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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Really thought this was the game to have.... (shakes head)
Review: After playing UO for a year or so, then moving to EQ for a year or so, then on to Dark Age of Camelot for a year or so I really looked forward to this game. It promised everything the other games had and more, like all of them combined. Bought a couple of copies of SWG, preorded it and had it the day after release. I played it for about 5 months. I mastered several professions including Creature handler, Teras Kasi, Doctor and Weaponsmith. I gathered several million credits and had bought pretty much everything that you could. Canceled both accounts in 11/2003 and here is my thoughts on the game.

* Bugs. Above all I have never saw so many bugs in an online game. Nothing I can think of worked dependably for long. It seemed if something did work they would break it in the next patch. Simple things that you take for granted like Guild Chat, Group Chat, /Tell and such were broken so often you would hear surprised comments when they DID work.

More than once I have logged in to play and had the following things happen, usually more than one:

* You would join a group and nothing would happen... Rebooting would not help this, would take a server reset to fix your "Group Bug". When this happened you could not group till the following day.

* If you got in a group often the members of the group would go invisible to each other. You could no longer target them, heal them or even see them, they just wasnt there. I got this all the time. Having the entire group log out and back in usually fixed it but it would just return.

* Group chats were broken commonly and guild chats as well, several times even /tell would not work, the only way left to communicate was /say.

* You could take a mission to go do something and travel forever to get there and find nothing. Just empty space... This happened about 40% of the time to me.

* Entire groups would crash to the desktop at the same moment. I have saw 8 people all crash at the same time due to some server glitch and all log back in dead with your items decayed. It finally got so bad we could no longer even hunt.

* There was only a handful of professions in the game that even worked as intended. Others like droid engineers, chefs and pikemen were so horribly broken they should not have allowed people to make them to begin with. 6 months after release those classes still have things broken so bad it is funny.

* Nerfs. Instead of fixing the classes that were broken they set in hard and furious with the nerf bat on the classes that did work until they were no longer fun either. They did very stupid things like nerfing the droid engineers probot to nothing because everyone could have one and then giving EVERYONE a level 15 pet that was far stronger, and then 2 months later nerfing that hehe. Its like the devs had A.D.D or something and swerved from one extreme to another breaking everything as they went.

* Downtime. The servers are down every single day for hours. They take them down at 7 AM Est they say for one hour but it was never playable for us till about 11 AM Est. Even then when you logged in there were no houses or anything... they all appeared later. I have saw people log in and place a harvester and suddenly a house fall out of the air on top of it. Often you would be stuck at the "Loading..." screen for 45 minutes after it says the server was up. After a big patch the server sometimes wouldnt return until the following day they broke so many things.

* Bad customer service. In all my months playing the game I never had an appeal responded to. They were deleted. Things would happen like your house disappeared or your vendor vanished with all your items in it... The ticket sat there for 5 days and then silently was deleted. I never did get a response to any of mine but I have heard rumors that there are actually CSRs in the game... just cant prove it by me.

* Patches were depressing. And I mean literally depressing... People on test center would be posting bugs and things that were broken and they would push it to the live servers anyways, breaking the things that even were working... After a patch it would take about a week of hotfixes to bring it back to a playable state. There are still bugs in the game that have existed since release and even the 'new' things they add are broken when they add it. Like coloring droids... When they put it live it didnt work. In fact a month later it still dosent work but it is a feature.

* State of the Art = <laugh> While this game is supposed to be the latest and greatest many aspects of it is primitive to even UO. The AI in the game is by far the stupidest I have ever saw. They attack who ever is closest to them... period. There is no "LFG" or group window at all. Finding a group here is impossible unless you just shout and beg. The graphics are pretty though.

It got so bad that by November they closed off all the message boards to registered users only. You have to have a subscription to "View" the message boards at all because they know if you see the customer satisfaction level you will never buy this game.

