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Homeworld Cataclysm

Homeworld Cataclysm

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Veteran Strategy PC Gamer
Review: This is my first review from what I've seen so far.

Everything on this game is being tweaked. People complain about the graphics, yet one must know more before considering such comments valid.

Homeworld 2 continues to dominate even its superiors. ORB is so basic you can count the polygons and vertices, zooming out and moving dots around degrades it further. The best computer takes much time to load such an odd game, as its saving grace stands only to satisfy a VERY hungry gamer.

HW2 will have slightly less graphic strength than Hegemonia, because that is the point. This is when compared to Hegemonia, where you have excellent graphics, but few ships at any given time. Players can hardly call what they have "fleets". Veteran, non-biased players supplied this very information. HW2 allows for hundreds of ships from entirely distinct races. Swarms of detailed fighters rage around massive captital ships protecting one-another with unheard-of Artificial Intelligence. The game is optimized for lower-end PC's as a mercy to those who haven't followed the curve of PC's. Those with Higher systems are treated when the engine automatically (and manually if you like) adjusts to use your systems strength, activating dorment "Eye Candy". This is to enhance game-play, so that you can even play the game at all.

Finally, the games story and sound technology have Never EVER been beaten, and there are absolutely no negative points to give this game. Dubbed "Perfect" by all credable sources with the original, this improved generation sequel will test the merits and validity of reviewers to come. May it yet again receive an unbiased "Game of the Year" from all reviewers as before. This game is "the most advanced tactical game ever" - part 2.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: homeworld 2 is the same as orb
Review: in my view playing homeworld 2 is about the same as O.R.B if you seen that game they mirror each other both have great graphics. homworld is harder than homeworld 2 but orb is cooler because of the levels

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ooooo
Review: For those who like space shoot em ups with a bit of masterclass and variation, its winkin at u in the eye, if ur not sure about this type of game, let me make it easy for u. imagine command and conquer generals. make it 3d, better gameplay, b-e-a-utiful on high resolutions plus the ability of a superb skirmish, and ur there. no doubt an absolute classic

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not "too difficult"
Review: I own both Homeworld 1 and Cataclysm and finished them both. With the same basic strategy employed to win those games, I finished HW2 in about 3 days. It is unfortunate that there aren't multiple difficulty levels in the campaign game (though in the "multiplayer", you can set the computer skill level), but I found the game sufficiently challenging.

As others have stated here, it is an excellent game, beautifully rendered and engrossing.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Too difficult you say?
Review: As of yet, I only still have the demo, and will soon venture to get the retail version. I hear that many of you who posted a review say it is hard. It is and is not. When I first got it, even vs the CPU on EASY, it took me about 10 games to get the hang of it, and now I clobber the other 3 comps. Now I just gotta beat STANDARD difficulty again and again to bring the action notch up to MEDIUM.

I do not say it is really easy, but to be easy would not be worth it. To learn how to beat the AI, which is a heck of a lot better than the AI of other RTS games I own. I actually get a challenge out of it.

For people who are frustrated, just take a few days to cool off before taking on the comp again. Eventually, you will find the proper strategies to overcome the AI, though those must change when you change the difficulty.

All in all, a very good game. I do not own the first 2, but will perhaps if they will actually run on my rather current comp. Hate to find out that HM1 and CATACLYSM wont run on a 1.4ghz w/ WINDOWS ME in it.

Just keep at it, and eventually you get the 'skills' as many of us other hard RTS gamers say.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Excellent game, but too hard for most
Review: This game was a must-buy for me since I also owned the original Homeworld. The story of HW2 is a lot less compelling than the story of the original Homeworld, but still not bad. The gameplay is however better.

If you are unfamiliar with the Homeworld series, it's based on fighting your way through levels, where you bring your resources and space fleet from the previous mission (level) to the next. They are all interconnected, and if you do poorly in one, chances are you'll be at a disadvantage in the next one.

You command the mighty mothership in your quest to save the galaxy by retrieving an old hyperspace gate. The mothership is able to build ships, including carriers that in turn can build most types of ships. You will be tasked with developing technology, building a viable fleet, mining for resources, completing mission objectives, and fending off the enemy - all in a nice concoction of organized chaos. The pace can be pretty high at times, and although the battlefields are nicely laid out and the navigation relatively simple, it's still a mess to get through some of the missions. Chances are you'll play each mission somewhere between 2 and 20 times before you succeed.

