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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I get better pleasure cutting my front lawn
Review: This game is the worst mmorpg I have ever witnessed! If you are a true Star Wars fan, stay away from this. It is certianly not Star Wars...more like Pokemon with good graphics.
Customer Support is horrible so you're basically paying 15 bucks a month and receiving little to no help with technical issues or gameplay or lost items issues.
Server downtimes are bad as well as the mechanics of the game. While I rate the graphics very well, it just doesnt compensate for all the other "junk" that comes with this "game"

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Overhyped The Sims : Star Wars
Review: Basically the game is stunningly beautiful.. and that's about it. After playing this game for over 3 months, I can only think of saying that as a positive for this game. Beyond that, it's just a very bad Beta stage game with Star Wars characters running around. It doesn't feel like Star Wars, and it doesn't play like a challenging game. The best comparison is The Sims. Just one big chat room. Once you advance your character, you'll realize that the game is rather repetitive, and no point of completing your tasks whatsoever. Most of the battles with monsters is finishing missions from Point A to Point B, return to Point A. That's it. The PVP in the game is non-existant if you aren't a Commando class or a Bounty Hunter. Everything else is just a waste. Crafters can't make a living since what you buy from one player is basically the same as another. Even if you have tons of credits in the game, there is nothing for you to buy once you have your home, weapons, armor, and some supplies.

I'm trully disappointed with this game... if I could have given this 0 stars, I might have. But I gave it 1 simply for the graphics. Another Lucas product that had all this hype, and was underwhelming.. <cough Episde1 & Episode2>.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Save your money
Review: This game simply does not deliver. I've played from the start and the game is still not ready for retail release. The number of non-functional professions and bugs is simply mind numbing. This game more closely resembles Pokemon than Star Wars - everyone in the game has a pocket monster that they use to attack other players and creatures with.
There is no content in this game. Most of the quests still do not work.
Game mechanics are horrid. Do NOT waste your money on this junk. After you buy the box you still have to pay $15 / month for a game that doesn't work! Don't waste your money.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Does Money Grown On Trees?
Review: You pay out the yeng yang for this game and then after you get it loaded, you discover that to get on-line to play you have to pay a monthly server fee! I guess that will teach me to read the fine print...drat it, I totally missed that!!! I suggest the game be cheaper to afford the monthly fees, or ix-nay the monthly server fees! If you're not willing to fork out $65-$100 for a game, don't make the mistake that I did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Three Days in...
Review: ...and I'm hooked. I even went out and bought a better video card (mine is old and needed replacing...I was just looking for an excuse to spend the money).

I'm getting the hang of things I think, and working my character through the paces...It's great to meet other fans of the movies/universe, and pretend it all really exists...

Now, if I could just figure out a way to get my homework done at the same time...do you think I could pass it off as a Psychology experiment?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Fans Against SWG Foundation
Review: I never fully comprehended what a travesty SWG was (which will be from this point on referred to was "SWAG") until I started reading reviews about it on the internet in a delierium of boredom.

LucasArts has a long, sad history of exploting the Star Wars license and making something look entirely enjoyable, indeed having the possibility of being the greatest of its genre, but then comes the release, and the fans cry. Examples include that Jango Fett game, the title of which escapes me, and then even Knights of the Old Republic, as much fun as it is, is full of all kinds of bugs, glitches, and other gameplay dampers.

And then I compared screenshots for Square Enix's "Final Fantasy XI" and SWAG, and they looked graphically equivalent, although I've known Squaresoft to put together some awesome stuff that can only be appreciated in motion. And then you see the system specs. The RAM is the best example. To run FF11 at the ideal pace, you only need 256 RAM. SWAG requires 512, and still then there are reports of lag, crashes, and explosions of the Nth degree. What does this mean? Well, it's quite obvious. LucasArts has since killed all of the developers of the incredibly fun X-Wing and TIE Fighter games, and replaced them with retarded parapalegic apes. Who are also underpaid.

As is said in countless other places, this game did have the potential of being the best there is. But with so many people of like mind to me leaving the game and considering FF11, I don't believe it'll float long enough for those parapalegic apes to figure out what a bug actually is, much less how to get rid of one.

If you, like me, have a friend still playing this game, do them a favor. Beat them with a sock full of pennies.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: In responce to an earlier review
Review: quote: "Buy it if you like a first person shooter that has the ability to tailor a characters looks and skills to what you would like"
This game is NOT a first person shooter. it is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying game) set in the star wars universe. Make a character choosing the 8 speicies... Human, Zabrak, Bothan, Mon Calimari, Wookie, Trandoshan, Rodian, and Twi-Lek. Customize his/her looks (yes, girls, they have female characters). Then pick a town to put your character in. you can see landmarks (I.e. the shuttlebay darth maul and qui-gon dueled in). Its set in the period between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, so you can become a Imperial or a Rebel. and for the dedicated you can TRY to become a jedi (ive been trying for a long time, tough tough tough, but possible. This however, has alot of lag and downloads, but nothing not seen in other online games.

if you are a role playing fanatic, a multiplayer fanatic, a starwars fanatic, or just a gamer, buy this.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Boring Waste of Time, but otherwise well done
Review: This game has some good points, but overall I feel it has been boring and a waste of my time.

