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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Addicting, but repetitive... expect more from Sony and Lucas
Review: I've been playing this game for a while now. Here is what I see from the game.


1) Addicting!!!! I'm talking "I'm gonna lose my job because I stay up all night playing this and almost fall asleep at my desk" type of addicting. Yes, this is more addicting than Bejewelled.
2) Creating Characters. Bar none, this gives you the ability to create the most unique look. I've never seen two people look exactly the same. I mean it literally when I say that there are a million possible looks.... even down to the arrangements of the freckles on your face. And that is just the human race. There are other races and so many options you can take with each.
3) Different types of experience/diversity of professions. There are so many professions you can undertake. You can be a medic/doctor and heal yourself and others. You can be a scout and trap animals. You can be a merchant. You can be a dancer/entertainer. You can even be a politician and run for office!! There are just soooooo many things you can do and become on this game.
4) Even if you can play for 15 minutes a day, you can still get stuff done on here. Or, you can spend hours and hours playing. You can even set up a macro to do some things for you and then walk away from the keyboard for an hour or two and come back to see how you did. Very useful for surveyors and medics!


1) Limits on skills. I think this number is waaaay to low. You can master two or three professions and then, that is it!!! You can unlearn these professions and start learning another one. This is good so that no character gets too powerful, but this is also bad because you can't have two characters from the same account on the same server. See negative #5 below for more info.
2) Graphics/sound. This is okay. I'm not blown away by the details of anything out there, except for the character generation of course, but I've also seen much worst. The sounds are okay and I find it a joy to hear a lot of sounds from the Star Wars universe. But from a game sponsored by Lucas and written by Sony, I would expect more in both categories.
3) The $15 per month to play. Yes, you need to pay to play MMORPG's but I would expect much more for the $15 I'm spending. I would be more than happy to pay it if I was getting my money's worth. I don't feel I am, however because there is very little variety in game playing and questing.


1) Lag. If you are around others or have just entered a town, the lag is unbelievable. It is hard to imagine some people play this on dial-up. I get a lot of lag for a high speed connection to the game.
2) Grinding for experience. Sometimes you need to do something again and again and again to build experience in a certain profession. If you want to be an artisan/crafter be prepared to make a lot of something that ends up getting destroyed and never used. Prepare to make it again and again and again and again..... This can be very boring. Almost every profession requires something boring like this. The only exciting one I've found is being a marksman or brawler where you get experience points for fighting and even then this is rather boring. See #4 before. For $15 a month, I'd expect more. It would be nice if there was tasks you could take on for some professions to help build the experience and add variety to the game.
3) This is a resource HOG!!! Half a Gig of memory and 4GB of hard drive space?!?!?! Come on!!! With this type of demand on my system I would expect much more.
4) Same-ol' bad guys. Okay, I do quest after quest and they are all almost the same. I fight the same small band of bad-guys, get my reward, and then repeat. There is not much in the ways of getting different quests to perform.
5) Can only have one character per server. This is the reason I'm not going to play anymore. I wish I could build many characters on one server so I can still play with my group of friends. I would like to have one character with a certain skill set and be able to swap him out for another character with other specialties for a certain quest. However, each character you create has to play on different servers.

So, if you like Star Wars, give this a go. You might find it addicting to. As for me, I'm bailing as I am switching over to World of Warcraft which seems to overcome many of these weaknesses... especially negative #4 and #5. That just kills the enjoyment for me.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent game, if your a Star Wars fan
Review: All right, if you're a Star Wars fan and you have $15 bucks to spend a month then I would recommend you buy this game.
This game is great because it puts you right in the middle of the Star Wars universe. That's it, that is why this game is great. If you want to hop on a starship and go to Endor to visit the Ewoks you can. If you want to go visit the ancient Jedi runes on Dantooine you can. If you want to go the far reaches of space to battle some of the best pilots in the galaxy (though it takes awhile time to get to that level) you can.
Now this game is not for everybody. If you like fast pace games like First Person Shooters than this game is probably not for you, but if you are a true fan of Star Wars that is willing to take some time out of your day, you will probably love this game.
However, if you are want to play this game because you like to play MMORPG, this game isn't for you. Play Everquest or Final Fantasy and stop bashing this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Most Enjoyable Game I've Ever Played
Review: This is an entirely new approach to gaming that is years ahead anything else out there. For one, you are immersed inside a storyline that we are all familiar with, Star Wars. So with just that, you're left feeling that this could have happened, even if in the fictious world, it still makes you feel that you are apart of something famous and much bigger than yourself. That aside, the game offers a rich variety of activities, whatever interests you in real life. As if this was not enough, it puts you into contact with tons of other people who are in the same game, making it seem even more real. Its the SIMS meets the Star Wars Movies, definitely worth a try.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SWG go as far as you wish and have a blast!!
Review: This is far better then Q,Q2,Q3,halo,halo2,HL,HL2,CtoD,and etc.
You determine what you want to WORK to become and where you want to play at any given time. I have played all of the above games as lava lover and This is my end game even though my computer isn't up to par!!
It is worth the money per month to play and interface with all of the other Guilds.


