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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is the best mmorpg i've ever played...
Review: I've played em all too! Meridian59, UO, Neocron, DAOC, EQ, AC, AO and all the others.

The game is beautiful, stunning in some areas, very very deep, with over 10 worlds to explore, each bigger than most games in themselves.

PvP is exceptionally good, with mad battles nightly in the major areas against rebel/imperials. Ironically, most people think SWG is pure carebear, this ain't true at all. The pvp is a switch based system, and is very effective and exciting. I see 40 vs 40 battles almost everynight..

The whole skill system and advancement concept of this game is brilliant, very much like UO in many respects. The housing, crafting, trades, and vendor system is top of the line.

BUY THIS GAME! But be sure to research it, its pretty complicated for a complete newbie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing!
Review: Any reviews that say this game is bogus or full of bugs, well, they are partially correct.

Sure Star Wars Galaxies has its fair share of glitches and kinks to work out. Sure there is major lag at times, sure sure sure!

Alas, all the great things in this game completely BLOW this other crap outta the water! This game is fun, mysterious and keeps you enthralled day after day! The thing about SWG is that you can do anything you want! If you master one thing, get bored or its just not for you, well, do something else! It's not like other MMORPGs where you are what you pick (Rogue, Wizard, etc.) yoou can be 3 or 4 different things, AT THE SAME TIME!

Players make everything in the game, all armor, food, weapons, EVERYTHING! You can name it whatever you want, advertise however you want! You can even get your own house with furniture, pets, ridables, vehicles, all sorts of cool things, droids, you name it you can pretty much get it in Galaxies.

As addressing all the bugs and glitches. Don't all games have their share? If you don't like the lag, leave the populated area and traverse the HUGE world, complete with dungeons, creatures, landscapes, and other mysterious things that bring the story to life.

Floating graphics? You can make items float in your house if you want, but it would look tacky, instead of looking at the lowerclass player houses look for those that want to impress. Gun mounts on the wall, inspiring furniture, you're latest fishing catch on the wall above the stairs. Arrange it how you want to.

There are still a few glitches that will bug you, floating monsters, lag, and the occasional Dark Jedi warp-right-over-your-head-so-you-get-killed-right-away type deal.

All those are nothing when you take in mind the kind of friends you have made in this game, the kinds of memories, the kind of fun.

So as a recap, Star Wars Galaxies has a ton to offer! GO! Look at the smooth graphics and other great stuff! There is much to much to mash into your heads about this wonderful game. All I can say is try it for yourself, but my experiance has been wonderful

www.starwarsgalaxies.com - be open to other reviews, not just the bad ones.

Rating: 2 stars
Review: I was actually really thinking about getting the all access pass, so that i could plaay my Everquest which i loved so much, Planetside which is what i got now, EQ online adventures, and Star Wars Galaxies. After reading these reviews, I am really starting to wonder is SWG really worth it? I have decided no. I recommend Planetside or Everquest. Star Wars Galaxies was very very very very very good........on the cover! Obviously theres a reason it didnt show any gameplay on the back or inside cover, because it sucks. I really was hoping for a better game from SoE but they put so much work into Planetside and had no time for SWG. It's all about money. I know very well that money is what helps us live, but thats being greedy. peopl pay $9.95 for Everquest: Online Adventures, $12.95 for Everquest for the computer ( multiply that by a million , Planetside is $12.95 and so is SWG. Do you honestly think they make enough money? I sure do. I enjoy playing Planetside a lot and i would really recommend it for anyone who likes shooter games even just a little. What im trying to put through all my mumbo-jumbo is that SWG just isnt any good. I currently own an Xbox, a PS2 AND a Gamecube, and i personally think X-Box could handle it if Sony would just put SWG on it. Sony is much too stubborn to partner with Microsoft, and thats not good at all. It's good to be able to say "Sony is the best!" but wouldn't it be better to say "Sony and Microsoft are the two best companies?" Im not going to say i hate PS2 or Gamecube, i like them verymuch, but i just have to say X-Box is the best of the three. Look at the facts I present my case with:

-PS2 has 2 controller ports, X-Box and Gamecube have 4.

-PS2 and Gamecube can't system link for 16 players.

-PS2 and Gamecube reqire $20.00 memory cards, X-Box has a hard drive and supports memory cards, not to mention the hard drive holds like 3,000 games!

