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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: No Point
Review: I played this game for 6 months and I mastered 4 low levels and 4 high levels and I was still a Newbie. No matter how high you get you'll never be a Jedi because Sony keeps changing the Jedi system. Your hit points always stay the same (die on day one by a bunny die on day 360 by a bunny). So many people macro and dump proffesions you can never get anything worth using. The game economy is run by players, great consept but you every seen a 15 year old run a company. What is the point in crafting? To get lots of play money. What are you going to do with all those credits? Buy weapons or armor that last a week then you got to buy more. Armor is anouther thing... It doesn't work! You see hundreds of people running around the game in boxers because armor... yes, DOESN'T work. Play another game if your over 20. If not please stay with this game your friends are playing Sim economy (for a day or so). I admit it was fun in the beginning, but not worth my time. Have fun playing it I'm going back to DAoC.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You don't even have to be at your computer
Review: I played Star Wars for a while, and there were a few things that just turned me off. One being the fact that you can set up very complex macros for your character. So complex in fact you don't even have to be at your computer. You can just turn the game on, start your macro and go to work, go hiking, read War and Peace or anything else you want. You aren't required to be there to actually participate in the game. Secondly no matter what you do in the game, you'll always be a secondary character. The game still revolves around the main characters of the story, but hey it is Star Wars and it wasn't you that blew up the Death Star. In fact, you never will be because the NPC's in the game are more important than you. You do quests for Vader, Leia, C-3PO and the others to improve your faction with their cause, but the progression of the storyline is set in stone. You can open up a possibility only of a subplot, but you can't explore the option anymore than that. You'll always be second string to the main NPC heroes and villians no matter what your actions are. Also if you aren't into PvP, you can forget about participating in the Galactic Civil War altogether.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If you like frustrating and poor content games...
Review: then this is the game for you. I would think that the 5 star reviews are writen by those hired by Sony (they do that sort of thing). Anyone that has played this game know better.

The Pro: Graphics are fantastic (however, it only looks like star wars, the gameplay is more like stoneage starwars from everquest).

The Con:
- No content
- No customer support (you will need it because of the bugs)
- Game stopping bugs have been around for 12 months
- Adding content takes the place of fixing the bugs (heaven forbid they do both)
- It only uses star wars graphics, the story line and universe are NOT star wars at all
- Did I mention the bugs - well, they make up the better part of the code

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Solid gameplay and universe. So so implementation.
Review: Having played since beta, here's the good news about Star Wars Galaxies (SWG): the universe is a dead-on implementation of the movies, and the gameplay can be absolutely riveting and addictive. The bad news is that the implementation badly lacks character balance and bug fixes have been cruelly slow - one reason why player turnover has been very high.

First, the pluses. The graphic and sound designers got the game dead right, with even tiny details like what a water harvester looks like straight from the films. Having not watched the films in a while, I was startled to discover how well they pulled from the soundtracks - songs I thought were SWG-specific actually were nicely hidden in the film. Very well done. Only drawback is you need at least a 2 GHz PC and 64MB of video for the graphics to work well; this game has probably lead to more hardware upgrades than anything since Wing Commander back in the early 90s. The cameos of Vader, the Emperor, and other small touches (Ben Kenobi's hut for instance) work.

Second, the gameplay is frankly neat. Multiple worlds mean you have a huge variety of mobs to shoot/punch/slice/attack with your pet, and once you get tired of the varying levels of mobs, you can turn to quests, and then once you get tired of that, you can turn entirely to PvP and killing every Rebel or Imperial you can find. It is simply staggering to see how long you can find yourself at your PC playing this. One side benefit is that unlike many games, this can be played - if a little jerky - on 56K dialup.

The two problems that respectively knock off a star each are game balance and development/customer support. Support is easier to explain; Sony Online essentially ignores lost item requests and player harassment. The solution to an overwhelming number of complaints was not to hire more reps but instead to lock down any players' ability to file an 'issue' from originally multiple ones to 3 to 1 outstanding at any time, which usually takes several days to get a CSR to respond. It is simply the worst customer service I've ever seen in a MMPORG, especially dangerous given the level of PVP and potential abuses many players get away with under it.

