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The Sims Online Game Time Card

The Sims Online Game Time Card

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: gets more fun every day
Review: i really like playing this game a lot! it's a great way to chat and meet cool people but also to play the sims. some will say it's all about the money but that's not true. when you play the sims online it's really what you make it. my favorite thing to do is to visit the offbeat houses because they are always playing games and some of them even give you money for playing! i also like how the game changes depending on how you play it. if you get high skills in something like creativity, all of the sudden you can dance like madonna! it's way fun!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Paying For A Chat Room
Review: I was really looking forward to this game, until I found out theres a monthly fee. First you have to buy the game THEN pay money every month just so you can role-play in a chat room. Ha! I think not!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's ok
Review: I'm a huge sim fan, but this is just missing something, I don't mind the [money] The game is okay, but is too centered around needs, skills, and money. The box says so you can be creative, but you can't be creative if you're in debt. The idea of having roomates, and playing the game with other people is great, but the economy is either a win or lose deal. You're either always in debt, or rolling in the cash. Also, now people are using machines to play their game for them, so they're paying for a game, that's not fun when it comes to skills and needs. Thats what I think. Try it before you buy it(even though I never could download the trial...)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: One big popularity contest
Review: I've played The Sims Online for over a year now. It gets worse and worse all the time. The only reason I keep it is because I have one friend that I can only get in contact with through the game. There is too much drama, people take it way too seriously. And "mafia" families are everywhere trying to con everyone out of simoleons or ruin reputations of innocent sims. I would not recommend this game to anyone!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Half-Baked, Half Hearted, Half Complete Game
Review: If you're a chat addict and wish to experience chat in an animated way, then this game is for you. If you're expecting a game as fun and as creative and as exciting as the offline version, then The Sims Online is not for you.

This is basically an incomplete game wrapped around a pretty chat interface. They released it far too early and have only begun to really start adding game content the last month and a half.
The strict limits and rules discourage any sort of creativity.

Its definitely not worth it. The game will not only bore you ..., it will stress you out. ...

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: yes it's addicting but...
Review: ill give it two stars just because the game is okay. why put it online? all you basically get to do is talk to other people in a chatroom while playing. sure there's other perks, but The Sims is so extremely diverse now with 5 expansion packs, you dont really need to play it online. Much worse, have to pay ... to play it for 3 months. wouldnt you think that charging ... for a game would entitle you to playing it online for free? im just thankful that other online games havent done this yet. (knock on wood) You can waste a good 7 hours playing the sims and not even notice it. Now Maxis is trying to capitalize on this and take advantage of all of us. It's a great game mind you. But i dont want to be charged to play it after i already bought the game. I hardly think that paying all that extra money is worth the few perks the online edition gives.
but hey, that's just me.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A 3 month time card for a game thats a chat room
Review: Please hold off on purchasing this.

The games release is not far off and having play tested it, I can guarantee, it will still be quite buggy and in need of many many patches after it goes live. You certainly shouldn't invest in 3 months of playtime until you know the game will be stable enough for you to get through.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Gamers: Don't Waste Your Time And Money
Review: The game itself is a remarkable accomplishment in itself. However, there are a few things you should know before investing your time and efforts.

Parents should be aware that there is alot of gang symbolism involved in the communites these days. Part of building up your character includes obtaining special actions when you choose to make a new friend. If someone decides to make you an enemy, you lose these special actions and friendship links. The bad players that join these gangs do so for the sole purpose of making enemies to rob people of their special actions. Maxis and EA has lost all control of this and people are leaving the game rapidly. If you unknowingly move into a neighborhood these people don't like, you can be hit to the point of losing all of your friendships.

The other drawback is that in order to be a popular property you have to keep visitors coming in and staying. If you work hard enough you can be a top property. However, several of the players (mostly the online gangs) buy several accounts and keep non-roommate characters at their properties constantly. If you want to pay for four or five accounts and do this, you have a chance of achieving this game goal. Unfortunately, an honest player will never have a chance to make most of the game goals.

Aside from this, the actual technology behind the game is short of amazing. There are some graphic and system glitches, but nothing major.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This game emphasizes being popular and being in business
Review: The person who said that this is a chat room masquerading as a game is right on. The emphasis is on popularity -- there are lists of 100 most popular sites, etc. Many of the features of TheSims are not there. Goal seems to be to set up your own business. Those who like chat rooms will perhaps like it. Those who like a family/relationships game may not. The user interface is also not very good. And, frankly, I think the graphics are POOR. I played it from a 2400 mhz machine and it was so slow to construct anything it was frustrating. Everything is on their servers, which also is irritating. One can't work on anything in the game offline. Online the action goes on; there is no way to pause to just go to the bathroom, or find and read instructions. It appears defaults are set so that there is no privacy -- people automatically enter your home as though it were a business unless you specifically set up things otherwise. Perhaps some will like defaults being different from TheSims, but I found that everywhere there were differences, I preferred TheSims. It was almost as though whoever designed this game didn't like TheSims. If that was Will Wright, we are lost :-(

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Idea
Review: These game cards are a great idea. My husband and I play Everquest and instead of subscribing by credit card, buy the pre-paid game card and use it. If you don't have a credit card, cancelled yours or whatever reason ... buy this and game away! Definitely a nice invention in my eyes.

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