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Hidden & Dangerous 2

Hidden & Dangerous 2

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than Call of Duty/MH Pacific Assult!
Review: I'm not a huge war gamer but with the most recent war game titles coming out out such as Call of Duty and MH Pacific Assult and of course I had to try them, found overall that they were great war games especially Call of Duty (The original version) United Offensive is way to scripted! MH Pacific Assult was my last purchase before this beauty and so far I have not been able to finnish it due to the unforgiving scripting of the game at Henderson Field where you have to shoot down Japanese Zeros before they bomb your hangers from above. Somehow the game kills me for not being able to do this correctly meaning shooting down all the Zeros which I find nearly impossible!

Now to this game. It is something to behold why? Well, you can acomplish any mission any way you want using hardcore Tactics rather than closely folling scripted objectives like in the previous two game I have mentioned. Also, the AI is not overly hard which I like. Sometimes it is down-right-dumb but with such gameplay like taking cover and using your men's way points to complete objectives, the game shines! Also, you can choose to run and gun or secretly devise a plan of your own to accomplish your missions. The latter is far more rewarding though because it takes some brain power rather than how fast you can click to shoot your enemy. I feel sometimes I am part of the Dirty Dozen and have to sneek into a camp or town to blow up a building or steel documents rather than just kill everything that moves and then get out in a shooting match to the death! This game makes you feel like you've accomplished more than just body bags for the enemy, it makes you feel like your part of a SAS team in WWII. Both of my GrandFathers fought in the war and though they were not part of a specialized force like the SAS being Americans and trying to reck havic on the German's or Japanese, they saw some combat and didn't really talk to much about it because it just something you don't talk about if you really were there! The horor of war is abscent from most of my generations eyes due to post Vietnam and pre Desert Storm kind of falling in between things but I always wanted to know what it was like to accomplish what those guys did 50+ years ago when thier odds were less than favoritable against the overwelming numbers of the Nazi's or the Jap's trying to make a safe-free world to come for all of us. It was a job not a obligation and they did it very well. With H&D 2 I feel as if I was really there doing my job like they did! If you liked Call of Duty the original and are currently or have finished playing MH Pacific Assult and do not already have this War title, buy it at the good price that it is! It is a welcomed change to the run and gun everything down mindless WWII shooters of the past and present!

Rating: 5 stars

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This game is a technical disaster
Review: I've got a brand new Nvidia 5200 128 MB graphics card, and just got back into computer gaming, so I was eager to try this game because it's a genre I love. Plus, my PC played COD and Battlefield 1942 so there shouldn't have been technical problems to play it. Boy was I wrong to think that.
This game is a technical disaster. I ran it on a P4 with 256 MB RAM and it still crashed on me three times, something that never happened even once with other games at all.
After it crashed for the third time BEFORE I even got to start the first mission, I gave up.
The developers really dropped the ball on this game. From its looks and screen shots I've seen, it looks like a great game. But if it's too unstable to play, nobody's going to notice it.
This game is an absolute disaster from a technical standpoint and the developers should be ashamed of themselves.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Almost 5 stars
Review: If it weren't for the quirky squad AI, this would be a five-star game yet I highly recommend it in smite of that. This game is a classic in my book. It's better to play this on Lone Wolf campaigns. The squad AI is too annoying for me. For example, if you tell a squad member to follow behind you, most of the time they will get ahead of you. Or, if you tell them to go somewhere, usually they make some round about path before eventually settling on where you want them to be but even then they sometimes miss your mark.

All complaints aside, the game really shines as being one of the more realistic WWII game (or any other genre) out there. You have realistic weapons, the outdoor environments including the building interiors, and just the overall ambience. If you played Call of Duty, you might like the slower pace in H&D2. Stealth is heavily used and recommended. Yet unlike CD, this game has RPG elements. At the end of every mission, and depending what skills you used and the success of them, you increase your skills and abilities. This contributes to game longivity. As far as replayability, let's just say I've played thru this game about 5 times already and still not bored. Why? The game is sorta open-ended. You decide how you want to go about a mission: all out assault or stealth or both, using only certain weapons or all of them, do a certain task first before another or do them in order.

There will be a sequel according to Illusionworks. I can't wait. :)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Another new game, another new crash...
Review: Just another game were the first experience is a blue screen crash on my Win98 system. This is even after installing the newest drivers for the Ti4200 (dec 2003 driver) and DirectX9. This system runs MOH and COD without incedent I might add. I really wish they would first do a system check and at least give a hint of what would cause a problem. Whelp, off to the hunt.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beautiful - Riveting, a strategy game more than a shooter
Review: Just because you can play first person, do NOT think of this gloriously beautiful game as a shooter. If you do you'll be disappointed. It's a strategy game and almost a role playing game. You have to THINK and manage more than you have to shoot. This is absolutely NOT a game that's all about running headlong into danger with guns blazing. It's about crafting careful plans through deadly situations. That said, if you like chess as much as you like Half-Life, then you'll LOVE this game. It's provokes a perfect combination of thinking and adrenaline.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If you've played H&D then this one will disappoint you...
Review: Originally H&D was a truly remarkable game that allowed a group of close friends fight the Germans in WWII. Not many games featured this kind of cooperative gameplay. Now H&D2 is out, but not as a remarkable successor, more like a failed attempt to make a game like the rest.
If you want a good single player game like this, there are tons to choose between that are better than H&D2. If you want a good multi-player game, find the original H&D somewhere. Don't buy H&D2, I surely regret that I have, there is nothing special about it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Way too many commands
Review: Seriously, does there have to be a command for everything. I mean you have to have a list of comands sitting right beside your keyboard if you are to have any success, and to make things worse the default commands go against the standard configuration of every shooter that has ever existed. If you to have any success it is required that you map it out yourself. Something as simple as picking up a dropped gun requires the use of space bar, one, and then i for inventory, and while being shot at, you slowly steal the ammo from the dead guy. I'd hate to say it, but this game is shelved, and $30 is wasted.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: No Other Game Captures the Environmental Effects Like H&D
Review: Sure Medal of Honor is great. And yes, I love Battlefield 1942, but before all of these was a classic WWII game called Hidden & Dangerous. After 3 long years of waiting, finally the anxiously awaited sequel Hidden & Dangerous II is released. The game is fantastic. No other video game to this date has such a well-crafted story line that puts you and your squad into dozens of heart-pounding scenarios. You'll feel like you were dropped into the plot of "Where Eagles Dare" or "Guns of Navarone". This game is one of the smarter WWII games on the market. A must have!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Too much work to be fun...
Review: The designers really missed the fact that some things just have to be done automatically in order to have any fun. Everything that you would do naturally (take items from backpack, open/shut doors) take multiple steps to accomplish. Using stuff in the backpack (like ammo or health or gernades) requires removing from backpack, putting it in a pocket (you'll have to throw something down if your pouches are full) then using, then, picking the thing up you had to remove. Try doing this in the middle of a battle!

This game is for people who like to be painfully aware of every last detail to accomplish something. Because of this, it completely misses the mark big time of a Metal of Honor (not subpacks because those suck!) or Call of Duty which were extremely fun!

I gave it only a 3 stars because its just tedious- the guns don't sound good, the enemies are stupid (thank god!), the maps aren't all that fun. Save your money and wait for Half-Life 2 or Doom 3.

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