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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: filled with bugs and no one cares about fixing them
Review: Skip this game if you are a star wars fan. There are too many play stopping bugs and vanishing items. Most of things in the game do not work. Items that give bonuses are broken and a majority of class not even playable to any reasonable extent. The skils for every class are only partially implemented. This This game really feels like a early beta game that is about 1-2 years from release. The servers still down for 1-2 hours a day, and it not even for fixing bugs, probably just unstable.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: tsk tsk
Review: The only reason any of you hate this game are because of one of the following reasons

1) It doesn't revolve around a consistent slash em up and blood theme

2) It's two star warsy ( WHAT DID YOU FREAKING EXPECT!)

3) Lag or other problems phsycally with this game: Have you seen the requirements! This is the most defined and technilogically advanced game on the market, if you are running a 32mb video card i don't feel sorry for you. Go play pong, maybe your computer can handle that.

the only reason i gave this game a 4 was because of the many many patches you have to download for the bugs

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Wish I could Give it -5 Stars
Review: Star Wars? It's more like STONE AGE STARWARS: REVENGE OF THE BEASTLORDS. What a waste of TIME and MONEY.

I really wanted this to be a great game. "Immerse yourself in Star Wars in a way you've only dreamed!". That's what they say. Only the dream that talk about is a tedious nightmare of endless clicking. If you take a crafting profession then you're doom to a life of endless mouse clicks creating useless items that nobody will buy in the hopes that after HUNDREDS of hours of tedious grinding you will be able to make something useful.

The there are the BUGS. More bugs in this game the on a dirty bum on a hot July day. Seriously, this is one of the worst game I ever wanted to play.

I even gave it some time. Patch after patch came out, making the game less playable with each 'fix'. Instead of fixing bugs they were more concerned with tweaking the character classes in order to bring balance to the Player-vs-Player aspect of the game (in other words, it's still in the best PHASE). The whole time ignoring half completed classes, game stopping bugs, and a slew of missing other playability issues.

Then there is the BEASTLORD aspect of the game. It seems these guys developed another popular game with beastloards as a character class. Well, they ported that character over to star wars. So, now, people walk around cities with pet Rancor and Banthas. To many people have this class because they originally made the Creature Handler (that's the beastload class name) the most powerful class in the game. Star Wars?

Did I mention the time sinks? You better not have a family. This game REQUIRES a minimum of 4 hours a day (12 on the weekends) if you want to compete with the powergamers. It's not designed for the casual gamer AT ALL.

If you are supper type B, and on Prozac, then perhaps you will enjoy the game (you also need NO life as the game requires you to work more then any 2 jobs).

BTW: Its also the most expensive game monthly fee to date. So not worth the money.

Lucas Arts should be ashamed of this production.

OH, before you think this is it... did I mention the CHEATING. And the number of exploites that were released with the game now has whole server with many top level people on it. To make the game for fun for these top level people they made all low level creatures HARDER. Good luck starting a low level character now and having any fun at all...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Chris Hicks
Review: I know there are some people are bashing SWG, but I have to say I am definately impressed. This is my first MMORPG and if the other stuff is better then I don't need them, this one takes up enough of my time. So much time, my wife has threatend to uninstall it (like she knows how to uninstall something, lol).
I started out as Marksman, added some Brawler skills, then I thought, man I could help out after battles if I could entertain also. So, I picked up some entertain skills. Then I thought, wait a minute, I can learn medic skills to heal myself and others and what about building camps to rest in after those 15 minute battles with dessert demons. There are so many possibilities. If you don't like certain skills you can surrender them back (but not for the full amount).
Are there bugs? Yep. One of them threw me halfway across the planet of tatooine from where I was walking into a farm and then found myself half a world away amid tons of nasty creatures that wanted to chew me up. Took me 20 minutes to find my way back. Was I mad? Sorta. Did I quit? No, I am still playing and my wife is still fussing.
I have met tons of people each night and I will continue to play this until the server crashes or my wife leaves me (I would still play after she left, but it sounded good).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Stay away from this game.
Review: In the course of 2 months I've gone from a defender of Star Wars Galaxies, to someone deeply against this game. The game was rushed out over six months early by Sony, knowing full well the game was not ready for release. It is plagued by a lack of content, game stopping bugs, massive class and skill imbalances, cheats, exploits, and a development team unwilling to resolve these issues because they state the game is working as intended.

Many of the current fans of this game base their reviews on the potential of what's to come. The problem is, the game as it stands is simply not worth the price of the box, or the monthly subscription. Further, reviewing the game based on what's to come or it's future potential is deceptive because the developers have already broken many of their early promises. It's a shame because this game did have potential, but we're left with little more than a hyped up version of an AOL chat room.

With that said, there are those who do like this game. My sister is a die-hard Sims fan, if you liked the Sims Online, you will like the superficial social features of this game such as sitting in a Cantina for hours a day dancing while players remain silent and aim to leave as quick as they can. There is forced social interaction through-out the game which generates a mood and feeling of "I don't want to be here, I don't care about you, I just want to get this done as quick as we can and leave."

Star Wars Galaxies is not for players looking for anything remotely similar to EQ, UO, DAoC, AO, or any other massive multi-player game on the market. The developers tried taking a gamble to make something new, and fell flat on their faces. As I've said, despite the massive discontent, thousands of players canceling, and a dying community, we're left with arrogant developers and pretentious social players telling us "this game if not for you!" The game lacks any sense of adventure, quests, combat, immersivness, or fun.

Worse of all is the development team has broken the faith of the community. Despite all these problems, many in the community were willing to wait and see the game through it's potential. But it has become clear that potential will never be realized because of this development team and Lucas Entertainment. Just like in the new movies, we're left with a final product that is over-hyped, filled with over-whelming graphics, but little substance or awe-inspiring content.

Avoid this game at all costs, you will regret buying it. I've never felt this strongly about a game, and this is the first time I've taken to making sure my fellow video gamers save their money for the better. But the developers at Sony and Lucas Arts have brought this upon themselves by giving the gaming community such a terrible game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Yikes!
Review: I admit I am not an expert at these types of games but I love Star Wars and I am a big fan of DAOC so I thought I would give this a try.

It's terrible. It's very hard to understand what to do and what the point is. Fights with mobs are way too long. While the graphics are great, the game play is boring and encumbered. Not an enjoyable experience. Don't waste your money unless you have a friend that can explain all the details. Not new user friendly.

Rating: 1 stars

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I warn you!!! do not buy this game!!!
Review: I just want to tell you guys this. I bought this game and was like. "This is awsome!" but i never got to play it! I bought this at sam's club and after I left I noticed you after you spend $... on it you also have to pay like $... every mounth! I'm sorry it looks cool and all but its not worth it...no game is! I would maybe do that if I did not have other things to pay for. So this is just a warning....please do not make a fool out of yourself like I did.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't bother...
Review: Maybe I just had too high of hopes for this one, but I didn't even finish the first free month before I got bored with it and canceled my subscription. Honestly this is more of a tedious job then an entertaining game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Jedi??????!!!!!
Review: This game can be alot of fun but I WANT TO BE A JEDI. I know that i would need to train and i dont want it to be too easy like KOTOR but I haven't seen a single jedi. If you are a Jedi please email me so i at least know your out there. The other professions arn't worthwhile yet, bounty hunters??? wheres the bounty??!!! I think i just had 2 high of hopes for this game and was comparing it too much to the original star wars trilogy.

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