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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: live in the star wars universe
Review: When i first bought this game i was amazed by the immense world in which to live in! i felt so small in just one planet.
There are 4 starting planets(corlliea,Naboo,Tatooine,Talus) and like 5 secondary planets which would take days strait playing(real time) to see all the cool places and see just a bit of the wildlife.
You don't have to explore you can just make a fortune off selling flamethrowers, armor, houses(thats right your own home away from home) and much much much much more!
And anyone that said that their are no vehciles are liars, cause their are swoop and speederbikes(eps.6) and the land speeder luke drives in the first movie.
This game keeps paying for itself by molding it self into a bunch expanisons that you don't have to buy!(though there is the monthly charge but its cheaper than buying expansions at like $40 bucks each)
Let me tell you about one of my characters,Hes a mon calarmi tailor/armorsmith which i have been playing for like 3 months and i haven't mastered a single proffesion(you get expeirnce points by crafting items provided by that proffesion and each proffesion has skills you learn by getting expeirnce points)I live in a player made city called Kor Haven on dantooine (they added the make your own city feature resently) and i have a growing tailor(cloth maker)enterprise.

I must tell you if your going to be in the item making business you can prepare to leave your character w/out playing it but you gotta be prepared or your buildings you place and your business may start to rot. But if your the combat kinda person be free to only play once a month if you want.

I gave it four star cause i have to get on even when i don't really want to some times when i have to get on 30 minutes at least everyother 2 days to maintain my business.
What i like too is that stormtrooper armor actually stops alot of damage unlike in the movie when han could kill with one shot from a tiny blaster.
You may not like it at first but STICK WITH IT!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: poor use of your time
Review: For a substantial monetary output you get very little.

The game requires a very high end machine to play on a minimum level.
Everyone is a Rebel for the most part. Destroying the feel of the movies and the books.
Pets dominate and vehicles we put in rushed and wrong recently.
It is a game for online game folks and not for star wars fans.
One observation: People play this game very seriously, if you're not that serious, other players will make the game less fun for you. Deliberately.

I've played with a good group of folks, but they seem to be the exception to the rule. I see folks ridicule others, especially kids, rather then help.

Generally very poor development and support from SOE, mimicking their other game Planetside. I expect players to drop from SWG soon in the way droves left Planetside (requiring servers to be merged and other problems).

If you are a die hard fan, or a kid whose parents are paying for everything - Go for it.

Otherwise you will get little bang for your buck, other then some nice sounds (hence the second star) on a high end machine.

On a mid-end machine you will not even get that from what I hear. Just frustrations and a lot attempts to tweak your system to get it to work.

If you are a parent, this game is a money trap.
If you are a player, you're going to be dissapointed and wish you had spent the money for your three months trying to get into the game... on two other games (Jedi academy and Knight of the old republic some to mind)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Depende de lo que queras....
Review: En lo personal no me atraen los MMORPG's. He jugado en varios como Anarchy Online y Earth and Beyond. E&B me dejo pegado por dos meses hasta que se volvio muy aburrido y siempre los mismo.

Sinembargo, este juego es especial para mi ya que Star Wars es parte de mi infancia. Siempre quise ser un Jedi de niƱo y vivir en otros mundos y tener esas aventuras.

El potencial del juego es increible. Los graficos son geniales y te sumergen en el Universo de Star Wars. Hay mucho que explorar y hay muchos planetas conocidos como Tatooine. Podes hacer tus propios personajes, con tus uniformes y colores personalizados. Podes tambien escoger entre varios oficios: medico, bailarins, etc. y segun dicen llegado el momento podras escoger si formas parte del Imperio o de la Rebelion.

Aventuras al estilo Star Wars. Este juego no es nada que ver con eso. No hay muchas armas ni batallas, lo unico que podes hacer son oficios y las misiones son aburridas...por lo menos para mi llevar cargas de un lado para otro no es muy atractivo. Sinembargo el juego esta empezando y los desarrolaldores prometen que en el futuro podras hasta escoger ser Jedi y pasar un largo entrenamiento, etc.

Si nunca has jugado un MMORPG: Comenza a jugar este ya que es el mas prometedor de todos.

