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Capitalism 2

Capitalism 2

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: A wonderful wealth building tool.
I've been very lucky over the years, by that I mean that I've had the opportunity to explore being an entrepreneur. I started when I was 14, a national magazine on a small scale and what I learned from that I would later articulate in other projects for publishing and even now on Amazon. I went to the Rich Dad seminar in New York this past November, having finished reading this book and I'm trying to figure out a way articulate what the value of this book is.
I will tell you what all of this has helped to congeal in my head. One, money does not exist. Now this may seem to be contradictory to the entire concept of what Kiyosaki's books seem to extort on the surface but it doesn't. I think that the previous reviewer is talking about the glimmering of understand that one must come to in order to achieve wealth. Again this is a radical concept, but I think that after a certain number, money is simply a concept. Now the mundane focusing on dollar to dollar make sthat difficult to conceptualize.
Here's a mental game I often play: I imagine what businesses I would build in a neighborhood I'm in, what I can see that woudl see, wouldn't, etc.. I also regualrly look at Lotto prizes and figure out exactly how much that money is----10 million after taxes, withholding, etc. and then what that is in my life. For the next 70 years of my life. Four or five million really isn't that much when you sit down and think about it. So then the concept comes down what to do with that money has to be explored in developing money.
This is where it becomes interesting. How to make money? We all assume that getting a job is the easiest way to make money and then we assume that a business is so difficult to manage that we don't have the ability to do so. And yet amazingly, I started my first business when i was 7 selling papers----not for a company, for myself----I would buy Sunday papers for 50 cents and sell them for 75 cents because I delievered the Sunday paper early in the winter. A simple exchange but ultimately the root of what this book suggests.
Most people want answers. Answers the way your boss tells you to sit there, do this this way, deliver it by this time and then go home. Thats what people miss in this book----being told what to do. But ultimately they want to be TOLD what to do, become rich and then tehy will have the freedom to be "free to do whatever they want". Being free is everyone's greatest desire and fear. We have become a society that values conformity over creativity.
People want to read this book and be told, put 5 dollars in a red box for ten years and you'll be a millionaire. Do this the right way and your life will be perfect. This isn't the way to be successful. There are ways of educatingone's self----first books like this. I reccommend the entire Rich Dad Series---11 books so far, I believe. You must make a study of first money, then yourself, then what to do with both. I further reccomend Tony Robbins Personal Power, Getting the Edge, Awaken The Giant because you must articulate what you want in the Universe. Here's the thought I think often---What if this world is similar to the concept of the Matrix? What if the difference between me and John D. Rockefeller (who I share birthdate and some personality habits with) is a Universal expression of my potential in material manifestation. Visulaization, understanding what money is, how to use it, how to grow, what real estate is, what the three products that never go out of use on the entire planet are, learning to look into the world as possibility rather than demands of musts.
I think I will end this lifetime as affluent, behind my wildest concepts most likely. Why? because not only have I maintained studyign these kinds of books but my video games are HSX.com, Entrepreneur PC game, I consider what my unborn children will do with their trust funds when I hand it over to them when they're 18. My goal is to hand them 500k and let it be their decision to go to college or not. Now friends think thats an impossible thing to do but my simple retort, is that with 18 years of education they will be young adults capable of handling 500k. Most people answer from the place of that they wouldn't know what to do with 500k.
I think that Kiyosaki SHOULDN"T answer questions such as numbers of what to do or how to do because life isn't about handholding in the concept that people want it to be. Did Obi Wan teach Luke how to transcend death or lift an X Wing fighter the first time? No. You have to understand business, law, taxes (I reccommend something as simple as the 99 dollar H&R Block ta preparer class---you can take it as a deduction and if you think about it, you may be able to make more not working for them immediately, whcih is what I did). Really considering my investment future, what to do with money I may receive NEXT year in my tax returns, looking at my 401k plans and realizing that I could invest the money better, avoiding mutual funds, thinking ahead. I will share the biggest push to my constant growing and investing and starting small businesses. After taking the tax classes, reading books, doing a quarterly listing of expenses and that year I discovered with tax management for about 8 hours of those extra activities I earned as much as Oprah Winfrey does an hour! Over 5000 grand!!! Thats a true tale!
