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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: SWG, gaining steam for me.
Review: This is only my second MMORPG experience. Everquest Online Adventures being my first, the PS2 game. Coming from the PS2 game, I found SWG to be very complex. I had read that EQOA was "simplified" for the Playstation and I guess that was correct.

I've been playing SWG for 5 days now and am finally starting to feel more comfortable in the game. I run into people who say they aren't enjoying it yet, but I am not one of them. Perhaps I'm just enjoying discovering the play system, but I am enjoying myself. I am signing up for a full year subscription to it because I really feel a lot of potential in the game.

I hope this was helpful for someone. I'm ready to get home and back in the Star Wars universe. Maybe I'll see you there.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Crowning Achievement of MMORPGs
Review: Short and to the point : If you enjoy MMORPGs (Massive Online Role Playing Games), then you MUST play this game! It is the crowning achievement of MMORPGs, addressing all of the negative aspects of all MMORPGs before it, and fixing them! Mission Waypoints so you don't get lost, PvP and NON PvP on the same server (YOU GET TO CHOOSE), an INCREDIBLE Crafting system! The list goes on and on. GET THIS GAME, YOU WON'T BE SORRY!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Caution...
Review: The game is not ready. You will be paying to beta test. While some seem to find the amount of bugs, lack of content, and promises of features like playing a Jedi and flying spaceships *to come sometime in the future* acceptable, many do not. While this game has potential. It is with sincere regrets that I would caution anyone from purchasing this game in its present state. I would say "Wait until December" and see if they have improved it. Also by then the cost of the initial game will have dropped considerably. I'm sure they'll have an expansion to purchase by then as well. Wait for a bundle deal.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Absolutely ABYSMAL game - total dissapointment.
Review: Very very unfinished, boring and lackluster. A real dissapointment to the Star Wars name.

Filled with boring time sinks, HORRIBLE combat system, and completely boring character advancement.

Avoid this title like the PLAGUE..

Go pre-order Savage or somehting thats really good.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Immersion in the Star Wars Universe...sort of
Review: I picked up this game on the day of release excited and ready to play. I installed the game, started it up and clicked on the button to begin my registration process. Error. Again, error, again error.

Fortunately for those reading this review, this problem has since been fixed. The login is smooth as silk and the character creation process is amazingly complex and yet quite intuitive.

There are several starting locations to venture out into Star Wars Galaxies, all of which will be familiar to fans of the Star Wars Universe. The buildings and natural scenery are unique to each planet, and there is also quite a lot of variety on each planet themselves. These planets are also BIG. So big that I would advise against trying to travel on foot from one city to another. It takes more than an hour. Luckily there's a shuttle system that will take you where you need to for a small fee.

The character development process, depending on your profession, can be either interesting, frustrating or just tedious. Because the economy in the game is completely player-driven (i.e. players must make all the items that other players buy), the game in these early stages is a little off-kilter. Crafting professions advance much more slowly than combat professions, so you have a lot of rifleman looking for advanced rifles while there are very few, if any, weaponsmiths with the abilities to craft the advanced weapons they desire. This, however, should change within the next few weeks.

If you're looking for a MMORP that is fun, interesting and set in a world that has your nostalgia meter racing on high, this is the game for you. I recommend it highly with just one caveat: it is a difficult game to get into. The cities are large and thus confusing for a while to get around in, the player development can be slow and tedious in the early stages, and the economy isn't completely balanced at this time. However, with a little tinme and patience you will learn the layout of the cities, get over the player development hump and be able to participate in the ever-growing and developing economy.

Gryfh Brombelly

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I was cautiosly optimistic at first but little did I know ..
Review: This game rocks.

After having tried a few MMORPG, the latest being 'Sims Online', I was usually bored after a few days for lack of adventure. Star Wars has turned my world upside down. After installing from the 3 CD's (20 minutes) and applying the initial patches (5 minutes), I only wanted to take a peak. What started at noon ended at at 2:30 AM with little breaks in between.

I would recommend you experiment with the different races and professions at first before you spend to much time on one character's development. The UI is relative easy to learn yet complex if you use all features available to you. The world is vast and adventures, missions and fights are everywhere to be found. Skill Development is very well mapped out but if anything is unclear, help is available via life HELP characters or online searches and mouse-over messages.

