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Hegemonia: Legions Of Iron

Hegemonia: Legions Of Iron

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get Patch 1.07 or Later for XP and Nvidia
Review: Bought the game March 15, 2003. Out of the box it was patch level 1.05. Appeared at first to run fine on Windows XP Home Edition on high end machine with nVidia graphics card. But I could not move the ships nor do much of anything else, at least not very often and not very consistently. It appeared to be an expensive screen saver.

Thought the problem was me. But after six hours of pure frustration I finally realized the game simply was not working properly and decided to look for help. Discovered there is a patch 1.07 that seems to have cured my problems. This is a large patch, 17.9 MB download. The descriptor for this patch at the Hegemonia web site says that installation of patch 1.07 will allow both mouse buttons to work, and my experience with the game out of the box was that the right mouse button was simply not doing anything at all most of the time. If running the game on Windows XP, the Hegemonia web site support info says that an alternative fix might be to try running it in an emulation mode for Windows 98 or ME. I note that DreamCatcher does not list Hegemonia in its list of XP compatible games. Caveat emptor.

Five stars for graphics alone. One reviewer said it did not have a starmap, but it does! Just hit the spacebar to toggle it on and off. This is a complex game and you will discover the manual is not in there just to make the box weigh more. You will need to know what the keyboard commands do to make it work. While on the Hegemonia web site pick up a copy of the campaign walkthru, a .pdf file that has printing locked out, so you will have to download the walkthru .pdf file for offline consultation, which you will feel the need of sooner rather than later.

This game has gotten excellent reviews from the professional reviewers at the major gaming web sites.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't waste your money
Review: Buggy!
Voice acting
Story line

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Homeworld Lovers Beware....
Review: Hegemonia is a great game for some, but in my humble opinion it's "okay", I found the controls to be too awkward for my taste. Of course, being a bit biased, I kept comparing it to Homeworld and HW Cataclysm.

So don't expect Hegemonia to play like Homeworld. Instead expect the game interface to be quite different. Maybe only then you can appreciate the difference. The majority of my friends, Homeworld players, simply hated the game...so you are warned.

If you can't wait for Homeworld 2 to come out and got the itch go grab yourself a copy of the other 3D space game called O.R.B.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is what I have been waiting for!
Review: I don't agree with the negative remarks about the game.

It works fine on a P3-550, GF3-64mb, 256mb ram -and- works fine
on a Duron-1.2, GF3-64mb, 128mb ram.

Here's what you have in the game: You can build BIG ships with great looking movie-like texture graphics. That's right: "movie-like". The detail/effects during contruction and actual use of the ships is the best I have seen to date. It is -not- the same as the "colorful" lego-like ships of Homeworld. You can research technologies, and build on the planets you colonize. Reminds me of the old days of "Masters of Orion". The graphics on the planets, asteroids, gas clouds are all very nice. The universe here is vast enough.

Gameplay isn't bad at all. The interface took me about 15 min to figure out.

If you like space games like Homeworld, then check it out for yourself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Space strategy at its best!
Review: I got this game on a whim because I needed a fix.
I was happy with the box and description so I decided "what the heck."
I have more than upset the wife due to max game play time (ie anywhere from 2-9 hours a sitting.)
Graphics are top-notch with the upclose battle scenes. The strategy allows you to decide what direction you want to go in research and politics. While it did not recieve Game of the Year from others, it did from me!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Space strategy at its best!
Review: I got this game on a whim because I needed a fix.
I was happy with the box and description so I decided "what the heck."
I have more than upset the wife due to max game play time (ie anywhere from 2-9 hours a sitting.)
Graphics are top-notch with the upclose battle scenes. The strategy allows you to decide what direction you want to go in research and politics. While it did not recieve Game of the Year from others, it did from me!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Rating on it's own merits....
Review: I have read reviews from users here and at other sites, and I am amazed how many people are trashing this game because it's not HomeWorld. Forget Homeworld and judge it on its own merits. I have downloaded the demo and I think it's a great game. I've never played Homeworld, so I am not colored in my opinion. I agree the interface and the controls take a little getting used to, but that's part of the learning experience. I'm going to get the full game as soon as I get a chance.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Tactical Spae Sim EVER!
Review: I havn't played Homeworld 2 - but -

This game is quite simply the most beutfuil, well ballanced, well designd peice of software i have ever had the forutne to play - its one of the few games that i want to play from both wsides, and replay again and again!

Theres a wide vairety of ways to accomplish each mission - but the standard- build the most/biggest/best ships rule does apply frequently - but tactics and placement of units is very important too.

You feel like you are taking part in a movie on a epic scale more than playing a game - becuase the grpahics are just so out of this world.

This game is far too quickly overlooked by many people - and the demo doesnt do it justice.

The Story is brilliant too, and the technology trees are excellentley set up.

For 10 bucks - u should buy two - one for u and one for ur friend!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: its fun
Review: I picked up Hegemonia (...), after looking at the box and admiring the graphics.

Being an animator, graphics are the first thing I look at when I look at a game, followed by how much thought it requires.

Based on those two catagories, I give the game four stars. The graphics are nothing short of amazing, and far superior to Homeworld's.

There is a huge amount of strategy involved, at least when going against the computers in the skirmish maps, specifically "friends." Apparantly the map was intended for 8 players, not 2... In the larger maps the limit on battleships- because thats what it comes down to typically, a war between battleships- is somewhat bothersome. You are limited to either 6,7, or 10 squadrons of ships. As near as I can tell, the game randomly selects one of those numbers as your squadron max.
You can only have 1 battleship per squadron, and when you and your enemy's empires span four star systems, 7 battleships simply aren't enough. However, the limit on ships forces you to rely on tactics more so than in strategy games like Generals or Heroes IV, where you can recruit unlimited numbers of troops.

All in all, 4 stars. Strategy is good, graphics are excellent. And there's a way to change the ship limit by editing some of the game files.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This totally [stinks]!
Review: I really tried to like this game, but after playing it for a couple days I just gave up. It really doesn't deserve the one star I'm forced to give it.

The controls are quiet frustrating. Not only are there too few options for piloting your fleet, but half the time your ships won't do what you tell them. For example in Episode 1 Earth4, One squad kept flying off towards Mars, eventually causing me to have to start the mission over.

My second major gripe is the story. I swear Ed Wood could have come up with something better. The voice acting sounds like the people were given a script to read, and they did exaclty that without feeling the need to make it sound convincing.

Also you'd think anyone that bought this or similar games would at least have some degree of interest in space exploration and the science surounding it. However, your character seems quiet uneducated and outright stupid at times. Early on he scoffs at being told of the need to research new tech. I'd hope by the 2nd century people would abandon anti-science attitudes, and realize that wormholes and ion drives aren't exactly flint axes or fire.

The sound and graphics are pretty nice though. Maybe they justify the one star, but still I'd recomend anyone looking for an interesting, story driven game, stay away from the garbage that is Hegemonia.

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