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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG
Review: Okay you want to know what I have to say about this game. I think it is the best MMORPG( Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) ever. I have been waiting for this game to come out for almost 2 years and I have been waiting and waiting. I remember seeing Star Wars in 1977 and was stunded on how great it was, i have been a fan ever since and you know what to all the other fans of Star Wars get this game you wont regret it. The BEST MMORPG rated by E3, most anticipated game of the year by another company. So get this game and BE PREPARED to be in awwww when it comes out

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Gamers go ahead and buy
Review: This game isn't just being produced by LucasARts; Verant Interactive has been a partner in the game from the beginning. Verant is the creator of the EXTREMELY popular Everquest game and expansions. Yes, you will get charged a monthly fee. Yes, you will probably have to buy expansion sets every now and again. HOWEVER, the design of the game is set up for Entertainment alone. Many people will spend hundreds of dollars to get 2 hours of entertainment at a Major League baseball park. Whereas months of playing Star Wars Galaxies will be nowhere near that cost, and you don't even have to fight traffic! I have been looking forward to this game coming out for the past 2 years, now I will finally get to play a Jedi! I look forward to seeing you all in a galaxy far far away.

May the force be with you!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Star Wars Galaxies: best game at E3
Review: ... You will be required to pay a certain amount... per month to support ongoing cost of the developers. That subscription pays for new features developed into the game on a weekly and monthly basis, additional new content, and bandwidth (this is an online only game), along with friendly technical and in-game support (an area in which LucasArts really shines). For a measly $nn per month... subscription you have unlimited opportunity within the Star Wars universe to live out your dreams. But if you're cheap, stay away: you dont deserve such an awesome game. Visit the website. Learn a little about this game before you judge it. It will be the hallmark game of the 2002 year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BUY IT
Review: I think this will be one of the greatest games ever made for a computer. It puts a Star Wars fan, or a curious gamer right in the movie with the freedom to do just about eveything they want to.......including building their own cities, becoming a Jedi, Bounty Hunter and lots of of classes right down to a Cook and Dancer. You can make items like Lightsabers, blasters and can choose the color of them. You smuggle cargo from planets to help your commrades in need. You can even take a group of friends out Rancor hunting. Not to mention the wonderful graphics and outstanding visual effects. These are just a small amount of things you can do in Star Wars Galaxies...
I hope this helps........I am just a kid.........

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: really cool
Review: this game looks really good, its got good graphics and, plot, and lots of things to do in the Star Wars Universe!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Galaxy Far Far Away...
Review: I was privileged to attend E3 this year, and I was witness to the amazing new product that is Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided.

All I can tell you is this; wives and husbands that have spouses that play MMORPG's, get used to being widows/widowers. Fans of Star Wars, be prepared to live out your dreams.

This game does not just cater to the power player that just wants to become powerful and rich. This game allows a person to simply immerse themselves in the Star Wars worlds. If you have 10 minutes and just want to escape, you can come to this galaxy and just relax, there are plenty of things to do, like hang out at the local cantina, or chat with a star faring smuggler about his adventures.

Identity is amazing. The sony developing team have gone beyond the scope of any developers so far. Your characters are so customizable it's scary. Want to be a lanky Twi'lek (jabba's dancer), how bout a hulkingly fat Wookiee (too many wookiee cookies)? it's all here for you to make yourself individual and identifiable.

Welcome to a galaxy far far away.... You will be drawn in, you will want to roam the worlds and live an adventure of your own. Who knows, perhaps you too could rub shoulders with a fledgling Luke Skywalker or feel the wrath of the powerful Darth Vader....

may the force be with you

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Buyers should excercise caution with upcoming game
Review: Ahh yes, a new Star Wars RPG. Everybody's excitied. The previous reviewer mentioned being immortalized. Well, guys, you're up for a disappointment.

Aren't you forgetting how these things work? You think this will be free to play? No! Don't forget the purpose of games: to make money. As will it be with this.

An Empire Divided will milk money from your pocketbook. The more you want to play, the more you have to pay. These games fail. They always do. They're designed that way. Yes, it's beautiful in concept. Yes, it should totally rock.

But it wont. It will be just like all the other star wars games of late - mass produced and cheap. The only good one is Jedi Knight II, but that's because it has a history. It has a family. This game is just another lucasarts sale ticket.

Let me tell you what will happen. You will come home with this new game. You will be totally excited at the new shiny box, brandishing all the latest in graphics and reading all sorts of good reviews. You will play it for a while, get immersed.

Boom, your trial period is up. Now, each month it's time to pay your star wars tax. Is a computer game worth re-buying each month? For the same money you could but two or three new star wars novels, or even better play Jedi Knight II, or join an online star wars text based RPG. You see, those games are made FOR fans, this game is made FOR money.

I urge caution with this game. It may look nice now, but it's simply playing off the success of the hastily made star wars prequils. It's a hype sucker, and it will suck the hype right out of you as you put it in a drawer and don't look at it for months.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Worthy of the name Star Wars!
Review: I Have really been looking forward to this game for almost a year!!
for those of you that are just hearing about this game it takes place in the Ep 4 -6 time pirod where you can live on planits such as Naboo Hoth Yavin 4 and Chandrila.
The game lets you fix up your person however you want changing all parts body armor hidden guns if they can do it in the movies they can do it in here. You Can build your own houses and Shops, Bars, Bases, Hidouts (For Bounty Hunters)
In Galaxies theres a range of schills such as Jedi, Bounty Hunting, Jedi giving you schill in combat and resoning schills Bounty HUnting giving you schills in tracking, Aiming, and Combat schills. If you belong to a clan you can create your own Town for your clan in your town you make the laws you can let anyone in you want and keep out other clans :)
I'm making this sound like a kids game but this game is for all ages what I have said so far is what they tell you on the web sites what they dont tell you is how you can build empires and rule the Galaxie:P
in later Exp pack you will be abel to fly your own starfighters and sharships fight with other gamers in space and take on star destroyers if your dumb enough :) anyway BUY this game!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game - Previous Reviews Are WRONG
Review: I have played this game for months and am enjoying it immensely. Plenty to do, plenty of professions, plenty of content, many quests, and soon to come . . . Jump To Light Speed. I don't know where the previous folks got their impressions from . . .unless they didn't give the game a chance. There is a steep learning curve. Once you get over that, it's great. The other possibility is that they are anti-social. A large part of this game's enjoyment comes from assistance of guild members. Kind of like being in a big (or small, your preference) club. Lots of folks helping each other out with game tips, credits, loot, killing, you name it. . .Good Luck and Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Love or Hate
Review: Allright, I'm finally going to post a review. After many months of reading some of the reviews people post, I feel like its my turn to say whats on my mind. First of all, let me say that this game is a drug, and you can easily become an addict. The game is so much fun that it becomes the highlight of your day on most days. I go to school full time and I'm currently in the military and still find time to play, even though most times its at the cost of sleep. When you first start of the game, you'll probably be lost for a couple of weeks, I suggest you join a major guild, If interested you can always join DMG-i in the Gorath server, we'll be more than happy to help you. After you receive some help and guidance, you'll be able to start enjoying the game alot more. The graphics are spectacular 4/5, The sound is Great 3/5 and if you like the star wars theme then you can go as high as 5/5. Here is where it gets tricky, this game is not as fun unless you want to get to Jedi, cause thats all the content it has. You can pretty much do anything in the game, its like a sur real world. It seems as is the devs are trying hard as of lately to improve the fun factor in the game, and it is showing, in the last patched the game has become alot more fun than ever. Please try in and if so, play in Gorath server, DMG-I is our guild.

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