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Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters

List Price: $14.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Buy
Review: I picked this up at a local retailer before Amazon made their price drop. After playing it, I feel that it definitely worth more than the 19 I paid for it. It is a fun game with pretty cool graphics. The look of the game is somewhat cartoonish, but still quite good looking. I like the theme of an alternate history it uses as its backdrop. You can control an increasingly growing band of rebels. Once you start accomplishing objectives, you gain more charisma. It is your charisma which allows you to recruit more rebels to fight with you. The game is not a real time strategy and does not pretend to be. The commands you give your rebel figthers are simple and to the point. Which I personally like. Give it a try. You can't loose at less than 20 bucks!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Good Game, Practically Free
Review: I rate this game at 3.5 stars, but since I don't have the option of saying 3.5, I'll use 3 stars. At ten bucks, it's worth trying this game out to see if you like it. That was my thought going in. I found the game to be a lot better than I expected.

The game has many innovative or semi-innovative gameplay features, that help to separate it out from the masses. The ability to recruit fighters, move from one area to another and back via the sewers, the ability to affect the enemies maneuverability, the number of possible ways to approach an objective, and others, all combine to make the game seem fresh by comparison.

The graphics are great, with the exception for character animations during gameplay (the cutscene animations are ok). During gameplay, I initially got a feeling of shooting in an arcade. But I got used to that quickly and it didn't significantly detract from the game.

The gameplay itself is great, if short. I was dissappointed when this game was over, which is an indicator of both the fun-factor and the short length of the game. Some other games, you can't wait to get through, some seem to end at just the right time.

My only real complaint about the game is in the save model. This had a big impact on the enjoyability of the game and dropped it down about half a star in my estimation (I would have given it 4 stars, rather than 3.5). Every time you move from one map to another, your game is automatically saved, but the map you just left is also repopulated with enemy. You don't have the option of saving to different files for later retrieval; you have one game, with its savepoint that you can restart from. This lack of control is unacceptible in a PC game. Twice I had bad experiences with the save model. The first time, I got part way through a map, left it to go to another map to get some explosives, and came back only to find that all the progress I had made had been lost because of the repopulation. Worse, was later in the game where I completely cleared out a level (I thought). My objective was not complete, but I couldn't figure out why, because I seemed to have done everything. After wandering around and finding nothing else to do, I went back to the rebel base and lost all my progress. I realized what I had missed, and had to repeat the entire map from scratch. During a map, you have a handful of locations you can go to and do a "quick save" and you can recall those save points, but only until you do a true save by moving between map locations. Then your quick save is lost. The simple ability to do a regular save at these points, rather than a quick save, would have made most of the save issues go away. The game limits your ability to save every 5 seconds, which I like as I think it makes for more exciting action, but the save model in this game was poorly thought out.

All in all though, I thought the game was very fun and well worth the bargain bin price. Pick up the game, figure out the save model, never leave a map unless you understand the implications of doing so, and you'll have fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT GAME.
Review: I wish they made more games like this one!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: May be a cliche, but an amazingly well done one!
Review: Let's see - this computer game involves 2 plumbers who get wrapped up in world-changing plots. There's an evil group out to destroy things as we know it, and a beautiful girl in trouble. Sound familiar?

Nope, it's not Super Mario X. Instead, this is the start for Freedom Fighters, set in an alternate reality of New York City. In this version, the Russians are taking over the world and have just reached your metropolis home.

The graphics on this game are simply amazing. It's more of a cel shaded high-end cartoon feel than a realistic one, but the facial expressions and movements are dead on. You move through various areas of New York - Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the landscapes and buildings are very well done. You move through movie theaters, churches and more, and as the game progresses they turn into more and more of a war zone. Escape from New York was just the beginning.

The gameplay is great. You start out as an 'average Joe' - but as your search for your brother continues, and you get involved in the resistance movement, your character wears more gear, knows the ins-and-outs more, and draws more followers. At first you only have 2 people believing in you, but as you prove yourself you can recruit more and more followers to help you out.

The sound effects and music are excellent. The ambient noise are right on, giving you a sense that you really are under fire in a dirty New York street. The music is rich, Russian epic, giving you the sense that a gigantic empire is rolling across the world, and you are a mere toothpick in its path.

The AI and gamplay is superb. Your teammages take cover, peer around corners, provide covering fire, take over machine guns when they're available. You can tell them to advance to a given point, or 'scout an area', or follow behind you, so depending on your gameplay style you can be as specific as general as you wish.

There are helicopters that chase you down, APCs that bring reinforcements, buildings to run around in, streets to terrorize. There are turned-over cars, barbed wire fences and everything inbetween. The in-game maps are incredible and the physics are very realistic. Having been in New York many times and having a boyfriend who grew up there, the atmosphere is dead on.

Highly recommended for any strategy-war fan who really enjoys a game that envelops you. This isn't an arcade blood-and-guts fest. The game lets you heal your teammates, build a reputation and make a stand to protect your home and your family. Just about the only thing this is missing is multiplayer. We can only hope that a future release will add that in, and make this a true gaming classic.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Freedom Won too Soon!
Review: My favorite games include first-person shooters like Quake II and Unreal, but I have enjoyed third-person action games too. Two of my favorites are Rune and Heretic II. So when I realized Freedom Fighers was this type of game, I gave it a shot. The game's great, but a little blemish or two keeps it from perfection.

