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Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul

Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most exciting thing to play, ever
Review: ... The game is exciting, I got addicted to it and spent all my evenings playing it for nearly a month, and than I played it another time again. It has it flaws allright, for it gets stunned now and again on anything less the PIII 800, but there is a solution even for weaker PC's It got allright on my PII 400, when I added extra cooler on the proccessor, and left the case open for better ventilation. And about the game itself - well, you got errands all right, but that is the only way to discover your hidden past, for thus step by step you gather information about the wizard who's the only one there able to recover your lost memory. And hero's innuendos seemed funny and entertainingnot boring to me. There is choice too - if you want to be able to kill stronger foes, walk alone, for comrades (up to 3 overall, available to hire or join in with your case in the village) just take a part of the score you get with an experience obtained by the way you accoplish current quests and kill enemies, so there is less left for the main character to develop, + stick on developing fighting skills, and leave magic alone. Want to run for a longer time? Spend points of your expirience on agility. And there are foes from which Zak can run away, some slow trolls and ogres. Most wonderful there is achoce which is given to the player - you can fight, or sneak past you enemy, and there is difference where you do it - it's easier by night. And up to a point you can control the fight even as in action games - you gotta use Num numbers, the best way being aiming at your foe's head. Thus I was able to kill even middle aged trolls in Kania. Or, else, you can develop wizardry on the expense of strengh, thus being weak fighter, yet great mague able to cast invisibility spell upon himself and so pass inhidden past strongest enemies. Game gives ooportunitis for both, and it adds in flavour of real life to it, for you can't both be warrior and wizard, or, rather, you can be both, but mediocre one, if you choose to develop magical abilities as well as fighting ones. The game is hard to play, yes, but it makes it even more exciting, for what the fun is finishing all in one evening? With the evil islands you'll be playing it for days. Besides, one can play it online with live opponents, which makes it even more interesting. And no one said a word about music, which is excellent. The most fascinating for me was "Kania" theme. I even got the music of this game separetely on the hard drive, and listen to it now and again, even when tackling some boring job. And what a multitude of characters are there to fight or to ally with! The only thing I disliked, was that there was no more to play, and the game ended.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Ultimate Action
Review: Awesome 3-D battles and quests. This game combines all the elements of a great adventure. Begin in a small village and equip yourself with armor and tools for your adventures. Meet the villagers and recieve quests to perform for assorted rewards. Travel across the islands slaughtering monsters of all sorts. Use your spells or maybe just brute strength to overcome them. In short, this game rocks out loud.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Save your money
Review: Evil Islands has so many flaws and such annoying and linear gameplay, it's hard to believe that somebody was actually cruel and sadistic enough to give the OK to sell this product to consumers. As the game starts out, you awaken in a strange land with no memory of your previous life. So what happens next? Do you try to uncover the secrets of your past? Nope. You go to a village and play "errand boy" to the only three people there who speak. And the game goes downhill from there.

The 3D interface is extremely clumsy to use. Interaction is jerky and imprecise, and I found myself constantly rotating the camera angle at least three or four times a minute just for basic actions, like walking. You can zoom in and out and rotate the camera in the game world, but you can't get a horizontal view and the "zoom" never seems to be able to zoom in close enough.

The world is divided into "zones". In Game Zones, where action/fighting takes place, you cannot access your inventory so if you run out of healing potions or find a cool new weapon, you're out of luck until you leave. Fighting enemies is always the same (hack, slash, you're dead) regardless of who you are fighting or what weapon you are using. Walking is painfully slow and it takes forever to get anywhere. You can go to the bathroom, get a drink, and read a magazine in the time it takes for the character to walk from one end of the screen to the other. You can try running to get to places faster or to get away from enemies, but your stamina bar (which is depleted by running) drains faster than water in a sink so you can only run for about five seconds. The stamina bars of enemies have an endless supply, which means that you cannot run from a fight because enemies chasing you NEVER get tired, but you do.

In towns/villages there are only usually only two or three people to talk to (and these people get real boring real fast). Conversations are completely linear. All the dialogue is prerecorded so you cannot interact in any way, like asking questions or changing topics. They talk, you listen. The lines are scrolled forward by how fast the characters speak, rather than by clicking a button to proceed. That means that if you missed something or can't read fast enough, you're out of luck.

The voice acting in this game is the absolute worst I've ever heard. (Yes, it's worse than Resident Evil 1!) Each time you issue a command, the characters respond with the same response. This gets REALLY annoying when you have to perform a repetitive task (like walking or fighting) and each time you click the mouse button you hear the same sound clip played over and over (and over) again. The main character makes some of the most inane comments you've ever heard (i.e.: his girlish "I LOVE magic" said with a little TOO much enthusiasm every time he casts a spell) and I constantly wanted to reach into the screen and smack him just to get him to stop talking.

You are also not able to customize the main character "Zak," or any other character for that matter, in any way. That means you cannot choose your character's names, portraits, sounds or appearances. The graphics for the characters are absolutely hideous and I found myself hiding the frames just so I wouldn't have to look at them. Trust me, they're THAT bad.