Second, game balance is skewed dramatically toward the blast-and-kill player. While the game set out to do a lot by having something like 30 different classes, unfortunately the designers left too many holes open for very powerful blast-and-kill characters to be able to solo difficult mob missions. Once the requirement for group play went out the window, this meant support characters like doctors and crafters simply could not be played as primary characters. Between this and a number of bugs early on that created billions of in-game credits for other players, inflation became rampant on many servers and it has become increasingly difficult for new players to get to the same level of power old ones obtain (hence the newbie unfriendliness many people discuss).

Still, its fun for a while, and if you get enough holocrons to become a Jedi it becomes fun for longer. There are better MMPORGs out there though.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Boring. Just boring
Review: Ok, before I become a noob in the eyes of many, this is MY opinion. Listen or do not. My first experience seemed hopeful. I got into a good group, and played for a bit. Then things went down hill. The quests (missions in SGW) are boring and repetitive, and don't think about your levels. You will be tricked into attacking nests full of powerful beasts, or sent to deliver a package halfway across a planet. Most people hang out in taverns, bars, and cantinas, and do not actually embark on missions. Furthermore, it takes a excruciatingly long time to actually gain new skills or master a class, and most of the classes are unfun (a entertainer's sole job is to hit a key which caused him/her to dance on screen), or require endless monster kills to gain a single small bonus. For a newbie, this game is hell. For a casual gamer, it is frustrating. For a powergamer, it can be occasionally rewarding

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game; Beware Of Uninformed Reviews
Review: SWG is a very addictive game. Prepare yourself to spend a large portion of your time playing this great game. Beware of poor reviews from people who are probably just frustrated because they don't read the ongoing updates to the game. First, one review says you must first master 32 professions before opening a Jedi character slot. This is only true if you are extraordinarily unlucky. The actual requirement is at to master only five of the thirty-two professions. The frustrating part is they are five random professions, so it is possible to have the horrible luck of not getting all five until your thirty second, however that is unlikely. Another claim a reviewer made was that once the jedi character slot is opened, you must create the new character on a different server. This is completely false. Those lucky enough to open the jedi slot are required to create the new jedi character on the SAME server as the character who opened it. The fact is you aren't allowed to create the jedi character on any other server. A third complaint was regarding permadeath if a jedi dies three times. This was a valid complaint until about January when permadeath was removed from the game via a patch. All these jedi complaints will not matter in two months anyway because a jedi revamp has been planned and the path to jedi will be quest based. So most people have stopped trying to master x number of professions because it will mean little when the revamp goes live, hopefully in June. The game is constantly evolving and bugs are continually being fixed. The game still has some problems, but it is a hundred times better than it was six months ago. Many changes are planned leading up to the space expansion *drool* which comes out in the fall. Check out the SWG official website for details. Also, you may check out the forums on the official website to answer a lot of questions you may have regarding the validity of the complaints in these reviews. One problem with the early bad reviews is they are time stamped in a sense. This game was pretty bad months ago, but it is getting better and better. I've been playing the game since September and still find myself logging on two to three hours a night. The game is what you make it. Choose to powerlevel and grind through professions as fast as you can, and you'll get burnt out quickly. I can't blame the comments about grinding. It really is boring and sucks. Play the game to HAVE FUN, and find the profession you enjoy the most.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Looking to ruin your life?
Review: Looking to ruin your life? Good. You've come to the right game! Be prepared to wash the next 3-4 months of your life down the tubes! This game is so so so addicting and best of all there is something for everyone so all can be hooked.

You like Sims online? Then become an Master Entertainer in the game and chat your hearts desire off in the Cantina.