One of Freedom Fighter's best assets are its controls. You can customize the control keys in the Options menu to suit your preferences. I felt comfortable with the controls throughout most of the game. The camera angle generally worked well too. Nevertheless, I found the weapon and inventory acess a little awkward because you need to go through your inventory items by moving the mouse wheel. Overall, however, the game feels comfortable.

You also control a squad of fighters, and this group combat is perhaps Freedom Fighter's forte. The AI is good, and your comrades will fight and attack enemy Russians automatically. You can easily call off their attack, however, and some parts of the game it is wise to do so. You can also command them to defend a position or attack a target. It looks great, and all allies and enemies move in a realistic fashion.

As for graphics, Freedom Fighters is a very good looking game. The levels are attractively designed, and the game renders some of the best fire and smoke effects I've seen in any game. The buildings seem almost real, too, and its fun to wonder around and fight inside and outside these structures.

As good as Freedom Fighters is, my only major complaint is the length of the game. It's SHORT! It only took me four days including the day I purchased the game to beat it. So the total time was maybe only eight hours or less.

Freedom Fighters is a top-notch action game, and it does everything right, but it should be longer!

Great graphics
Very good level design
Good AI
Best squad combat I've seen

Too short!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Freedom Won too Soon!
Review: My favorite games include first-person shooters like Quake II and Unreal, but I have enjoyed third-person action games too. Two of my favorites are Rune and Heretic II. So when I realized Freedom Fighers was this type of game, I gave it a shot. The game's great, but a little blemish or two keeps it from perfection.

One of Freedom Fighter's best assets are its controls. You can customize the control keys in the Options menu to suit your preferences. I felt comfortable with the controls throughout most of the game. The camera angle generally worked well too. Nevertheless, I found the weapon and inventory acess a little awkward because you need to go through your inventory items by moving the mouse wheel. Overall, however, the game feels comfortable.

You also control a squad of fighters, and this group combat is perhaps Freedom Fighter's forte. The AI is good, and your comrades will fight and attack enemy Russians automatically. You can easily call off their attack, however, and some parts of the game it is wise to do so. You can also command them to defend a position or attack a target. It looks great, and all allies and enemies move in a realistic fashion.

As for graphics, Freedom Fighters is a very good looking game. The levels are attractively designed, and the game renders some of the best fire and smoke effects I've seen in any game. The buildings seem almost real, too, and its fun to wonder around and fight inside and outside these structures.

As good as Freedom Fighters is, my only major complaint is the length of the game. It's SHORT! It only took me four days including the day I purchased the game to beat it. So the total time was maybe only eight hours or less.

Freedom Fighters is a top-notch action game, and it does everything right, but it should be longer!

Great graphics
Very good level design
Good AI
Best squad combat I've seen

Too short!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Relax and pull the trigger
It's definitely a fun game. Running from cover to cover while dodging bullets and sweeping your way through enemy fortifications. The graphics are great, the music is cool. The neat thingie about the game is that the enemy just doesn't eat bullets. Once the first shots are fired, enemy reinforcments rush in and the action unleashes. They counterattack and the situation can alter dramatically. It's great to lay back, relax and pull the trigger, but it's not all that long term all-night-consuming addictive social life obliterator.

Some nice little surprises here and then. Snipers, tanks and helis make you think, while jumping and shooting at the same time.

The straight way is not always the best. I love those machinegun nests behind enemy fortifications. Sometimes handgrenades help. Sometimes!

Difficulty is well balanced and there is a ton of action.

Sometimes, it's a little bit like duck shooting. When enemy soldiers are far away, they won't fire back.

Teammates are like medipack consuming gun-wielding idiots that have nothing better to do than to run into your line of fire and fail to search for cover. It's not clear, if they are supposed to support combat or symbolize gun-wielding hostages that need to be rescued to the next manhole. Normally I just take 2 or 3 and let them cover my back. It's a little bit too much like babysitting.

Sometimes helis and tanks were intended to increase the tactic-aspect of the game, which put simply, was a cheap solution.

Not much variety on weaponry and chronically low ammo.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Good Game, Practically Free
Review: PC version doesn't support joypad (at least i couldn't find any way to do it), but once I get used to the control, I think it works very well. I especially like the story and the overall presentation, the graphics and music are really good. The missions are challenging, but like all games, you can always find ways to beat the AI.

some things I don't like:
1. game is a bit short, which can be a good thing, because:
2. game got kinda repetitive toward the end, just throw more enermy at you.
3. somewhat limited weapon selection

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: a very good game
Review: PC version doesn't support joypad (at least i couldn't find any way to do it), but once I get used to the control, I think it works very well. I especially like the story and the overall presentation, the graphics and music are really good. The missions are challenging, but like all games, you can always find ways to beat the AI.

some things I don't like:
1. game is a bit short, which can be a good thing, because:
2. game got kinda repetitive toward the end, just throw more enermy at you.
3. somewhat limited weapon selection

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One Excellent Game
Review: Sure, it could be longer, but this game doesn't herd you along like many a first-person shooter out there. The dearth of in-game saves actually makes for a better playing experience because it makes you more cautious, more like you would be in real life. You'll notice that the lead character's aim gets better as he becomes more entrenched in his freedom fighter role. Great graphics, great gameplay, great fun. Highly recommended. Right up there with Call of Duty.

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