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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Get Out The Raid
Review: First let me say, I was an Everquest addict. I know Sony and I know these type of 3d online interactive games very well. Why did I go to SWG from EQ? To get in on a game from the beginning.

wait /spray (a game bug)

wait *You have lost your SWG connection*

wait /spray (a game bug)

Get my point? If this is what getting in at the beginning of a game is like....HELP !

The game is beautiful, I love my professions, Master Medic, Novice Doctor, Master Dancer....and going for a dash of Combat Medic (Hybird profession - see below) and the fact that I can surrender skill points and start over in some other professions.

But, day after day, the bugs, the servers going down (every night at a little past midnight, don't be in Anchorhead - it goes down) is honestly wearing me down.

Now, they have nerfed (their term redesigned) most of the professions which I find very odd....was this game beta tested at all and professions already balanced (a term Sony throws around when they nerf a profession)???? The major nerf is Bounty Hunter, a hybird profession (that means you Master 2 other professions before you even begin an hybird. 1. Starting Profession 2. Elite Profession and if you feel like being top dog 3. Hybird Profession)

What is a Bounty Hunter? Better question, what was a Bounty Hunter suppose to be when Sony advertised the game? If you have seen the movies you know, well SONY has a watered down version of them now, they are no more Hybird than an of the Elite professions.

Sad very sad... Mr. Lucas, you should give the money back and take control of this before it gets any worse.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Its 30 miles wide and an inch deep
Review: First off, the game is beautiful. There are endless options for advancing your character Via the skill trees. When I started on day 1, there were 20 active members from my Clan playing this game. Today there are only 3.

If you decide you want to be a weaponsmith for example, it seems fun at first but you will soon realize that no-one wants to buy your stuff. Only Masters of a crafting profession can sell anything for a profit. And unless you know how to write scripts, plan on getting carpal-tunnel while obtaining the required experience to achieve a "master" title.

As for combat, Using your "special abilities" causes more harm to yourself than the enemy. After 3 months I have killed just about everything at least once. Combat in SWG is more like Poke-mon wars. Every one has a "PET" that can be commanded in combat. Creature handlers have 3. In Player vs. Player (PvP) there are more pets than people.

Player versus player is a joke. and after the last monthly update it is completely borked.
As far as updates go Expect a huge patch every month or two. Then in between the big patches, expect to see Many many many "Hot-Fixes". These Hot-fixes are repairing the damage caused by the previous Update.

There is an in-game Bug reporting feature that allows you to report problems with the game. Don't bother with it. I have never had a Representative respond to a single one. The CSR's (customer service rep's) That are available in online chat, are not very polite, not very helpful and seem to have recieved very very little training.

Most importantly the Forums provided by Sony Online Entertainment relating to SWG are LOCKED. You cannot go there and read the thousands upon thousands of posts made by unhappy subscribers.
If possible, find someone who has paid for the game and read through the forms using their account. You WILL understand.
Static quests are broken
Faction quests are boken
Nearly every Class and profession are severly flawed.
DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. DO NOT BUY A 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION. If you are dissatisfied Sony WILL NOT refund your money.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I HAD a dream...
Review: When I first heard about this game about 3 years ago, I was ecstatic! I was like NO WAY!! Could it really be!? An mmorpg based on Star Wars was the best idea anyone could think of. I've been a fan of all the X-Wing series of games, especially Alliance and it's story line and how it was intermixed with Expanded Universe material.
I went as far as purchasing quite a bit of Star Wars novels and several "Guides" so I can get even better aquainted with the Star Wars Universe. I mean, can you imagine actually being in the Star Wars Universe unlike in any other Star Wars Game?
Well, unfortunately, you'll still have to imagine it. The game started out OK and was kinda fun, despite the nerfs, bug fixes that introduced more bugs, unbalanced, unfinished and broken professions, disappearing houses/guild halls and the list goes on. Sony Online Entertainment doesn't seem to really care about the players or what's going on. If you don't believe me, go ahead and browse the Star Wars Galaxies forums; oh wait, what's that message you get when you try to access the forums? It didn't require an active account about 2 months ago. Well here's a little sample of topics on the forums today after the October 8th, 2003 disaster patch:

/voteNOconfidence in SWG Development Leadership


Thanks for making BH investigation even more tedious :(

have any of the devs on this game worked on any previous mmorpgs?

Harvester CAPACITY is screwed....

Whats the Point of SWG now?

