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Command & Conquer Red Strike Bundle

Command & Conquer Red Strike Bundle

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good, but could be better
Review: 1. The enemy AI. I killed the guy before he even noticed me!
2. It takes a really good system to run.
3. Voice acting is a little bad
4. I really like just going around in a mammoth tank running over and blowing up things.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great addition to the C&C legacy
Review: Renegade is a basic game, kill. The plot is thin but what else would you expect? I love being in the C&C universe, walking around seeing the buildings from a different perspective. The same voice is used, "Building Destroyed." It's I recommend this game to anyone that enjoys C&C. If you haven't played C&C, don't expect much from it. Also if you have a low-end computer and a slower ISP you will miss half the fun, Multi-Player.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The world is under my control
Review: this is a great game. its kinda the same as the last one but alot of new features if you liked the fist one you'll love this. It gets boring after awhile but you can come back later and it is just as fun. the only thing i dont like is that Yuri has to much power.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Definitely One of the Best Strategy Games
Review: This is an extremely fun game.You should buy it. Now for my oft dreaded review:
GRAPHICS: Nothing special, but not terrible. Units are colorful and easy to tell apart. Some people may not like the "cartoony" look absent from previous C&C games.The scale isn't great(a Grizzly Light Tank is half the size of a baseball stadium)but it's still better then, for instance, StarCraft.
Landscape: Pretty good overall. Water and trees could use some work.
Textures: Uhhhh...
Shadows: Awful.
Effects: Explosions aren't great, but the fire is OK.

GAMEPLAY: Excellent. Very addictive and easy to get into. Only problem: missions are just too easy.

SOUND: Pretty good. A lot of music tracks BUT- half the units say the same thing.


Actually I'm 13. Sorry, amazon.com

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: coolest game ever
Review: this game is the coolest. you go around destroying other peopl's bases. if you play super weapons you get to use nukes. the french have this thing called the grand cannon. it shoots giant exploding shells. the soviets are the best thow.they get this blimp called a kirof. it drops nukes on people. i would recomend this game to some one who likes action and is good at planning. you wouldn't want a 5 year old playing it thow. its not bloody but people get killed.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: C&C fans (like me) will like it - others may expect better
Review: I can still remember the final battle of the original Command and Conquer from back in the '90's. What I thought would take a few hours ended up taking an entire evening. Defeating those wicked NOD guys was the most mind-numbing experience ever - I could still feel my brain pounding long after the final cutscene played. Getting up for work the next day was almost as difficult!

So, of course when Westwood announced they were going to make a first-person shooter based on C&C, I had to get it. I can tell you C&C Renegade is a worthy first attempt yet it does fall short compared to the current crop of shooters out now.

1. Graphics - I'm surprised at other reviewer's complaints. Not the best in terms of detail or graphic quality, but still very good for a game of this size and scope.
2. Action - Very engaging. It's not a one-man show - you're usually thrown into the heat of battle with explosions all around you. Plus you get to drive a lot of the vehicles too.
3. C&C Theme - all the goodies, GDI Cannons, Tiberium Harvesters, Obelisks, etc... The sound effects are very reminiscent of the early games, it even keeps track of the number of NOD soldiers you squish in your mammoth tank.
4. Cutscenes - very cool. Just when I think Westwood is slacking towards the later levels they throw in a nice epic movie to watch between levels.
5. Music - Awesome!! (as always) C&C games still have the best soundtracks.

1. Level Design - Yeah, it's Westwood's first foray into level design and it shows. But quite frankly it shows just how accustomed gamers have gotten to having everything linear; we expect to follow a straight line to the goal and never have to backtrack once! At least in this game you can pretend this would be more like a real world assault. Besides, we're doing everything from beach assaults to desert sieges to sneak attacks in cities, submarines and snow covered mountain bases. What's wrong with that?
2. Voice Acting - Decent. Our hero Major Havoc sounds more like Duke Nukem. "You're going up against a whole squadron by yourself?" "Yeah, doesn't seem fair does it? Maybe I'll shoot left-handed." Am I the only one who gets a little creeped out by the way they move their lips?
3. Weapons - All nicely balanced with the exception of the grenade launcher. This worthless weapon makes huge explosions that seem to leave the enemy unfazed most of the time. Is this thing on?

