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Star Wars: Rebellion

Star Wars: Rebellion

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Good Try But could of Been MUCH better
Review: A game that could of been one of the best games in the world for me. I love Star Wars, from movies to games. And Stratagy, sci-fi, battle games are my favorite (usually) out of all electronic games(N64, PC, Playstation, etc.). But this was a dissapointment. For one thing, the battle graphics are horrendous!! On the battle screen, one starfighter=a squadron of 12 (unless they are weakened), and shoot one laser to symbolize them battleing. And they fly around like they were on strings!! Now how cheesy is that? The Capital ships in the battle screen are low in detail and have the symbolizing lasers. Also, it is a pain to get the ships to do what you want them to do. All in all, the battle scenes are one of the worst I've ever seen. But I can sat It could be worse. Now in normal game play it is a little better. The main Galactic display is fairly easy to use an descent graphics. Also the sound and music in this area are OK, too. Though it is more of a pain than a good time to start a new game. It takes several hours just to get of the ground. Few planets have shipyards and construction bases, and the ones who do have them are slow and transporting buildings all over the galaxy can take forever. One good thing about this game is it has a breif encylopedia of some of the things in the Star Wars Universe I think Force commander was another attempt of this game on the ground instead of in space, and it was much better but still hard to use. I think the next Star Wars Rebellion type game should be more like a Star Wars version of Pax Imperia: Entiment Domain. Final Verdict: 2.5/5

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Even Todays Technology Can't Put It Down
Review: And that's the truth. Star Wars: Rebellion can still content with the current titles, such as Battlefront, KotOR (I/II), and Star Wars Galaxies (and its expansion, respectively). After 7 years I still find it a title that I won't put down. Unlike most other games, SW:R never seems to "get old". Why?

It's an in-depth game set in the Star Wars galaxy where you can build fleets, organize missions, convert planets, assault planets, and fight in massive tactical battles. The game is incredibly massive in and of itself; and this can be quite intimidating for the beginner. Even on the easiest and smallest level of the game the AI acts the same, but only has a limited amount of starting planets and resources. To be frank, this often makes the game frustrating for the "newbie". However, this is just one obstacle. Once the basics of the game are learned it is actually quite enjoyable. The idea of controlling your own empire per se is a Star Wars fan's dream. You're there and you decide how things will play out.

It is debatable whether the two factions are balanced or not but after many years of playing it seems that both are equal in the long run. The possibilities are limitless and Jedi's even play a role in the game, albeit sometimes minimal (it's by chance that you'll have force sensitive characters, however I find that the Alliance gets more). The game switches between Strategic-Tactical in a manner that flows. There is even a feature to "simulate" the battle in case you're not the type to enjoy the tactical portion of the game.

Overall the game stresses critical thinking, strategic planning, and constant adaptation. It is challenging, and sometimes overwhelming, but always provides fun. Star Wars fan should definitely play this game sometime in their life time. Be aware that this game contains graphics that are completely outdated, yet it is often regarded as inconsequential since they play a completely minimal role in the "fun factor" of Rebellion - unless you're a hardcore graphics gamer.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Lots of Promise, but falls flat
Review: Anyone ever play Privateer: Armada? This really reminds me of that allot. The great sweeping star wars saga has been replaced by nothing more then a third rate game of chess. The special effects are cheesy and the so-called battles take forever. Save your money and don't buy this one.

If you want a great Star Wars game get X-Wing or X-Wing Alliance.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Completely worthless
Review: As a big Star Wars fan, I bought this game hoping for decent gameplay that would be elevated by the Star Wars universe.

However, the gameplay is so HORRID, that nothing (not even the force) can save it. The idea of the game is great, but the result leaves much to be desired. I tried to play it several times, each time hoping I'd find a quality that saved it, but I found none. The CD is now an expensive coaster on my coffee table.