-Gamecube has ALL of those ports on the bottom and NOTHING to use them on.

-Nintendo hasn't worked on any updates for the ports on the Gamecube's bottom.

I still like thes two systems no matter how bad they are and i hope you'll agree

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Great Game...for a day or so...
Review: I'm a big Star Wars fan, and couldn't resist buying this game. The graphics were great, but everything else was simply either broken or not there. Gameplay is far below average for an MMORPG, there is practically no player interaction except when someone needs something. The PA (Player Association) system was a great idea, except that the features it grants players hardly ever work. The GuildChat option to talk to your PA buddies is down a 1/4 of the time, and they've already had 1 major incident were all PAs were disbanded. On top of many, upon many bugs in the game, the PvP is pointless since there is 1 class that can decimate all others in 1-2 shots. And if your one of those being lured in by the hope of getting a Jedi character, buy Jedi Academy, because it is unlikely that even the people who have been playing since first day of release will open their Force-Sensitive Character Slot for at least a few more months, and even if they did, whatever they did to do it has nothing to do with how you do, its completely random. There is no Jedi you can go and talk to and all of a sudden you become a Jedi, you must complete a series of tasks (which are designed to take months to complete) of which noone is told what they have to do, to open the Force-Sensitive Character Slot, and only that character is capable of becoming a Jedi. Its a total rip. If all of that appeals to you, then this is your game...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Got worse and is now literally unplayable
Review: I've tried and tried to like this game, but it had an unbelievable amount of tech issues and bugs from the beginning. Servers down every day, constant crashes, many bugs that just make your gameplay unbearable and a waste of time. Patches only come out every week or so, and the main focus never seems to be on fixing anything, just adding more bugged stuff. After much frustration and not playing for over a month, I now can't even play the game because there are so many patches and bug fixes to download, the game freezes up during download before the game can even load. I'm paying monthly for a game that I can't even play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Luke! You are my Franchise!
Review: I had high expectations for Star Wars Galaxies, and who didn't? It promised to be the revolution in MMORPGs. But revolution it's not. After the first 5 minutes of Galaxies, I knew I was in for a big nasty surprise. First off, no one is in charactor, absolutely no one. And if you want to talk to someone, you better type "WAIT!" as quick as you possibly can, because people move far too fast to talk to them as they go by.

Another problem out of the many Galaxies has, are the missions. I mean...when I saw the caption "and now for the greatest Star Wars Saga ever told" I figured I was in for an adventure. What I was really in for, was farm labor...thats right, you find yourself working as a Rat Hitman half the time. Normally the missions break down like, someone has a farm, and they need you to kill this nest of critters to save their crops.

There are good things about this game, don't get me wrong. In my travels, I saw alot of things that impressed me, for instance the cantinas and such. However, I saw nothing that warrants a 50 dollar purchase. I'm sure there are people with good arguments as to why this is a good game, however to me, I found it to be dull, poorly made, and glitchy.

The point here is, this game is just not finished, there really isn't any other way to put it kindly. They needed to release something, and it was released to early, with far too many cut corners. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone but diehard fans of the series.

Nice graphics
Huge areas
lots of skills and weapons

Too many patches
no one ic.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Buy This Game!
Review: What a waste of money! I've spent a week trying to get this thing to work. The online support either doesn't work, they're off for the day, or gives advice that doesn't work. They should be paying me to go through this. Don't buy it! Spend your money on another product.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Ambitious? Yes. Intriguing? Yes. Successful? Hardly.
Review: I should make one thing clear before I kick off this review: I do not like MMORPGs. I have never played a MMORPG that I liked, however I always go into these games with an open mind, so understand that this is not MMORPG bias i'm basing this review on.

It had to happen sooner or later: Star Wars as a MMORPG. I was very hyped up and very interested in this game for about 5 or 6 months. Since I harbor such a strong dislike for Ever Quests, I dismissed this game initially as EQ in Space, but as I read on about all the features Star Wars would have, I was generally intrigued. I bought the game on launch day, and the disappointment began. The launch day problems were rampant, which is to be expected of course, since so many people were trying to get in that the servers were overloaded. I was able to finally register and log in about a day after I got the game.