You can develop your character by taking on missions (group missions are ideal training ground), by performing the activities of your profession such as entertaining, constructing items etc. They even have an eBay like online marketplace available to trade. I had a hard time finding sellers for my goods but time will tell if these various profession really develop and interact by building real markets.

The graphics are excellent and scale down to many lower grade cards as well. I do recommend that you have lot's of RAM to your availability. I have 512 on WinXP and it could easily use more.

Even though I spent a second night up until 3:30 am the game can be played also in very short increments. They even built in an Alarm clock you can set yourself to remind you to log off.

I hightly recommend this game to novice and experts alike.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A good game, gone bad
Review: This was a game that had quite a lot of potential, that was completely botched by its creatores, oh sure, its not that bad of a RPG, the problem is, it feels absoloutely NOTHING like star wars... no vehicles... no spaceships... its supposedly near impossible to become a jedi (can't confirm this one, they didn't have jedi in the beta at all), not to mention the game was NOWHERE NEAR completion at the end of the beta... basically they did a early release on a very sloppy incomplete product that should have been in beta for another 3-6 months..... and will try to pass off the features that should have been into the original release in expansion packs... sure, a lot of people will by this, simply because it has the name ''star wars'' but I bet you this game loses at least HALF of its subscribers after their free month...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best MMORPG to date!
Review: Having played this for five hours with a friend, I can say this really is changing my prospective on MMORPGs. I really used to hate them after I bought EverQuest because of its time consuming gameplay and I always didn't feel it was worth the money I paid monthly to keep on playing. I am not a star wars fan in any way, and I really don't enjoy watching any movies of its sort, however I love this game.

The choices are endless for just about every aspect of this game. There are not too many servers up just yet, but the popularity of the game is growing by the hour. Currently, this game is at its third day, and Sony is already making changes and updates to its servers (the servers are down RIGHT NOW which is why I am writing this review). In the game you can be many different types of people including Marksmen, smugglers, bounty hunters, mages, Jedi, Entertainers (who can dance in the Taverns and even play instruments) and you can even buy houses and create stores (don't trust me on the stores part because I have only played for three days; I am not totally sure about it).

I found that there were was a more than necessary ammount of players in my server. The atmosphere in the game is very upbeat and I was able to ask people for advice almost all the time. When I asked people to Dual, people were very polite in saying "yes" or "no". I have come to expect that kind of behavior on MMORPGs since I had EverQuest. I am happy that the game has started off so well.

I really appreciate some of the aspects and extras of the game that make it unique. I really feel that if this wasn't a starwars game, it would be terrible. Yes, I know I hate StarWars, but the atmosphere is so fufilling that it can only be themed by starwars. You see, the fact that you can just sit down and socialize and get a drink at the Tavern is quite a "Starwars-y" feeling. Other features of this game that are unique is the built in clock which can give you a notice when you've reached a time limit that you have set (it doesn't matter currently because it is summer, but next year I go to college, so you can imagine it is a very usefull tool when I know I have to go back to work).

I also like how people can just start the game without much tedium like how there was in EverQuest. SWG has gotten rid of this by making a much more interactive world. Now, instead of slaying rats for weeks, you can kill criminals and other enemies you might make during playing the game, and this will raise your EXP. Also doing PvP will give you many bonuses. I really like doing this because of the loot you find. I found a rifle on one person when I beat him up with a survival knife. I then sold the rifle which gave me enough credits to be able to buy training for the next level in mage training. I was never able to do anything this great in EverQuest.

So, casual gamers out there? Want some fun? Even if you hate StarWars, I recommend this game to ALL casual gamers that want a project. Hardcore gamers, I don't know how you guys feel, but I am sure that this game will suit your needs as well. I'm off to play SWG, the servers are back up now!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A complete Waste of Hard earned money
Review: This game has to be the most overhyped peace of garbage I have ever bought. I really really wanted to like this game, and I was excited when I rushed home, installed it, and played it. I was still pretty excited after an hour or two...and then my excitement faded away. Why? This game is absolutely horrid. The eye candy and the music is spectacular. The skill advancement concepts are neat too, but the learning curve is way too steep and the help system is terrible too.

