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Star Wars: Rebellion

Star Wars: Rebellion

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful game...don't believe the naysayers
Review: I am one of PC Gamer's biggest fans, and there are only a few of their reviews I have ever disagreed with. One of them was Rebellion. Garnering only a 61%, I was immediately skeptical. But after playing it, I realized that this game was one of the most addictive and fun games that I have ever played. People will tell you that the micromanagement will eat you alive. They say you have to "click here and here and here and here and here and here" just to accomplish a simple task of building a ship. Well, sure, you can do that, if you take the long route approach to doing things. And once you get playing, you'll learn all the little shortcuts.

Graphics aren't great, but that's not what makes this game a winner. The gameplay is constant. It is frantic at times. Should you send Han on that sabotage mission or leave him to help lead troops into battle against an Imperial system? And some characters are Force-sensitive, allowing them to be trained by Luke (or Vader or the Emperor) once they reach a certain rank.

I can't list all the great features of this game here because of space. But this is the most addictive game that I have ever played. Star Wars fans will not be disappointed. Strategy fans will not be either. It will not appeal to everyone though, so if you really detest strat games, don't buy it because it won't be your cup o' tea. But despite the steep learning curve, you'll be enjoying it for months on end.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Most Addictive Game I Own
Review: I bought this game after i went to my cousins house and saw him play it. He never wanted to let me have a turn and at that time i didn't understand why. I found watching this game very interesting and so i bought it two days later. Took me about two days of playing it alot to find out how to do everything, yet i still haven't mastered it (i've had it for a year). This game is great, real strategy best one ever made i feel. I keep going back to this game and playing it and i ussually end up playing it for about a month or two. It is difficult to win, but whether u win or lose u feel u've done well and u can only do better. Ucan play either the Empire or the Rebellion (hint: i find it easier to win when ur the rebels) Highly recopmmended. U'll be addictive i assure u.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Perfect Game.
Review: I don't care what anybody else says about this game, it rules. I can't put it down. I love it. I started playing about a year ago and I can't stop. Even my cousins and friends have played and had a hard time putting it down. I really like how we can boss around the Emperor and Darth Vader, tell them where to go, what to do and stuff. I've played X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, Rebel Assault and other LucasArts games, but this one takes the cake. If you only buy one game in your entire life, it should be this one.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Could have been better
Review: I expected a lot more from this game. It wasn't as fun to control everything as it could have been. The interface should have been easier to use.If the interface was easier to use, it would have been much better. I think Force Commander is more along the lines of what I want to get.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Addictive... a masterpiece fit for the Star Wars Universe
Review: I first played this game in 1999 and was instantly addicted. Star Wars Rebellion lets you play the role of a supreme commander: you are able to send your minions (Star Wars characters such as Luke for the Rebels or Vader for the Empire) on missions such as recruitment for new characters, diplomacy for one of up to 200 planets, Force Training, espionage, sabotage, and other numerous missions. You also have command over a large fleet. With this fleet, you can attack the opposing side and command your ships in space battles. Resource gathering is crucial; reconniscance is essential. Multiplayer play is great for re-enacting your favorite Star Wars events with a friend or simply defeating your enemy Vader-style. It might seem complicated at first, but once the interface is mastered, Star Wars Rebellion will become a classic game for any gamer.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I couldn't give this game away.
Review: I hate this game so much.

I was warned that the game is difficult to learn. I read the whole 170 page manual before installing it. I read the 40 page tutorial a second time before playing. After four hours of trying to get the game to work I gave up. I have an engineering degree from MIT ('93), so I'm not stupid.

The interface was the worst I have ever seen for any non-Unix software. Nothing makes sense and C3PO stands there and insults you the whole time without giving any help.

As it turns out, I had bad luck the first time I went through the tutorial. I had started the game in a situation in which I could do nothing. Except that I didn't know that since I had never played before.

Imagine a game of chess with a twist. Instead of all 16 pieces, you flip a coin to see if you get any particular piece--heads you get the piece, tails you don't. Sound interesting? Now imagine that you don't get your king. Now what? That's what the game is like. Actually, it's worse. Imagine that you are told what the pieces do in a book 170 pages long, but that you can't really see them do anything. You can't even see the board. You have to provide 100 detailed instructions about how to move each piece and the instructions don't make any sense. For instance, I had a mineral mine that could go through space, but I couldn't make spaceships. You don't know why you lost.