What kind of house do you want? Where do you want to visit? What kind of car do you want? I think that people have a huge issue with discernign what they WANT and what they NEED. Each purchase, even down to food shoudl be prefaced with that answer. And if you're truly committed to financial freedom, you'll find thats a huge one. Also I would suggest Financially figuring out how to survive without a job. Where would you go, what do you need, what don't you need? There's a reason why so many extremely poor people become rich. I've been laid off in the past, taken time off, lived off of savings and actually creating money and it teaches you what you're really made of. I know how to enjoy all of the creature comforts I have now, in the great neighborhood I live in because I know what it's like to not have even something as basic as a TV. And this is goign to be my next rant: turn off your TV. You believe so much about yourself because of not watching TV as a manifestation of someone elses concept of what you want and like.
And the next thing is to find a like minded partner, you can't look at ten or twenty years of working towards being financially independent if you're with someone who's goals aren;t the same. If you're single, that's wonderful! I reccommend The Millionaire Mind as well as Harville Hendrix Finding The Love You Want. Ultimately you have to know yourself, explore yourself and truly open your mind and shut off the babble of get a job and buy a Chevy a house and die. Life is bigger than that. Read, explore Network Marketting, understand the MIND you need to be rich. People think it's an incredible BIG mind, in fact, its a almost an inversion of one's self. Creating a new mind for one's self and challenging the concept of what money, not the coins and dollars----because what I consider REAL money isn't coneys and stuff----is. Think about what you would do will one million dollars if you found it in a bag on the train? You need to think of this as training course, an exercise program, rather than a fix it solution. Amazon is great for this----books for less than retail? Why buy retail? Good luck!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game
Review: A wonderful wealth building tool.
I've been very lucky over the years, by that I mean that I've had the opportunity to explore being an entrepreneur. I started when I was 14, a national magazine on a small scale and what I learned from that I would later articulate in other projects for publishing and even now on Amazon. I went to the Rich Dad seminar in New York this past November, having finished reading this book and I'm trying to figure out a way articulate what the value of this book is.
I will tell you what all of this has helped to congeal in my head. One, money does not exist. Now this may seem to be contradictory to the entire concept of what Kiyosaki's books seem to extort on the surface but it doesn't. I think that the previous reviewer is talking about the glimmering of understand that one must come to in order to achieve wealth. Again this is a radical concept, but I think that after a certain number, money is simply a concept. Now the mundane focusing on dollar to dollar make sthat difficult to conceptualize.
Here's a mental game I often play: I imagine what businesses I would build in a neighborhood I'm in, what I can see that woudl see, wouldn't, etc.. I also regualrly look at Lotto prizes and figure out exactly how much that money is----10 million after taxes, withholding, etc. and then what that is in my life. For the next 70 years of my life. Four or five million really isn't that much when you sit down and think about it. So then the concept comes down what to do with that money has to be explored in developing money.
This is where it becomes interesting. How to make money? We all assume that getting a job is the easiest way to make money and then we assume that a business is so difficult to manage that we don't have the ability to do so. And yet amazingly, I started my first business when i was 7 selling papers----not for a company, for myself----I would buy Sunday papers for 50 cents and sell them for 75 cents because I delievered the Sunday paper early in the winter. A simple exchange but ultimately the root of what this book suggests.
Most people want answers. Answers the way your boss tells you to sit there, do this this way, deliver it by this time and then go home. Thats what people miss in this book----being told what to do. But ultimately they want to be TOLD what to do, become rich and then tehy will have the freedom to be "free to do whatever they want". Being free is everyone's greatest desire and fear. We have become a society that values conformity over creativity.
People want to read this book and be told, put 5 dollars in a red box for ten years and you'll be a millionaire. Do this the right way and your life will be perfect. This isn't the way to be successful. There are ways of educatingone's self----first books like this. I reccommend the entire Rich Dad Series---11 books so far, I believe. You must make a study of first money, then yourself, then what to do with both. I further reccomend Tony Robbins Personal Power, Getting the Edge, Awaken The Giant because you must articulate what you want in the Universe. Here's the thought I think often---What if this world is similar to the concept of the Matrix? What if the difference between me and John D. Rockefeller (who I share birthdate and some personality habits with) is a Universal expression of my potential in material manifestation. Visulaization, understanding what money is, how to use it, how to grow, what real estate is, what the three products that never go out of use on the entire planet are, learning to look into the world as possibility rather than demands of musts.
I think I will end this lifetime as affluent, behind my wildest concepts most likely. Why? because not only have I maintained studyign these kinds of books but my video games are HSX.com, Entrepreneur PC game, I consider what my unborn children will do with their trust funds when I hand it over to them when they're 18. My goal is to hand them 500k and let it be their decision to go to college or not. Now friends think thats an impossible thing to do but my simple retort, is that with 18 years of education they will be young adults capable of handling 500k. Most people answer from the place of that they wouldn't know what to do with 500k.
