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Freedom Force

Freedom Force

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Fun
Review: This game is great fun with a great sense of humor. It's the superhero game that Marvel and DC should have made but for whatever reason could not pull it off like these guys. It is surely the best superhero game ever made. Only catch is they should have given you a couple of different single player modes to play. After you finish the campaign mode(which is great) there is not much else other than a somewhat lacking multiplayer mode that does not give you all the options of a Starcraft. But the campaigns and heros are good enough to carry this game to a must have. One of the best things about the game that all game developers should take note of is that everything on the screen can be destroyed, moved or used.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Upsetting
Review: This game really upset me. I was looking forward to playing it and the game had some stupid qlitch in it that made it unable to start once I installed it. BUYER BEWARE! I could not find help for the problem and so I sold the game. I also read other reviews that the game is good but no real multiplayer, unless you like only one on one battles and no real replayability, I would wait for something better that you can play again and again and it be a new adventure every time. P.S.- Star Wars Galaxies RPG online- check out the reviews! its not superhero but its better than that... super space heros online.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Help me Minuteman, I have gum on my shoe!
Review: Freedom Force is good and bad, why? For starters it has such a weird combat system, and the mission objectives are dumb. When you start out the you have Minuteman, then you get Mentor who, next to a weasel could have worse attacks. If theres one thing that'll blow up your CPU it's the multiplayer option. It's fun, if you get it to work.EA also threw in a create your own character, which you never get to use. What's the good thing about FF? The graphics aren't too bad and there's some pretty cool animations.Save yourself [money]and go buy Spider-man instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not "Impulse"... "Instinct."
Review: I made this purchase purely on a whim in an out-of-town store. A true set-up for disaster. I am what we would call a "comic book geek," at least when it comes to Batman, and I feel as though this game is everything that a 1960's homage should be. The script is perfectly over-the-top. The "secret origins" made me laugh out loud. ("Hey, that's O'Connor! From the Manhattan Project!" "Damn! I've been caught!") There is plenty of Commie-bashing fun (The "Nuclear Winter" theme song also left me smiling). I couldn't be happier with this game. I'm tough to please with RPG's, because nothing ever seems to stack up to Chrono Trigger for me, but I'm completely taken by this game. I even created and imported the famed Batman, which is nothing short of awesome. Its like a Bizarro-JLA. This game is easily 5-stars, I'll be playing it until I memorize the script.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Freedom Force succeeds as a great game and homage to comics
Review: Freedom Force is basically the best superhero game ever. It is a great tribute to comic books that comic fans will love. You don't even have to read comic books to like it. The story is this: an alien race wants to use Energy X on Earthling criminals to create supervillains. An alien called Mentor takes the Energy X to try to give it to good Earthlings to make superheroes to fight the aliens. Mentor's ship is destroyed and Energy X canisters fall to Earth where criminals and law abiding citizens get their hands on it.

The game has 14 unique superheroes, though you can create your own and download others. You guide your team through Patriot City doing whatever you must to complete your objectives. RPG elements are found in leveling up your characters. The only problem I found with the game is that it gets a little hectic at times, so you must pause often to tell your people what to do. Other than that you'll have fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Behold the power of Energy X !!
Review: The one thing that is not stressed enough about this game is just how many things you can *do*. Super powers come in all varieties. One hero can clone himself. Another throws grenades that detonate when an enemy (or friend) goes near them. Heroes can also fly, leap onto buidlings, teleport themselves, and climb the sides of buildings. Then again, other heroes can only walk, and very slowly at that.

This may be the best part of the game: it's well balanced. Things don't always go right. Your hero tosses a car toward a villain, only to have it carom off a lampost and KO an innocent civilian. It's frustrating, but pretty funny as well.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Big Dumb Fun
Review: Remember the Fantastic Four? The seriously cheezy superheroes? EA has done a great job of bringing the campy, over-the-top superheroes of the 60's and 70's to life. Everything is dead-on from the voice acting to the music. (The narrator's voicework is especially wonderfully cheesy.) Graphics are great as well. You really could create a comic book from the screenshots. Some of the missions can be tough; the final one is of the "yeah, right" variety. This is one of the few action games that I would let my kids play. The violence really is of the comic book variety (no-one dies, just gets knocked out). Some, but not a lot of replay value. A mission editor would have made this a solid 5-star game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Whatever happened to the art of game design?
Review: After being burnt on game after game- Morrowind- Black and White- Civ 3- all highly-touted games that failed to deliver even the slightest degree of gameply enjoyment, I decided to stick my neck out and purchase Freedom force- "what the hey?" I thought- "The law of averages will eventually yield up a decent game, and I've heard good reviews..."

