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Shogun: Total War

Shogun: Total War

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Shogun:total war
Review: A game that thrusts the player into medieval japan. He is forced to master the art of war to survive. I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys tactics in games. One more thing, the realism is sensational!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Game purchase ive ever made
Review: For Any of you who have played the board game risk Shogun total war is like a way better and improved version of that game(except this game has Samurai soldiers instead of game pieces).
My parents had trouble for me too go to schoolwith this one but after i beat it with all the levels i got over it.

But i still cant get enough of it I recomend this one to a strategist who has a lot of free time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Must buy if your a strategic
Review: If you dont have this game and you like games like romance of the three kingdoms, you are missing out. Its not easy, but its really fun. I did end up beating it five times, but all on normal difficulty (easiest, easy, normal, hard, hardest), it was still hard, and i'am good at these games. Its the best one player strategy game. MUST BUY

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: excellent game
Review: Their are times in any RTS game Junky life (don't deny it) when you get frustrated. Frustrated with the lack of strategy needed to play, games like Z: Steel Soldiers and C&C. It gets annoying send your troops in watch them fight no real thinking involved. Well, now there is a game that combines great battle scenes with plenty of strategy.

The plot is take over Japan. Not much of a plot but still you know what you got to do (it's called total war for a reason).

There are two main parts of the game the board and the battlefield. The board is a giant map of Japan that looks like a risk board where you make all economic decisions. It has a great turn based theme with every turn being one season. There are many ways to wreck havoc upon your opponents with many plenty of different troops and even ninja to get rid of unwanted generals and ambassadors. When you place your troops on opponent's land you go into the 3-D battle feed with over 50 different battlegrounds. You also pick the right season to attack because certain troops work better in different conditions. Once your outs you get to pick you're what days to attack. Then you give your orders and you hope your plan works. If you're losing the battle they run off. Its not any easy came to master. The Battlefield is a bloody site and is not for the weak hearted; the body's with a small pool of blood under and with the thousands of troops at your biding it's not a pretty site. It gives you a small look at the more bloody side of war.

The graphics are amazing and are undeniably good. The tutorial is useless but it is funny to here your guide speak to you in a Japanese accent. It does have a lack of formations, which may frustrate more hardcore RTS gamers.

All and all is a excellent game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Incredible
Review: As I am student of the sengoku jidai period of Japanese history, this review will be slanted, and will overlook some shortcomings of the game. Since I was born 400 years too late, and in the wrong country, this game is my only opportunity to be the daimyo of thousands of loyal samurai. The interface takes a little getting used to, but the AI is good, and even better, you can play online against some really good opponents. If you have the right graphic card, the 3-D terrains are outstanding.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This Is a good game!
Review: The only thing I dont like about this game is the lack of most commands like charge or retreat.In other words its a great game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great game
Review: This is one of the best games ever. Here is everything you need to know about this game

Plot: Control has broken lose in Japan and you must gain control of Japan and become Shogun. Not much of a plot but still this is coming from a game called toatal war.

Sound: During battles there is a war drum beating in the backround and really fits perfect with the seen.

Graphics: The graphics are great during the little cut-sences you can almost see any detail on anyone in the picture. Also during battles the graphics are great and the 100 or so sences for you to wage war on look fabulous.

Gameplay: The managment part of this game looks like a risk board of Japan and the units slide across the board like they were on a wooden board. The managment is a little stale but it only serves is a setup for the fantastic battles. Once you put your unis onto enemy Territory you fight for it. he troups can get tired and will run away if they get too tired and the odds are against them so it gives you a real sence of real war because you have to find safe hiding spots to rest your troops. The battles are massive and a little bloody but it's great and you can have massive online battles or, in custum battle, create your own battles and diside your allies and your foes.

manual: this is one of the few parts of the game that is weak. The manual has only one purpose to show you what troups you can get and what they do.

Tutorial: This is also extremly weak put will be able to figure the game out without it.

There are many more great things out about the game but I will let you find them out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Modern Descendent of Koei
Review: It was 6AM and the sun was already up, but my attention was focused on the battle being raged on the PC before me. I had played through the night to reach this moment: the first major confrontation between the two remaining clans to decide who would rule Japan. The enemy's warrior monks started to create havoc on my left front. Hurriedly, I sent two units of Yari Samarai to bolster the line, but I sent them in unsupported. A huge mistake. Alone the two units were in trouble and soon were wavering. I tried to order the rest of my army to counterattack, but the damage had been done. My left cracked and soon panic seized the entire army. I rushed my Daimyo into the breach in a desperate bid to head off disaster. A short while later my Daimyo was dead and I watched my ruined army being chased from the field by the forces of the victorious Hojo clan. I sat back and said to myself, "Wow! What a game!"

"Shogun: Total War" really caught me by surprise. I had heard lots of raves about its 3-D graphics, but I had also heard the words "shallow" and "lack of depth" attached to its gameplay. I was especially turned off by the comparisons of the game's strategic element to Risk. However, I discovered that the raves about the 3-D battles were all true and that the strategic element was much more comparable to the wonderful Koei console games of the late 80's and early 90's than to Risk. I loved those Koei games (Genghis Khan, Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, ect.;) and to finally get a game that merges the strategic complexities and the Far Eastern historical setting of those games with a realtime 3-D tactical battle is fantastic.

