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Lords of EverQuest

Lords of EverQuest

List Price: $24.99
Your Price: $24.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent highbred of RTS and RPG
Review: A lot of these reviews are for other Everquest titles? whats up with that? I haven't played any other Everquest title before ( monthly fees...) but so far this is one of the better rts \ rpg games I have played in some time. And thankfully there are no monthly fees! Though not amazeingly inovative it does a great job of combineing what works well in other rts's and rpg's to form an extremely fun highbred. Now that I have gotten used to all my units leveling after battles it will be difficult for me to go back to games where troops don't advance. I am a big fan of the blizzard line of games (Diablo 1 and 2, starcraft, and warcraft 3) and this seems like the natural progression forward. It also reminds me a lot of Dungeon Siege, in that in the single player it's all about constructing the right mix of melee, range and support units, although the possible combinations seem a lot more diverse here. The diversity of attack and resistance types add another level of depth to the tactics required to win. The interface is customizable and allows you to free up screen space to allow for more space to take in the gorgeous graphics. The types of characters are diverse, highly detailed, and dynamicaly animated. If you are a fan of action oriented roll playing games, or smaller scale rts's this is a must buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cool Game
Review: Campaign is awesome. Lots of fun. Good Job all!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sony did this?
Review: First off let me just say that the only reason I bought this game was for the invite to EQ2 beta... Now then, after loading it up and playing it for all of maybe 8 minutes, I turned it off and went back to CoD. I have been playing EQ since 99' and i have to say that in 4 years I have never really been disapointed at Sony. That changes today. I can't for the life of me figure out why a company that is making as much as they are on EQ, would waste so much time and money developing a title such is LoEQ... Playing it has made me anticipate EQ2 more, for the fact that I need a good game to wash out the vile thoughts I have had about how to best get rid of it. One thought was throwing it off a building, although I would feel for the people at the bottom, having crap rain down on them from above..

This game was a waste of time, not so much money for the fact that there is a beta invite in the package, but this game is by far the worst game I have played since "Real War". And another thing..dont you think that if you can only register your product for the beta one day, 23 hours and 59 minutes, that the site will be lagged out or down most of the day? That sounds like a trap, like a gamble, they say you are sure to get a slot when you register, but whats to stop them from saying " The server was up, but you thousands of people just forgot to do it, no, this is a gamble, be warned... There is no guerantee anyone will get into the Beta of EQ2 this way. I hope they take into account long time users of EQ, I'm still playing it, even after all these years.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Oh, look, it's Warcraft III with the ID filed off!
Review: Honestly, it's just insulting that this is being passed off as original in any way. A glance at the graphics and then at the features list show it's more or less identical to Warcraft III. What's more, there's no Norrathian flavor to be found -- this game isn't EverQuest, it's not Warcraft ... who is supposed to buy it, I have no idea.

Enough with the relentless spinning off of new products, Sony. Concentrate on making the core game better instead of giving us EQ RTS, EQ phone, EQ Palm Pilot, EQ on PS2, EQ on Gameboy, EQ checkers, EQ jacks, EQ belly button lint ...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 5 stars or one star? hmm look at the conflict here!
Review: How interesting it is that people either LOVE this game (give it 5 stars) or HATE this game (give it one star).

I find it very strange that there is a long string of successive GOOD reviews of this game. I really makes me wish I had a ton of money I could spend to investigate who these good reviewers are, because having just read them all very closely, I have some strong suspicions.

Why? Simple - this game, as any TRUE RTS lover will tell you, SUCKS!!!!!!!!

Look, Sony does NOT deserve a dime for this title, not a dime.

They bribed Everquest players into buying it by offering them a guaranteed spot in Everquest 2 beta if they purchase LoE. Why? Simple - the Everquest community is for the most part a very hardcore gaming community who knowwhat's up. They don't just play EQ, they are the hardcore gamers who know all about games like warcraft. They know how to find out if a title is worth buying before they make the purchase.

The word on the streets is this, my gaming friends:

Lords of Everquest is a quick money grab campaign; an attempt by Sony to quickly get a piece of the RTS pie, and then run with the cash while all the dissapointed gamers moan and groan about what a terrible title it is they bought. How can they accomplish this ultimate goal when people come to places like amazon only to read negative after negative reviews? They can't. Hence the 5 star reviews you've read. Look at them closely. Look at how cliche' they are, how utterly adolescent. They were written that way for a reason, if you ask me. To se4em believable. Look close, don't let 'em fool ya.

Do not buy into these good reviews you read. Do not buy this game. I just don't nkow what else to say.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This game is horrible
Review: i cant believe i wasted 30 dollars on this trash. i thought this would be better than warcraft3. WRONG!

if you want a good RTS game get Warcraft3 and/or Warcraft3 Frozen Throne. Just dont pick up this trash because if you do, you will be sadly disappointed that you lost 30 bucks.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game...period.
Review: I got my copy this morning when the stores opened and I've had so much fun playing through the first few missions of the Elddar Alliance campaign that I had to get online and buy a copy as a gift for a friend of mine.

