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The Sims Online Charter Edition

The Sims Online Charter Edition

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poor direction...
Review: It is just an add on for the great game to generate some more money for the company. The add on itself has lost its charm as a game... Not worth the expence...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game Ever Going Online
Review: It is one of the best games i have played online it is the best but it is very close the good thing about the sims online is you get to chat to other sims player aswell and a lot more to do than just play the oringal sim game it is one on the best think that has happened to computer history

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Addictive at 1st and then quickly becomes terribly boring
Review: It WAS addictive at 1st. Slowly, it started to get very repetitive and the game SLOWED down tremendously even on the fastest computers when many sims were altogether. Chatting became lethargic. You always had to empty your bladder or eat or sleep and that really made it very frustrating. Save your money.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's Getting There
Review: Many months ago, I wrote a pretty negative review of the game, but it has really improved over the last year, to the point that I can recommend it as a pretty fun way to get to know people. The features are coming along now. There are pets and 'real' jobs that you go to every day and generally more things to keep Sim-life interesting.

But by far the most attractive thing about the game is all of the wonderful people that you meet..(well, not everyone is wonderful, but most are decent at least ;-) It may seem strange to think of people whom you have never met as 'friends', but if you play for a while, I think you will.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Attention Parents
Review: Please consider very carefully before purchasing this game. Play it yourself before allowing your child to play...particularly anyone under the age of 18.

As a 'Founder' (beta-tester) for 3 months, &, after being slapped by a 9 year old because I wouldn't get into the 'love-bed' (simulated sex) with him, you couldn't get me back to this 'over-rated CHAT program for losers" with a team of wild horses!!! and...I will not allow my grandchildren to 'play'.

Should you decide to purchase this 'thing' anyway, I'd recommend a high amount of Parental Supervision. There is a lot of very 'sick' stuff going on & Maxis doesn't seem to have put in the proper controls. The only contribution this game makes is everything that we don't want our children absorb...

Please, spend a little time there yourself before agreeing to alow your child to play.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hello, Welcome.. come in... good bye
Review: The title of this review says it all.... that is pretty much how the game went for me. Granted the first hour was interesting to look at the houses people built and try out all the gadgets and gizmos but after that it was just an expensive chat room. Sitting at a chess board and 'hearing' Hello, welcome, come on in and thanks over and over is not my idea of a game.... I had a blast building a house, decorating and filling it with everything I possible could but after that... chat room mode set in and I was never into those, even the free ones.....

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hello, Welcome.. come in... good bye
Review: The title of this review says it all.... that is pretty much how the game went for me. Granted the first hour was interesting to look at the houses people built and try out all the gadgets and gizmos but after that it was just an expensive chat room. Sitting at a chess board and 'hearing' Hello, welcome, come on in and thanks over and over is not my idea of a game.... I had a blast building a house, decorating and filling it with everything I possible could but after that... chat room mode set in and I was never into those, even the free ones.....

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sims Online Ultimate Review 1000+ people involved
Review: This game is no game. It is no fun at all especially because of its price 75$ for a cardboard box and for online chat after 3 months. I thought it would be alot more fun then the online virtual chat that im using for FREE, but apparently it ... I dont want to pay money to do something I can do for free.


Real simulated chat room

0% dumb

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game rocks.
Review: THis game rocks!!!! You can meet new people, build your dream house and even go on dates. You can even have a real life roommate. This is the best game I would reccomend it to everyone.
So go out and buy it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Its not worth the big expense
Review: This isn't a real multiplayer online game.

After playing this game for far too many hour in order to try to progress somewhere with it, I have finally given up. I paid money to play an actual game and not just chat.

A multiplayer online game is supposed to have a balance of socialization and actual gameplay with real objectives along with chatting.

This is nothing but a shallow chatroom where you struggle to keep your Sims needs up, playing silly game objects, and teleport from place to place as there are no real downtown places to explore and you don't even have a real neighborhood to walk around in.

If you must see for yourself, by the less expensive one. Don't invest in this one unless you are absolutely ready to do it.

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