The highlight of this game is character creation... building a character and changing his or her appearance is fun. Also, there is no lag and the game works well technically.

Boring. I've played about 30 hours worth of uninteresting missions and messed around with my equipment and I'm still bored. Maybe if a person was retired or otherwise wealthy and not working, such a person could play it for a few thousand hours and finally find something in the game to get excited about... If you are looking for excitement -- this is probably not the game for you. Dull, boring, a bit of a letdown.

Sorry, I really love Star Wars. I enjoyed Jedi Outcast and Knights of the Old Republic. But Star Wars Galaxies, I'd return it if I could.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: SWG not as good as I thought
Review: Having bought and played SWG since the day it went live, I have found it to cause gamers who need a challenge and constant change to loose interest. Overall the game is well designed except for the things that would keep a player coming back day after day like Everquest. This game has "Flat" quests; either you deliver something from person "A" to person "B", or you go out after getting a mission and kill something and destroy it's home base/lair. It does have a PvP (Player vs player) aspect to it but the characters are out of balance to the point that a bounty hunter or Commando commands so mch firepower at this point that they rarely loose. Ever specialists in their field (Rifle, carbine, pistol) have no chance against the Commando or bounty hunter. Also it is annoying that constant changes (Daily at 4AM Pacific) every day to patch problems that should have been explored and ironed out in Beta cause the servers to be pulled off line every day. A short time but annoying none the less. Buy it if you like a first person shooter that has the ability to tailor a characters looks and skills to what you would like. But be warned that the same thing grows old fast and rapid character advancement can leave you with the feeling you have finished the game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: URRGH
Review: I wrote a review when I first bought this game. I gave it 5 stars because of all the inovative ideas put into the game. I also raved about its excellent surrounding environment in the different planets you can chose to play in. I now take back what I have said with Part 2 of my SWG review.

After noticing the fact that I used to play an hour a day, I was still just a novice pistoleer. Why is this? Because you have to play a LOT to become anywhere good in the game. A huge flaw in this game is that it takes no skill at all whatsoever. The entire game is based off of the amount of time clocked into your life to play. Your grandmother could play this game the rest of her life, knowing NOTHING about video games, and still do very well. Once past the steep learning curve in the game, all that stands in your way is time itself. If you have the time, then go ahead, no-lifer, play, play, play, and play, until you become a master marksman, or medic, or whatever.

This isn't the worst problem though. The game is extremely repetative. Sure, going out with 15 people in Lok killing space bunnies with many different types of players is fun at first. Then you start to realize taht you can only make money by doing pointless missions and crafting weapons/armor for bigger and more extreme players. Alright, that isn't so much fun. Then we have the skill system. Possibly the only good part about the game, the skill system is a great way to mix skills to have more unique characters. Ok, you can be a master medic and a master pistoleer and a somewhat good creature handler, but what's after that? I don't know, absolutely nothing. Once you max out your skill points, the only thing else to do is to give up skills and start new ones (or if you are THAT good of a character, redo your skills again). Great, I am paying 15 dollars of my hard-earned money every month to learn max out about 12 different professions... Fun...

And about that 15 dollars a month. Even within 2 months of release, servers are frequently down getting updated. Those 15 dollars are not going to the right places. When I had technical problems with the game, the SOE reps on the phone were not only giving me a big headache, but were so unprofessional that they were wasting my time, thus the 15 dollar phonecall to California that day. Atleast use that money to get better reps and to get people that actually know how to make good patches for the game. Then I might have considered keeping my account.

Earlier I discussed repetativeness. Did I mention that there isn't one single vehicle that you are able to freely drive in this game? Sure, take a shuttle port to different cities, or a starport to different planets. GOOD LUCK walking 10,000 meters away from town for an 800 credit mission. Doing so will require you to use auto-run, thank god that was implemented. (For any players reading this review, it is the numlock key). I was able to watch the first quarter of The Screensavers on Tech TV and still have a few minutes before I got to my destination. The best players will be the ones with nothing else better to do than sit around holding the forward key, or watching your stupid character traverse across the world. Fun fun fun.

All of this for a rediculous price of 15 dollars a month. I can easily have more fun playing Disney's new ToonTown MMORPG, which costs 4 bucks a month. Yay. I can even include a subscription to planetside - a critically acclaimed MMORPG - to still have a lower cost than ONE account to SWG. And I would probably have more fun playing these games as well.

To conclude, the game was fun while it lasted. Now I am selling my perfectly conditioned game back to the store for 1/4 of the original price and moarning over the loss of 30 dollars, which I could have spent in much better ways. This is the last of my money Sony Online Entertainment is getting from me.

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