Some of the reviews here were not of this game, so make sure you read carefully. I researched quite a bit about this game and most of the sites I checked had great things to say about it. After playing it myself, I'd have to agree that this is definitely a game for RTS fans. If you're new to the RTS genre, you'll love the story and look of the characters. If you're an RTS veteran, you probably already know that this game has some great elements that allow it rise to the top.

If you're one of the masses that KNOW that the best RTS game to be produced within the last 15 years was Starcraft, then you'll be pleasantly surprised to play a game that may (only time will tell) be as equally balanced and enjoyable as that great title.

It's one thing to come out with nice movies and intro's for your mediocre game...it's something completely different to actually spend your money and effort on the things that make an RTS great...and that's balance and diversity, something Lords of Everquest has O'plenty.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game for any RTS fan!
Review: I played all the way through 2 of the 3 campaigns in this game. It took around 40 or 50 hours...and I had a great time playing! The experience was well worth the money spent. The look of the game is spectacular, head and shoulders above anything else within the same genre (compare WCIII characters next to LOE characters and you'll see what I mean). The Lords are extremely fun to play and control. I played through the Dawn Brotherhood campaign with Sakti the Monk and she was so powerful late in the campaign that I would walk her into some of the smaller battles alone, just to gain all the experience. This game is all about leveling your troops and being smart about your Lord and Knight aura's. So, I don't see how this game can be compared to the cartoony WCIII which doesn't have leveling and aura's.

If you don't believe me, check out some of the reviews on the big gaming sites...they all love the game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Warcraft 3 clone with improvements
Review: I played the demo for this game (hence why I can review it before it is released). Lords of Everquest is basically a Warcraft3 clone. The concept, the name of the buildings, even down to the sayings the characters say. Granted, the animation is better and Sony did improve on a few things from W3, but it is a clone. The interface is easier than W3, but I haven't seen any story scenes so I can not judge the climax footage vs. W3. Basically, if you already own W3, getting this game is pointless since it is the same thing. It is nothing like EQ, Sony just slapped that name on it trying to get sales.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Festering Pile of Mediocrity with a Dash of Apathy
Review: I'm actually in shock that this game was released. Regardless of the investment in development, Sony should have looked at the final product, cancelled the whole project, and swept it under the rug.

Let's get specific, shall we?


Utterly uninspired, rehashed, redone, predictable, and dull. Voice acting so awful you'd swear it was intentional. With four years of world-building in the Everquest franchise, you'd think they could make up something at least passable. Wrong.


So terrible that it's difficult to comprehend that this game isn't something you bought three years ago and forgot about, then found in the bottom of a drawer. Units are awkward, poorly crafted, unoriginal pieces of dung that don't withstand any scrutiny.

It isn't so much the painfully low polygon count on units as the poor artwork that led such things to exist. I've heard that a lot of companys are outsourcing programming work overseas to bottom dollar workers, but I didn't know that applied to artists and designers. It's painful to look at a "hero" unit with a giant smile frozen on his one-polygon face while he laments the death of his closest friend in a melodramatic tone.


Unintuitive, tedious, and one-dimensional. There is no need for strategy. Simply select all your units and send them at the enemy, then pick your nose like a slack-jawed dullard and watch for several minutes as the overwhelmingly stupid AI eventually kills something in spite of itself.

Units wander aimlessly in circles while other units blindly flail at them from behind. Troops stampede recklessly to persue their foes to whatever end. I would estimate that the unit AI took approximately three minutes to jot down on the back of a cocktail napkin at 2:00 AM after consuming about a gallon of vodka directly out of a plastic bottle.

Interaction with the environment? Nonexistent. Despite some awkward attempts at eye candy, it's almost entirely meaningless in terms of affecting strategy.


Turn it off. Enough said.


Everything about this game has been copied from somewhere else. Most of its game mechanics are ripped directly from Warcraft III. Unfortunately, Sony lacks the talent of Blizzard. They lack the attention to detail, they lack the standards of quality, and they lack the vision.

My question to Sony is this: If you're going to do something that's already been done, and do it so poorly, why do it at all?

This game is a blatant money-grab. Sony is banking on the uninformed consumer and die-hard Everquest player to buy it without thinking.

Don't prove them right. If you need a RTS game, go buy Warcraft III. If you already own it, go play it again. If you want Warcraft III to have that "Everquest" feel, punch yourself in the groin, stab yourself in the eye with a pencil, and play Warcraft III. Just don't buy Lords of Everquest. It brings a new definition to the word "Pain."

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