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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't listen to ...
Review: Summary:

Overall: 1
Gameplay: 1
Graphics: 2
Sound: 4


CPU: 1.7 P4
Video: GeForce3

General/Summary: I was a beta tester, and with the NDA gone I can tell everyone that, "This game is not out of beta yet!" Anyone who purchases this game on June 26th will be paying full MSRP to participate in open beta. Bugs abound, and not even little annyoing ones, but HUGE gamestoppers. Buyer Beware! At least for a period of time from release to at least 3 months or so.
Gameplay: There seems to be a lot of depth to what you can do at first, buy a house, get married, splice professions... Be a gunfighting doctor musician etc... But any way you slice it... It gets pretty old FAST.

Graphics: Ok... Have you all seen the publicity shots and videos from E3? How everything is nice and curvy and there's Environment Reflections out the whazoo, and beautiful shadows and lighting effects? Well, so have I, and I'm not sure what game that is... but it's not SWG... In fact the Devs even admitted to putting a cap on the graphics, at least in the beta I was playing no more than 3 days ago. As they are, they aren't awful... But they're getting a low score from me for misleading advertisement. By the way, there's (was) a bug that kills your character if you have shadows activated in the city and are using an ATI card.

Sound: The saving gracec of this game, if you close your eyes and don't touch the keyboard or mouse... at least it SOUNDS like Star Wars, even if it doesn't look, play, or feel like Star Wars. So you can probably enjoy that aspect... that is until it crashes due to a C++ Runtime error for no apparent reason.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A good Game, But not That God
Review: As a Beta Tester of Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided I can only say that it is indeed a nice game, but Not What you exepected ...

Sure is has the best graphics of all MMORPG (and you will run them at 11fps even with a Top PC system), sure the sound Is great but Its Not Star Wars as you would wish it to be ...

The Combat is tedious ("for newbies to play" they say), the missions are simple and they all look the same (destroy a Camp/hive, escort Him from point X to point Z, go to point X, pickup a package and deliver it to point Z).

The game just dosent feel right (a laser based blaster has a maximum range of 64 meters).

oh well, it's a good game, they say it's the best MMORPG ever made, If so is true then I don't even dare to play the other MMORPG games ...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If the game ever gets released....
Review: I am sure this game will have its bad qualities along with its great ones, but to when will the people who were not brought into the beta get to see it? it has missed 2 major release dates and has features in the game constantly dropped. I think they were right about the april 15th release date, but mistakenly put 2003 instead of 2005

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Beta testers review
Review: The game has many ups and downs, This late into the beta there are still many balance issues and stability issues that need to be worked out.

The game its self is extremely fun, it does not have the RUSH to advance feel of many other games. There is a lot of work involved in becoming something special but in the end you feel good about it.

You can help your friends and allies no matter what profession you choose to take as they all work together to become a necessary part of the whole.

Graphics are awesome but it also has hefty hardware requirements, Come release day I fully expect some issues to arise but the devs are extremely responsive and active with the community.

It will be a lot of fun for a long time, but if your not in a rush, I would recommend waiting a few days after release to load it on your PC to what happens with a fully loaded server. Come release day there will be a 20 meg patch to down load so if your dialup, don't expect to play that day.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How can it be a long time ago when is comes out June 25th?
Review: Now I have a friend who has been working with lucas Arts with the demo and said that the graphics are breath taking, the abilties of the game are incredible. Now we all have been thinking "hey i've been waiting for a game like this to come out"

Now I think we all know the plot, it takes place during the later episodes. We all dont know that you can be what ever you want to be meaning if i wanted I could be a droid jedi or a wookie bounty hunter. It sounds like much fun, I think im going to wait on buying it until later, so the price goes down.

Ok lets sum it all up it's a StarWars RPG, you can do whatever you want and you can interfere with the storyline with the original story. I hope everyone has fun on June 25th

Colin Nickell

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: NDA is up, my opinion, as a beta player.
Review: I've been in beta for a while now, and I can reliably say that I will play this game as soon as it goes live. That said, I think people need to have a realistic view of this game. I had such high hopes, and really an unrealistic picture in my mind of this game before I got into beta. When I did, I won't lie to you, it was a let down. Not because of the bugs, or anything the game does really. It's just not the game you think it is. That said, I still love it. It's not ready for retail, but my opinion means little at this point. I DO encourage you to play it though, and stick with it even with all the problems you're going to encounter. It's a great game, I'd just advise you to get rid of any ideas you have in your head of what it's going to be like.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beta NDA lifted
Review: The Beta Tester NDA got lifted a couple of days ago, so I can offer a review from a fairly knowledgeable viewpoint. I have been in the beta test for a while now, and can at least tell you what your initial experience will be like.

I have to give it 5 stars; SWG kept my interest even before most of the bugs were fixed. It isn't perfect yet, but it is certainly playable. I am sure that the Developers won't have fixed everything by release and there will be things that don't work perfectly. But the things a new player can do ought to give ok results with only an occasional weird string where there should be text and similar problems. Stability has gotten pretty good; the game hasn't been crashing often in late Beta and you won't loose your stuff if it does. If you are a power gamer, or a former beta tester, you might reach some of the high end content before they get that fixed up as well. If so, use the /bug command so the folks behind you don't have to fight the same problem.

