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The Outforce

The Outforce

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not too pleased...
Review: I can agree that the game looks a bit fun at a first glance and the graphics are nice but it is still lacking. It is supposed to be a 3d space game but you can still only move your units in 2d. Hilarious to use asteroids and build walls with them so the enemy can't get at you. Sorry, not good at all

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Would You Like Some Sauce With Your Cheese?......
Review: If I had to use any word to describe this game: "Cheese", and lots of it. Graphics are okay. I don't understand "walls and fences" IN SPACE, that part doesn't make sense; especially in a supposedly "3D" environment. Next, this game is NOT "3D", it's "2D"E having a couple of zoom and tilt options, but that is it. Homeworlds Cataclysm, a great game, now that is "3D"! OutForce...Eis a "Poor-mans" version of Warcraft. Other than that, the picture on the box was pretty neat... Talk to ya, BigDaddy

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Would You Like Some Sauce With Your Cheese?......
Review: If I had to use any word to describe this game: "Cheese", and lots of it. Graphics are okay. I don't understand "walls and fences" IN SPACE, that part doesn't make sense; especially in a supposedly "3D" environment. Next, this game is NOT "3D", it's "2D"E having a couple of zoom and tilt options, but that is it. Homeworlds Cataclysm, a great game, now that is "3D"! OutForce...Eis a "Poor-mans" version of Warcraft. Other than that, the picture on the box was pretty neat... Talk to ya, BigDaddy

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Would You Like Some Sauce With Your Cheese?......
Review: If I had to use any word to describe this game: "Cheese", and lots of it. Graphics are okay. I don't understand "walls and fences" IN SPACE, that part doesn't make sense; especially in a supposedly "3D" environment. Next, this game is NOT "3D", it's "2D"E having a couple of zoom and tilt options, but that is it. Homeworlds Cataclysm, a great game, now that is "3D"! OutForce...Eis a "Poor-mans" version of Warcraft. Other than that, the picture on the box was pretty neat... Talk to ya, BigDaddy

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not much fun at all
Review: The Outforce is a very basic real-time strategy game and quickly grows tiresome. The AI is brain-dead, the pathfinding frustratingly atrocious, and there is no difference between the three races. Add in oddball features such as the ability to build fences (fences!) around your base to keep enemy ships at bay and you wind up with a thoroughly forgettable game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not much fun at all
Review: The Outforce is a very basic real-time strategy game and quickly grows tiresome. The AI is brain-dead, the pathfinding frustratingly atrocious, and there is no difference between the three races. Add in oddball features such as the ability to build fences (fences!) around your base to keep enemy ships at bay and you wind up with a thoroughly forgettable game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Explosions look neat in space
Review: This one is a must have for all you Total Annihilation fans out there.

The graphics are really stunningly beautiful, this was the first thing that struck me once I entered my first big battle, the weapon animations and effects are wonderful, massive thundering explosions with shockwaves and laser blasts that disintegrate smaller ships. The game music and sound is excellent, a 5 out of 5. The graphics are some of the best looking I've ever seen, explosions and pressure waves rip your fleet apart, 5 out of 5 - excellent!

A definite buy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A jewel of a game.
Review: Very similar in play style to Total Annihilation. Though it is a 3D game played in a 2D universe, this is one hell of a great "RTS in space" game. Very cool space physics are used for explosions and shockwaves. Don't be left adrift without this one. I like The Outforce a whole lot more than all the Star Trek Armada and Starfleet Command games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A jewel of a game.
Review: Very similar in play style to Total Annihilation. Though it is a 3D game played in a 2D universe, this is one hell of a great "RTS in space" game. Very cool space physics are used for explosions and shockwaves. Don't be left adrift without this one. I like The Outforce a whole lot more than all the Star Trek Armada and Starfleet Command games.

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