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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Play it for the community.... otherwise it ...
Review: ... ... ...Personally, I've been playing it for 2 years and I'm not likely to give it up anytime soon. It is technically poor... there is nothing groundbreaking about it. The graphics are substandard. It's buggy.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Up in the air
Review: A great game idea. Unfortunatly poorly executed, slow support, no real manual.

If Vibes make an effort, it is salvageable.

Not recommended for the novice player.

Once they take the bugs out of the new version, a nice game. Once they actually write a manual, a great game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Only If You Have Loads of Patience
Review: At first blush this seemed like a dream come true. Persistent universe, open ended game, millions of planets to conquer, huge fleets to build, multiple cities with millions of inhabitants to control. What a great opportunity. That was then. Now? If I had known I would get kicked off several times an evening because of overloaded or poorly programmed servers or would go up to two weeks at a time without being able to play I probably would have saved my money until something better came along. One of the worst things was when the game was upgraded and hundreds of hours of play went down the tubes because a limit on buildings and ships was suddenly set. Not to mention the fact that over 300million in credits were taken away and my cities were allowed to die with no compensation for all the lost time. Currently the servers are all down again. Have been for a week now with no end in sight. So, bottom line. If you are a patient individual spend the money. If not don't waste your time and money.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Mankind, more hype than game
Review: Do not purchase this game for the following reasons:

The game is run on several servers, and they are down more than 70% of the time.

Any bugs or account errors that occure during server outages are rarely ever solved or credited back to the user.

Tech support, unfortunatly is not kind with american users. Any problems that are sent to vibes, receive a form letter that never addresses the problem, nor take into account the seriousness of the problem

The game involves spending hours and hours of clicking a mouse buton to load/unload ships from bases, minerals from bases. I would estimate in a 4 hour play session, you will be clicking the mouse button 6000-10000 times.

And while the company touts 100,000 accounts, 80% are only demo accounts that players use as mules, non paid accounts.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Looking for fun? look eslewhere then
Review: I dont think this game needs more than one word to describe...but which? useless? boring? disappointing? Anyway, it works not, requires far too many clicks and is constantly downgraded by the company (Vibes). Features listed on the box have never appeared ingame and never will... The company is notorious for its arrogance and inefficiency... I have strongly advised my friends to look and wait for other games or for Mankind 2 to be released ...if ever. ...

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not what I would expect
Review: I have played Mankind for a year now.

The game is set in a universe of well over a thousand planets (most likely much more). There are two problems with this ame.

One, there is no tech support Two, the servers are often down

When I say no tech support, I mean there is NONE. You can try to e-mail them, but the only response you get is in garbled English, and I have yet to get a problm solved by them without a "reinstall the game and try again" message.

What you do get is a game that is more addictive than you can imagine. You must speak with other players before you buy. You can look around for forums to do so.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Where did Vibes go wrong?
Review: I really enjoyed this game, and the doubters of this game from what I have gather, could not figure it out, and those who enjoyed has it figured, and, yes it is true, it will take time to master.

My advice to everyone is to spend the money to buy game so that you can have helpful booklet, to help coach you threw, I got the version from online, which made it very difficult game to learn, and even now that I have been playing for 4 weeks I would still like to have the booklet, (that I am about to purchase game to get)

*Bottom Line* If you enjoyed WarCraft, and all the different versions of Command & Conquer, then this is the game for you, Building, Battles, Research, Resources, and when your ready to settle down from game if you can (very addictive) it keeps playing, real time, always running, when you sleep the game is still playing, nothing to save because it never stops, and if you are able to join a Guild, or Pack, I tell you it is endless, Get It Now.

I only wish I had got it when it started.

Thanks, and I am out.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: ManKind, the 2nd World
Review: I really enjoyed this game, and the doubters of this game from what I have gather, could not figure it out, and those who enjoyed has it figured, and, yes it is true, it will take time to master.

