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Command & Conquer Red Strike Bundle

Command & Conquer Red Strike Bundle

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A very good game
Review: It a very interesting games, the missions are very nice, and the unites are diverse, but it is somhow slow, especially, if you run it on an old computer

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best RTS Game Ever
Review: This game takes the best of Blizzard based RTS (WarCraft, StarCraft) and the Command and Conquer series. I've always thought that C&C were better games because there were more possible strategies to choose from because of the diversity of units and how different each unit is. However, this game goes far and above the previous C&C RA2 and allows you to build away from buildings by taking your builder thingie anywhere, and there are many useful and interesting upgrades to buildings and units. The multiplayer is AMAZING. I think that Amazon's "Star" reviewer or whatever they call him is way off base. Granted, the AI is a little stupid, its much better than most RTS I've played. This is simply the best RTS around.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: C.C. a great game for RTS gamers
Review: Awsome, it was a lot of fun. I play for hours sadly and forget the time. It is so much fun the time breezes by.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Looks great, if I could only play it!
Review: This looks like a great game, but alas I cannot bare to play it. I've tried it on 3 top of the line machines (well over the recommended requirements), and the gameplay still comes out slow & choppy. I'd think twice about buying this obviously buggy game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BEST GAME EVER!!!!!
Review: This is one of the best games ever! I have not played it but I am getting it very soon. I have read reviews, been to westood.com and looked at prices. For 40$ its cheap. It is the best part of the comand and conquer series. I love it. The only thing that is confusing is the expansion pack. There are new weapons like: tomahawk missles, avengers, chinook, comanchee and much more. Instead of the old soviets there is the GLA. No allies, just usa, and China. I think china is the best because they have overlord tanks. They also have a dragon tank, inferno cannon, gattling tank, troop crawler,and MIG's. The GLA has a few good units too. They include:combat cycle, battle bus, terrorists, rocket buggy, bomb truck, quad cannon, toxin tractor, and radar van. In conclusion this is just the best real-time strategy game ever! There's nothin' better!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I hope "Zero Hour" adds some difficutly
Review: Like many reviewers, I've been a fan of C&C since the first title (loved all except Renegade). That being said, here's some major points of consideration for anyone who doesn't have this title yet and is considering buying it:

1) No FMV between missions

This seems minor, but I was really looking forward to them. Sure, they were always somewhat campy, but I just enjoyed the cut-scenes. They never enhanced game play, but they did enhance the enjoyment of playing.

2) 3D graphics

Westwood did a great job on this. Every review mentions it so we'll stop there. What most reviews also mention is the Herculean system you have to have to run this game at max detail w/o getting choppy!

3) Animated explosions

This was really surprising! The first time I saw a technical explode and launch the gunner into the air (whilst screaming) was it - I really appreciated the detail that was taken to craft these.

4) Animated explosions pt II

They get a little tiresome after the 100th time - every time with the same screaming sound... In fact, all the sounds get tiresome quickly. Does every unit have to say something everytime you click on (or direct) them? It's a little excessive. After a while you have to kill the effects and stick to the music.

4) Difficulty levels

I made the mistake of playing USA first on "Hard", and walked through every mission. So I did China on "Brutal" - same thing. Then with GLA... now it gets difficult. Trust me: this is not the case of me being a great player, it's that the GLA (whom both sides war against) is just not equipped to deal with the US/China units. I suppose it's accurate in a real-world sense, but it'd really be better if they could bloody your nose a couple of times before you figured the strategy out!

So, I've complained a lot and still gave 4 stars? You bet: Generals is visually awesome, explosions are top-notch, it's fun (at least the first time through), and it's a good way to burn a few hours of time. If you played the campaign and were less than satisfied, then LAN up w/ some friends and REALLY get the full impact! "Zero Hour" will add more units and fuel to the fire, and I look forward to buying it as well.

Hope this helps in your decision!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Is One Of My Top 3 Games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I bought this game a few months ago and I try to play it every night. I like how there is 3 different armys to choose from but I don't like the high requerments and there is GLA, China, and USA to choose from. With all the maps and online play, you will never have the same experence twice. I think anyone with the syestem requerments should buy this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Command and Conquer Generals
Review: I bought this game a few months ago and I try to play it every night. I like how there is 3 differnet armys to choose from but I don't like the high requerments and there is GLA, China, and USA to choose from. With all the maps and online play, you will never have the same experence twice. I think anyone with the syestem requerments should by this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Your computer needs a Generals ability to play this!!!!
Review: Woo hoo!!! I originally bought this game and played on my P4 - 1.6Ghz, 512 MB Ram, 32 MB Video Memory and was quite disappointed. The game was quite slow and I had to go to the lowest graphical settings to be able to get the game to bearable playing standards. Then I went out and bought a ATI Radeon 9200 128MB video card. It was like I bought a whole new machine. I can feel my eyes getting fatter with all the eye candy. And I was able to go to all high resolutions.
The game itself is fairly decent fair (if you've played one C&C, you've played them all). Of course, besides the graphics, there are some other differences to this game with other C&C titles. But I think with any of them, the multiplayer is where having different titles makes to break the monotony of playing the same game over and over again. Just compare watching the nuke between Red Alert 2 and Generals. WOW!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great continuation of the legacy
Review: I own and have extensively played the whole Command and Conquer series save Cover Operations Mission disc for the original. Generals is quite simply an excellent game that has continued to keep me interested in the series well beyond most gaming series. The graphics are above average, especially given my beafy system, and the sound effects to go with the game are on the same level as the original Red Alert. The interface, even though it moved from side bar to the bottom, is just as easy to navigate if not easier than before.
Unit variety amongst the three sides makes for an excellent balance in the game while forcing you to devise new strategies to combat the different sides depending on which side you play on. Unlike most games of the genre, unit variety is not the same unit with a different color and look to it. The units are unique enough to allow different combinations and highlight the major differences technologically and strategically that each side has.
My only complaint is the lack of a navy. The animation of the water is superb, some of the best I have seen, but there is no navy to complement the presence of the water. The expansion, which is on its way to my house, still has not addressed this hole in the game; hopefully future versions of the series do not make the same mistake by eliminating the navy. All in all, a superb game that is a better complete work than most of its competitors and offers tremendous replayability that is hard to rival.

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