Si ya has jugado y no duraste mas de unmes. Esperate unos meses hasta que por lo menos arreglen los "bugs" y haya un poco mas de accion.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Vast potential for greatness
Review: If you are a casual gamer and do not want to play a game for at least a little bit every other day, this is not the game for you. Fans of the MMORPG genre will understand. Star Wars Galaxies is an incredibly flexible game that is based mostly on player content. If you just pick up the game and play for 30 minutes one day, you WILL write a bad review because you do not understand how the genre works. MMORPGs are based mostly on PLAYER content and very little on developer content. If you play this game, it is up to you on how fun it can be, and the more you interact with other players, the more fun it is. A person who does not grasp this concept will not enjoy this game. The game is very pseudo-realistic, nothing is given to you, you're character must work for everything you obtain. Customization is almost limitless, every single character has a very unique look. It is true, this game does have quite a few bugs in it, and it was pushed out a little too soon, but since it is totally online, bug-fixes come out almost daily. New content is always being added, and if you only play this game for 30 minutes one day and can't get anything accomplished, don't buy it, this game's not for you; go play Knights of the Old Republic. I've been playing this game for almost 5 months now, just shortly after it was released I started. Several things were a problem when the game was first released that are no longer an issue due to updates. Now players can buy mounted creatures and vehicles to get around with many new changes slated for the next few months. All in all this game has great potential and a very macrocosmic scope, which is exactly what a MMORPG should be!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: OK at Best, Rushed to the Market
Review: This game has tons of content... if by content you mean vast expanses of nothingness and sporadic regenerating monsters with their spawning "nests". While scenery is nice at times, this game was a huge disappointment. Example: a 30 min jog to see the sarlacc pit (huge mouth in the sand Jabba throws guys in on the movie) to find that it is a 2D, non-interactive .bmp image laid horizontally in the desert sand. Oh, and it will take you at least 2 weeks of gameplay to master the weaponry and skills necessary to defeat a single 40-pound frog whose only defense seems to be in hopping at you and making noises. After becoming a master craftsman, sure you can make a lot of stuff..but you've spent so much time and effort in developing your crafting skills that you have minimal survivalist and combat abilities..which means the only point in being a craftsman is the accumulation of money from selling the stuff you make. While this may be entertaining for some, crafting and selling and crafting and selling and crafting and selling makes you feel more like a Guatemalan blanket weaver crafting for daily sustenance than an adventurer in the starwars realm. In truth, there is no point to this game... and any self-created goal, including opening a Jedi slot and becoming one, is MUCH MORE WORK THAN FUN!!!! I'm not going to go through the massive number and annoyance of bugs in this game...I really don't have the time. Just do a "swg" search on google and read through the results. My opinion is that this game was rushed to the market in fear of the much anticipated release of World of Warcraft by Blizzard.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: With Extreme Confidence I say DO NOT WASTE THE $$
Review: If I can do anything in the world to help others out, the first thing would be to tell the world: DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS GAME!! I bought this game with high hopes at the beginning of launch and have given it like 6 months hoping it would get better and it only gets worse! The people giving it these "rave' reviews are new to the game, and, yes, at first, it does seem to be the best game ever, but after playing for a while and getting over the amazing graphics and choices in characters and jobs, you realize that it is just boring old walking and jogging everywhere! You soon realize that the best use for this game is a good screensaver because 90% of the gameplay is watching your character walk around these great environments.
The makers of this game seem to be extremely GREEDY. Rather than fixing alot of the current issues, they seem to be adding new things to this game to attract more monthly subscribers. These additions are poorly thought out, and don't seem to help at all. Slowly walking around is 90% of what you will be doing in this game. With few creature spawns to gain experience, plan on doing ALOT of walking in order to find them, and few give you loot or money! Wanna craft weapons or make money in the game? Plan on doing alot of slow walking to find the resources you need. Wanna do quests? Plan on walking very, very far. It took me over a half and hour to walk around a starport to find the entrance. The game world is way to big for all of this walking! Creature mounts? Good luck finding one for sale. Player vehicles? Only artisans can craft them and you need literally 100,000 resources to make them, which take unbearable amounts of WALKING AROUND! There are only 6 vehicles on the market in the entire galaxy and they are all on a week long auction, meaning, more waiting, they will be very expensive, and, of course, it will take much more walking to earn the money to pay for them. They are making this new content as boring and complicated as possible to make sure everything in the game takes months, so they can rake in more cash monthly. Greed is becoming the downfall of MMORPG's. Nothing was done in the development of this game without the underlying goal being to make more $, and that is why Galaxies has become a total flop. Now, hey are trying to make up for their lost $ by adding more greedy elements to the game. If they worried more about making Galaxies FUN or EXCITING, by looking out for the best interest of the end user and creating a quality product, this may have been a good game. I am officially cancelling my subscription today and looking elsewhere for enjoyment. I suggest you do the same. There are so many more great games out there. If you want a great star wars game, buy Knights of the Old Republic for PC.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: From AC and AC2 To SWG
Review: I was a long time player of Asherson's Call and Asheron's Call 2, I decided to give Star Wars a try.. heck I am a fan.