My advice to everyone is to spend the money to buy game so that you can have helpful booklet, to help coach you threw, I got the version from online, which made it very difficult game to learn, and even now that I have been playing for 4 weeks I would still like to have the booklet, (that I am about to purchase game to get)

*Bottom Line* If you enjoyed WarCraft, and all the different versions of Command & Conquer, then this is the game for you, Building, Battles, Research, Resources, and when your ready to settle down from game if you can (very addictive) it keeps playing, real time, always running, when you sleep the game is still playing, nothing to save because it never stops, and if you are able to join a Guild, or Pack, I tell you it is endless, Get It Now.

I only wish I had got it when it started.

Thanks, and I am out.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Slow and Boring
Review: I was excited to see Mankind first come out because I was into space simulation types of games at the time. I was greatly dissapointed to see that you had to mine materials forever just to be able to build basic buildings. Combat on this game is a joke because everytime you get a certain # of ships in the same system the lag is unbelievable. Thats not even mentioning the endless disconnects during battle. The many remaining bugs would cause me to classify this as a BETA rather than a finished product. Vibes idea of technical support is a joke also, if you have any problems with this game, tough luck !! In whole, you should buy this game if you enjoy bad gameplay,a bug ridden environment, constant server closures, a community that always figures out how to cheat, non-existent tech support,making millions of mouse clicks per hour, or banging you head over and over into a brick wall till your brains fall out.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Ambitious but disappointing
Review: I've been playing Mankind since August 2000.

MK provides an eternally-persistent Universe of thousands of star systems, each with between five and eight planets. Don't believe everything the advertising says: much that is promised is not yet implemented.

The eye-candy is superficially impressive, but the only thing "three-dimensional" about the playing space is the location of star systems relative to each other: each star system, and each planetary surface, is a flat square, except that the planet surfaces wrap around top-to-bottom and left-to-right, e.g. if you fly off the right side, you end up coming back in the left side. There is no observable "hyperspace" flight -- you jump from star system to star system.

Don't try Mankind if you have repetitive-stress injuries to your mousing hand: to do anything at all requires far more mouse-clicking than I thought possible. Worse, the Game vendor (Vibes) forbids players from building their own Game-enhancement software to reduce the volume of drudge-work.

I have never played "Red Alert" myself, but I've watched my brother play, and I've played "Empire". MK is very much like RA or Empire, only (a) much, much slower and (b) on a much larger scale. The vendor's literature seems to promise a standing conflict between Empires; that's not implemented yet, so there's just a kind of free-flowing anarchy, in which most people don't shoot each other. If you just go in shooting, as a newbie, you're quite likely to attract the attention of someone with _far_ more resources than you, get wiped out as a lesson, then get an offer of help getting started.

There are Guilds, all player-organized. Some are quite strong, others quite incoherent.

Vibes have serious server stability problems. The Game implementation assigns an area of the Galaxy to each of the half-dozen or so servers, and when a server goes down, its area becomes inaccessible. Vibes seem to have no hot-backup hardware: as of this writing (late Oct 2000), one server has just been replaced, having been down for several weeks. You can evade some of the instability, if you have spread your holdings out enough that you have stuff on several servers, but of course a brand-newbie cannot do this: his one "free" starter-ship has too short a range.

The attributes of the various ships and buildings are poorly thought out. Only a few are worth building, and the official documentation doesn't provide enough info for you to figure out which those are. Many important performance characteristics -- such as weapons range -- are not officially documented at all; you either have to experiment or learn from other players.

The good news is that players have filled many holes in the official documentation. Of course, every time Vibes change the Game, the player community have to play catch-up.

The bad news is that, to climb the tech tree, you have to "research" all the useless stuff at the lower levels before you get access to the useful higher-level stuff.

There are several online Forum systems devoted to discussing MK....

All in all, Vibes would have been better off if they'd spent more resources on stability and coherent functioning, and less on eye-candy.

I still play, but I doubt I'll renew my ... annual subscription when it expires.

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