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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Wait until they iron out the bugs before buying this.
Review: I am by far no newbie to the MMoRPG games, and I have been waiting a while for this game to come out. I bought it the day it did, and I shouldn't have. I agree with others when they say that a MMORPG will have bugs when it first comes out, but gimme a break! I have a very new, top of the line computer and graphics board that NEVER has any problems with any games(XP2700+,512 DDR400RAM, Radeon 9700)with broadband and this game has so much lag and skips horribly at times. At times, It is unbearable with all of the graphics settings at thier lowest. The sound also skips horribly at times. You can get away without dealing with this problem, if there are only a few people online playing, but that is rare. Also, Every one of the servers seem like they are down all of the time! every morning they say they will be down at 6:00AM for a few hours, but sometimes it's like 11:00AM or noon and I still can't get onto my server. This is the only time I have to play! I pay [$] for the game, and [$] a month for nothing. One last issue is that, in addition to waiting for the "Star Wars" opening and a cool video clip showing how your new character got into the galaxy after character creation, you have watch this EVERY time you log onto the game after that, which takes quite a bit of time to log on, not to mention you get sick of seeing it. How long has this been in beta? And still all of these bugs? I heard this game was supposed to come out last Christmas. I'm not saying that this won't be a great game, because I think it will. I'm just saying to save your money until they get it right, and who knows how long that will take.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Initially fun but lacks meaningful content / staying power
Review: The game is initially very fun, the ability to tailor yourself to certain classes and gain special proffesion abilities gives you a unique feel to your character and what you want to do with it. The game is very open ended allowing you to explore many different worlds and interact with characters. However the staying power of this game is lacking. After a while, The idea of killing wild animals and random thug camps gets tedious and you begin to wonder what the point of the game is besides to advance your character and go after rebel/imperial scum.
Missions (to gain money) are often boring and not unique, go to x kill y, or deliver mission which require half an hour or so to run to a target and talk to it. XP requirements to level up in a profession are set to high (for those gamers without 12 hours a day to dedicate to the game) espcially for upper level skills which require typically ~2 weeks to level up on one of many areas. Bascially it's designed to keep you playing (and thus subscribed) longer. The lack of any meaningful missions and broader "cool" goals to achieve is disturbing. Bugs still abound which can make things VERY frustrating. (released to soon? Pressure from Sony?)
Player to player combat is a very fun part of the game but requires high level of character class to surrive, or bunching in groups of many and picking on helpless passersby. Again to advance up the revel or imperial ranks is rather time consuming. The game is clearly desgined for those who have more free time than a store full of clocks.
Until more meaningfull goals or achievments are added I would say wait to buy this game. Probably a good time to get in would be the Christmas season where vehicles will probably be sold as an expansion pack with many updates and bug fixes. By that time the initial cost of the game should also be reduced.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A top notch MMORPG.
Review: I received my SWG copy with skepticism. However, not only was I blown away by the graphics but amazed at the intuitive interface. I just came off playing Earth & Beyond and Ultima Online found this had a much easier learning curve. The SWG tutorial was great and you can be out and about with all the other galaxy folk searching for your old pal Darth Vader in no time. It is the next level of MMORPG's in my opinion. I would label it a must have for any Star Wars or MMORPG fan.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: slow, buggy, boring
Review: You are paying for a product that is incomplete. The only thing Star Wars about this game is the name of the planets. I have been playing the *game* since launch and have yet to see any intresting depth or dynamic. It tries to force players to roleplay and communicate by having insane amounts of downtown. Normally though most people just go AFK during that downtime hoping someone will heal them. The only intresting thing in the game is the crafting system but teh player driven economy means you will be spending all your time getting your own resources as there is no commodity market.

The game does have promise, but I have played enough MMOs to know that 80% of the promises that companies make is a lie. Look at Anarchy Online, Everquest, and so on... They keep stringing you along, getting that monthly fee while they finsih the game as you test it for them. Maybe in a year with something other than boring missions and inane level grind SWG might be fun to play and hang out in... as for now, steer clear.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: NOT Star Wars
Review: This game represents the beginning of the end of the Star Wars franchise. It's not made by LucasArts and doesn't really have much to do with Star Wars at all.

The game was not ready when I was Beta testing it one month ago and I highly doubt that any of the critical bugs are fixed yet. This is a "serious" game which requires alot of repetitive work and a huge time investment.

Unless you are a student with nothing better to do all summer, don't buy this game. You need to invest at least 4 hours a day to be successful in the game.