You like Knight of the Old Republic? The take the path to become jedi. Note: For those who have nothing to do 24/7 this is the profession for you. :)

You like creatures or pets? Good! Beoome a Creature Handler and and tame wild pets and make them your own or sell them!

You like sicence? Become a Bio-Engineer and make tissues and clone extrordinary creatures.

You like helping others? Become a master doctor and heal people and increase their stats via Buffs? P.S. you'll make a boat load of money with this profession.

You hate jedi? Good become a Bounty Hunter and hunt live in-game jedi. May the force be with you not them. :0

Move your way up the Imperial or Rebel army!

Build a house! Make your own clothes! Make weapons. Harvest precious minerals and meats!

Hunt down the Rancor or force sensitive NPC's.

Its all up to you!

And best of all the greatest saga ever told will be yours!


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Pretty good game for a few months.
Review: Galaxies is a good game with a lot of bugs. Apparently, this isn't uncommon in the MMORPG world. As a previous reviewer said, once you master a few professions, the game itself is kind of boring. I recommend if you buy this game you find some online friends and make the most of it. The online community is the best thing going for this game. I quit the game in the end of January, and I would've quit in October if I hadn't met a few good people who made the game worthwhile. In the end I was paying to play a game I rarely logged on to, so I ended my subscription.

There are bugs, and there are many nerfs and restructurings. I understand that things must be changed, but the developers seem to weaken classes before making the weaker classes on Par with the stronger ones. That's my biggest complaint.

Good game, but only good for a few months.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Has Potential
Review: Since I only have 1000 words I'll be concise. This game has great potential, but as others have stated, it was released too early. Let me walk you thru it. First of all, quit complaining about it costing money. It says on the box in the bottom right hand corner "Valid credit card or paid game card and additional recurring fees required to play this game." Yes it costs money, go to the home page and research (there's an idea) how much it will cost and then decide if you want to buy it. Second, make sure you find out what the requirements are. Whenever a PC game has requirements, it means yes the game will run, but badly. So make sure your PC is well above the minimum. Now that you've installed and paid for your account, it's time to build your character, which I must admit is very specific (eyebrows, noses, ears, etc.) After you choose your profession, if it's one where you fight (brawler, marksman, scout) kill anything that moves or find a guild or group to tag along with to progress faster. If you are an artisan or medic, better find some cash (credits in the game) and get ready for Tedium City with the crafting, healing, crafting, healing, blah blah blah. If you have never played an RPG like this, like me, you will find the game complex and you will learn more as you progress. After you've mastered 3 or so professions, it may start to get boring, as it did for me. Since updates are on a daily basis, just when you get in a groove, it is ruined, such as nerfing (downgrading) Creature Handlers and so on. I would recommend giving some serious thought into this game, if you get sick of it, cancel your account. It's that easy! Maybe over time this game will be spectacular. If you're looking for the Star in Star Wars, you will not find it here. In games such as Rogue Leader, even X-Wing or Tie Fighter, space is all you know. In SWG, you get around via shuttles. I am a SW freak. My encyclopedia sits on my nightstand (it's my bible) and so far I am unimpressed with any consistency with the actual story. It starts out with the first Death Star destroyed and the Empire is in control, that's about it. This game is a crapshoot, either you like it or not. Thank you.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Tired and Bored
Review: I was more excited about this game than any other. I participated in the beta trials and was disappointed with the premature release. This game has zero Star Wars feel to it for starters, and nothing on the immediate horizon. I have been a Droid Engineer from day one, and have never seen such abuse doled out to a paying group as this, from out-right lies told by the devs to string us along and things such as "THE DROID INVASION" which turned out to be combat modules for existing (extremely limited) droids, making them on the same level as the lowest creatures in the game, I could go on about the amazing abuse that the DE class has endured to this day (Today found out that any new combat droids were rejected due to "balance considerations") but I will spare you all the details. The crafting classes across the board have been broken and mostly not fixed. I have decided to write this review and others in the hope that it gets the attention of Mr. Lucas and the people who can make a difference in the future of this game

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