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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Be prepared
Review: I bought this game for my son, a Star Wars fanantic, we own every other game and all the movies. But we were really disappointed in the fact that this game was only online, with an additional monthly fee. It was difficult to set up the account, and even my son did not think it was worth the fee to continue playing past the first month. Basically we have an expensive computer game sitting on my son's computer, and not being used. I would not recommend this game to anyone unless they change the use of it to include playing off line also, and making the monthly charge more reasonable. As to the game itself, the playtime was lagging so much that we were all very frustrated, when it was not lagging and was right on with time and such, it was a great game. All this confusion and there is a computer expert is the house also....

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Buggy Mess
Review: This would be a great game if it was playable, but it's bad and getting worse. I really honestly liked the design, but it's rare to go more than a few minutes without a bug somehow interfering with play. After a patch introduced a new game breaking "factory" bug I just kept playing hoping they'd fix it. They didn't. In fact, it took them three tries just to get a patch that would create a workaround for the bug.

Very sad. There's an interesting game here. But it's buried beneath bugs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Totally addictive
Review: Can't stop playing. Bought 2 months ago and still play 10-20 hours a week. Lose sleep, don't do errands, etc... I love it. Others have described plenty of details, I won't get into that here. But I will tell you that you simply can't play for less than an hour at a time. You just keep thinking, I'll just do this real quick, but then you run into some friends, and someone takes a pot-shot at a fambaa, and well, you get the picture. Buy it! Yes, there is more to come, and things are being worked on, but you really won't be disappointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: From beta test and still loving it
Review: Like all Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, this game has encountered a million challenges. And the game continues to evolve, with new features being added (as well as old features being nerfed). The game is always in a state of development, not from a stability standpoint (I've had the game crash on me only once even while beta testing), but from a features standpoint.

I'll say this, though - this game is a BLAST. Playing around in the Star Wars galaxy is intensely addictive and has given me hours upon hours of fun. If I get bored doing one thing, I can try something completely different. Want to blast a whole cornucopia of Star Wars monsters? Just wander out of town. Want to tinker around building things for a while? Go mine some resources, pick up a crafting tool, and you're on your way. Want a pet Bantha? Just fly on over to Mos Eisly and wander off into the hills. Feel like getting down and dirty and fighting some real people? Head into a rowdy faction town and start some static. Personally, whenever I tire of one facet of the game, there are always two others that catch my interest.

Another great aspect of the game is that the people who play it are, for the most part, courteous, intelligent, friendly, helpful, well-spoken, and generally fun to be around. I've never personally met anyone who was rude and have met quite a few people who are fun to get together with and go adventuring.

Sure, if you go to the SWG boards, you will see complaints about things being nerfed and game elements being switched around, but personally, each change has just changed HOW I play the game, not how much I enjoy it. Plus, the SWG team is working around the clock to make the game even better.

Without reservation, I recommend this game.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Unfortunately Disappointing...
Review: I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, and a HUGE MMORPG fan as well, but for all of the waiting and the hype, this game was a major disappointment...

I'm not even sure if I can pinpoint a single reason, but I just couldn't get into the game. The graphics are great but the game play itself seemed very bland to me. The skill system is kinda neat, but I think the "experience" and "level" systems in games like Everquest and DAOC are much better for MMORPG's...

I've played Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, Ultima Online, Anarchy Online, World War II Online and Star Wars Galaxies among other MMORPG's, and I must say Everquest is by FAR the best online game I've ever played. I haven't played EQ in over 2 years, but I am really looking forward to Everquest 2 coming out in a few months, because of the game-play style and addicting feel of the game.

Don't get me wrong -- Star Wars Galaxies is not an absolute failure. It just didn't do it for me, and that's disappointing, considering how much I LOVE the Star Wars Universe (and George Lucas is an absolute genius!!!). The game just seemed to lack something to really hook the average MMORPG player, in my opinion, and that's sad, considering I waited for YEARS for this game to be released...

Just my honest, humble opinion...

