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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Star Wars Meets Poke'mon
Review: I gave this game a 2 star rateing just because there is more bugs in this game that they dont even try to resolve it is not funny. That does not count the fact that creature handlers the lowest xp profession dominates the game (honestly someone with 2 rancors is unstopable) which makes it a frightning resemblience to poke'mon. Another problem with this game is the fact that you have to rely on other players to make your needed items, There should be bot vendors like in daoc becuase if there is a shortage of say for example tailors then if you are looking for a certian garment it might be difficult to find. Ohhh also say goodbye to good loot the stuff you loot is rarely worth anything unless you are killing something like kryat dragons with 60 other people. The fighting system is HORRIBLE, say you have been doing some faction missions and you come back to town and you have a temporary enemey flag on for killing opposing faction bots, when you get to town you see that it is under a raid from 30 members of the opposing faction (Teras Kasi Masters, Master Commandos, Master Creature Handlers etc...) then you get killed and your items decay so you will have to buy more sooner (and if you have something worth alot on you it is even worse). I just named a few problems there is many more. Now for some of the good things. Awesome character creation/customization, no 2 look alike. The worlds are detailed very nicely although sometimes with things you would rather not run into. The $14 a month fee most people complain about that is pretty standard with any mmorpg of this sort and i have no problem with paying it. The game is pretty straight forward anyone with a basic knowledge of starwars and mmorpgs will do fine. Many people are now quiting SWG for most of the reasons i listed and many i did not. This game started out great when it was launched in July of 03 but has in recent months started to crumble. Draw your own conclusions if you love starwars and online gameing to no end this game might be for you, however i reccomend before anyone buys this check into Dark Age Of Camelot first it is much better established, and all around game in the eyes of most people.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Someone give me a lightsaber to slay the makers of SWG
Review: Dear god in Heaven this game is trash but it is still in away fun
if you are an avid starwars fan like my self this game is awsome to bad it costs 20 friggin bucks a month it cost to much that even a true fan is given considerable pain and there are no space craft space and the jedi are weaklings tou want a starwars game try dark forces or JK2 or Kinghts of the old republic

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Why can't I choose 0 stars???
Review: The entire point of playing Star Wars Galaxies is to one day be able to play a Jedi character. That is what makes Star Wars, Star Wars. If there were no Jedi, well then, that world just wouldn't be in the Star Wars universe.

Guess what, Toto? We're not in Star Wars anymore.

The Jedi, which are the entire reason for playing SWG, suck. That's the truth, plain and simple. Sony must have made the characters true to life in the timeframe of the game--a dying and actively hunted breed who couldn't even defend themselves or eachother.
The reasons for saying that the Jedi class sucks are too numerous to mention, but I will say that everyone I know who has reached their Jedi character is now quitting SWG, and all the people they talk to are quitting also. Go to the Jedi boards, and you will see people dropping like flies. I can't believe that Lucas had anything to do with the creation of this class (hah, what a joke, it's not a class, it's a suicide wish). If I didn't know better (such as they have just come out with Jedi characters) I'd think the class had been hit several times with a nerf bat (hit several times? Let's say pounded into the pavement, rather). But they haven't. Sadly, nerf bats were not responsible for the paltry, puny and pitiful things that are the "Great and powerful Jedi Knights." They were created that way, and Sony has no plans to improve them.

If all you want is decent graphics, pretty little toys to play around with, and a bunch of other people to chat with (although that last part isn't guaranteed, especially now) then you might like SWG. Then again, you might like another game just as well. So just go ahead and skip this game, and move on to the next.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: why can't you give 0 stars?
Review: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this game is horrible. I bought it at target for 49.99 thinking oh this is gona be cool but no! before even playing you have to pay about $20.00 a month just to play I played it for about a month now it just sits collecting dust

Lucas arts you should be ashamed of yourselves!!!!!

$50.00 for game
+$20.00 for 1 month

=70.00 for one dumb game

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Wars Galaxies or How to Make a Game that Sucks
Review: I received this game for x-mas. I can sum it up in one word, LAME!!!!!. I've been playing for two days straight. I've been on multiple dull "missions" for NPCs. That's about it. I am an active online gamer with lots of gaming experience to compare with this game. If you want a fun game with real "missions", try Diablo II. Or if you want a fun shooter, get Battlefield 1942. Both fun games that you can play online that suck you right into their worlds. The graphics on SWG are cool, but game play is boring. The people claiming that this is a great game have probably never played one of the good games. I wish Lucas Arts would trade me for a different game. I went to the SWG chat room and asked what the object was. I received responses that it was whatever you wanted it to be. Some people play the game to be famous on their server or to become a jedi or just to socialize. I kid you not, those were some of the answers. I want to like this game. I'll even play it more in the next few days. Shoot me if I ever pay them beyond my first month's free subscription to this tripe. They want $15 month so you can bore yourself online. If you want to play a real game, don't waste your money on this piece of $#!^. I was generous with one star, but I couldn't give it a lower ranking.