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: SWG Letdown
Review: First off, unless you have broadband or DSL, be prepared to spend hours trying to down load the huge patches, and if you're not the only member of the household who wants to use the phone, be prepared to spend the "Free" month of play you purchased with the game, downloading before said uber patches! Methinks the game was released too early, with too many bugs! And SOE does not, and will not, offer a disc with the patches on it! With that said, and you still want to buy this pathetic game, then see some of the other reviews about gameplay. It takes forever to advance, hack/slash game play, and mundane gameworld. About the only thing going for this game are the graphics.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No where near it's potential
Review: Eh... I still can't belive I'm reviewing this but to give the back ground I have. I'm a 25 year old gamer and I favor strongly First Person Shooters such as Halo and Halo 2 and games such as Jedi Outcast along with the X-Wing series having never played a MMORPG before I came in giving it a sort of biased opinion first I'll start with the Pro's of this game.


-Look of the Planets: Naboo and Tattooine especially the look and feel from the trilogy is there in terms of the looks of the buildings.

-Community: This varies from person to person but upon finding the right 'nitch' You can find yourself REALLY enjoying this game.

-Player Based Econemy: The Players are the ones that set this econemy not the game. While it does have many "money sinks" the simple fact that you have some form of control over prices make things real nice. Prices can be overinaflated or straight cut throat. The only way to find a good deal is look around.

-Options to pay for playing. As you know this game charges a access fee. You can pay every month, 3 months, 6 months or yearly or just buy a game card which is worth 30 or 60 days.


- Buggy still in areas of the game. While alot has been cleaned up you can tell when you pass some server bounderies when running through towns. Running this game on any less than DSL is not recomended.

- The GRIND: Profession Grinding is one of the hardest aspects of this game. It can take forever it seems but with help you can aleviate the grind factor with help from friends. The Jedi Grind if you have the ambition for it be prepared for that is the worst of all the grinds. (can take 1-2 years estimated to reach Knight Status and that's not counting if you get killed by Bounty Hunters during your grind.) This also takes up ALOT of your time the casual gamer it could take months to master a profession.

- Overall Fun Factor staying. Initial reaction upon joining up was "Wow" Look at this. and then I began exploreing. After about 3 months I had found most of the area's of importance and began to fall into what many described as the mudane game life. "Go to mission terminal select a mission and run it. Defeat it and return to mission terminal. Rinse and Repeat."

Getting Credits (currency in SWG) is simple to get if you know where to go and how to get it at the moment. But alot of the con's are reflected on how well your community is.

If you have a strong group of friends while running through the mundane you can be laughing your rear off with friends as you joke around in guild or group chat which I've done on occasions.

-Server Instability: Many times servers have crashed with no explanation.

-Greifers: There are those in game who hunt on the weak for there own enjoyment. If you are PVP (Player vs Player) oriented then be prepared for this. If you become a Jedi you are Forced to do this.

-Lack of Material: Within a year of game time you can EASILY run through a vast majority of the "material" in game.

-Difficulty Ranges from to Easy to Insanely Difficult(JTL Related) The Ground Game involveing Player vs Enviroment can be to easy and at the momanet just about anything can be soloed if you grind the right professions and recive a doctor Buff. This is to be resolved in the Combat Revamp coming sometime in 2005.

Jump to Lightspeed which is the first expansion throws the player into space and is based on a twitched based system. With in game issues (lag and occasional mission glitches) some Space Missions can be notoriasly insane to almost impossible to defeat without a large group helping.

Overall this game seems to be a so so. It has it's hits and misses like any game and only the true Star Wars Fan I think could truly enjoy this game. The Collectors Edition for it's current price listed on Amazon is not worth it figureing what you get for it. You can find the traditional edition now for 20-30 dollars.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: For PvP fans, or those who like xp grind
Review: I know a lot of gamers like PvP play, and this game is perfect for you. But those of us who like content other than camping player corpses so you can kill the same person eighteen times, the grind was unbearable. I actually stayed with this game for about 9 months, mastering 3 different fighting styles and 2 crafting styles. After that, I didnt touch another MMORPG for over 6 months because I couldnt stand the thought of grinding thru more xp. A good beginner game, nothing more.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Nothing to see here!
Review: SWG is by far one of the worst MORPGs you will ever find. I have been playing this game since it was released hoping that eventually the devs might actually fix the millions of bugs destroying this game and might add something to actually make the game fun

In the back of my mind I kept telling myself that once my character reached Jedi the game might be fun. I couldn't have been more wrong. Now that I have a Jedi, I can't wait to put him on Ebay. You will spend about 3 hours mindlessly killing simple creatures to gain 100K XP which isn't even close to enough to reach my next skill box. I need 800K rather to reach the next box, and I still have many to go after that. And God forbid you might die in the process, get ready to lose 150K XP or sometimes more. It's just not worth it. I can see why anyone would actually consider that fun, but instead its like having a painful job you hate that you don't get paid for. Rather you pay to work.

After trying out World of War craft I can't even stay logged into SWG for more than an hour at a time now.
Some of the major guilds and towns in SWG are all but dead, and very few people still actively play. Many times you will shuttle to a town that no longer has a shuttle port leaving you no way to get back, because they no longer have enough people in their town to hold a high enough ranking to have a shuttle port.

Simply put, don't waste your time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Who needs real life!
Review: Friends introduced me to this game about 2 years ago and I will say that I have probably devoted at least 4 hours of game play every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday since. The realism is awesome. The environment is awesome; and the game is completely free flowing. You make it what it is! It doesn't get any better for any Star Wars fan. LOL

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