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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Immersive and addictive yet lacking somewhat...
Review: On logging into the world, the first thing that will surprise you is the astonishing beauty of the game world. The cities are vast and, of the locals that we've witnessed in the movies, pretty much spot on replicas of the sets. The gameplay is similar in style to EverQuest and other MMORPGs; hack and slash except bows are replaced by a variety of guns.

What is missing from this game is a sense of accomplishment from tasks other than the Galaxies equivalent of levelling. Sure, getting your next certification or increasing in rank within your faction (Empire or Rebel) is a little rewarding, but the "loot" system (the rewards received for killing various creatures or completig missions) is seriously lacking.

The economy in the game is nearly 100% driven by the players. That is, there are raw resources available within the game universe that are harvested by players, forged into items by players, and sold by players to other players. Money is "produced" by players completing missions or finding little bits here and there on some of the non-player character people that you make kill during your travels.

While Galaxies allows you a great deal of flexability in the basic physical appearance of your character (e.g., you can adjust your weight, height, gender, hair color, nose length and width, skin color, jaw width, eye size, eye angle, etc., etc.), providing more flexability than any MMORPG prior, its very difficult to distinguish yourself from the crowd when everyone, with the right amount of credits (earned by spending too much time playing) has access to the same clothing, armor, and weapons. This gets a bit frustrating.

So far, the only tangible reward for the "hard core" player is a vast amount of credits, the best equipment and armor that money can buy, and a potent set of skills allowing you to best other players in Player vs Player combat.

In summary, the game is addictive, bringing me back for more on a regular basis but is it fun? I still wrestle with this question...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: a REAL review
Review: This game has countless bugs. It has been out for 2 months now and there are still bugs present which were known since the game released. Half of the professions don't even work right. Commando for example hasn't received any fixes until recently. It took 2 months of complaints before SOE decided to do anything about it. There is NO point in this game. The 'galatic civil war' or pvp in this game is totally screwed up. Once you master whatever profession you chose, thats it game over. There is NOTHING left to do. All thats left to do is PvP, and if I wanted to do that I'd play one of the far superior pvp mmorpgs on the market right now. You could also hunt big creatures for no loot too if thats your thing. Big risk no reward is SWG. You're basically paying to partake in a game that's at best in beta state. I wouldn't even consider playing this game for several more months. Hopefully they'll have the game ready by then, and you'd save yourself a lot of frustration, time, and money. If this is your first mmorpg, I hope this game doesn't scare you away from any future mmorpgs. Not all rpgs are as unenjoyable and unrewarding as swg.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best computer game of all.
Review: I have played this game a couple of times and it is the best i have ever played. It is soooo realistic, you can do everything you do in realy life. You can have a profesion, you get buy a house if you want. This game is so real you have to get it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: not as good as others
Review: this game is not as good as the other star war games it dosent have a very good grapics it is not fun at all if i were you i wouldnt get this game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You can't cut the cake if it isn't baked...
Review: Sometime next year, SWG will be "playable". Playable MMOs should take longer than 1 month to master your profession...let alone 2. Once you've mastered your profession, what is one to do? Wait for more content? Wait for class balacing? Wait for vehicles, jedi implementation (it's doubted by many that the jedi system isn't in place yet), player-run cities, and ridable mounts? Wait for the space expansion? Wait, wait, wait...while paying for the privelege of waiting?

No thanks...

"Star Wars" as a theme was the only thing that kept me in the game for more than a few weeks. Once the alure wore off (hearing the loading server splash page music for hours on end sped the process), the game lost all appeal.

My advice: play for your free month so you realize that subscribing is a big waste of your time and money. After all, will companies stop releasing games before they're complete if people STOP paying to beta test? Who knows...

Game over.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Run away! Run far away!
Review: black-tiger from Miami, FL United States
It's not worth the price of the box nor the 15 bucks a month. I spent 2 months playing and then they decided to nerf my character to heck and back. And they're preparing to nerf other professions as well, this is another beta test which people should not have to pay for. I am very disappointed. I was having fun but it's no fun when they release a game that they claim is finished only to have it drastically change in one sweep of the nerf-bat. Anyway you have been warned. Those that like it see the potential. I do too, but it's not there yet, therefore not worth the money to invest. Give them a year or 2 and maybe it'll be up to snuff then and the nerf-bats will be put away.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If I were you I'd stay far away!
Review: It's not worth the price of the box nor the 15 bucks a month. I spent 2 months playing and then they decided to nerf my character to heck and back. And they're preparing to nerf other professions as well, this is another beta test which people should not have to pay for. I am very disappointed. I was having fun but it's no fun when they release a game that they claim is finished only to have it drastically change in one sweep of the nerf-bat. Anyway you have been warned. Those that like it see the potential. I do too, but it's not there yet, therefore not worth the money to invest. Give them a year or 2 and maybe it'll be up to snuff then and the nerf-bats will be put away.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Crashes surpass fixes
Review: I tore open the package and installed the software in a matter of minutes only to be disappointed, months after it's release date, that crashes dominate the gameplay. It takes a LONG time to build your character stats up only to have to reboot my PC due to another untimely crash. My system is only 1 year old and I run XP with DSL on 1GB RAM/256MB graphics. I would think my system specs would amplify gameplay yet I was wrong--for the most part that is. Aside from any negativity, the haunting visuals, surround sound, plethera of options, unique gameplay, immersive interaction, face-lifting engagement and wonderous joy altogether are on phenominal levels! If you are a Star Wars veteran, new or old school, this is a must have! It will consume your nights just trying to do a mission on foot for one of the locals (I prefer a couple cups of coffee when having this kind of slumber party.) This is truly on the heels of ground-breaking MMRPG's--maybe by year's end the servers will be full throttle to eliminate/greatly reduce crashing. Enjoy!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good game, could be a *much* better experience
Review: I think this is a good game. My brother and I have spent many hours of fun. Basically, you pick your character and decide which professions you want to take on. The game caters to people who like nothing but fighting (e.g. commandos or squad leader), or others who like to build really nice things (e.g. weaponsmiths can build weapons that do more damage than average), or others who just want to socialize (e.g. dancers, musicians or medics). As opposed to other MMORPG, it is possible to switch to an entirely different profession in the middle of the game. Also, money is usually not a problem as there are quite easy missions that bring in decent money, plus there are many generous players out there.

However, all this would be really fun if not for _all_the_bugs!!! Our fun has been dampened by the enormous number of _frustrating_ bugs. At the beginning, I was frequently losing connection. Sometimes I could play for only 10 minutes at a time. It's better now. Right now (08/24) there are bugs mostly with synchronizing with the server. Items just disappear from my inventory. Already, I have lost 2 really nice rifles and 7k units of a particularly nice resource. Pouf! they just disappeared, even as I had the rifle in hand. Money is not a problem, but time is: to get back the 7000 units of something takes (real) time and I am paying in real $$$ to play this game.

I got in touch with customer support through the in-game system, but it's been over a week and I have not heard back from them. Well, I did get a canned response on about 20 different issues, none of which pertain to me.

To conclude, good game, if you can put up with the bugs. As for me, I am an optimist and hope that all the bad programmers will be fired and that the good ones will remain to clean up the mess. So I subscribed for one more month to see how things go.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great vision, horrible implementation, in-game service...
Review: Star Wars Galaxies is a good game, gone bad. The feature set is great, with lots of playable professions, etc. There are are bugs however, throughout. Hard-core MMORPG fans (who read online forums for fun) will be mildly aggravated. However the casual player is likely to just quit playing. My advice: this game can be great fun... if you aren't into knowing about the bug du-jour I'd suggest waiting a few months.

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