Character Creation was decent...you can edit alot about the character, from body type to facial construction. You choose from a few base classes, and then go on from there to expand the class and branch off into a more advanced class, such as Bounty Hunter or Weaponsmith or Commando. What is good about this is that you can take a little bit from every class and mix and match it to design your very own unqiue character. However, level progression is very slow, and it becomes necessary to teach your skills to others in order to progress. Interesting concept, if a little flawed. There are no Jedi's running around yet, simply becuse the method of becoming a Jedi is a 'secret' which players have since discovered, but it is still difficult to do. Thankfully this limits the Jedi population and keeps balance.

As for the game itself, it just wasn't really that interesting. The world is huge, but devoid of life. Lots of quests require you to hump your way all the way across the planet for pathetic rewards and little experience points. Other quests require you to destroy objects, like dirt mounds or junk piles, which creatures spawn out of. What's bad is that these quests cannot possibly be undertaken alone, since attacking one of these mounds causes a tremendous group of creatures to gang up on you and tear you to pieces, and if you do manage to fend them off, there are other creatures healing the object, making your effort useless. There are some quests unique to sides, if you join the Imperials or Rebels, which is a decent change, but its still the same: Find and Kill soandso, bring this item here, etc. etc.

Items in the game are all made by players, which is utterly ridiculous. There are no shops in the game at all, except for one Bazaar that holds player auctions. Since everyone is making the same stuff, the same items appear over and over. There are no unique items anywhere. One of the problems with this is that making weapons and armor is a career for some players. Funny, but that sounds like nothing more than a job to me. I'll go to my real job if I want to be productive, thanks. I'm sure many other players will begin to realize that too, and the items in the game will start becoming scarce.

The game is just very monotonous, but I should expect no less from the makers of EQ. Sure, its fun for the first few hours, when you're exploring and getting familiar with everything, but the experience degenerates quickly. When I got this game, I was hoping to be surrounded by Star Wars nerds role-playing their characters...but I forgot that Role-Playing is not allowed in MMORPGS. Try role-playing your character for one minute around other players and watch your text screen fill up with people screaming 'St0p r0lE PlAyinG j00 n00b!' and garbage like that. Hence, the 'Wow, i'm in Star Wars' feeling wears off extraordinarily quick.

The realization that this is just another online game and the fact that no one cares that its Star Wars becomes evident quickly, when you see players running around with names like 'Potthead Smokey' or 'Do0bi3 Sm0k3r' or 'L000k3 Skyywaalk3rrr123441' (all of which were names I actually saw). Its the idiots like that which completely take away from the game experience. You can barely understand what anyone is saying, because everyone talks in '1337 speech' or whatever the popular term for it is among the little kids. Overall, I found the rampant childish behavior and boring, pointless gameplay to be a huge turn off. I was off the game 3 days after getting it. I really, really wanted to like this game, but in the end the boring gameplay just got on my nerves, and the immature players didn't particularly help much either. This game was clearly just very over-hyped, and I was extraordinarily disappointed. Luckily I didn't get slapped with the rather high (over $15) monthly fee since I was off the game in 3 days.

If you want a great Star Wars Role Playing game, then I suggest checking out Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for XBox, or waiting for it to come to the PC. Its a much better game, and well worth the money. Since Galaxies doesn't really seem to qualify as a role-playing game, you're better off saving all the money you would waste on the hefty monthly fee. A nice try, but i'm not impressed at all. Just another run-of-the-mill Massive Online Game ruined by childish players and boring gameplay.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This is still beta
Review: For anyone who has experience with gaming it is easy to see how this game wasn't ready for release. Doubt my claim? Try logging into the official forums...you cant! not until you buy this game. Why? Because for the most part there are NO positive posts going on in there. The game is a mess. Each patch breaks it even more than the last. There is no content. After running the initial missions you will find yourself getting very tired of the rinse and repeat aspect this game is based upon...the skills are very unbalanced, some classes dont even work at all and the customer support is practically non-existent. Not to mention that most players just run around with pet monsters..not droids...but monsters that can kill entire parties in PVP. I wouldn't waste the money buying this until Sony fixes half of the problems with this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is one great game.
Review: This is one great game no MOMRPG fan should miss! This game offers us to play on a more futuristic and technology based world, rather than most games of this type, which are about wizards and warriors. Also, it offers us a very interesting PvP type of game, with a story that goes on each week! and lots of class combinations. So, IF YOU WHANT TO PLAY SOMETHING MORE RATHER THAN THE TRADITIONAL WIZARD-WARRIOR-MEDIEVAL MOMRPG THEN THIS IS THE GAME FOR IT!

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