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Homeworld: Game of the Year Edition

Homeworld: Game of the Year Edition

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Spend 10 bucks & leave reality for HOMEWORLD!
Review: Computer gaming is an amazing thing; two of my 5 favorite PC games of all time were purchased for under twenty bucks apiece.

One of those, Homeworld, is simply spectacular... I've played few games more immersive, and none more epic in scope. The visuals are gorgeous, and the music... the best I've come across in my many years of gaming. I even play the accompanying Homeworld soundtrack cd in my vehicle while cruising about town - it's that good. I've been a scifi buff all my life... from the original Star Trek through Star Wars through Babylon 5. Yet only once has a game really captured the fantasy of deep space travel, of interstellar intrigue and great wars among the cosmos. And that game is Homeworld.

Though I wouldn't call it a 'negative', the single person game can be quite difficult at times (there are no level of difficulty settings). I resorted to the strategy guide for a level or two - though like most strategy guides, I found my own way of doing things on other levels that worked just as well (if not better). But oh, the gratification of winning back our Homeworld... was it sweet!

For ten dollars, it's a sin not to pick up a copy of Homeworld!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Gem from the Ancient World
Review: I'm writing this review to emphasize that this is one of those games that is timeless, like Fallout 1 & 2. And for only $10, the value of this game is comparable to those old favorites of mine (together they are also $10).

The reason it is timeless is because of the developer's implementation: they made a scalable graphics engine. Homeworld may have looked mediocre four years ago, but now that people have computer systems that can handle it in 1600x1200x32, its graphics are comparable to current titles (2003). Ships still have a relatively low polycount and the textures are a little pixelated, but bear in mind: this game was released in 1999!

Other strengths that the game has are mentioned in other reviews. One of my favorites is that the "maps" are so expansive. You really feel like you are in the unfathomable depths of space fighting galactic battles over huge distances. The sensor system makes this overwhelming environment managable; it is one of the coolest features of the game IMO. Did I mention it has an awesome story?!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game Ever
Review: When I bought yhis game I was not impressed it was hard, but after I got the hang of it it rocked. The graphics are amazing. The gameplay blew my mind away.

A must have game

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A review from the author of Tales of Ancient Xenar
Review: I have played many Real Time Strategy games which use a Real-Time 3D architecture. But this game uses it the best of all. The controls are very easy to understand. You Can move the camera around simply by holding down the righ mouse button and moving the camera around. Hold both mouse buttons or use the mouse wheel if you have one to zoom in and out. And because the action is entirely in space, you don't have a ground to block your camera movement as you do in many other RTS games that use RT3D. There are many different usits you can use. Strike craft like Scouts, interceptors and attack bombers. Corvettes like light, heavy and salvage corvettes. Frigates like ion beam, support and attack frigates. And capital ships like Destroyers, missile destroyers and heavy cruisers. I gave this game 4 stars because it does have 2 weaknesses. 1 is in the 1 players games, both sides have the same storyline to follow. And 2, because its RT3D, the game tends to slow down on some systems if more units become present in play. But all in all, this game is very good. The only other game I can recommend is the standalone expansion, Homeworld cataclysm. And check out my book on this site too ;)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: 4.5 Stars; Still a great game
Review: Let me get my gripes out of the way first: The learning curve. I'm all for hard games and learning them. I like challenges, which is part of the reason I dropped out of college 9 hours away from graduation. :) Anyway, this game is hard to learn. It has very easy controls, very easy to play, but to actually be successful, expect to find yourself repeating early missions constantly. That can be somewhat frustrating.

Also, both sides have the exact same story, with absolutely no deviation whatsoever. This makes the replay value somewhat less because why play the other side once you have finished the game with the other?

That aside, this game has broken new grounds for RTS games. The use of the 3D environment is breathtaking. We finally are able to play a space RTS in full 3D, unlike the StarFleet Command games that boasted 3D play but delivered 2D only.

The graphics, oh the graphics! The better your 3D Card, the better they look. The ships look real, they look smooth, and they are beautiful. More than just eye candy mind you.

The Multiplayer function is where the game truly excells IMO. Facing a human opponent in a space battle such as this is what we've all dreamed about, or at least those of us who have ever wanted to lead a force like Darth Vader did in the Star Wars movies.

