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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Give it a chance!!!!
Review: I have read all the complaints about this game and let me tell you. This game is less than 3 monghts old, give it a chance!! The full potential of SWG hasn't even been seen yet!
For those of you who just plain love MMORPGS this game has been the only one that has kept my interest and I can't wait for all the in game add ons! Bottom line is this game is what you make it. The graphics are incedible. The game play exciting! And just overall enjoyable!
Where else can you go and live in this world and interact in the Star Wars universe?
So far I love this game and I am embarressed to admit I've lost many a weekend playing out.
For me SWG has been a much needed escape from the toils of everyday life. And I have been having a hell of alot of fun playing it.
Isn't that what it's supposed to be about??

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A fun game but very time consuming
Review: I was hesitant to get this game but picked it up on the advice of a friend and I was not disappointed.
Despite the negative critical reaction to this game I have found it to be enjoyable. It can be for the beginner far too large but over time the more you learn the more fun it can be. The range of possible in game careers and adventures is staggering. One can spend an evening dancing and chating in the cantina or doing dirty work for Java the Hut. A player can be an architect, tailor, hair dresser, dancer, musician, businessman, scout, creature tamer, bounty hunter, and much more. The fact that one can pursue a shot them up path, a non combat path, or a little of both makes the game unique. To move up in any of the base professions takes a lot of time and can be frustrating to some. I find that the time I spent watching TV passively is now spent on a game that I am actively involved in. I play a half to four hours a day depending on how much free time I have. The best part of the game is its social aspect. Grouping up with other players and meeting new people is enjoyable and can help one progress in the game faster. As you qualify for new skills you can go to a no player character or learn it from a player for far less credits.
This game will most likely be popular with hard core Star Wars fans for one can visit many of the famous characters and places from the movies. It also allows one to remain neutral or choose sides in the galactic war. But, it has a lot offer for those who are not die hard fans do to the wide breath of available activities. It is a fairly well rounded game for the most part.
There are a few problems however. The game can be fairly glitchy but one can report these and most of the problems should be fixed over time. A computer needs 256 mg ram a fairly good processor and video card to run the game. Look at the minimum requirements before buying. Some of the areas of interest are lacking in content. Hopefully this will be fixed over time. Most players are helpful but occasionally one runs into a hard core player or player association who spends way too much time playing the game and is not interested in associating with novices. Starting out on the right planet is important for some professions especially entertainers who need to be in highly populated places to gain experience and learn from other entertainers.
Overall I found the game to be an enjoyable escape.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sony and Lucas have failed to use the force
Review: This game was not ready to leave beta. I've played since the day after it released (which incidentally all servers were hard down that entire day I missed) and have nothing but tremendous dissapointment to report. In three years of development Q3P0 and the gang of developers couldn't dip into the good things of the OTHER sony game? They couldn't finish any code at all so at least half the classes skills would function right? And content? Repetitious drivel with no rewards worth having and faction that has no point at all except to attack other players. I looked forward to this game and find I'd rather go back and play EQ. This game will not finish out 2 years without incredible reworking... but wait, shouldn't they make it work as it is first? Don't waste your time with this game. It's pretty to look at, and worthless to play. I'm cancelling after 2 months of giving it more than enough chances.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Highly Adictive
Review: I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, nor big with Online games. I am a gamer. This game is one ton of fun. Worth checking out.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible...pay to be a tester...
Review: This game is the worst bug-filled disaster I have EVER had the disappointment to play. Not only is the monthly subscription the highest I have seen (15.99) but there are too many HUGE bug. We are not talking just small glitches, but big technical and human errors, like; disappearing items, teleporting characters, rollbacks, unannounced server shutdowns, etc. And to top it off the publisher is not very responsive to their customers.

Oh, that is in addition to the lousy Player-vs-Player action, the unbalanced characters, the crippled professions (classes), the unfinished quests (missions)etc. Basically , this is an unfinished release.

I really wanted to like this game. But, I didn't. Save your money, I wish I did.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An Empire Divided is an Apt Sub-title
Review: Unfortunately, the division is between the cash paying customers, and the Sony / Lucas arts Bean Counters. I have been playing, and I cancelled my account as of last night, due to absolutely no customer service.

There are many bugs and problems with this game, which is based on Star Wars only in licensing the names and sounds. Perhaps, if they actually finished beta, and released something that was 75 or 85% functional, it would be worth a glance at, but as it is, you are paying for no service, a great deal of boredom, a broken economy, broken gameplay, and very little to do with actual Star Wars.

Two thumbs down

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: More Greed From Sony... Less Content
Review: This review will be short and sweet: save your money. Here's why...

As with the (disappointing) post-Verant International expansions to Sony's popular "EverQuest" franchise, "Star Wars: Galaxies" is very short on content, but very high on greed-driven programming choices. For one thing, forget about making multiple characters on the same account... a courtesy which nearly every previous "MMORPG game" ever created has featured. In "Star Wars: Galaxies," you are forcibly limited to *one* and "only one* character per paid account, period. If you play for 3 months, and discover that you hate that character, you must start all over again from scratch (and will have wasted your previous subscription fees, naturally). Unlike every other game which has preceded it, "Galaxies" does not allow you to try out different characters simultaneously until you settle upon the one which you like best. The only possible reason for such an imposed limitation is a simple one: GREED. Sony wants your subscription fees, and this is an obvious ploy to milk as much money from their subscribers as possible. I could accept this a bit better if the game content warranted it, but it does not (the game world is entirely too small and bland overall).