I have to admit the game is far better then I expected. A player can be anything they want, if you like dancing in the local cantina or healing wounds in the Medical Center or even exchanging Blaster fire with some Storm Troppers this game is for you. The UI is fantastic, the sounds and graphics are very immpressive and offer a true sense of immersion into the Star Wars Genere.

Being a Seasoned MMORPG there are a few things buyers should expect. You'll need to understand that things change, and what is the funniest thing today may get old tommorrow, SoE and Lucas Arts do a great job keeping the game updated on a monthly basis. If your a First Time MMORPG player or a seasoned player or just a Star Wars fan, I am sure you can find something to do and have fun with here.

I give it 5 Stars, great game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best starwars game EVER!!!!!!!!
Review: ok, the game charges a 12$ a month fee, but that's the bad news, the good news is that you can be ANYTHING, ever want to be a mon-calimari commando/bioengineer... you can now. you can also choose from the 8 species and then become EXTREMLEY different, from choosing height and weight to eye size and shape. then there;s carrers, creature handelers, commando's, artisan, pikeman, smuggler, just to name a few of about ohh say 50. YES!!!! 50 CARRERS, and with the new game expansion (that came out for free) you can become a politian, and mount on dewback and several other creatures, HATE TKERS? (people that kill their own teammates on purpose just for laughs)WELL ME TOO, well swg prevents that with several ways. PLUS PARENTS THAT ARE WORRIED FOR THEIR CHILD"S PROTECTION....not a problem, a censor is placed over words you think may not be appropriate for them, and if you are a parent your self and don't mind you can change taht (much like the aol parental controll) not to mention you become a REBEL OR AN IMPERIAL, yes you can become EITHER!, i have friends who have full stormtrooper armour, a 3 man firing squad of commando storm troopers and have an outpost (large enough to be a base) with at least 20 troopers and 2 AT-STs!!!, but you can do the same with rebels, have a 3 man firing squad of tough as nails troopers and a base of feedom loving men. and now people have unlocked JEDI!!!!!!! yes you can become a jedi though it would take a month or two, you would be able to take on 3 rancors at the same time (rancors are the big monsters that luke killed at the begginning of return of the jedi in jabbas palace), just think soo much power!!! And to the people that say "no veichels" your wrong, desperatley wrong, in june 04 an expansion (which will unfortunatley cost another 14 dollars to install, but wont add more $ to your bill) will be released where you will be able to pilot xwings, tie fighters, and tons of other stuff, not to mention that will include 2 more species, Gungans (jar jar binks) and the aliens that have a very strange mouth (seen in the bar at the begginning of a new hope that obi-wan kills for giving luke a hard time). so this is a MUST HAVE GAME, BUY OR BE SAD FOR THE REST OF FOREVER, JUST GO TO to check out pics, a quick note about this game is that it KICKED THE LIVING **** OUTTA KOTOR, and if you liked that you will go crazy for swg, and the minimum requirements are met very easily, my friend has just barley the minimum req's and it runs great, and the graphic are blazing on my computer (athlon 2600, 1gb ddrram, 80 gb hard drive, and a geforce 5200 (128 MBs), so you NEED this game, and what else would you do with 12 dollars? buy some bottle rockets (which i'd like to add you can make in swg)? a new shirt? c'mon this game is GOLD!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SWG is amazing gaming - thoroughly amazing
Review: First, there are vehicles... but not when it was first released - which speaks to the fact that SWG is undergoing constant development, which is refreshing to see a great game constantly being added to and made even richer. I got my swoop bike two days ago, to replace my trusted kaadu beast mount. I'm here to buy 2 more sets of the game, one for my daughter to join her dad in conquering the galaxy, and 1 to set up shop with another character type in the same galaxy server. There is too much going on in this game to go into here... it is nothing short of an amazing experience. One of the standout elements of the game is the players... as a new player being dropped into a rich, complex reality, players are always on hand to assist when asked, to help you get going, and to answer questions about any of the elements of gameplay. Counterstrike, Quake, Half Life, goodbye. This is the game I'll be playing for years now.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Took about 30 mins.
Review: For me to discover this game sucks. Blatant mockery of serious gamers around the world. Came here to see if the consensus was any better then my views, But it's obvious this game blows! Stay away and dont give these bastards anymore cash, like I'm sorry I did!

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