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Star Wars Galaxies Reviewed
Review: It seems like a match made in heaven: take one of the most popular licenses in the world (Star Wars), combine it with the addictive qualities of a massively multiplayer online game, and enlist the use of a developer that created arguably the most addictive of them all, Everquest. Done right, it would be one of the greatest multiplayer games ever. Done wrong, and it would be a giant disaster of epic proportions for everyone involved (especially Sony). The result was somewhere in-between - given Sony's experience and history with popular massively multiplayer games however, it's somewhat shocking Star Wars Galaxies turned out as lukewarm as it did.

Star Wars Galaxies is in many ways your typical massively multiplayer online role-playing game. You take the role of a player character caught up somehow in the galactic civil war between Empire and Rebellion, at a time right after the movie Star Wars (but before Empire Strikes Back). Players can, over time, join either side overtly (that is, openly), covertly (your allegiance is hidden normally), or just be a neutral. Many races, body types, faces, and other characteristics are available for those to custom build their personas. Six basic professions are available to choose from, after which players can move on to hybrid or elite professions once enough you accumulate enough skill, depending on the profession.

The skill/profession system is one of the nicest things about the game and really defines the character. You have a grand total of 250 skill points to spend on, and each profession has 4 branches or ladders to ascend with. Each branch has a further 4 levels, so a profession has a total of 18 levels to spend the skill points on (the novice level, 16 internal levels, and the master level). Only experience points allow you to ascend in level for that particular skill, so killing something with a rifle gives you Rifle experience, and harvesting a creature gives you Scout experience.

With only 250 skill points to spend, you can only gain so many skills and master so many professions. The nice thing is that once you tire of one skill branch, you can "surrender" your skill points and go train on something else. So if you get sick of being a Master Scout, you can surrender your skill points in that profession and go train to be a Medic. It does take a long time to get to the top, which is nice.

Star Wars Galaxies is interesting because you don't have to just kill things to advance - the game is well suited for those that want to be just medics, or to build things, or to entertain other players by dancing or playing music, etc. This requires a nice balancing act to make it all interesting, and for the most part it is, though some professions seem either under- or over-balanced, sometimes to extremes. The other problem is that, though distant, you can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is to say, there's a skill "end-game" that is clearly defined, and when you get there, what else? Sure, you can always change professions, but there is only so much you can really do. One hopes Sony can keep players intrigued with new things.

Of course combat does play a huge role in the game - it pretty much fuels everything else - the player-driven economy, the medics, the entertainers, etc. Combat itself is somewhat simplified; target a creature or NPC and attack. Given your skill, you can also execute special moves in a queue, as well as other actions. It works but it isn't particularly innovative.

Player vs. player combat involves attacking the other faction's players that are "overt," either by choice or because they became overt when they openly aid an overt in their faction. Factions also have battlefields, designated areas where pretty much anything goes. I like the overt/covert system generally, but it leads to a lot of frustration and feeling that there probably is a much better way of doing it, particularly as the entire covert/overt system seems to be full of bugs.

Bugs are part of the reason why Galaxies is generally disappointing; there's a whole lot of them. The first few days after launch was disastrous to say the least, and the game is quite literally a system hog. 512MB of RAM is simply not enough in busy cities. Many important game systems like inventory and chat still have major issues.

What's more disappointing is really how so little of the Star Wars feel is actually in the game. You can only travel between a handful of planets - and you never really get into space. On the planets themselves, cities are squashed into an area less less than a dozen or so kilometers apart - that's it. I guess the rest of the planets are uninhabited. What's worse, the galactic civil war as backdrop is simply that. While there is the Empire and the Rebellion and you can join them, there's no overriding battle or strategy - no end-game. Just a bunch of guys that decide to get together and go "attack" another town or fight each other on a designated battlefield. Lastly, where are the Jedi? Supposedly, there are ways to become one in the game, but very difficult to get to that level. That is, if Jedi are in the game at all. Maybe it'll just be secretly introduced in a patch in a few months.

There's no question that Star Wars Galaxies is a tremendous game filled with potential. The problem is that the starting basis for that potential was set way too low, in an apparent effort to get it out for the summer. It can still be fun, but it still has a long way to go before being truly great.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You'll need coffee
Review: Once I got this game going, I am hooked. This is my first MMORPG and living in the Star Wars universe is unreal. If you need more than 4 hours sleep a day this game is not for you.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You're really there
Review: I bought this game the day it came out- well the collectors edition. And I've played about an average of 2+ Hours a day. I have to say, it's in my top 3 list of greatest games. It's a game that's going to have a very long life and really allows you to immerse yourself in the Star Wars galaxy.