On the positive side, the combat system is alot of fun. Going on a hunting expedition with a bunch of other players is cool. But the tedious portions of the game far outweigh the fun factor of combat.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing MMORPG
Review: MMORPGs always attempt to build worlds that are immersive, seemingly real. Star Wars Galaxies moves up a notch from all previous games by making characters VERY customizable. So very much so that if you were in a room of 100 player Wookiees, chances are you'd not see any 2 alike. The character creation process involves a lot of choices, but all are easy to do and as you tailor the looks of your character, you get an instant preview. For those who want to just move quickly through the process, you can click a "randomize" button.

SWG also has a vigorous player economy. Everything from food to weapons are made by other players and available from a central marketplace much easier to shop than EverQuest's "Bazaar." You don't even need to meet the seller in person, or even have them online at time of purchase.

SWG features all the familiar alien races you've seen in the movies, plus some new species you've probably not seen before. It has varied and diverse planets, a wide variety of places to see, an easy way to begin "missions" that you can do solo or join together with friends to accomplish, and of course the Rebel and Empire sides to the civil war... you can elect to choose sides or play neutral. For those who like to pick a faction but do not particularly like Player-vs-Player conflicts, you may elect to go "covert."

This is the next generation MMORPG, built on a lot of valuable lessons learned over the years from successes like EverQuest, carrying it forward to a much better and more exciting set of possibilities. This actually inspired me to quit EQ in favor of playing SWG!

I was not a huge fan of the Star Wars universe, but found myself very compelled and entertained by the intricate crafting, constructing, and unique character profession building in this game. If you even THINK you might enjoy playing in the Star Wars universe in an MMORPG, you cannot miss this!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great grapics lousy game
Review: This game has so much potential but i don't think it will ever be realized. The graphics are amazing. The customizing of characters is extremely detailed. Ok i'm done with the praise, now to the real stuff. 1. 14.99/month isn't worth it to play. 2. Sony has the WORST support i've ever seen. they make so many random patches it's rediculous. it's just a testament to their inability to code it right the first time. 3. Get ready to lose your character a lot. I've already lost my character twice in the past 5 days. I play, sony patches, i go to play again and "poof" my character is gone. generally it's that patch part by sony which screws it up. this was also a problem with everquest. Go spend your money on dark age of camelot, it's a little less per month and way more stable. Or if you are cheap go back to counterstrike and diablo II.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Holy cow ! I can't beleive they messed this game up
Review: Pros 1. Graphics, game size and Star Wars theme
Cons 1. Poor missions (half the missions simply dont work and thus no reward and its a waste of time. We're talkng an hour for a mission and nothing for your time.)
2. Unless your a crafter, earning credits is tough almost impossible if you can't complete a mission.(mobs dont drop credits)
3. The HUD is difficult to click around in.
4. PvP is almost nonexistent, granted its still early for most people to even engage in PvP but still at least show where the heck the battlegrounds are.

The few problems I have with the game aren't that big of a deal but I have to admit I'm not addicted to this MMORP as with others and I'm a big Star Wars fan. I think there is too many little things you need to do just to have your character advance.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not a bad start, but will rule in a years time!
Review: Like any brand new MMOLG, STG is plauged with small glithes, bugs and broke things. No worries. The team is fast as lightning when it comes to fixing these and will soon begin to add more content. For right now, it is a shakedown cruise for both us, the players and the designers. It looks really good and is very stable with no lag. If you were a old vet of EQ, you'll pick this up pretty quick. Gone are the old levels and added are skills that get improved. The Graphics are breathtaking and it is Star Wars!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not a game review, but a review of whats in the box!
Review: I recently purchased the Collectors Edition of Star Wars Galaxies, and since I'm only just getting in to it all I will not review the game, but the contents of the box itself. The Collectors Edition box is leather, heavy and very well made, and very fitting for a game with so much to live up to! The Collectors Edition comes with the following:

The Game: 3 CDs in a plastic case, much better than the recent trend of forgoing a case for paper sleeves.

Exclusive in-game wearable: Once you get your account setup, make a character and get through the tutorial, you choose a starting location. This item is in your inventory, but I havn't seen any real use for it as of yet.

Art concept book: Nice book, though softcover. It is nice to flip through, but really does not offer much you didn't see on the various gaming web sites.

Collectable figurine: small pewter figure of the all powerful Zabrak... she sure doesn't look all powerful in pewter!

Sew on patch: Well the patch is nice and maybe if i was an 8 year old Star Wars fan from the 70's i'd put this on my denim jacket, but otherwise I do not really see this leaving the case at all.

I gave this three stars, based on quality, content, and price. I felt there could have been something more for $... In reality, thats the price of two other games, and tack on $... a month to play (after first month free), it starts to become a real investment for something you might give up after a month or two of play. Maybe if they had included three months game time, and a CD soundtrack, or access to restricted in-game items/races/classes, this would have been a much more valuable purchase.

In conclusion, there really is no reason to buy the Collectors Edition. Buy the regular version and pick up the Warcraft 3 expansion as well, or Rise of Nations!

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