STW is not perfect. The manual is truly awful. If you have an Nvidia graphics card you're probably going to have to update your drivers in order to get the game to work. The diplomatic element is weak, and trade is very abstractly handled. The information menu, which keeps track of your provinces, generals, heirs, ect., is just a list instead of a way to locate things by clicking on the name. As a result trying to find something such as a particular general is more time consuming than it should be. Also although the game does the give the player the option to let the PC instantly resolve battles, it's just a surefire way to lose battles and ensure your clan's downfall. So the player has to fight virtually every battle which can get repetitive.

I'm still giving STW 5 stars because not many games have kept me up til 6AM and still had me forcing myself not to click the "end turn" button. The 3-D battles are truly spectacular with the weather effects and the portrayal of morale which is not often found in RTS. Unlike the warriors in games such as the AOE series or Cossacks, who fight to the death no matter what the odds, the soldiers of STW will run if they think the battle is not going well. It is simply awesome to watch what seemed like an overwhelming army melt into a mob of panicked fugitives with your tired units in pursuit cutting down those not fast enough to escape. This one very fine game!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Nice Looks and Sound
Review: Well, I got this game around the furst week it was out. I was really into it for about the first 10 minutes when I was reading the manual. The gameplay is horrible, yes the sound and graphics were about the only thing that made me get it. And I wish that I didnt now. I will buy the new version thats coming out hoping it will be better. Also for everyone thats saying this game doesnt work unless u have a poewerful computer, do you people know how to work computers? I have a Gateway 600 mhz P3 computer with a NVIDIA RIVA TNT 2 and IT WORKS FINE!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ... My god a game I love, and and and! *please read*
Review: This game gets my highest rating in the genre hands down, it's a fine example of what a video game can do for you. Put you in a time place and setting you could not possible encounter in real life, and while it's at it, you get to conquer a country one piece at a time using tactics, and battles. everything about this game screams wonderfulness if you like the genre, specificaly if you like fuedal Japan and strategy games, the graphics where impressive, the depth and immersion was right on, and everything about it told me I would be playing this game for months to come, and more than once at that... as there are a number of clans to choose from. so this game is not the flaw... the flaw is in the programming/design... the coding... this game is so unstable, in order to write this review and get what I did out of this game I had to reboot my computer once every ten minutes at best! it crashed froze and short of killing my computer, did everything a game of this callibur shouldn't do. In a few words... I was VEXED! I was forced to uninstall this game from my computer and keep the disks in a safe place until I get a better system, and my system is not that dated at all, in fact I beat every requirement this game has for it. the problem? this game has compatability issues that are not mentioned on the box, or documentation, even in the fine print. Electronic arts failed to test this game properly, and institute propper patches, and fixes. even the patches that are available, tend to make a difficult gaming experience worse, since for me the patches only made it so the game was unplayable since it crashed before I could even start the campaign. I have heard some rumors, and some facts, and it all boils down to bad coding and application of system rescourses. If you have a Voodo video card this game will likely frustrate you to tears, even with the final version of the now out of business 3DFX drivers. Whats more you can't control to much of a degree what form of hardware accelleration to use. and software mode runs slower than a dead walter hudson on most systems. if it even works. Electronic arts basically let down a large percentage of their customers on this title, not in the gameplay, graphics or other ways a game normaly fails, but in the worst example of a buggy game I have ever seen. I am no technowizard, but I do know a bit about computers, and trust me, if this game works on your computer, you are in the lucky 60% (my own estimate, since it hasn't worked on my friends older industry standard 2GIG processor, 2 gig RAM, demonic graphic rendering monster machine his father custom built for him so he could do special movie effects for the company he got hired into. and if it doesn't work on his machine, given his technical experience etc, within three hours of system updates and trouble shooting, it won't work on most peoples PC's), this game is as picky about what system you are using as your cat can be about eating what you put in front of him/her. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't... mostly doesn't. Consdiering everything, I would say take the chance, if you like the genre, and the aspects mentioned about this game, if it doesn't work just return it, and don't even think about it. Me? I am a hopeless romantic, and am gonna wait till I get a new computer, with all kinds of compatable hardware before I give this game another try and then decide to use it for ultimate ... frisbie. I love this game and it pains me to say all this... I wanna play my game, one of my favs. but how can I? anyway! On a further note, after many hours of tearful frustration of rebooting, and sore knuckles from pounding my desk, icalled tech support at Electronic arts. They WHere helpful, so I tip my hat to them, but it was kind of funny, when I talked to the operator of the companies tech support line and mentioned what game I was having trouble with he sighed, and I could almost hear him mumble "Oh boy... another one..." somehow the 3DFX drivers, or direct x, or something about voodo, or even Geforce cards conflicts with this game. I don't know what systems they play tested this game on, but it wasn't one like a large amount of people have. This game was well made in the game aspect, but rushed on the race to put it on store shelves, rather than test it properly, and support it properly. money is the root of all evil I spose, second only to impatience... so buy this game if your a tech wizard, are lucky, or have a nice system, and cross your fingers. As I said, I would personaly estimate 20%-40% of you won't be able to fight one battle before you computer locks up and you have to do a hard reboot... (turn off the power without shutting down) hope this review helped somebody out there!

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