If you want a good stratigy game, try Age of Empires 2, Starcraft, or Civilization 3. Or if you want an excellent Star Wars game, try TIE Fighter or X-Wing Alliance.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get it NOW!
Review: At first I was told this game was very hard, and that it was a waste of my time. Now that I played it I love it! If you like stratgey games this is it. It belongs right up there with Starcraft, and Warcraft 3.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great fun game but not perfect.
Review: Before I bought this game, I read a lot of reviews on Rebellion. They were all so negative. I was so worried I would find a game that wasn't worth my time and effort to beat. However, me AND the review writers were wrong. This game isn't exactly like what those reviewers write. Although there are some holes here and there, this game makes you forget them. Such as the issue on the annoying droid blabbering on and on. But I did not find the droid annoying. Even when he was 'on' for advice, I could ignore him easily with my plans for galactic domination. The battles are basically what people say it's like. Slow, cheesy graphics, all that. But it's better than a 2D chess-type battle, am I wrong? If you are the person who do not like waiting for things to happen and are easily annoyed, this is not the game for you. However, if you like strategy games or/and can withstand waiting, this could be the your choice.
My final is 4.5/5.
Even though I want to give it a 5, no game can be perfect and this game isn't. The TIEs and X-Wings, fighters, move like pieces of drawing moving up and down in the tactical modes, but, planning decisive assisination missions and seeing the rebel fleet go under fire is just exiting. The waiting can be sometimes just too long. But there is always fast mode for the time. Also, playing online isn't bad at all. It may lead to more than one day of gameplay, but it's fun. I'd say, this is a great game. But about learning the game... It is long and hard to truly master the game. But until then, enjoy the immesurable surprises, defeats, and victories.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great game for the right audience
Review: Everyone seems to like downplaying this game, and I do not think that is fair. It is true that this game requires a lot of sometimes tedius menus, but once you get into it, you can easily fly through menues. I think that anyone who likes more intellectual games will enjoy this, but those who are used to being able to casually slaughter their foes without thinking will not. Also, I do admit the droids are annoying, but they CAN be ordered to be quiet. Try this game out, it is definitely worth it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Cloe but no Cigar
Review: First off id like to say that this game is decent, though people who well stink at the beginning of the game probably say this game is horrid. Though this game is actually quite fun.

As you startoff yo only have a small fleet, and a few planets that support you. But you can persuade planets to join your cause, build fleets, begin missions, and more. Though this game has controls that take some time to get used to, you will eventually you master them. One of the coolest things in the game is the fleet engagements. Though the ships may not look that good, the commands are effective. You can send task forces to engage specific things, you can command squadrons of fighters, and even set specific manuevering points and attack procedures.

The game also includes a long list of characters from the movies, like Han Solo, and newly created characters. You can check the character attributes to see if they're effective at diplomacy or combat.

The few cons in this game are is the lack of action. You usually will be ssitting watching at an unchanging screen for minutes or hours. There is also no strategic command for Assaulting planets. The game will only simulate the battle.

Lets see the pros and cons laid out once more.

Great fleet battles
Long roster of characters
Need of Strategy

Lack of action
No assault command
Some difficult controls
Though the lack of action may turn players away, this is still a fun game with a need of strategy.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Addictive but not perfect
Review: First off this game is a must have for Star Wars fans. It revolves around characters in the original trilogy and characters that have been introduced through later novels and comics, therefore for the full effect you must have a basic knowledge Star Wars. But anyway this is a great game no matter how you cut it but it is not perfect. The cutscenes in the game are great but there are only so many and I found myself looking for more. It is a basic game with basic graphics but it is capable of so much more. Hopefully there will be an updated version coming out soon that will add what this game lacks. Firstly it needs more action; the only way to make the game challenging is to set it on difficult but then it easily becomes overwhelming. There is no true equilibrium either you start out winning and you win or you start out losing and you lose; chance is limited in this game. Also the game needs more control over the characters their actions; there is a point, click, and forget mentallity that can easily put you to sleep if there is nothing else to concentrate on. The choice of ships, troops, and buildings also limit the games potential but there are more than enough to keep it interesting.

Overall it is a great game as long as your expectations are not that high. After a month of playing it straight it lost it's edge and was easily forgotten. But every so often I go on a Rebellion binge and it is all I can think of for weeks. Don't pass this game up if you do you'll have made a mistake.

A MUST for Star Wars fans and a definite SHOULD have for RTS fans!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A Confusing But Interesting Mess...
Review: Hoping for a Warcraft type of Star Wars game, Rebellion is nothing more than an ambitious mess. Coming straight out of beating Warcraft, I expected the same type of game. In Rebellion, you take charge of ships, troops, spies, resources and more in order to restore peace (Rebels) or take over (Imperials.) All of this is very interesting, but this claims to be a real time game, but it moves SO slowly. You can increase the speed, but then it is too fast. The combat is clumsy and you don't get to do much except look the main control screen. I may take time later to really try to complete this game, but with better titles out there (Age of Empire, even Force Commander) I may never get to it.

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