The monthly price is also a commitment from Sony and Lucas to make continuous improvements. I expect it to get better and better over the next few years. I think that there is a good chance I will still be playing then, and I do expect to get my money's worth from that fee.

When you start, you can expect to be amazed by what you see and to be pleased to be able to move around in an environment that looks and feels a lot like the movies. You can also expect to be confused about how things work and what to do. One strong suggestion: go through the tutorial! It may be tempting to just go play, but the tutorial gives you the basics of what to do. The user interface isn't quite like other games (though you can customize it later), so you will want to learn how to work it.

It is designed well for a casual player who doesn't want to invest a lot of time each week. You can go places and do things with your friends even if they have played a lot more than you. It seems to me a little expensive on a long-term basis to just be an occasional tourist, but it is certainly feasible. I do expect, though, that many of the subscribers will be on 10 to 20 hours every week. The rich and powerful inhabitants of that galaxy will be on more than that.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: I have been on the Beta for the past few months and can tell you. WOW. This game puts the Massive back in MMORPG. The planets (Zones as it were) are huge and full of adventure. The PCs are very customizable, and with many missions and skill paths to choose you won't loose interest.

Oh, and to the comment with the one star, (Has to be an arse in every crowd), Ever hear of BETA TESTERS?!?!?!?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Extremely addictive game.
Review: Gameplay: Not sure what I give gameplay, it is so differant from any other game in the options you can do that, that in itself is a 10. You want to hang in the cantina and that's all you do, you can.... and get xp if your a entertainer or chef/bartender. You can hang out in the med center and wait for pt's. You can just gather resources and craft all day. The options are many and varied.
Graphics: 10, the game is beautiful, much nicer then anything out there, nothing can come close at this time. Customization is fantastic, and will soon be the standard I think, not many will like anything less if they ever play another MMO. You can literally make your character as beautiful or ugly as you want.

Sound: There are still a few issues with sound in my mind, the music is great, but it doesn't play all the time (which may be a good thing) but sometimes it just starts, and you don't know why. And of course you have combat music. All sound is very star warsy, blasters sound like blasters, the droids sound like droids. Great, but needs a little tuning in my opinion. Also I would love to hear wookie sounds, its just wrong seeing them, and not hearing the howling.

Professions: There is a fantastic diversity of what you can do, this game I think caters more to crafters then anything else. Alot of professions still need work, but they will tweak them after release I'm sure. Many are limited by the pvp choice that the developers have made. Some are limited by the fact that there is no player space flight or vehicles. Some professions just need to be made more entertaining. I think many will be happy though.

Star wars appeal: 10, super high, its a star wars game, if you like star wars, play the game, easy as that. They are true to the game world, but if you think about it, some play styles will only act out a small part of it. You will not be Luke Skywalker or Annikin, or on par with these types of movie personalities unless you have a roleplaying PA that will act all of this out with you. Roleplaying will be like any other MMO, hard to find in my opinion. You may think you are the next coming of the chosen one, but don't be surprised when a chubby little bothan droid engineer calls you a loser noob, and to get a life.

Attention to detail: Well the game needs a little more polish if thats what you meant. The programmers did a great job, but they missed things here and there. If you mean it in the sense of how close did they pay attention to the star wars lore, well they had someone whose job it was to do this, and he did it well. Even the gungans talk as annoyingly as jarjar.

Creatures: The creatures are very nice, some are super tough, and will chase you down and kill you. Not very civilised near Coronet, but that's what blasters are for. I think the creatures are diverse, and entertaining. You may not connect with them in the same way as other games, but it depends on where you go and which ones you meet.

Overall rating: Well there are things that I don't like about SWG that have to do with design decisions. I would have loved a better PVP view then the one they took, which is sad in my opinion. Single Character servers is just a copy, bilking players for more money, its already the most expensive MMO, and yet you will not get the same options as other MMO's. SCS will not save the player economy, and there will still be what everyone considers griefing, in my opinion, SCS is just a greedy move (probably more a corporate decision then a developer one).

But enough with my complaints about the development decisions. I will play the game, the game will hopefully be alot of fun. You can almost look at it as a tool that they are giving to the players to do with as they will. I hope players will get into it, and make it fun for themselves and each other. If you run around expecting an involved story to unfold before you, it won't happen. Everyone knows the story already, this is set after episode 4, and there will be no amazing historic changes. You can interact with many of these characters, but not affect very much.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I was in the Beta
Review: A lot of people, testers and developers alike, have put a lot of hard work into making this game fantastic at launch. The graphics are detailed and realistic. The skill system is layered instead of leveled, and geared so that you can only master a limited number of skills at one time. This helps with the player-driven economy. Everyone is really necessary in this game, including merchants and entertainers.

You don't have to be a Star Wars fan to love this game, but they will certainly get just a little bit more out of all the "inside jokes" around. (Look for R2 and 3PO's pod where they crash-landed on Tatooine.) MMORPG fanatics will love this too, with a new take on both combat and skills, plus a true player-driven economy.

This game is detailed, complex and richly layered. You can play solo or with a group. You won't get tired of looking at the beautiful scenery on all the different planets.

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