LucasArts should never have associated with this garbage. I thought that I would never buy another LucasArts game again without playing it first. But then I bought Rebel Alliance. Now I know I'll never buy another LucasArts game without playing it first.

I tried to give the game away, but my friend gave it back after one day. He said it was the worst game ever. It took him 40 minutes to figure out how to quit (he goes to Harvard). I tried another friend, but he gave it back (Ph.D. Penn State Industrial Engineering). I tried another friend (Psych major) who gave it to somebody else who finally threw it away, but kept the action figure. I guess that last guy never played the game because after being insulted for four hours, I don't know how anybody can like C3PO ever again.

I hate this game so much. I regret ever getting it. In fact, I couldn't play other LucasArts games that I love for 3 months until I got over the loathing toward that company. I wish I could give it negative stars. I have yet to meet somebody (flesh and blood) who likes the game. My only wish now is that I had burned the game slowly and watched the CD melt. This game is a case study in horrible design and horrible interface. I wish I could say that I learned something positive from the experience, so, well, nevermind.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Give it time
Review: I have to say, Rebellion is one of the greatest games of time. but, you have to give it time, let it grow on you. When I first played it, I kept losing. I didn't know where to put my troops, where to put my fleets, and such. When I wanted to conquer a planet, I built a huge fleet Destroyers, big ol Mon Cal Cruisers e.t.c and I attacked. the thing was, though, the enemy has twice as many ships, A gigantic Armada of Star destroyers wipe out my "huge" fleet with ease every time I try. But, as I play the game more and mor, I find that you have to build troopships and ships that make sure you KEEP the planet after capturing it. You learn more as you gain more experiance, and believe me, The puny fleet and troops that your enemy has blocking you from victory will be easily swiped aside. P.S. After borrowing Rebellion from a friend, I liked it so much that after i moved to germany, I bought it in German.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as bad as you think
Review: I know this game has gotten bad reviews, but if you are a strategy (rather than action) game junky you'll still like this one. My favorite part is the detail you get about ship and unit capabilities. You can accelerate the game to get past the long waits and slow it when you need to make a move. Forget about the tactical interface, it sucks. Just simulate all your battles.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not bad for a detail hound
Review: I love detail-rich games. I love to micromanage, and to have my fingers in every 'pie' in the games I play. So, with that said, Star Wars Rebellion should be like a triple-fudge chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate-covered cherries on it, for someone who likes chocolate. Maybe too much of something is a bad thing. Now, don't get me wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed this game...the one time I played it. I tried it out in a 'small' universe, and it took me four weeks to finish it. One game. As the Empire. It was incredibly challenging to keep up with the game. The computer-led Rebellion was a constant thorn in my side, so the AI gets props for that. I found myself facing many of the challenges that the Empire may really face if it were a real entity; having to build and maintain a huge fleet, for one thing, was one of the many challenges. The Rebellion constantly kept appearing in systems where I had no ships or minimal defenses. Then the little degenerates would bomb my mines and refineries and disappear before my Star Destroyers could get on the scene and waste them. I found myself having to take a Churchillian approach to conquest, namely, subduing the galaxy a system at a time until I was rewarded with the final cinematic sequence showing a victorious Empire. Whew. For this title to keep me coming back for weeks should say something about the depth that it has. You have to be willing to keep on top of things, though, or you can lose track easily. While there are numerous displays in the game to keep you informed, you have to remember that they are there in the first place and actually use them. I say, if you are a true Star Wars fan, and love strategic wargaming, this title is for you. Give it a shot. Your love for the Star Wars universe should outweigh any minor problems you may have with the staggering size of this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: I love this game. It's very addictive, once you learn how to play it. There are some things that could be added to improve on the fun. Like having an experience rating for fighter squadrons (like Rogue Squad or the IMP 181ST), capitol ships, and other forces. Also, having more characters to start out with, as well as increasing the character lineup so there are alot more wouldn't hurt. Having to deal w/ main characters as spies that join your side would also be cool. You should also be able to combine your squadrons after taking losses. Having alist of names for ships, squadrons and other forces would be helpful for those that like to name their ships from STAR WARS databases. And for those more tactically minded Grand Admirals, better battles couldn't hurt, including: improved space battles,having planetary bombardments, and having planetary assaults. These are some of my suggestions, otherwise this is a must for all SW fans.

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