Needless to say- Burned again!

Freedom force is an abysmal little game- a horrendous, cumbersome interface that makes gameplay confusing and erratic. Enemies that can run off the edge of the map and attack you at a distance- yet cannot be attacked. Your "Heroes" might as well be named "Idiot man and Stupid boy", as they will stand idly around at let themselves be attacked and shot at, and not defend themselves. Graphic glitches out the wazoo. You have to click on an enemy sometimes as many as four times before your hero will attack...

Seriously- I've been playing video and computer games for 18 years- ever since the first "Ultima" game came out for the apple 2- and I have never seen such an onslaught of inferior products being foisted into the market...

What has happened to the art of game design? Because from what I can tell, it has died.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Finally, a good superhero game!
Review: Every one, let's all slap our heads and exclaim "D'oh! Why didn't anyone think of this before?" This is the game all of us fanboy geeks have been waiting for! A game that pays serious homage to 60's comic book characters! Each unique character is so authentic to the time period, you'd swear they were actually from a comic book. Each new character has a comic-style "origin of" cinema cutscene. Every level is designed like a comic book with authentic "biffs" and "pows" as you beat up Commies and other 60's scum. The game is wildly entertaining, even if you don't like comic books.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Only Pinko Commies Refuse to play "Freedom Force"
Review: Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? If so, then you probably have never played "Freedom Force", the great new game from Electronic Arts that captures the feel of the 60's Silver Age comics, when Russkies were the bad guys and every other hero was born from some sort of super ray or atomic accident. Equal parts nostalga and camp, "Freedom Force" is an accomplished video game that is entertaining for both comic book fans and those just looking for a fun game to idle away the hours.

The game is commendable for being the first video game to really and truly capture the spirit of superhero comics. Absent any licenses, EA created a number of generic, but terribly familiar, templates that joyfully embody the best, worst, and most silly of any comic book hero. That guy dressed in red, white, and blue dispensing justice in the name of "freedom"? Minute Man. That streak of flame who's half-hero/half-heartthrob? El Diablo, of course. You didn't see him, but the supersonic Bullet just ran by. Archetypes of every variety are here. No familiarity with comics is needed, and even if you are the fan of some of the most obscure heroes in the genre, there's probably something in this game that will invoke images of them. Completing the wonderful atmosphere are comic book page interludes, hero origins of high and glorious camp, and a narration that is one-third Gary Owens, one-third Stan Lee, and one-third 1950's federal government inforeel.

Best of all, "Freedom Force" finally crushes the previous limitations of superhero games. Gone are the side-scrollers and platform jumpers dating back to the Atari 2600 "Superman". Gone are the occasionally fun, but oh so terribly shallow fighting games that dominated the 90's. Finally, after all these years, it's your turn to be a superhero. Always wanted to leap tall buildings with a single bound? Now you can. Always wanted to take a car and throw it mercilessly at your evil opponent? Go for it. Always wanted to be that superhero that happens upon a mundane crime like a mugging, and gives the criminals a lesson they'll never forget? It's all here on the streets of Liberty City, the ubiquitous everytown home of our heroes.

The gameplay of "Freedom Force" is varied and basic. The linear, straightforward story does not lend itself to high replay value. But then again, how many times have we gone back to watch "Superman", "X-Men", "Batman", or various tv shows inspired by comics? "Freedom Force" is a worthwhile purchase and playthrough for any gamer looking for a good time, but for anyone who grew up reading Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, or whoever, the true joy of "Freedom Force" is seeing your youthful imaginings of fighting side by side with your heroes come into being.

"Freedom Force" is a sublime masterpiece of American pop culture.

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