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The Sims Online Game Time Card

The Sims Online Game Time Card

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: DON'T buy this game if you have a REAL LIFE!!!
Review: This game is absolutely addicting. I've been playing the Play Test for about a month and I HAVE to come home and play for at least two hours a night, MANY more hours on the weekends! It takes The Sims to a whole new level and is MUCH more entertaining. As another reviewer said, The Sims is full of computer controlled NPC's while TSO is ALL live people from around the world...well, there are hot dog and ice cream vendors who are still NPC's, but you get the idea. Sure, you can compare it to a chat room, and it may appear to be just a fancy version of one. However, the game portion of TSO makes it much more. It is The Sims on steroids! You build your establishment, be it a home, a store or whatever, and you try to convince others to room with you. The more roomies you have, the bigger your establishment can be and the more stuff you can add to it! You don't send your Sim to work as you did in The Sims,choosing a job to which your Sim disappears for 8 hours a day, but instead make simoleons by performing certain skill based tasks or by participating in skill based group activities. The more people there are performing an individual task and the higher your personal skill, the more money you make. My only complaints are the length of time it takes to increase your skill and the fact that you can only have a total of 10 skill points across the board. Once you get more, decay takes over. You lose points until you are back down to 10 total.

If you loved The Sims, you'll die for TSO. And if you have a REAL LIFE, you'll destroy it if you buy this game. I'm well on my way to it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: SOL LOVE\HATE Realtionship
Review: This game is actually very addiciting. The graphics are great, the options that you can do with each sim is really cool, and the things u can do in the game is awesome. I'm playing the beta version, and with any beta there are fixes that are needed, eg. Like being stuck in a lot and killing your sim of its needs (Needs are food, hygiene, energy...etc.) and some other glitches.

The Sims Online is fun when u meet other people and go to other lots (areas in the game) exploring the neighborhood around you. With any game there are moments it gets boreing but there are days you're laughing hysterically because of the "sims" aka people you meet.

The sims online lets ones imagination soar. If you have one. If not welll....I guess it would be boreing. Like any online games you have people who are ill mannered, but the sims online offers many options to ignore those people...or interactions like Pile drive to make those "sims" understand u are not going to take their immaturity. The game offers a lot starting with building your alter ego (sim), to exploring your environment. Creating a home if you wish and haveing room mates if you wish to. Furnishing your home and choosing the type of home or establishment you would like to have. You make a Skills shop, clothing, club, restaurant....endless possiblities.

The game I feel is not for 14,15 year olds. It has a lot of Mature Adult content happening. Considerly a lot of the players are older people. The playing age on the game ranges from 14 and up. But I feel should be for 17+. As for buying it...I'm still not sure about it...the price for me is a lot...but who knows what might be under the christmas tree. :)

Rating: 4 stars
Review: This game is an excelent way to meet friends, or even a mate! Many people have gotten married after meeting in this game. Yes, there are some bad aspects of the game, but MAXIS is dealing with them and they're nowhere near as bad as they are said to be.

Check out the largest Real Life party for players of the game
www.internationalsimcon.com . You can meet the people who make this game, and ask them questions, as well as meet your friends!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Sims Online is for those who don't like games
Review: This is a game for people who don't like gaming.

Anybody who thinks this is an actual online extension of the original Sims will end up disappointed.

There is no real Sims World, no dowtown areas to walk around in.
You can't even walk in the neighborhood your house is located at.

This is nothing but a boring, tasteless chatroom thats extremely shallow and uncreative. I'd rather donate the monthly fee to charity because there are plenty of places to chat for free.

I was hoping for an actual game with challenges that balanced with the social aspect.

This is nothing but a pointless giant chatroom where roleplay consists of people making fools of themselves.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I'm getting one
Review: This is actually a game card for 3 months(90 days) and I think it's a great idea for people who don't have credit cards and can just get this as a gift. The Sims Online is going to be on of the most addictive games of all time. To the person below me, please know what you're talking about before posting a misleading review of it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Pay?!
Review: Yep, thats right...The Sims online is not free to play online. Thank goodness i hadn't purchased it yet because the idea sounded awesome and i love online games. but not when i have to pay to play online. Hopefully the other companies won't try and capatilize on this idea because that will ruin any fun we have left playing games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you like The Sims Community, you should like TSO.
Review: Yes, this is a chat room game. If you enjoy going to the Sims Community forums, and making friends online, you should enjoy this game. For the reviews that state this is a popularity contest, you have visited the wrong houses. I suggest you visit the more entertaining houses. Popularity is something that is in life though & sometimes you just have to get used to it. :) TSO is very fun but you've got to find the right players.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: See it for yourself
Review: You really have to see this game for yourself. Actually, there are quite a lot of people who find this game addictive, and I'm one of them! yeah, it's a chatroom, but there's more to it than just that. There are some things that will not be completed by the release date, but a lot of bugs are being worked out on a daily basis, and as of today, I have not experienced anything so bad that it would keep me from enjoying the game. So yeah, I would buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love this game!
Review: [It has been said] that this is a chat room fronting as a game. ... I'm in my late 40s and I play games like a teenager. There isn't a game out that I haven't mastered and beatened. And I have a life. ...I'm not into chat rooms, I'm into people. I love this game! There are some issues and bugs that Maxis is working out and I actually don't like the category system at all. However, I don't agree that its not fun. I can't stand chat rooms and I don't spend a whole lot of time "chatting" with other Sims. I make money. I'm one of the owners of one of the top 10 houses on East Jerome. I've built my character up from day one and have a thriving business. It was really great to build my house and add roommates one at a day and focus on a goal and meet it. We said we were going to be in the top 10 and within 2 weeks we were. If you want to chat you've come to the wrong place. Most people are too busy building skills and making money. Its true, I do meet new and interesting people and have a wild time visiting other houses and interacting with other players. Not really chatting though, but actually playing games together, making money together ... I even have a Sim husband! I admit, its no Ultima Online. But it is the Sims. Saying its not like the original Sims is like going to see a movie and saying you dont like it because its not like the book. Yeah, duh!!! Its a MOVIE!!! It will not be like the book ... Thumbs up on The Sims Online!

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