Why SWG endgame isn't fun, the simple answer

You want to know something else, most if not all the negative, yet still constructive threads get locked and eventually deleted.
The amount of people furious with this game keeps growing, despite Sony's alleged report of over 300k subscribers, most of which probably still includes the accounts of people that have cancelled and are waiting for their subscription to run out (like myself), and duplicate accounts.
I have completely uninstalled the game including Sony's stupid launchpad client, vowing to never buy another SOE game again. I would return this game if I could.
It is just not Star Wars. It is not what I hoped for. Not the dream I had.
I now hope and pray that Blizzard will not dissapoint with World of Warcraft.
Thank you.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A total Pass
Review: SW:G is broken to it's very core. Professions do not owrk, skills do not work, special attributes do not work. The game has been diven to more of Star Wars: Pokemon Edition by the designers.
Horrific patches bring the servers to their knees, and fail to address any concerns voiced by the community on the forums.. forums which have been closed to the public I might add.. Save your money and your time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not worth it.....
Review: ~This games is totally not worth the money($... monthly). The game has many bugs that are still left over from beta and the development team adds new bugs each time they patch new content.

Graphics of the game are top notch but what is that worth when the game has no content.

Player cities and ridable mounts are still not in the game months after release when they were suppose to be with the initial launch. That should tell you what kind of development team this game has.

What I~~ have found out about this game after 5 months of playing it is that; this game is all about using the Star Wars Name and Good marketing to make a buck. It was a total disappointment for me as a Star Wars Fan and as a MMORPG Fan.

Another thing is that if you believe you will be a Jedi in this game; you are dreaming. If you want that option be prepared to spend thousands of dollars on (a website) or be willing to play the game for at least a year before you unlock the FS slot in order to be a~~ Jedi.~

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Incompetency abounds
Review: This game has been out for a few months now and I have been playing since the first week. The game worked better then than it does not. Every patch that is put out for the game breaks as many things as it fixes. The developers spend more time making adjustments to unimportant issues than fixing bugs that seriously affect gameplay. Here's an example... the latest patch fixed things like darth vader yawning and scratching himself... meanwhile, armor in the game is now broken and does not work at all. It worked fine before. You also have many of the skills for almost all of the different classes broken. They have been broken since the beginning, but never adressed.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I purchased this game after playing everquest for 4 years. Finally decided to move on and play something else and that was SWG. The best part about this game is creating your charecter, never has there been a game where there are so many options on how your charecter can look.....unfortunetly its all down hill from there. The graphics of this game are beautiful and it has all of the familiar feel of the starwars movie. After getting accustomed to the controls of the game I venture off and start doing some missions....kill animals or people, rinse repeat, kill some more animals and people with no reward except some money. Btw u have to walk to the mission points which can take a long time to do because there are no mounts or speeders. You can't loot anything on people who you just killed because well there is no loot in this game. Supposedly there are quest in this game but i have only found one which the reward was some faction points. Ohh and also there is limited lvl's that can be gained in this game. After a couple weeks u realized that you have used up all your exp points and there is nothing else to do..unless u want to start a new charecter. I'm not even going to get into the exp point system. The idea of droids are all broken, actually what i have read on the swg boards most everything in this game is broken. I did have fun the first couple weeks but then there was no reason to log into a broken game and nothing to do except missions to kill some animals for money, my fun ended a little less than a month playing this game and cancelled my account. Quite frankly this game is not complete...this is more like a beta game. Maybe one day this game can be fun to play with upcoming expansions but that is 6 mos away and i'm not waiting until then.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An empty shell of a game
Review: This is a textbook example of releasing a game unfinished and hoping to finish it while we pay. Only problem is that the game has so many bugs that they have been forced to spend all their time "trying" to fix bugs and almost no time finishing the game. Result: After a month of play there is little or nothing to do and the PvP is so unbalanced that everyone either plays on the Empire's side or they die - alot!

How many Jedi are in the game? None
How many Droids? Very few (bugged profession)
How many vehicles? None
Massive Star Wars Battles like in the movies? None
Dungeons? VERY few
Loot/Drops? None (they don't believe in drops)
Any "reason" to enter the few dungeons they have? None
Any reason to play SWG? None (the graphics are nice)
Number of promises? Many

You will have fun for the first month and then run out of things to do. You have been warned :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great game
Review: the games awsome people complain because you cant be a jedi at the start but who care and most the bugs got fixed so buy it because its great.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Play A Bounty Hunter
Review: This game is a tragic disappointment. Since day one the game has been plagued with extended periods where the servers are down or crashed.

The game advertised the bounty hunter profession to be a central feature complete with the ability to buy special armor and weapons and perform player bounty hunt missions. None of these things have come to pass in the game and SONY has weakened the game's character to render this profession useless.

In point of fact the game should not be called Star Wars but rather Pet Wars since the only good feature of the game is the ability to buy or train animals and watch them fight each other as you look through a catolog hoping to find a more enjoyable game.

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