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The Sims Online Charter Edition

The Sims Online Charter Edition

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: DIE Electronic Arts!
Review: If EA ruins any more of Maxis's games I am going to plant a bomb in their headquarters!

Everyone remembers Maxis in the 90's. Maxis spent time in their games and didn't just focus on garphics and they didn't let money get to them.

Now, Maxis makes a bad mistake, which will probably ruin their company, THEY JOINED EA! EA is a fat, greedy company who is buying all the good companies into them. Money, Money, Money is all they care about.

EA caused the Sims expansion pack disaster and made the Sims Online a flop.


SimCity 4 was a very anticipated game. When it gets released, EA makes Maxis hurry it up so they can get money. EA just wants to bring it to stores without even giving Maxis the time to check for bugs.

Oh, back to the game. It is not that great. Thanks to EA.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not A Game
Review: If you are looking to expand or perhaps re-live the fun you had with the original Sims, this is not the answer. Though it looks like The Sims and has the same familiar controls, it definitely doesn't PLAY like The Sims. It plays more like ICQ. Chat. Meet virtual people and have shallow conversations. Logoff.

Strong possibility that EA can turn this "project" into a "game" with more time, but for now, this is little more than Internet Chat - for $... a month.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I Gave it My Beta Time Plus 3 Months
Review: If you enjoy computer games with quests and missions, perhaps a sense of purpose for playing a game (perhaps a story line or some history), even if you just wanna wander around a vast 3-D world---DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!!
The only game going on with The Sims Online is that there is no game here, and when you do find your place in role-playing in this game someone will inevitably report you to the gestapo I mean Maxis and you will have your account suspended for not playing the (non)game their way.
Oh I agree it sure looks cool on the box, be who you want to be right? Ask one person who organized a large group of people and formed a role playing Sim Mafia. He was asked to cease and desist his group because more or less the majority of people in this game are playing real life, and that is too much for them to deal with in a game.
I myself had started a fight club thinking there may be some pvp action to be had....NOT you must physically accept all interactions initiated by another player or it just rejects the actions.
If you really enjoy people chatting about what is going on in there life while they build a skill for no reason other than more interactions this is for you.
I play many games and beta test alot of new games so when I experienced massive lag issues in this Sims game after release with only 12 people on a property with its poor graphics from the early 90's I tend to wonder why when i beta tested shadowbane with 2500 peeps on one server with 100 people on screen at one time in a guild conflict with intense graphics i get no lag at all? Also this bloated pig of a game will bring down your computers resources faster than 20 viruses at once I got 768 megs of RAM and would run out of mem while playing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Waste of time and money
Review: If you enjoy doing tedious tasks after installing a huge application, that lags horribly and sucks up a large amount of system resources, then by all means, this game is for you. Please do not waste your time and money with this game.
If you want to know the specs of the computers I played it on, in case you think my boxes were slow, well here they are:

note: All boxes were tweaked to give the best performance, and each experienced great slow downs when there were more then 13 people in a house.

box #1
Windows XP
p4 2.8ghz
60gig 72000 rpm hd with a 2meg cache (ata 133)
radeon 7500
T3 internet connection with bandwidth priority

box #2
Windows 2000
duron 1.2ghz
40gig 7200 rpm hd with a 2meg cache udma 66
gainward geforce4 ti 4400 overclocked to be faster then a 4600
cable modem

box #3 (laptop)
Windows XP
800mhz p3
30gig 5400 rpm hd
on board 11meg video card

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: not worth it
Review: If you get this game all your going to do is pay a monthly fee to chat! Objects are priced way to high and to get any skills to make money will take you weeks of game play. I played this game for over two weeks strait and it was the same thing over and over. You never get any place and it gets boring real fast. If your really into online chat and want to pay for it then get this game but if you want to play The Sims stick with PS2 or the regular PC game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: not worth it
Review: If you get this game all your going to do is pay a monthly fee to chat! Objects are priced way to high and to get any skills to make money will take you weeks of game play. I played this game for over two weeks strait and it was the same thing over and over. You never get any place and it gets boring real fast. If your really into online chat and want to pay for it then get this game but if you want to play The Sims stick with PS2 or the regular PC game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game can mess up your real life...
Review: If you have a life, be careful about buying The Sims Online. Don't let the bad reviews fool you, this is a good game. I almost did not buy The Sims Online because of it being called "A chat room that costs $10 a month." If it was boring as some say, would 100,000 people play this game? Nope.

This game will take away time from your real life. You might lose friends, your job and social life. My online friend is even trying to get The Sims Online just to chat with me!

Making your Sim is much easier than ever! No more of the boring clicking arrows to see all the outfits/heads. They are now thumbnails. You can make a human Sim or make a bear, (polar, brown, or black bear) alien, even a robot. Bears, aliens, and robots cannot do anything humans can't. Don't worry about bears mauling you! You cannot set any personality. After all, you are the one controlling everything he/she does. That is right, no more "free will." But don't worry, your Sim's moods drop three times slower.

