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Commandos 2: Men of Courage

Commandos 2: Men of Courage

List Price: $33.50
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Strategy Game.
Review: I have been playing this game for the past several weeks to release some stress and keep my mind moving.

The game playing is real-time and realistic. If you make a mistake or forget something the game will pick it up and send solders your way. It is very important to think of all the details of your attack.

The graphics on the game are detailed. The graphics on the commandos, enemy solders, tanks and landscape are ones to take example.
The characters all have their own specialty which adds even more complexity to the game. Meaning the sniper character cannot handle mines and vice-versa.

There are 10 missions and each have a bonus mission so that you can practice more on your characters and get more strips and medals. The missions get harder and cannot be played without the experience and understanding of the previous missions. Each mission utilizes some or all of the 8 characters.

I gave this game 4 stars because I found that sometimes when you found a method to handling the enemy the game was trivial and very much time consuming. Although compared to other military strategy games this comes at the top of my list.

Have fun master-mining against the Germans!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Dirty 2/3 Dozen
Review: This is one of the rare games that, 10 years down the road, you will fondly remember the experiance of playing. It does a lot to accomplish that, bringing to life great action in a super-authentic WWII environment.

The graphics are immaculate, with tremendous levels of detail. The animations are also great; watching a Commando skidding to a stop in the snow or a walrus taking a dive are real treats. The sounds accompanying the visuals will have you totally immersed. The music is dramatic and catchy, appropriate for each of the many settings. And it is really world-spanning, carrying you all the way to the far east with a beautiful jungle environment, or sending your Commandos to the bone chilling Arctic.

A major plus to the sequel is your Commandos' being able to do much more. Most can deck enemies and tie them up, use machine guns and rifles, they all can swim and drive, and so on. If you felt their individual limitations were a major drawback to the first one, you will much happier with this. As a result, the game is easier than the first, but is still one of the most difficult games you can find. But as you play, you will learn many nasty tricks as well as become adept with the essential hot keys.

The game is comprised of 10 levels, with 2 tutorials. There are a lot of horror stories about the difficulty of the tutorials, but I personally found them pretty easy. Playing the first game no doubt helped, as the mid-to-later missions in that bordered on impossible. The impatient gamer will no doubt be often infuriated at both the colossal length of the missions and the general precision needed to successfully complete them. Some missions may, check that, will, take a few days to win.

But the feeling of accomplishment is really something else. This is the best game of its type, in my opinion edging out the great Fallout: Tactics and Jagged Alliance 2. A mature player will love this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: commanding performance on every front
Review: First of all I need to confess that I've yet finished either Commandos I or II but I am in awe by the gorgeous scenaries and uncanny attention to details Eidos managed to bundle up in such an enganging gameplay. While the first game in the series blends the elements of suspense, puzzle and strategy seemlessly with the then-jawdropping photogenic backgrounds, Men of Courage takes it one step further on every front - additional characters, more specialties, insanely difficult missions, LARGER maps (yes it can be HUGE), smarter AI and a great storyline that takes you all over the world. Missions contains more variety this time around and as always, there are at least three ways to accomplish each goal, making it highly entertaining and unpredictable. One mission will require you to put a bullet in between the eyes of a general - get this, right in front of his troops - and get all of your men out of the location in one piece.

Yes it can be a difficult game at first but don't let others fool you into thinking that it is not possible to get past the first mission. It will be worth your time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EIDOS, Pyro...Please make another!!!
Review: It's very rare for a sequel to anything to be as good or better than the original. Commandos 2: Men of Courage definitely falls into the latter category. I played the original Commandos and Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines religiously for years. They both stayed on my hard drive a very long time. I thought "no way could EIDOS or Pyro come out with anything better". Boy, was I wrong. With the addition of new characters, weapons, items, locales, and commando techniques, Commandos 2 is by far the best in the series. The zoom and turn functions of the camera make it so much easier to move around the map.

The game is in no way easy. The trade off for all the additions is a higher difficulty level. Even in Normal mode (the easiest setting), you will get caught or killed more times than you'd like. The manual could use a "Hotkey" page to list all the hotkeys. But, the in game help function more than makes up for it. Open any Commandos inventory, click on the magnifying glass, click on an item to examine it and boom. A description of the item and it current hotkey is displayed. What's also nice is that when the help function is up, the game pauses. Giving you time to absorb what you're reading. Unlike some other RTS games I've played.

In the end, Commandos 2 is definitely a must have for anybody who is into the series. For the newbie, I suggest one of the previous games. To learn the basic concepts and functions of the game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great strategy game but can get tedious.
Review: SUMMARY:
Overall, an excellent strategy game. This game will appeal to those who like to think and plan out their moves. Avoid this title if you are expecting a fast-paced shoot-em-up game.

Versatile gameplay allows many different ways of solving each mission.
Beautiful graphics.

Can be a bit tedious once you've discovered a "system" of beating the game.

The game involves the player controlling a team of commandos, each with his/her own unique abilities and strengths, in order to finish a total of 10 large missions. Each mission includes a list of goals that one must accomplish (e.g., contacting a prisoner, blowing up a bridge, stealing Enigma codes, etc.). There are also 10 mini "bonus" missions that can be unlocked if you do some extra exploration and find all the pieces to a picture puzzle.

The great thing about this game is its versatility. You can do a variety of things with each commando. For instance, the thief can climb up a wall and sneak into a building through a window; the green beret can take out a Nazi guard with his knife and dump the body into a river; the spy disguised as a Japanese officer can order an enemy soldier to face a wall. There's even a trained dog that can distract enemy troops with his bark while the rest of the commando unit sneaks by!