As of 12/2003 I would steer clear of this game and go for something "Stable". I went back to DAoC and it was like a breath of fresh air when I joined a group, saw everyone, group chat worked and such. One thing SWG will do is make you appreciate other games more!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: YAWN
Review: Very exciting when you first buy,....the staying power for this game is just not there. Impossibly long distances to run...all looking the same...and very boring combat and trade skills. Tried every different class and race and they were all equally boring. I'd go more in depth, but this game has been out so long now that hopefully the word is out that it stinks. I know I have let everyone else know.
As an aside, this game drove me back to EverQuest. Man, with LDoN and the Bazaar, EQ has new life breathed into it..meanwhile SWG can be pronounced DOA. Since they are both from SOE -- guess it doesn't really matter to anyone but the consumer. Us.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Wars Galaxies, hmm.
Review: Before I played Star Wars Galaxies, I was an avid player of Everquest. In the past I had tried both Anarchy Online and Dark Age of Camelot as well. Both I quit within a month or two of playing them. So it is natural that I compare my SWG experience to Everquest in rating my satisfactory.

Firstly, as each gamer expects something different from a computer game, I will tell you what I expect out of an MMORPG like Star Wars Galaxies. I like to be able to interact with other players on both a large-scale or lesser scale level, depending on what kind of mood I am. Sometimes I'd like to play for a half hour, alone or be able to jump into a group of strangers without spending much time finding a complete group of people to play with. On another level, to be able to join a guild/clan and have large scale gatherings (raids) to accomplish something, is also important.

While those things are great, to seperate the above from just joining a chatroom, I need a game with content (storyline, monsters, race and class information, etc.), and a balanced out skills and an advancement system. Something I can sink my teeth into and always be learning more about it. If there isn't much to the game, I'm left hungry and am left playing a game that is a simple hack and slash without a purpose.

With those things in mind, what do I think of Star Wars Galaxies? I don't like it. It is too easy to become master in any of the skill sets, so many masters walking around. You can solo all you want, almost too much, to the point where you're left being redundant and all alone. Making money is super easy, so after you buy yourself a house, nice equipment and nice outfits to your desire, you're left with a lot of left over money. If you wanted to be more social, people are harder to find. Sure, the game only came out in the summer but still, it shouldn't take more than 6-7 months to get a population that is enough people to be able to be more social. Large scale attacks are unheard of. Most importantly, there is little content other than the rebel versus imperial battle. That's not enough to hold my attention.

Supposedly the new additions to the game will have player vehicles but I don't sense much promising details for the game yet. It's current state, as of 11-27-03, isn't that appealing to me.

I give Star Wars Galaxies 1 star for graphics.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Fall of the Empire
Review: It seems impossible to imagine a game based on Star Wars, with the full support of LucasArts, and development by the most successful MMORPG studio in the US failing. But it has! The game is simply badly done and boring and the player base is dropping like flies. Of the players who I met and started with back in July, I am the last and I just shut down my account. In fact, so many players left and were vocally upset that Sony closed the SWG discussion forums to the players who quit. And many of the players left aren't playing all that much.

This is a killer when you rely on other players to supply you with your weapons, armor, food, medicines.......and you can't find anyone to make or sell them to you. And when the development team stated that this would be a game that you didn't have to dedicate your life to, I didn't think they meant you would simply be too bored to do so. But worse than the boredom factor, they don't seem to be able to fix the game. Serious bugs pointed out in the all to brief beta phase are still in the game - with no fix in sight.

In my opinion, this game was released a full year early. But worse, it doesn't look like the development team really knows what to do with it now that it is out. It would be different if the game was getting better. It isn't. And the grind is probably the most tedious of any of the MMO's on the market right now.

In short, this game is not recommended.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: while buggy still tons of fun
Review: i don't even get to play as often as i want to but i still love the game. i love the interaction with other players (this being my first PVP game). But being a devoted star wars fan I was a little skeptical when i heard form others its not true to star wars. While there are some odd things, I find it fascinating. A great mix of OT, PT and EU!!

Yeah there are bugs but they get fixed pretty quickly. It would get 5 stars except for the loosing of my clothes form time to time. With the advent of Player Cities I am haivng even more fun, meeting new players and exploring new areas...

I am going to be purchasing more memory due to lag-but its worth it.

Just make sure you have the min requirements before starting.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Waiting for SWG was more thrilling than Owning SWG
Review: Development of Star Wars Galaxies started a few years ago with some of the brightest developers the MMO genera had ever seen. They made bold claims about being the Best MMO ever and all of us fans had little reason to doubt this awesome group of developers...

Until Beta...

Shortly after beta testing SWG we all realized that they were very far from having a complete game. Yet the developers continued to say that wall would be well for release.