Additionally, when greed such as this so rudely limits the gameplay options, combined with the typically poor to nonexistant customer support (already made famous by Sony's infamous "EverQuest" experience)... well, such lack of concern for the gamer *frequently* becomes invasive to the gameplay experience itself.

And that's simply not very much fun, unless you enjoy roleplaying a sucker lining the pockets of grinning Japanese businessmen... um, no thanks.

"Star Wars: Galaxies" has (thus far) managed to disappoint nearly everyone who has courageously given it a try. Unless you are SERIOUSLY hung up on the "Star Wars" films, and simply can *not live* unless you get to be a Han Solo clone in an extremely limited gameplay world, I would recommend passing on this one. Save your money for a more promising game (such as the upcoming "Worlds of Warcraft" for example).

Another big thumbs down.

EDITING ADDITION: Back when I wrote this review in August, I was still waiting for Sony to patch and fix the immense number of bugs in SWG. I assumed (based upon Sony's infamous prior history of exploiting their customers and forcing us all to PAY to be Sony's beta testers) that SOE would eventually make the necessary repairs that this game required. After all, the game had only been released fairly recently when I wrote this review. Well, here I am still waiting for those fixes, and it is now October of 2003.

Have they finally properly patched and fixed the unbelievable plethora of bugs in Star Wars Galaxies..? They have not. What's worse... when you complain to them, they become condescending towards you, their paying customer, and attempt to make you feel as if you "simply do not get it."

Oh, I get it alright: SWG, just like most other Sony games, is simply a "get-rich-quick-before-they-catch-on-to-us-and-cancel" scheme. The various patches applied to this game have made the problems worse, not better. Classes have been nerfed to the point of being nearly un-playable, no one wants to play medics because they are generally unrewarding, hospital-type areas where players MUST go to heal up after battles are overcrowded due to lack of services, and generally, everything in this game seems geared toward making you wait days or weeks before you enjoy even a tiny amount of meaningful "progress." Days or weeks that you continue to pay for, whilst getting little to no satisfaction from either the game itself, or Sony's nearly non-existant customer support.

My advice..? I hate to say it, but at this point I favour a MASSIVE and TOTAL BOYCOTT of ALL products from Sony Online Entertainment. Since greed is apparently the sole motivation they have behind their various decisions and practises... then fine: hit them where they apparently live. Hit them in their wallets. I just did... I cancelled every subscription I had to ALL the Sony Online Entertainment games I had been playing, including EverQuest (after nearly 4 years)... another game SOE has managed to nearly destroy after buying the franchise from Verant International.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: An Empire Disappointed
Review: This game is just plain dumb. There are way too many glitches with animations and character movements. I find myself walking right through some objects. Don't buy it now, wait until some of these horrible bugs are cleared up. Wait until the Jedi fiasco is figured out, too.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Hooray for Hollywood
Review: As a programmer who grew up writing stick mice and stick martini glasses on green screens I am always fascinated by improvements in graphics. LUCAS Arts and SONY have nailed it this time. The art is now curtailed only by processor and graphic card limitations. This is a game of life. You dont fight unless a real player makes weapons. You dont eat unless someone makes food. You walk unless you earn money to travel. No place to live unless... well you get the idea. Its slow to start but I am told by everyone its great after you have developed a career and the skills to go with it. The world is HUGE and seamless. The sun rises and sets, it rains, the wind blows and everything is in a constant state of motion. Beast are terratorial and sometimes agressive. There are numerous agressive gangs of thieves in the wild to look out for plus sooner or later you will have to align yourself with either the Imperial or Rebel force, or maybe not. Put aside another 300 hours or so a month and EQ you now have a competitor.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I think it's time for Sony to give us some answers...
Review: I remember seeing Star Wars in the movie theater in 1977 - I was hooked from that first viewing. I remember collecting Star Wars figures, Star Wars trading cards, Star Wars ships/vehicles, etc. I remember seeing The Empire Strikes Back in the movie theater. I remember seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater. For many of us, Star Wars has been a passion and source of happiness....and then came SWG: An Empire Divided.

I'm not sure I've ever been this angry and disappointed over a game. How could LucasArts ALLOW such a disasterous release of maybe the most highly recognized movie series in the history of film? I think it's time we, as the gaming community got some answers.

1. What was the hurry? Were your programming buildings wired with bombs that would explode if you didn't release it by July?

2. How could you be so ill prepared for service issues? I've seen/experienced some bumpy game implementations, but this takes the cake.

and finally...

3. How could you be so CARELESS with the Star Wars title? Star Wars is not a fad, fly-by-night title or splash in the pan (although your handling of the game release could result in this being a splash in the pan). I would have taken more pride in releasing a polished game that would blow everyone away - not one that is so offensively off the mark it's DRIVING everyone away.

I know I do not speak for all, but I believe I speak for most. The time to answer is now.

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