Rod Crossland
Active Online Gamer

P.S. - I noticed a couple of people gave this game 5 star reviews. I believe these reviews are written by sock puppets. No, really. Big companies actually employ people to write positive reviews and create good "buzz". This game stinks, stinks, stinks.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Would have been ZERO STARS but didn't have that option!
Review: As an avid MMORPG gamer and the owner of a game developer and player community, I would not recommend this game what-so-ever. I was an avid SWG player, despite the ridiculous bugs and adolescent behavior from alot of the teen players, but after the November patch, all FOUR of my accounts were cancelled! SOE has done one of the WORST games of the year in my own opinion. How LucasArts can stand back and allow this to happen is beyond me. I am so disappointed. I have never played an MMORPG before that lasted me just 3 months before I got fed up with it. A plethora of bugs, a boatload of ignored player complaints, a frenzy of nerf-mania, and not one single Developer acknowledgement ... then the November patch drove me and many others over the edge ... thus is why SOE unlocked the Jedi secrets because they had no other way to keep their players enticed. View my profile for my website URL to read my review of 'SWG's Latest Patch ****-up' I wish you much luck in your ventures if you purchase this game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I think SOE secretly hates us
Review: I had this game the first day it came out. Thats when I got the suspicion that Sony Online Entertainment secretly resents the fact the make games. Why else would the put such an incomplete game out on the market? After 6 months of patches I think it is half way to a complete game, after 6 months more maybe they will of gotten it right. Or maybe in 6 months the developers will of gotten lazy, or too busy with EQ2 patches.
If you are into any of the following this game is for you:
repetative open ended game play (not that annoying the 1st 2 months) don't mind a thin storyline (I didn't realy mind this), like grinding exp hours on end (only annoying when trying for the master slots). I am not mocking in any way.
If you want to be a Jedi Master just get Knights of the Old Republic.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I have played SWG since it went public. The graphics and potential it gave when i first started was amazing.

After the first month the game lost its luster and it became a boring 'grind' for everything.

There is extremely poor Customer Service and if you have a problem 99.99% of the time you are out of luck - forget getting any help of any kind.

The great "Profession" you just mastered .. dont count on it staying the same for long - every porfession has benn significantly changed and will be changed over and over again - it seems they cant make up their minds on what each RPG skill is supposed to do.

You will most likely NOT make a Jedi character - there is some super secret path that only the hardest hard core players have the time to "Grind" away and then THROW all those weeks of work away only to start all over again and again and again ... its very boring.

anyway ... i made the mistake of getting a 6 month pass, when it is over, i will drop this game without a second thought.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Casual Players Beware
Review: First of all I'd like to say that the graphics of this game, and that the cities and the people themselves are awesome. I was very impressed with that aspect. In fact, I was impressed with quite a few things that had to do with this game, but I still only give it one star. I do this because it's not worth its cost, and a casual player will find it a waste. I played Star Wars Galaxies about once every few days or so and I'd find that I'd have to wait for about 10 minutes just so new things could download on my computer. At first I thought it was because the game was working out a few bugs, but it has happened continuously. That, however, is just one of its many problems. To put it bluntly it's boring. I may have just had too high of expectations for it, but it doesn't change the fact that I was not happy with this game. I thought that it would be more Jedi oriented as well. DO NOT buy this game if you think you have any chance at all of being a Jedi and that's why you want to play. You don't have any chance, and don't try to convince yourself otherwise. If you're not a huge gamer and you don't have the time, don't play it. The casual gamer will be dissatisfied with this game, because it only allows for the killing of things, which is rather boring after awhile. If you want to buy a game for graphics, get this, but if you want anything more at all, don't. It isn't worth it. I'm now trying to figure out how to get rid of my copy of the game. I warn you, don't waste the money. I *love* Star Wars and I didn't like this game *at all*. There, you've been warned.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's what you make of it.
Review: There are those who tear down this game for what it is not to them. I think they don't like it cause it doesn't hand to you what to do, on a silver platter. You can do just about anything you want to in this game, and if you change your mind about what you want to do, no problem, just delete your skills and start all over. You decide what you want to be, how to be it and who to do it with.

There are many servers and I hear that some servers are overpopulated with either rebel or imperial factions, which can be difficult to play if your in the minority, however, you can always play neutral and have just as much fun.

If you like linear RPG's, this is the wrong game for you. I've played EQ and Planetside liked EQ, hated Planetside. I love SWG because it leaves everything up to you. I'm a Medic, scout, smuggler, brawler and marksman and have been a combat medic, doctor rifleman, artisan and armorsmith. I got bored with my character, so started over doing something new.

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