This is not just a big animated chat room. You can build a house, skill center, or park, whatever you want! You do not have unlimited money, you must work for it. Your first instinct as a The Sims player is to look in the paper for a job. Say goodbye to carpools and then zooming off to work. You now have to skill (it takes several real life hours but good people make it fun) then make money on a job object. Some are easy but slow. Others, you must work with others. You can also find people looking for a maid or repairman. Anything you do for making money is fun. Almost.

There is now a "death" feature in the game. Your Sim can die from electrocution, drowning, and starving. Don't worry, you can get revived or stay a ghost. Being a ghost is fun for a while but gets boring after a while.

There are also clothing racks. You can now buy your Sim new clothes from daywear, PJ's, lingerie, swimwear, and formal outfits. Very fun when you get bored with your Sim's clothes.

There is a lack of economy in The Sims Online. Everywhere you go has free food, showers, even beds and hotel rooms at times. However, players are working on an economy. Another thing is a new program called "HUD" that allows people that have an extra [$$] lying around to get a size 8 lot. Making money is boring when everyone is away from the game. It is annoying when you are playing in the middle of the night or some other time for those outside of the US when the servers go down for maintenance. The Social meter is sometimes annoying if you are staying at your house waiting for people to come. Those are the only bad things about The Sims Online.

As for graphics, it is better than The Sims slightly. There is a new and better looking UCP (Universal Control Panel) and buy/build modes. Other than that, same graphics as the 3 year old game.

The sound is pretty good. It is sometimes funny when your Sim sings in the shower. I like the music but to others, it is repetitive and annoying. There is less of the famous gibberish that Sims make. There are user-made radios that some listen to.

As for the bonus stuff with the Charter Edition, you get a certificate, 2 more months free, a key chain, a magnet, and a soundtrack CD. The CD has some nice music on it. All of it from the game. The colored manual with hot keys is very convenient.

Overall, this game is very fun. Like I said, do not listen to the bad reviews. People that love the game would rather play than write a review. Maxis/EA is now offering a free 14 days to play. Before buying The Sims Online, you should go to ...(the official website) to download and play for 14 days free to see if you like it before you buy the game. It is better than paying [$$] for a game you don't like.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A badly developed game
Review: In the beginning this game was a great idea but a greedy
game publishing company decided to release this in an incomplete state figuring The Sims name would sell it.

What could have been an exciting and fun game to play is bacially boring, pointless, and just not fun! The gameplay is tedious and extremely repetitive and some of the objects that were promised have not even been implemented in the game and some of the other playable elements are still grayed out, meaning you can't play them yet.

It took months before an item advertised in the box was even added to the game!!! They take forever to add anything and you're constantly greeted with half baked promises.

The game strict rules prevents any opportunity at being creative and literally destroys the fun. As of now, its merely a chat room with a few game objects/elements that you pay monthly for.

My friends and I had enough so we unsubscribed altogether because we were tired of feeling ... ..., so all I can say is buy this game at your own risk and be prepared to be bored, creatively stifled and harassed by alot of griefers as they need something to do since theres not much to do in this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another Life
Review: in this game you have another life. its fun when you can create your own charachters. you can make him or her look like a polar bear or an alien, and best( whitch cant get inside anywhere!), a clown. also the sims online taught me alot of new things. i also got to play poker at a casino thing. it was cool.you can also chat but they will say weird things you never heard. also i got to go in jacuzzis and go to weddinngs. i am ten but in the game i told them that my real life age was 21! this game is fun. BUY IT!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Play the lottery
Review: Invest your [money] bucks or however much you want to toss away in the lottery, don't bother with TSO. Do you spend your day in a job that is not challenging, repetitive, and uninteresting except when you chat over the water cooler, copier or cubicle wall? Well, that is decidedly more interesting and fun than TSO and about as exciting. There is a design bias towards forced interaction. Due to individual object limits, creativity is limited. Skill takes extremely long to gain, and must be continously maintained. Needs restrict how much time you can spend doing anything before you have to 'green up'. These factors have been tweeked however are far from fixed. You can't walk your sim to another house, across the street or around the neighborhood. Sure, that is being 'worked on' in design, but do you really want to pay to play a less than beta version game while code is being written to make it live up to what it has been hyped to be? You start the game with [money] simoleons which you'll spend a third (at least) upon buying property which you then can't fully build upon due to lack of funds. If you choose to play alone without roommates, you will be penalized an exordinate extra cost in order to enlarge your lot. You can chat for free all over the net, why pay [money] a year to chat in a 3D enviornment? I played the Beta, am a founder and this is the worst game I've ever played.

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