Bottom Line: This is truly a wonderful game, but not perfect. It deserved every award it received, and with the game now at a very affordable price even for you poor college students, it should be a must-own, of course, if you have the system to run the game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buy This Game!
Review: I logged into here and the first thing I see above the review entering box are the words "(maximum of 1,000 words)." Let me tell you right now 1,000 is not nearly enough to describe Homeworld. The game play and strategy superb, the story line epic (the only way to describe it in one word), and the graphics and sound worth selling your soul to get. Homeworld immerses you, engulfes you, it is quite impossible to stop playing.

It's not just the single player mission, though they are were you really get into the storyline, it's the multiplayer games. Some of the people there are legends, they can kill most players in 10 minutes without so much as losing a single scout. This may sound like a deterrant but it's also a challenge, and if you don't want to face a master there are plenty of lessed skilled games that form up. The community is also great, there is a series of forums, web sites and IRC chats that allow you to be part of it even out of the game.

The plot is beautiful in a sense, if any of the relic people need a second career I suggest movie writer. It is sudden and delicate, and with the help of the haunting music twists your emotions like any of the best movies and books. The manual is also a lot fuller than most, providing a "Historical Briefing" which is much more complete than most. Including details on all the Kiith (kushan clans). If you don't buy this game you are missing out on one of the best opportunities in your life!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best ever, hands-down.
Review: Homeworld is, quite simply, one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played. The graphics will bring tears to your eyes (as long as you've got a halfway-decent video card, anyway), as will the haunting soundtrack. The single-player campaign has an engrossing plot expounded by nifty anime-style cutscenes as well as in-game 3D animation sequences, and multiplayer matches are a blast. Yes, the interface takes a little getting used to at first (it is 3D, after all), but it's really not bad at all if you give it half a chance.
In addition to beautiful graphics and sound, excellent gameplay, and an engrossing plot, there are countless little details that make this a great game. I love being able to customize the color schemes of my ships, for example. And the fact that turrets and gimballed guns actually move to point at their targets before firing - despite the fact that I'm rarely zoomed in close enough to watch this during an epic battle - is excellent.
I could write pages about this game, but playing it will give you a far better idea of what I'm talking about. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Start of a Whole new Generation...
Review: Homeworld at the time of release was the first and most successful use of a totally 3D strategy engine. If for no more reason than to see it done, all serious computer gamers out there should pick this title up. But there are quite a few more reasons to grab this title.

Although both sides, the Tidanii and the Kushan, have the same ships, the difference in their apperance is enough to make things interesting. Not to mention, like any good Sci-Fi title, the main enemy is by no means the only enemy. Your standard fleet will run into multi-beam frigates, swarmers and so many more fun to kill targets. And watching your fleet clash with another is enough of a spectacle that you might lose track of the rest of the game.

Tactics are strong in this game, there can be no doubt. The basic set up is that of a pyramid. Fighters can kill capitol ships but are killed by corvettes. Corvettes can kill fighters but are food for capitol ships. BUt don't let all that fool you. If you send a well enough supported team of anything, it can fight its way through any opposition.

I have read a few reviews on this and Homeworld 2's page that said the game was too hard. I guess I just play a little different because I had only slight trouble getting through the campaigns of both games. This game can be considered hard if players do not carefully husband their fleets. Homeworld's fleets carry over and losing even a small frigate can greatly effect the next level. Also, invest in lots of slavage corvettes. By the end of the game, I had over 100 captured enemy capitol ships. Trust me, it was a blast!

Finally, and perhaps most important, Homeworld has the most hauntingly beautiful style. The backgrounds are vibrant and evocative. The storyline is almost movie quality and grabs you. And the music, which cannot be complimented enough, is without compare in the gaming world. Trust me folks, this game deserves game of the year.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: ever hit a wasp nest with a stick?
Review: after downloading the demo, I was immediately hooked. The graphics, sound and ambiance in general transported me into everything I could imagine space would be. Just flying around and exploring kept my interest for a couple of hours...the tutorials were easy and interesting, too.

However...when I bought the actual game a immersed myself in real gameplay, I got pounded time and time again - never made it past the 3rd level. The enemy in this game doesn't fool around and immediately swarms you with zillions of ships and relentless firepower...much more than your resources can handle for more than a few minutes.

I don't have the attention span to slave over a strategy guide in order to simply survive in a game in which I'm supposed to be having fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best
Review: The best game I have ever played. Play it online and you won't be able to stop.

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