well if you like this type of game and want to fight useing realistic gear pick this up.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Well....
Review: I have to disagree with dudeman on this game. This is VERY different than the other C&C games there are! First off, the game is much more modern than all of the other C&C games. Second, this IS NOT the first C&C 3-D game. Renegade is very much so 3-D! Third, every game has it flaws, and if he expects this or any game to be perfect, than stop gaming! Every game begins to get old! (That is why you play online!) I do agree with him that building like 7 paladin tankes and launching them against your enemy will easily destroy them.
Personally, I liked this game alot! Buy it if you like real-time warfare!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: fun game, great graphics and game play
Review: The graphics and sounds are really good. The game play is just fine (AI, maps, menus). I was waiting for a fun, realistic war game in RTS and I'm glad I waited. The GLA is right on the mark (even though it may offend some people, it's reality). I enjoy playing each of armies (USA, China, Terrorists/GLA). I've played the campaigns, and they are really good as well. I'm glad I bought this game and can't wait until my roommate purchases a better graphics card so we can play against each other.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: C & C General's ::)
Review: I have played alot of the c & c series and i must say this has been the best yet in terms of graphics having a more down to earth realistic plot (and units). This game is incredibly detailed and unlike other C & C games the three factions ( USA,China and the GLA all differ very much and Generals is the first game where the music is completly dependant on who you play with. Each side has ther own music withc reflects there place of descent the USA has a series of victorious military marches while the GLA and China both have music from there respectable origins. Another new aspect of this game is that when you construct a building the scofolding actually goes up and you can watch the building being built. Also a new feature that i liked was the process of making money. There are supplie docks around the map that you can build supply centers next to to collect supplies and turn it into money but beware the supplie docks do run out but each side has an alternet way to make money for the USA the supplies pad can be built (more than one if you want alot of cash) wich has about 2500 dollars worth of supplies dropped every 2 minutes for china they have hackers withc are infantry units wich can be deployed to hack the internet and get lots of money but there only good in large groups and finally the GlA has black markets wich generate a contant flow of cash but like the otheres you will neeed more than one to generate a reasonable amount of cash. Also each side has its own strenghs and weakneses and differant base defenses a new option too is the hero units. Each side has a unique hero unit for China its Black Lotus who can captur enmy buildings from afar and steal cash for the USA its the Gung-ho colenel Burton who can plant demolition charges on anything and can climb up the side of cliffs avoiding the base defenses and finally the GLAs hero unit is Jarmen Kell a mercanary fighter who has a sniper rifle and can snipe enemy pilots out of vehicles leaving them open to capture ::). There are oil derricks on here along with some other new tech buildings and you can build as many super weapons as your little finatical heart disires. Hope you get the game you wont be dissapointed.

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