The player to player interactions are amazing. You have such freedom to become what you want. From a merchant to Bounty Hunter to Bio-engineer. Or tame creatures, sell spice or slice and computer system. Drop a rancor with a group of friends or storm an Imperial outpost alone. HOkey religions and ancient weapons can be no match for your blaster or you can become the galaxy foremost architect. Explore strange new worlds or live it up in the big city. This game allows you to choose your own path. You can be a pure fighter or merchant or mix it up and become whatever you want.

And with the addition of monthly story lines characters who have sided with the Rebels or Imperials can actually have an effect on the course of the cival war. (A noticable effect)

So many new things are going to added to this game as time goes on. Player cities, vehicles and mounts. Who wouldn't want to fly a swoop or ride a dewback...?

Plus the big expansion, SPACE.

I totally recommend this game to any one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What could have been...
Review: A few months ago I reviewed this game and said that it had potential to be one of the best, now two months later I come back, and let me just say, not much has changed.
I have already made a master BH, Riflemen, and Creature Handler. All three have ended up extremely boring and repetitive, and nerfed.
The combat is now boring and quite repetitive. All creatures have the same boring feeling, and the only difference with them is numbers, one has more armor rating, more health, ect.
This is Star Wars for god sakes, but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it. When you go to theme parks, all the characters are the same. Han, Leia, and even Vader seem the same, and they send you out on repetitive missions, and none of them matter. I suppose you might get a badge, or something.
The galactic civil war, well in this game it doesn't truly exist. Oh yes, you can join Imperials or Rebels, and fight on battlefields that are empty 80 percent of the time, but even if you win, there is no real relevance. You get some alright perks, like the AT ST, which the devs are pissing themselves on how to nerf it, which is what there doing instead of actually trying to fix them. I also might add that after joining a faction after a few days and just going out to battlefields and going after the opposing faction, that grows boring as well.
Missions are the only income of making money, yet they just nerfed it to where you make a lot less money for doing missions. And around three weeks ago there was a glitch where the waypoint randomly changed, and they did a fix for it, guess what it was? They now give you a reason as to why it moved, that is just plain laziness.
The lack of content is painful. They recently added in the first part of Cries of Alderaan. The first part is, killing some NPC, picking up the disc, and then decoding it! Wow, so much fun! (note the sarcasm.)
Some people will say that I've only done a small part of the game, and there is much other stuff to do, well in a part that is correct. I suppose I could do weaponsmith, or craft. I've already been exploring, and seen the historic sights, and they all feel the same. All the other things in this game are boring. Let's face it, how much fun does being a doctor really sound? Owning a cantina in theory sounds fun, but most of the time there small little huts that get visited maybe once every three hours, crafting is very expensive, and boring, as you have to have people use your items for them to get xp, but the newer crafters NO ONE wants to deal with as there weapons aren't as good. Most of the time you don't even brake even, credit wise.
People have already reached master everything, and the only thing in this game that will hopefully keep it alive are Jedis, and that is the only thing that has the chance of keeping this game alive, and the almighty devs are still keeping perhaps the game only hope (ironic, isn't it?) a secret.
Weapons, people already have the best weapons in the game for there classes, now how long are people going to go along with that? Multiple weapons and classes are still broke, yet the devs still go on the boards acting like they've never played the game before.
Overall point of this rant is, don't get this game, or at least wait until the Space Expansion, maybe they'll have it out of beta by then. This game is only selling because it's Star Wars, and it will only be a few months before the newer people do start to realize there isn't much to this, if the devs don't add more EXCITING content soon. People need to understand, they can't just add a bunch of lame content and get away. They need something that would actually be fun to do.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: do yourself a favor and wait
Review: lack of content makes this game a real bore to play after 1 or 2 months. True it is an amazing experience at first but that will wear off quickly. Do yourself a favor and wait for the devs to put some actual content in the game. Don't pay for half of a game.

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