Now four months after release, the game is still lacking its promised features. Complete professions are broken, and bugs are everywhere. Money Duping exploits went unchecked for months, and a host of other serious problems hurt SWG for a long time. But many players like myself hung there waiting for the carrots the developers were dangling before our eyes. One day you will have star ships, droids, mounts, and player cities, they teased us.

Player cities were released a few weeks ago, and 75% of the SWG population is complete disgust. Many fine would-be cities were denied the possibility of existence thanks to the developers poor implementation of the city system. All in all SWG is crumpling before our eyes, and the developers are incompetent to do anything about it. All of their saving throws have failed miserably. All faith in the amazing developer team had faded... replaced with distrust.

SWG looks beautiful with its graphics, but beyond that it is one of the biggest failures I have ever seen.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Good, but when does it speed up?
Review: I bought this game (unknowing about the little $14.99/month text) a week or two ago, and I'm very disappointed in it. I have one word: Lag... I have a DSL connection to the internet, 2.4 ghz, and 256 mb ram. I don't know whether it's the "recommended 512 mb ram" that's killing me or not, but I get total lag. Even when I turn down most of the effects and graphics, I still get nothing but slowdown and frustration. It is a beautifully done game, but it just disappoints me that I get so much Lag! If anyone knows any critical ways to speed this game up, please post them :)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A buggy pile of crap
Review: This game will be the death of you in frustration. The concept is fantastic, and serious steps have been taken to immerse you in the Star Wars Universe. Unfortunately, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) does not seem to have shaken the ineptitude demonstrated at the disastrous bug filled launch. The game continues to be riddled with bugs and crashes. Players are leaving the game in hordes.

The truly disgruntling part is that SOE appears to be aware of the problem but not delegating enough priority to it. Chats with members of the testing server indicate they are pushing content over quality. Bugs are still apparent on the testing server, but they put out the update anyway.

It sounds like a sinking ship to me. Do you want to waste your $50 + subscription fees on it? I refuse to anymore. Asked for a refund, and got a cold "you agreed to pay" statement. No apologies or concerns about the bugs, just the cold statement. Nice customer service, eh?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Doesn't feel like Star Wars
Review: I had been waiting for this game for three years--followed it through development and beta. For the first two months I had fun playing this game, but something kept nagging at me. Finally a slow realization which was cemented with the introduction of the first Jedi--the developers just don't understand the Star Wars Universe.

Crafting system: innovative and complex, but you cannot craft much in the way of Star Wars items--Namely, Droid Engineering. The most iconic of all Star Wars, droids are woefully neglected and honestly ignored by the development team.

Graphics: Sure it looks pretty, but to what end? Star Wars has always represented the mytho-technical extreme. From bottomless pits, to impossibly large battlestations, Star Wars was about extremes. SWG, on the other hand, brings us a world of boring similarity and uninspired realism.

Content: yes, content is an ongoing endevour for any MMORPG, but the content that does exist rarely reminds me of Star Wars. Deliver baked goods? Guide some tourists back to a hotel? not to mention the numerous quests that mock iconic ideas like Jedi and the Force.

Jedi system: yes it keeps them rare according to the time frame. But to be one you must murder countless innocents, steal from your friends, obsess over obtaining holocrons, exploit the game. It's really antithetical to any Jedi interpretation, even in EU!.

The most frustrating and disappointing game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Bug Wars Galaxies
Review: first let it be said that this game has wonderful graphics & the range of character classes is superb, but the best thing about the game [aside from the really cool ppl you meet online] is what it COULD be but in NO way is.
-buggy, Buggy, BUGGY; this game, tho it's been out for months, should w/o the foggiest doubt, still be in BETA
-NERF FEST; they change SO many aspects of this game via patches in a horrific display of knee-jerk reactions seen more only inside a doctor's office
- the customer service is more diabolical than Czarist Russia
examples? playing an imperial character only to have an AT-ST attack you in an Imperial base & destroy your faction hirelings [which take quite some time to procure] & have customer service do no more than say "sorry"...are you kidding me? the list goes on forever and I shan't bore you more...if you buy this, BE PREPARED TO BE FRUSTRATED and be ready to not be supported by customer service
I recommend waiting a few years until they come out w/ SWG2 and pray they learned something in the mean time
May the Force be w/ you.

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