* Excellent concept and gameplay
* Beautiful graphics and sound
* Hours and hours of fun and challenging gameplay
* Multiplayer option, and option to play against the computer
* Large fleet of different ships - friends, allies and foes
* A lot of improvement to make to your fleet through research
* Nice storyline to follow

* Extremely hard - only one difficulty level. It's a good idea to either read online strategy guides and walkthroughs, or simply buy the official strategy guide.
* Hours and hours of challenging gameplay - It can get a bit tedious and frustrating to play the same mission over and over again.
* Not a game for relaxing in front of the computer.

I highly recommend this game, and it's sure to give you days and days, probably weeks and weeks of active gameplay. I was considered giving this game a 5, but since there's quite a bit of room for improvement, and the difficulty level is a bit on the high side, I give it a still very enjoyable 4 STARS!!!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Basically a game box rail game
Review: I'm a big fan of both HW1 and Cataclysm. Both are enjoyable, paced well, and actually beatable.

With that said, after reading many reviews here I decided to download the demo and see how bad the latest release is.

Well, if you like stunning graphics and atmosphere, then it's incredible. If you want enjoyable game play and strategy, forget it.

See HW2 fell off the wagon when they decided to treat it like a "port to PC" game. It's more like a game box rail shooter, auto-save, rampant attacks, little time to explore, gain knowledge, build. It's just point and click, shoot to kill. It got so bad I expected to get secret codes to get to the next level like a Nintendo game boy title.

Sorry Relic, you should have tweaked the engine and AI and improved the graphics and stopped there. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Worst of the series. Too Difficult.
Review: The first 2 Homeworld games are my favorite all time games. This was unplayable for me. Even on the Easy setting I could barely get past the first couple of missions. The other games were much more relaxing and enjoyable. I found this game a complete frustration because of its difficulty. There are many other features I did not like such as the way one is just taken from 1 mission to the next without the chance to regroup.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great game, a few glitches
Review: I loved homeworld, played it over and over for months. Homeworld 2 has not disappointed. I like the story. The graphics are awesome of course. The missions where balanced and interesting. It's great that the same voice actors are doing Sjet, the Bentusi, etc.

I see lots of talk of it being too hard. I don't agree. I'm not a really great player, but I found this one to be just slightly harder than HW1. If you find you are having problems, it is because you've been using the wrong strategies (or because you blew the last mission so bad, that you start the next mission without a fleet).

For instance, Mission 3 was really tough for me at frist. The enemy kept swarming me with gobs of units. I took a deep breath and thought. Where are all those units coming from? - the carriers! On my next attempt a launched all out strikes on the carriers instead of defending a key asset, and mopped up handily.

They don't call them Strategy Games for nothing.

All that said, there are some glitches with the game. Some of the routing AI needs a bit of work and there's a quite embarrassing bug where folks behind firewalls can't host multiplayer games (like anyone isn't behind a firewall these days). In one level, if you meet the objectives out of the usual order, the mission won't end. A patch is in the works. Rumored to be coming very soon, so hopefully these problems will disappear. Also the relic forums (google it) have tips to get by such problems.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: HW2 may be difficult...but that is half the fun!
Review: I am amazed that people say this game is bad just because they find it challenging. So what if it is difficult? Learn from your losses. It helps later on if you choose to do player vs. CPU and/or to go online and face off with up to six HUMAN players.

Anyway, I loved this game (Sure, the SP campaign could have ended better), and I have no real complaints against HW2 or Relic. Here are some pros and cons I discovered while playing:


Many new ships with many new uses

Cool nebulas that you can hide in and electrify with ions

Neat new maps for both SP and MP

Excellent graphics

Very balanced game

Overall, just plain sweet

Single player missions are creative and fun, especially mission 12

A new, challenging enemy: the Vaygr.


Platform Rushing. Should be fixed in the upcoming patch.

The game could have been better if Sierra hadn't rushed Relic to finish it (Plat rushes and other minior MP issues would have been solved).

That's about it. In conclusion, I would recommend this game to anybody who plays or wants to play strategy games. You'll love this game!

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