As I read the other customer reviews I find myself wondering why it seems like everyone who beta'd this product thinks it is the absolute holy grail of MMORPG's but people who go out and actually spend 50-75 dollars on a copy rip this game to shreds? This is just another title in a long line of 3d Online RPG's that were supposed to be the next "big thing" I sincerely hope the developers at Blizzard are paying attention to this game, because if Worlds of Warcraft turns out to be this horrible, I think I will cry.

If I can offer any sort of advice to anyone reading this, I would say feel free to try this game but be forewarned. If your looking for a Sci-Fi MMORPG I personally would recommend Earth and Beyond, It is somewhat better, and its learning curve is much less brutal.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I got this on the release day, GREAT GAME!
Review: This game is incredible.

It's easy to start and get drawn into. It has probably THE BEST character creation and tutorial EVER, because it is done in an interesting, story-oriented manner that draws you into the game.

I've been hearing a lot of negative chatter about this game. Rather than go through what's so great about this game (and there is so much!), let me share my thoughts on what you've been hearing:

(1) It is really buggy.
I haven't been experiencing much. SWG is probably the biggest, most immersive, detailed, "let you do anything you want that you can normally do in real life" game, and the first ultra-immersive fictional sci-fi universe ever to be attempted. There are so many things you can do in this game, so many paths to travel, that there's bound to be kinks in this "matrix". Even Deja-vu occurs in SWG (glitches in "the matrix". Fortunately, Lucas Arts has the best, most talented staff in modern game development. Since the game's release three days ago, they've improved it drastically and continue to do so. In addition, the game has an excellent "in-game" customer service and bug reporting feature.

(2) Its over hyped.

This product was hardly marketed, and had a very limited showing at E3. Lucas Arts, a company that typically likes to keep all products in-development under severe secrecy has limited marketing and developer-produced hype to dodge the kind of let down that occurred with the intentionally-hyped "Sims Online". All of the hype was produced by FANS. Thankfully, the game isn't the let-down that was "Sims Online".

(3) There's no space travel, wait until the expansion comes out.

The interface of this game, although simple, takes a very long time to master if you want to be able to experience all that there is to experience, just in living terrestrially (on the surface), never mind space travel. It'd be better to buy the game now and master the surface interface before the planetary layer arrives. PLUS: you're going to need the time to save up credits for your Starship, not to mention the skills needed to build it!!!!

(4) There is a monthly fee.

Uh, yea. It's an MMORPG, bonehead. You think they're going to let people use their servers for free and that the staff needed for upgrading, maintaining, and "game mastering" something as large as the Star Wars online Universe are going to volunteer!?!?!? Last time I checked, you had to *pay* for services rendered by others in a Capitalist Nation.

(5) There's no Jedi option.

Untrue. The Jedi profession must be unlocked, but it exists. They make the discovery of force sensitive properties available in your character through hidden means, which to my knowledge, no one has discovered. Once it is, they will change the means. This is to make the game more realistic (there weren't many Jedi during the time the game is set in - the Galactic Civil War), and make being in the Jedi order an exclusive, hidden and mysterious (and sometimes hated, misunderstood,) subculture. Trying to unlock the secret is part of the fun!!!

(6) The Interface is too complicated.

Not true. It is simple for those who want to do simple things (like kill people/creatures), and complicated for those who want to do complicated things (like construct a droid).

(6) Its Addictive.

This is true. Unless you're willing to be drawn into an exciting and thrilling HIGHLY ADDICTIVE game, don't buy it. You're going to need time to play it, too, and if you're interested in it enough, you'll find the time. I plan on playing it 4-6 hours per week, maybe an hour each night after I come back from work and some on the weekends. But it's important to remember that no matter how addictive and exciting the social scene is in GALAXIES, nothing beats the real thing...

Pros: Best MMORPG to date, because it's STAR WARS! Beautiful game, massive, excellent customer service, completely immersive. Addictive.
Cons: Some bugs, resolved regularly. Addictive.

BOTTOM LINE: Must- buy. If you're a Star Wars fan, and you have a moderately powerful PC, you should be violated in an inappropriate manner for not buying and playing this game.

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