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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What are the minimum requirements?
Review: Computer
100% DirectX 9.0 compatible computer
Operating Systems
Windows 98 SE, Millennium, 2000, and XP

Required: Intel PIII 933 MHz or AMD Athlon 900 MHz
Recommended: Intel P4 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+

Required: 256 MB RAM
Recommended: 512 MB RAM

Graphics Card
Required: 32 MB 3D Graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting (T&L) Capability
Recommended: 64 MB 3D Graphics card with Vertex Shader and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability

Sound Card
Required: PCI, USB or Onboard Audio Device

Required: Quad Speed CD-ROM drive

Input Device
Required: Keyboard and mouse

Connectivity Requirements
Required: 56K modem or faster Internet connection

Microsoft DirectX 9.0 is included on this CD. NOTE: DirectX may require the "latest" updates for your operating system. This may also include the latest drivers for your particular motherboard, sound and video hardware.

Installation requires 2.0 GB of free hard drive space. It is recommended that you have at least an additional 500 MB of free space available after installing the game for the Windows swap/page file and additional patch downloads.

Supported Chipsets at the time of release:
ATI Radeon 7200/7500
ATI Radeon 8500/9000
ATI Radeon 9500/9700
Matrox Parhelia
NVIDIA GeForce 256
NVIDIA GeForce 2 family
NVIDIA GeForce 3 family
NVIDIA GeForce 4 family
NVIDIA GeForceFX family

Additional Chipsets supported.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: To MMORPG or not to MMORPG? That is the question.
Review: As of late we've seen a plethora of MMORPG's virtually flooding the computer gaming market (for those of you who may not be aware, MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role-playing game"). Now, I've never been one to write a negative review about a game that is yet to be released, but I'm starting to get more than a little fed up with the game designers who are putting these things out. I personally feel that first charging your audience $...for a game and THEN charging them a monthly fee...is outrageous in the extreme! Can you just imagine the reaction that whichever corporate flunky thought this idea up in the first place got? "Okay team, here's my new idea! Okay, so we make a game that can only be played online, right? And then, wait for it... we charge every player a monthly fee to access our servers so that he can play the game!" They probably had to call in the janitors to wipe all the drool off of the floor.

Over the years I've sat silently by and watched the prices of games rise ever higher and higher, holding my silence because I fully understand the concept of inflation. I knew too that eventually the prices would level off once the market had reached its natural equilibrium. Now, however, someone has come up with a method of forcing gamers everywhere to pay an essentially unlimited price tag! The only cap on this price is the game's popularity. Sure, the game may last for two years or maybe even three years, but what happens after that? What happens to all the gamers out there when their game of preference is no longer the flavor of the month? Don't think for a second that the companies responsible for that game's servers will hesitate in the least about pulling the plug on them the moment it is to their economic advantage to do so.

