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Enigma: Rising Tide

Enigma: Rising Tide

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A detailed arcade game, and worth the 50 cents
Review: Do not waste your money on this game! The graphics are the only thing positive I have to say about it.

They should call this game Mission Impossible. No matter what difficulty setting you have it's impossible to finish a non-training mission. If you use a ship the planes will quickly get you. If you are able to get a hit on an enemy ship the planes will finish you off before you can sink it. It happens ever time - no matter the settings, the ship, or the mission your on. If your a sub it's impossible to torpedo anything with out getting blown out of the water by destroyers. Forget about surfacing to fight, the planes and destroyer deck guns will finish you off faster than you can say I want my money back.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great graphics and ... not much else.
Review: Do not waste your money on this game! The graphics are the only thing positive I have to say about it.

They should call this game Mission Impossible. No matter what difficulty setting you have it's impossible to finish a non-training mission. If you use a ship the planes will quickly get you. If you are able to get a hit on an enemy ship the planes will finish you off before you can sink it. It happens ever time - no matter the settings, the ship, or the mission your on. If your a sub it's impossible to torpedo anything with out getting blown out of the water by destroyers. Forget about surfacing to fight, the planes and destroyer deck guns will finish you off faster than you can say I want my money back.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Really fun
Review: Enigma: Rising Tide is a really fun game. There is a lot of World War 2 submarines and boats to control during World War 2.
The grafics are really really good and the controls are easy to use. You could control a Japaneze, American, British or a German submarine or boat. If you like WW2 games you should buy this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good game but could be improved
Review: I bought this game looking for a challenging naval experience diverce in different ships and realistic situations. What I got wasnt quite that. Enigma has pretty good graphics and the aerial combat is enthralling. Naval battles dont have quite the same feeling but are still engaging.

The voice command system is a nice feature which revokes memories of Ace's of the Deep, except the voice option in Enigma works SO much better. It actually recognizes what I say to the detail of numbers and barings. The only problem is with no "mute" button for when you want to talk on the phone etc. This problem can be fixed with the patch download, as are alot of other things.

Graphics are really nice but suttle details of the ships are lacking hit marks from torpedos or bullets. The patch helps a little but doesnt fix everything.

As far as strategy goes U-boats will launch and dive in attempt to miss your attacks. Killing a U-boat is still a mystery to me as it seems whatever you do with your depth charges seem to "miss" the sub.

The game is somewhat of a disappointment considering there is no game map, only radar. But it serves as a fair play map.

Missions start a little too abruptly as right after the mission starts your already getting shelled. Also the lack of time compression makes some missions play out really long.

But overall its a really good simulation, not great, but good enough. However Im still waiting for a naval simulation thats complete as this ones a little sketchy even after the patch download.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Finally a FUN Naval game
Review: I love the whole idea of naval combat, but everygame I have ever played seems to miss the mark. They either seem like I've got a new job, or it's made for some 12 year old kid.

This is the first Naval Combat game that I've played that makes me feel like I'm commanding a ship. The action is fun but not arcadey and the boats, ocean, skies, etc. are pretty amazing. I admit to getting a bit motion sick during the first few times playing and I had to turn the "stabilize camera" option on. Yes, it feels that much like being on a ship.

If you like combat games, you will like this. The developers call it a "command simulator". I have to say they've nailed their target. I love this game and I can't wait for multi-player.

Buy it. You'll Thank me.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great graphics, but needs a lot of improvement
Review: I really really tried to like this game. I really did. I played it steadily for two weeks. I have played all the major subsims. This one, to its credit, has the best graphics of any to date. Enigma has loads of potential, but unfortunately, this game lacks a coherent well planned out "gaming" mode. This lack of coherence and high difficulty level left me feeling more frustrated than happy. I was eventually turned off because I continuously lost the campaign missions, no matter what I tried or what I accomplished. Although it is advertised as the "most realistic naval combat simulator ever created", it is clearly not. It is more like a very difficult arcade game where one must frantically bob, weave, dive, and shoot at scads of enemies. Often, one is outnumbered by dozens of enemy ships and 95% of the time, my ship was destroyed by unrelenting powerful swarms of enemy ships. The campaign missions are very difficult and often illogical. Often when I won campaign missions, I was at a loss to understand why. The goals of the individual missions are not spelled out clearly. Perhaps this is due to the "fog of war", but on the other hand, consider the following, as one example among many: On sub mission 9, playing a US sub, my orders were to sink oilers. The sub is confronted by a whole fleet of destroyers. I played this mission over and over again, invariably sinking oilers but then getting killed by one of of the enemy destroyers. Finally, after more than three dozen attempts, the game informed me of "victory", yet in this run, I had not sunk a single oiler...I just don't understand what the game wants from me. Again, the graphics are great, it can be a lot of fun to play, but someone needs to sit down and seriously tailor the game so that it presents a sensible challenge to the gamer, with clearly defined objectives and a reasonable chance of success with the missions. As it now stands, Enigma is more frustrating than fun. There's some good stuff here... I do enjoy it to a certain extent, but the overall game needs work.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Nice blend of Action and Realism
Review: If you are a hardcore simulation fan, this may not be the title for you. If you like the idea of commanding your own ship with a resonably competent crew, then you will enjoy this. It can be difficult at times to understand the tactics necessary to win a mission, and this can be frustrating, but the action is truly stressful.

Controls are easy to understand and you don't have to understand naval navigation or the nuances of running a ship, you give your commands to the crew via a well laid out hud - the same basic hud for all ships - and if you like you can man the guns yourself.

It does require a well configured machine. I run it on a PIII 800 with 256mb Ram and an ATI Radeon 7500. It was finicky at first, but once all the video and audio drivers were updated I haven't had a single problem. Serious gamers already understand the importance of keeping the drivers updated.

The voice recognition works (with the right settings) and the game is really a unique blend of realism and action. If you aren't sure you'll like it, download a demo first.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buggy, CTD problems
Review: If you want to buy this make double-sure you have the exact hardware needed to play this as I have a 'decent' machine to play this on and I continuously had problems. I did manage to finally start a patrol after several attempts and game crashes and all the graphics were just grey rectangles. The squared and seemingly huge pixel rain that seems to be constantly filling the screen was a bit annoying. There were other windows related problems after I installed the game. Cut scenes did look nice. The concept looks great but fails in execution.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Couldnt Play the Game
Review: Needing a patch to install the game infuriated me. Finally installed , I found that the CD key was invalid. Great- Garbage!
What ever happened to quality control?
Try again Dreamcatcher.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Waste of Time / A Waste of Money
Review: Oh My God did I waste $40 on this so called game. Go around blow up ships and shoot down planes and if your lucky you will blow up a submarine. Every map is the same, every mission is the same. Shoot ships, shoot plane, depth charge submarines you can't see. Only semi-cool thing is the voice activated commands, but that gets boring quickly becasue you say the same things over and over and over and they don't even have sound bytes to say "Aye, Aye Sir"; they use text. I bought it becasue I thought there would be more FPS and I would also get to be in the planes. Boats and subs thats all you command. ZZZZzzzz! Save your money. For $40 I expected sound bytes explaining the missions too. But why should they when they are all the same. No story line, what a sleeper. Obviously with 7 companies envolved making this 1 of them would have done something right. I never should have left CS and BHD.

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