1. Load Times - Ugh. Over 2 min to load a level! If you're killed or even if you restart the same level it takes just as long! It's so annoying you'll end up playing the easier difficulty settings just to avoid dying. Minus one star for this annoyance.
2. Enemy AI - Atrocious! As much as I'd like to be biased I have to admit this is one of the worst ever. I can round a corner, see someone crouched behind a box, pump about ten rounds into him and while I stop to reload, he goes back to crouching behind the box... uhhh hello? I'll pick off someone with my sniper rifle and the guy next to him will just stand there and wait for his turn. I smirk when I'm warned of "elite" enemy forces approaching as these high-caliber opponents basically run into my line of fire and take maybe a few more hits to kill. Doom had better AI. Minus one star for this (and that's being nice!)
3. System Requirements - Considering a game like Wolfenstein runs on my system without a hitch, I'm disappointed I have to minimize all the detail settings using my (fairly new) Geforce 2 Pro and even then the frame rates choppy. You're gonna need a 1.4 gig system and a GF3 at the very least to run this game smoothly.

To sum it up - C&C fans (with sufficient hardware) will find enough to overlook the rather major annoyances in the game. Hardcore action fans, however, will find plenty to nitpick about but may realize that, in spite of it all, it's still a really fun game to play.

Hope my review helped!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bah
Review: This game was by far one of the best I have ever played. The single player leaves some to be desired, but the real fun of CnC games has ALWAYS been the multiplay, and Renegade is no exception. Right now there are 10 diffrent levels to play on, some with defenses, some not. Both sides are also almost completly diffrent. While Nod will depend on stealth and hit and run tactics, GDI depends on brute force in your face fire power. Most of the complaints I have seen regarding this game so far are people saying that the defenses are too hard to get by. Well of course they are! Most people don't realize that this is a team game, so if your looking for a deathmatch, this isen't a game for you. It's no wonder half of the reviewers tell you about other deathmatch games or games like Tribes where the autoguns do everything for you. Also many people have been complaining about graphics. Ya the graphics aren't THAt pretty, but Westwoods engine is a completly new one. The reason they made a new one was to make the veichles as usable as they are, which no other FPS has been able to do. So all in all the game is about gameplay and teamwork, not pretty graphics and rambo-deathmatch style playing, although the headshots never hurt :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One Word: Awesome!
Review: The game is awesome. Put away some minor bugs. The game simple blew me away. I've played the entire game, and on online servers and never got bored (except with teammates that don't know how to work as a team, but that's our falts, not Westwoods). I find that everything is really good throughout the game. It just semply blew me away, as stated above so.

Just a warning though, if you are a voodoo person, you might experince problems installing since voodoo isn't supported anymore.


Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An excellent addition to the C&C line of games!
Review: Sure the graphics aren't as good as Return to Castle Wolfenstein's, but graphics aren't everything. They are respectable, and run very well on lower-end machines. Also, the sounds are very clear, crisp, and easy to identify; so I can say, "Hey! That bullet came from a Black Hand's Sniper Rifle--I better find some cover!"

The multiplay is intense. The netcode is very clean which lends to good frames-per-second even during heavy fighting on Complex.mix (a really big multi map). And with the new AirCraft patch being released just weeks from today (two new maps with buildable\drivable aircraft, complete with special layouts and structures especially for the use of th new AirCraft), the strategy will be upped quite a bit. The BETA testers have said, "...the aircraft aren't all these maps offer: sniper wars have been brought to a whole new level..."

The single player is okay--as some have said the story could've been different. It was still very fun. Tomorrow's Technology Today is my favorite mission: lots of stuff to do, varying strategies must be employed for success, and a special twist in the middle...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Could be better.
Review: Being a large C&C fan, it was great seeing the buildings, the vehicles, and the NOD forces from this perspective. All in all, the game was fun to play and have faster paced action tha MOHAA. But this game misses on a few things:

1. The AI is the worst of any recent FPS game I have played.
2. The on-line game play is very laggy and with everyone just building vehicles, it was boring
3. The cut scenes, though pretty well done, looked like they were painted on
4. The end bosses (there were only 3 or 4 thank god) were terrible. You can't out run or out manuever them. All you can do is stand there in front of them and keep shooting till they die.

Here is what was good other than what I have already mentioned:
1. The graphics were better than some of the reviews were saying (If your graphics aren't very good, its time for a better video card)
2. The music is awesome
3. Nick Havoc is a very cool character
4. The weapons were pretty cool. Got to use every weapon more than once. Some games like RTCW & MOHAA, you were able to get through the game only using about half of the weapons available.
5. Driving many vehicles. You get to use many different vehicles and fight other vehicles

Overall, I liked this game alot, but compared to RTCW & MOHAA, something was missing.
A little hint while playing the game. If you find some of your other weapons running low on ammo (and you will because on different levels, enemies only use certain weapons), use your little pistol and aim for the head. You would be surprised at how quickly some enemies will die with one pistol shot to the head.
I would recommend this game unless you are looking for good on-line game, then I would tell you to look elsewhere. Happy hunting.

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