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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Seems to me...
Review: It seems to me that all of these reviews are written by people who are big fans of StarWars but have never played an MMORPG. I haven't played this game so I don't know whether it is good or not but would like to find out.

What you have to realize is that a MMORPG requires alot of work. There will be bugs on the release of the game but from what I hear from friends is that they are fixed quickly on this game.

If you have never played an MMORPG then youre in for a surprise. But eventually the game will be fixed and you will begin to have more fun.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The game is literally what you make of it
Review: For those who want a single-player game with a lot of people playing at once, you will be disappointed. The whole point of this game is the community (friends, enemies, neutrals). There is so much potential to be tapped in this game -- but you must tap it. It will not do it for you. That, in a nutshell is the great strength of the game.

The major flaw in games of the Everquest genre has been that all advancement is based around combat. While not a perfect system by any means, SWG eliminates the need to kill in order to advance. I am an architect by trade on SWG and have advanced up to making medium houses. Advancement is not an "experience grind" unless you make it into one.

Yes, there are signficant server problems. Yes, there are lag issues. But no more than I expected, to be honest. All in all, I'd say it is an excellent base that just needs a bit of work on server stability and lag issues in order to flourish.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It's still in beta, a month after release
Review: I love the game I really do, but love is not enough. First off the game is very much still in beta, massive lag, constant patches that fix and refix the same problems over and over again, only to undo everything after a week and start over.

There are no quests in this game. Just layered versions of destroy and delivery missions, with the very rare escourt mission. None of the proffessional skill sets are completed causing huge ballence issues as well as economic missery for those who simply want equipment to match their skill levels. Most of the neater aspects of the game are broken, such as the theme parks, as well as the vaunted PvP action. You'll find yourself being attacked when you should be safe, and unable to enter combat when you are supposed to, do to a constantly tweeked and ill described PvP and TEF system.

Esentially this game is not done except for a few portions. Many of characteristics of the game are now taking the form of vapor ware, and it is doubtfull that they will be added in the near future.

All in all I have high hopes for the game, but I'm putting my account on the shelf for a few months and give it a try again at a later date, when they finally bring it out of beta.

Rating: 1 stars

The SERVERS ARE HORRIBLE. CRASH! LAG! LOST CONNECTIONS! CAN'T GET ON A-L-L D-A-Y! I'm writing this now waiting ... hoping ... praying ... to maybe get on and play a game I AM PAYING FOR.

The game is also immensely HARDWARE AND DRIVER CRITICAL. If you don't have the latest stuff and you're not PC savvy, prepare to spend many long hours with Tech Support. Then there are the almost DAILY PATCHES (that's right: you're BETA TESTING for them -- and PAYING FOR IT).

When this game works -- it'd be almost enjoyable if it weren't so TEDIOUS. Maybe you want to be an Artisan? Be prepared to dig in the gound for materials for COUNTLESS HOURS! Want to be a Marksman -- you'll have fun killing TENS OF THOUSANDS of bugs and other critters. B-O-R-I-N-G! There is NO HEROIC ELEMENT at all to this game. You're not gonna be Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. Forget it.

Do yourself a BIG FAVOR -- stay away. Me, I'm not continuing after the first free month. Lord knows, I wish I could get my money back.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A game far far away from what I wanted
Review: When SWG first came out I was like a kid in a candy store. When waiting for SWG to arrive after I ordered it from Amazon I was a nervous wreck. When it finally arrived it fealt like christmas. Now I'm just depressed and missing my money.

SWG was a sad disappointment for several reasons. Problem #1: Although the extra graphics are cool, the game play seemed to be very repetitive and although you can progress to very cool jobs (bounty hunter,weaponsmith,etc.),it was completely squashed by problem #2. The game kept crashing my systems physical memory every fifteen minutes of game play which resulted in a complete reboot of my system. At first I thought it was a system problem but after checking drivers (which the game subjests) and checking every other possible thing (inluding upgrading my memory from 512 to 768), I finally had to uninstall the program and everything has worked fine since. Problem #2 seems to be that while SWG supports TODAYS computers, computers produced ONE or TWO years ago (or game cards/processors) seem to be completely unsupported by the crack SWG team that is constantly kicking out patches for everything under the sun except for the problems that you send them.

And before any asks, yes my computer met the minmum standards, as well as the recommended standards so that wasn't the problem.

For a long time SW fan, the thought of finally being INSIDE of the SW Universe seemed like a dream but it quickly turned into a nightmare of crashes and glitches.