I think that Kiyosaki SHOULDN"T answer questions such as numbers of what to do or how to do because life isn't about handholding in the concept that people want it to be. Did Obi Wan teach Luke how to transcend death or lift an X Wing fighter the first time? No. You have to understand business, law, taxes (I reccommend something as simple as the 99 dollar H&R Block ta preparer class---you can take it as a deduction and if you think about it, you may be able to make more not working for them immediately, whcih is what I did). Really considering my investment future, what to do with money I may receive NEXT year in my tax returns, looking at my 401k plans and realizing that I could invest the money better, avoiding mutual funds, thinking ahead. I will share the biggest push to my constant growing and investing and starting small businesses. After taking the tax classes, reading books, doing a quarterly listing of expenses and that year I discovered with tax management for about 8 hours of those extra activities I earned as much as Oprah Winfrey does an hour! Over 5000 grand!!! Thats a true tale!
What kind of house do you want? Where do you want to visit? What kind of car do you want? I think that people have a huge issue with discernign what they WANT and what they NEED. Each purchase, even down to food shoudl be prefaced with that answer. And if you're truly committed to financial freedom, you'll find thats a huge one. Also I would suggest Financially figuring out how to survive without a job. Where would you go, what do you need, what don't you need? There's a reason why so many extremely poor people become rich. I've been laid off in the past, taken time off, lived off of savings and actually creating money and it teaches you what you're really made of. I know how to enjoy all of the creature comforts I have now, in the great neighborhood I live in because I know what it's like to not have even something as basic as a TV. And this is goign to be my next rant: turn off your TV. You believe so much about yourself because of not watching TV as a manifestation of someone elses concept of what you want and like.
And the next thing is to find a like minded partner, you can't look at ten or twenty years of working towards being financially independent if you're with someone who's goals aren;t the same. If you're single, that's wonderful! I reccommend The Millionaire Mind as well as Harville Hendrix Finding The Love You Want. Ultimately you have to know yourself, explore yourself and truly open your mind and shut off the babble of get a job and buy a Chevy a house and die. Life is bigger than that. Read, explore Network Marketting, understand the MIND you need to be rich. People think it's an incredible BIG mind, in fact, its a almost an inversion of one's self. Creating a new mind for one's self and challenging the concept of what money, not the coins and dollars----because what I consider REAL money isn't coneys and stuff----is. Think about what you would do will one million dollars if you found it in a bag on the train? You need to think of this as training course, an exercise program, rather than a fix it solution. Amazon is great for this----books for less than retail? Why buy retail? Good luck!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A big waste of time and money
Review: Boy am I dissapointed in this game. The manual is very poor, and the game is pretty complicated and FAR from intuitive. The graphics are nice, but who cares? I've tried three times to get into it, but it just plain [is bad]. Spend your money elsewhere. My version will make a better coaster than a game. Don't buy into the hype of the other reviews like I did.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A big waste of time and money
Review: Boy am I dissapointed in this game. The manual is very poor, and the game is pretty complicated and FAR from intuitive. The graphics are nice, but who cares? I've tried three times to get into it, but it just plain [is bad]. Spend your money elsewhere. My version will make a better coaster than a game. Don't buy into the hype of the other reviews like I did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply The Best!!!
Review: By far the best business simulation game ever. I've spent years looking for a game that could replace the original Capitalism and i finally found it. Thank you Trevor Chan and UBI Soft.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: second to none
Review: By far the best business simulation game in the market. Not another tycoon game aimed at entertaining the player, but rather a real business simulation game for the business oriented. It has many good features such as marketing, real estate, stock market, company merger, hiring top level executives, etc. Could be made better by adding philanthropy, supply contracts, city selection (rather than been decided by the game), games within a game ( choosing which industry you want to be involved in and let the game be based solely on that industry). Again, it is the best business simulation game out there, and a very good one as well.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Sim Game Ever!!!
Review: Capatilism 2 allows you do do a lot of the stuff. It's competion can be extreamly high. Unlike most sim games, you get to do research and it acsually makes you fell as if it were real. I'd buy this game even if it were $100!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite game of all time!
Review: Capitalism 2 is probably my #1 favorite of all time with the Zelda games at #2 and Grand Theft Auto #3.