The gameplay is 100% linear and repetitive. You are given a quest. You complete the quest. You get another quest. Lather, rinse, repeat. And the quests are always the same. Go to this place on the map, then fight bad guys and/or pick up an item and return to the village for the next quest. No puzzles. No thinking. No fun.

Evil Islands is one of the worst games I've ever wasted my time on. As I finished this game, all I could think about was all the other things I could have done with my life. This game looked cool so I bought it on impulse, and now I wish I'd spent my money on something more worthwhile... like Pez. It was fun for about five minutes then it got annoying. Then it got repetitively annoying. Then it got to the point of downright obnoxiousness. This game has almost no redeeming qualities and I'd rather swim naked in a kiddie pool full of pirahnas than have to play it again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fully underrated . . .
Review: Evil Islands was developed by a russian developer, and the game did pretty well overseas, but it never really broke through in the U.S. due to a small time publisher, which is really a shame because the game is excellent.

For an RPG to be outstanding, there needs to be a strong sense of character development and an intriguing story line to go with it. Evil Islands has both, and the graphics are fanstasic to boot. Literally, not until the very end do you figure out exactly what the story involves, and the surprise is like revelation - you'll feel you should have known the whole time. It takes somewhere around 80 hours of solo play to finish, so you've got plenty of missions and investigating before it's all over, and the seperate islands are like worlds themselves, so there's a variety of landscape.

Overall, this game was a solid product that received no accolades in the american market, and will virtually go on to be forgotten, but if you come across a copy (I got mine on clearance for $5), but it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Whoa, am i seeing this correctly?
Review: I am a computer game producer. Ive produced games such as Lenny the Loop in space, Texaco: gas station, and Dolly Parton Makeover. So i think i know a thing or two about video games if you know what i mean, hehe. Anyways i just read a review of the game Evil Islands and all i can say is WOW. Some bozo loser-plus said that this game stinks! YEAH RIGHT! this game has blastoid rates up to 50% now thats a lot of blastoids! the anal-ology of it is flat out amazing! you will be playing it and all of a sudden you have to visit the little boys room! thats how exciting it is! the graphics are given a big 11 on a 1 to 10 scale! overall this game gets me excited down below just looking at it! if you want a 5 star performance then BUY THIS GAME!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun RPG
Review: I had a lot of fun with this game. I am currently playing for the 4th time and this is despite the fact that I recently bought a PS2 and a Gamecube. It is also despite the fact that I almost never play an RPG or adventure game more than once.

If you like good graphics, character-building, and IMO, strategy involved in attacking enemies, this game is for you.

The game has a couple of flaws or problems, depending upon your viewpoint.
1. many enemies can kill you and kill you quickly. That actually was a "plus" for me since I liked the fact that I had to develop effective strategies for dealing with many powerful enemies. Also I liked the realism of it. Wolves, tigers, undead skeletons and others are actually likely to be tough to kill...am I right?
2. the game crashes a lot (on my 1.1Ghz, Me OS). This has frustrated a few gamers, and me as well, but considering that you can save your progress anywhere, you can merely restart and pick up where you left off. Good advice related to #1 as well.

Basically, these two issues were not able to really even dampen my enthusiasm for the game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most addictive RPG I've played since Daggerfall
Review: I just don't understand the bad reviews this game has gotten. So the voice clips are awful, I can ignore irritating voices-- I'm married for cryin' out loud.

This game is addictive. I get sick of the hack-and-slash and constantly reorganize your items in your inventory mundanity that IS Diablow (mis-spelling intentional). I don't like the impossible to manage interface from all the "Baldur's Gate" spin-offs either.

This game was thoroughly enjoyable once I figured out its mechanics. I have given copies to 3 of my friends as gifts, and they love it too. It's well worth the (now reduced) price.

Buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Most addictive RPG I've played since Daggerfall
Review: I just don't understand the bad reviews this game has gotten. So the voice clips are awful, I can ignore irritating voices-- I'm married for cryin' out loud.

This game is addictive. I get sick of the hack-and-slash and constantly reorganize your items in your inventory mundanity that IS Diablow (mis-spelling intentional). I don't like the impossible to manage interface from all the "Baldur's Gate" spin-offs either.

This game was thoroughly enjoyable once I figured out its mechanics. I have given copies to 3 of my friends as gifts, and they love it too. It's well worth the (now reduced) price.

Buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game is great
Review: If you like games like Baldur's Gate, this one is right up your alley. It has awesome graphics, and its multiplayer support is wonderful. The storyline is good and the people you meet are very dynamic. Everything you do affects what people think of you and where the game goes next. My only complaint is the annoying phrases your characters say when you tell them to do something. They are very repetative and are annoying by the second time they are said.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply a terrific game
Review: The best since Daggerfall. You really have to BUILD your character and boy is it ever tough and involving. I had a friend that I gave this to, and he did not like it at first, but after he figured out what it took to develop his character, he was addicted-- he wound up playing the game all the way through about 4 times, each time improving on his abilities until he was godlike by the 4th time.

Amazing game that deserved way better press than it got. And to think that Dungeon Seige gets a lot of WOWs...

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