Call me cheap, a tightwad, or just old fashioned if you prefer, but I utterly refuse to purchase any of these online gaming scams. I'm sure that as a result I am and will miss out on many a great game and more is the pity, but still I will make my stand. I have drawn my line in the sand! My friends and fellow gamers, I don't expect many of you to stand with me. Indeed, I would be surprised if my ineloquent words manage to convince even a handful of you to join me in my (not so silent) protest against these corporate pocket pickers. However, I promise anyone who cares to take the time to read this one thing, if enough of us stand together, we can end this MMORPG trend before it really gets off the ground and changes the face of gaming forever. Will you help me send a clear message to game developers everywhere that there are certain limits to what gamers are willing to shell out to the companies that supply them with their entertainment? When it comes down to it, which side of the line will you stand on?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Decent game...just don't buy into the Starwars theme
Review: Decent game. Great graphics (which are usually the last thing I look at), but most importantly depth and content. My only hope is that this game is picked up by members of the regular MMORPG crowd (EQ, DAoC and UO) and not some silly Star Wars fan trying to live out their fantasy. I think fans of Star Wars who have never played a MMORPG before might be in for a big surprise when you start getting some of the Uber guilds up in running in SWG, but hey maybe we will convert a few of the console bunnies to the PC MMORPG world.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How dreams are born.
Review: Well this game is the best MMORPG I have ever seen.The role system is very convinient.Comfortable controls.And much more.
My personal view: Star wars series were allways the best. And I reccomend it to everyone.Especialy if you are a SW fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What should I buy?
Review: I haven't yet played this game but i have seen it and previews for it. Most people get bored watching someone else play a game or sitting there doing nothing letting the preview run. The preview for this game is even good. I think that this most likely will be the number 1 RPG online. I am a former player of Everquest. I had all the expansions and the only good that came out of that game to me was being able to sell my account for 400 dollars. I spent probably more than that getting my characters high enough. There is a online fee for this game but I guarantee that you will get your moneys worth. This game will dominate over Everquest 2 , Shadowbane, Dark Age of Camelot, and Anarchy Online. For all you star wars fans this is a must have, probably one of the most genious ideas sony has came out with. I can only say so much about this game but this is a game that you will be stuck to. Everyone gets bored of a game sooner or later. There is no guarantee that you wont play it for the rest of your life but there is a high chance that you will for at least say 5-10 years. I think that if you are a true star wars fan then if u buy this game the only time you will quit is when a more new or better star wars game comes out. If you are looking for something to spend money on this has got to be it. Thank You. Your Favorite critic
Pro Goombahh, Geronimo

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I Twitch Forever
Review: 3 stars should be a neutral rating. I'm only giving this game 3 stars because it hasn't been released yet (i'ts been pushed back so many times that I lost count) and from what I know it won't have all the anounced components like vehicle drivability and all the diferent races. These things won't be available for almost 8 months after release. Sure it sounds like a great idea for an MMORPG but untill it's released we won't know for sure and by the way, aren't BETA testers under a non-discloser contract? If you are a BETA tester and you're posting reviews and details of/about the game (and by the way readers, they are not testing a finished product, this is a BETA which is in no way indicative of the final code), said testers should be aware that they can get in much trouble for this and can even be sued for a good deal of money.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Why all the 5 stars?
Review: I am very skeptical of all the high marks for this game when it isn't even released yet. I'm in the beta currently, and I can tell you, its no where NEAR ready for lift off. If they launch it on the date advertised here then we are going to see a very shakey launch. The beta is very impressive though, everything is interactive, but that also creates a situation where a bazillion developers have to put detail to all the interactive stuff -- ugh. The commerce system is non-existant at this point, everything costs like 5 credits, so we're not even balancing that yet. I think SW is going to be a great MMO, but to rate it so high right now is ridiculous, it needs to be launched before given such high marks. -- Wookies Rule!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best MMORPG to date
Review: Star Wars Galaxies will be the best rpg to date. From the info given on the official web site, this game should not be a disapointment. It is true there will not be space travel at the beginning, However it will be available in the first expansion. This game will offer the most depth of any rpg out now. No other game will let you choose between being an explorer, or running a farm or store, or even a politician(available with an expansion). Also you have the choice of getting involved with the war on either side or remaning neutral. The Jedi system is how it should be, being that having a title of Jedi is being one of the elite to have survived the training. This game should appeal to the hardcore fans as well as the casual gamer. I look very forword to it's release, and it should be well worth the monthly fee.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BountyBoy
Review: ...You can be a Jedi, and there will be vehicles...there will be no space travel until the new expanstion comes out. Star Wars Galaxies is the best MMORPG game because it is just a better version of UO.It is a skill based system, but many things he said where totaly random.

BountyBoy...A station member...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perfection takes time...!
Review: To all who don't believe this game will be worth it needs to stop by the official web site and view the postings for the past year. This game is developmental and will bring the expectations of the Star Wars trilogy to life! All the race and classes seen in the trilogy will be tangible and like the other MMORPG games out there it will bring the realism to what they yern for. Like any true designer will tell you, perfection takes time, you don't just throw a bunch of disk with poor construction and expect it to sell and bring people back for more. And even though they have pushed it back again, I think they are really on to a good idea. And I for one would want a game, as well as any expansions,to unfold into what we have seen from the time this trilogy was concieved. So all those who are waiting hang in there.......

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