NOT FOR EVERYONE! This game takes a tremendous amount of time just to learn, about 3-6 hours just to go though the tutorials. If you do not have a background or intrest in business and the fundamentals behind running them it might not intrest you and be a little hard getting started.

It has a tremendous amount of options, from it's own stock market to buying mansions for your player.

If you are intrested in business and like sims game this should be one of your favorites. Puts Monopoly Tycoon to shame.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great business simulation
Review: Capitalism II is a simulation of running a corporation, with you acting as the CEO. You make the decisions about what products to produce, where to sell them, how much money to spend on research, how much to spend on advertising, who to buy raw materials from (or to harvest them yourself), where to build your stores/factories/headquarters, and so on. It one of the most complex games I've ever played, and undoubtedly the most thorough business/economic simulation available to the general public. Every variable is controllable, from the amount of dividend your stock pays out to the price of eggs in your grocery store.

Many scenarios are available for you to play through, and it is also easy to make your own victory conditions, or just play an open-ended game. In addition, there is a multiplayer mode so you can compete against other human-operated corporations instead of the usual AI-operated ones (although human opponents are currently few and far between).

As you might expect, Capitalism II has a steep learning curve. Even after playing through the entire tutorial campaign, there were things I was unsure about. I then read through the User Manual, which unfortunately is small, repetitive, and lacking an index. Next I did a web search to see if I could find a web site with some hints or a FAQ. No such luck. Only after playing a few open-ended games and experimenting a lot did a feel that I had a good grasp on how to win at the game.

The technology of the game is acceptable, but not what I would call modern: The music is annoying (don't worry, you can shut it off), and the few sounds are repetitive (especially the farm animals -- cute idea, but tiresome). The graphics are very pretty, but low-resolution (feels like 640x480). The interface feels clunky at first, but once I got used to it I found it efficient. Fortunately, the type of person who plays this sort of game is probably not a person who will be too concerned about graphics/sound quality, so long as they don't interfere with the gameplay.

Overall, I give Capitalism II a 4 star rating due to it's originality, enjoyability, and surprisingly low price. It has some areas where it could be better, and it is probably not something you will still be playing a few months from now, but the simulation is excellent and I imagine many economics and business classrooms will find it to be a great learning tool.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: James Tsui
Review: Capitalism is great and excellent game. If you like playing strategy games such as capitalism 1, you must enjoy this game. Why you still stand on here, you should get one immediately.

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