May the force be with you if you intend to buy this game.

Rating: 0 stars

* Things that do not work as stated: many professions and items are plain broken.

* Horrible LAG at times, up to 20-30 seconds or even a minute at times to execute a command.

* Inexplicable server crashes and losses of connectivity -- frequently; and then it will take a half-hour to get back into the game while the server loads.

* Server rollbacks -- Lost data, lost experience, missing inventory items (lots and frequently): don't get too attached to anything.

* Virtually DAILY bug patches both at the server and client ends. Yes, you're paying them to beta test their stuff. What a deal Sony has going on!

* Currently 2 hours of DOWN TIME on the servers for maintenance EVERY DAY.

* An entirely worthless and apathetic Customer Support (sic): buncha DMV rejects. Every email I have from them, after I've sent a detailed complaint, gets a useless "form letter" response. And FORGET finding them in online group chat.

* WHERE'S COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION? The manual is horrible, more interested in being Star Wars-y than informative. Customer Support (sic) while telling you to READ THE MANUAL for any and all help you might want, is happy to tell you out of the other side of their mouths that there are new and undocumented commands. Yes, that's right: YOU CAN'T HAVE ALL THE RULES!

* A gigantic amount of game-related information is simply unavailable in the game. The best source of game information is not the game, but from fan sites.

* /bug reports are NEVER answered. At last check, there were over HALF A MILLION bug reports filed. Amazing! The game's a month old! Now they've put a cap on how many bug reports you can send. What? Is 500,000 bug reports too embrassing that they have to limit adding more?

And this list doesn't touch on any of the MANY problems with the game itself --

* BROKEN GRAPHICS (things floating in mid-air, standing next to a giant cube that says "Default Appearance" on it, magically moving waypoints).

And -- WORST OF ALL -- their primary focus is NOT in fixing these problems, but in coming out with new features. STUNNING!

I have really tried to like this game -- but enough is enough. What a waste of good money.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Wait 6 months.
Review: I beta tested this product through phases 3 & 4(final phase). While it was reasonably fun, and certainly has potential to be a great game, to be perfectly blunt they went live with it before it was ready. As it stands, Star Wars: Galaxies is extremely bug-ridden. Many MMORPGs are released as such, and it generally takes a good 6 months, if not longer, before the product reaches a reasonable semblance of stability.

If you buy this game right now, then you're paying to beta test. Wait until a good 6 months have passed, and then you'll likely be treated to a fun and stable product.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Bugs and No CSR Feedback
Review: CONS:

-There is no CSR support.
-There is almost no player community or feeling of unity.
-There are bugs, crashes, and server outages that will waste ungodly amounts of time.
-Animals nearby will attack you and kill you even if your fighting someone else.
-You will not get your NPC mission rewards, including epic rewards. And you wont be reapid by the CSRs even though they know the missions reward systems are bugged.
-This game is work, with no sense of direction.
-There is almost no naming enforcment. People are running around with names like "Roxxorz, Deez'nuts, Chewsbacca"

-It's Star Wars Online.
-You can select from a handful of races to play and customize their looks completely.
-Combat is unique.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: released early, but maturing into an excellent game...
Review: Sure the game was released a little early... missing a couple things, many bugs... but the devs have been working hard and the game is taking form very well.

If you just can't wait and don't mind being a beta tester of sorts, buy the game now! because its fun!...

or wait about a month or two and purchase the game when it is flawless and well pollished. Mounts and vehicles should be up and running by september or so.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Massive Disapointment
Review: After waiting over a year to get into the beta test, I was shocked at how just plain bad a game could be...

The graphics and music are very well done. That's the only nice thing I can say about the product.

Constant crashes, you'll encounter a bug every 5 minutes at least. Bugged items that don't work or won't equip when they should.

The most boring example of skill building you can dream of. I thought Ulitma Online was tedious when mining... well SWG takes tedium to a whole new level. There is no sense of community, nothing fun to do.. and the skills are laughable. That being said, I feel bad so many talented people worked so hard.. but bottom line is don't waste your money. I am also a die hard Star Wars fan, but even that isn't enough to make me enjoy it.

I'd go with Dark Age of Camelot if you like game play/skills advancement or There, they have working transportaion, even multi person flying cars unlike starwars endless running, and only single person cars when they are released) if you like socializing with games as a sub set of the product rather then the focus then There is a great game (TSO fans are moving to this game left and right).

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