This versatility allows one to approach each mission in an infinite number of ways. At first, the game may seem dauntingly difficult (especially during the training missions), but once you get the hang of it, the game really becomes enjoyable.

The only gripe I have about the gameplay is that once you find a "system" of beating the game, it loses its challenge. For the most part, the game centers around deciding which enemy guard to neutralize next. I used a system of diversion and attack. For example, the seductress would distract an enemy guard with her beauty while the sapper came from behind and knocked out the soldier. If the seductress wasn't available, I would throw a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of wine to distract the enemy before dispatching him. This type of technique worked 90% of the time. As a result, the game can become rather tedious.

On the whole, though, the gameplay is unmatched and the missions are worth finishing to the end.

The graphics were one of the best I've seen. Everything is drawn out in beautiful detail. You can zoom in/out and rotate the camera to get different perspectives of the environment. The characters, however, become pixelated if one zooms in too closely.

The sound effects were adequate. The music was quite good and added well to the ambience.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Whew.....you've got to be kidding me
Review: This is a great game, but....... man you have got to learn the keyboard. Not just hot keys, also key combinations. You can pretty much get your people to do anything, but you've got to know how to do it. I am not a veteran of the previous versions and I am definitely paying for it. I normally play FPS games, i.e. quake III, and thought I would stimulate my brain a little better with a strategy type game. It was a good move, but after a couple hours I am exausted mentally. I am no genius but I am an engineer so I consider myself fairly intelligent, this is a hard but challenging game. I would recommend it, but have some patience. Try to learn as much as you can about the movements commonly used and you'll enjoy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My highest recommendation
Review: First of all, if you played the first two Commandos and loved them then you will absolutley love this game and buy it now. Everything that you wished you could do (because you'd be able to in real life) in Commandos has now come true...EVERYTHING! You can climb walls or poles, traverse wires, climb in/out of windows, look in/out of windwows, snipe in/out of windows, snipe from climbing up a pole, everyone can wear at least a low ranking enemy soldiers uniform, everyone can use rifles & machine guns, everyone can carry bodies, and everyone can knock a person out, everyone except Lupan (Thief) can tie people up, everyone can drive non-specialized vehicles such as trucks and cars...and so much more! Vehicles actually have realistic physics now too! It is so realistic in how you can go about things too...it is so open ended.

Every mission is greatly different from the previous and there are no reused "stock" buildings. You can go inside all buildings and pan the camera 360 degress for a better view. The animation on the guys is completely lifelike...you gotta see it to believe it. The missions are completely replayable too...not like the first Commandos where there was pretty much only one way to go about things like a puzzle piece...do things in any order you want...it's completely up to you how you go about each and every mission...steal a tank or car and do whatever....it is completely awesome! Play it on hard or very hard and you'll be there for at least 6 or 7 hours per mission and they are HUGE! It is great to have such deep gameplay and it NEVER gets BORING.

Oh and the control takes getting use to, but let me tell you this. If you played th originals you know it uses a lot of keyboard shortcuts. Take the time to learn them well and you will be rewarded...it takes a few hours to learn them all of steady playing, but once you do the interface is really just for show so you can see what objects you have. Put in the time and you will never look back....TRUST ME. I have to get back to playing now...peace out...BUY IT, you won't regret it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The boys are back! And they are bringing friends!
Review: This had me so caught up, I quit playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on-line for 2 weeks because I couldn't enough. Compared to the original Commandoes, this was easier, it just took longer. But don't let that fool you, this game is tough.

There are lotsa new features added to this version, so let me list a few:
1. New characters. There are 3 new characters in this one: Natasha (the beautiful distracter of men), Lupin (the thief), and a dog (that you can use to distract the enemy or transport items back and forth)
2. New battle areas such as under water, in planes, boats, and destroyed villages.
3. New enemies. This time, you have to fight nature a little bit in the form of sharks and alligators & pirahna's.
4. A new bonus map system. If you find all of the bonus pieces, you get to try a bonus map after you complete the mission you are on, and some of them are tough too. I believe mission 9 is the only that doesn't have a bonus map.

The graphics are great (except when you zoom in) and the cutscenes are awesome. They almost look real. It will take a long time to beat these missions, so be patient and be ready for the long haul of a great game that gets real intense.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This Game Is Extremely Hard
Review: Commandos 2 is real hard game to get through and you better learn alot of different keys on your keyboard to do different commands with.... I bought this game over the weekend thinking it be a piece of cake to learn and play through and boy was I wrong. You better have alot of patience because if you don't you'll get totally frustrated while trying to play this game. You have to start playing this game from the very beginning, one mission at a time, and you have to go through the tutorial missions first. The game does not give you any choice. Don't even think about going through the game with guns blazing because I guarantee you won't get very far. You'll have to learn how to sneak up behind enemy soldiers and cut their throats or knock them out with your fists. You'll have to learn how to setup ambushes throughout the game. That the only way you'll get through the game. The graphics and sound are okay but I wish the game could of been a little bit better easier to play through. You'll have to practice over and over again how to use all of the command keys on your key board until you get it right. Trust me, there is alot of different command keys you'll have to try to memorize and learn how to use. You'll also have to get use to saving missions over and over again because of the number of times you'll keep getting killed. None of the missions are easy to get through. In a nutshell, if you have alot of patience buy this game. If you don't have alot of patience, don't buy this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good game (at the price it's irresistable)
Review: What a game! The graphics may not be all that hot anymore, at least the moving parts of it. But the gameplay is really cool - a bit on the tough side... A nice change from all the FPS games out there. Plus you can get it for peanuts. I run it on my Windows XP machine with absolutely no problems!

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