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The Sims Online

The Sims Online

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Subscription Required
Review: The concept of online Sims is great - however, paying the *very expensive* monthly subscription fee is NOT worth it. I cannot believe that they charge for the game AND ask for a monthly fee. I'm very disappointed. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Things To Know Before Investing Your Time
Review: The game itself is a remarkable accomplishment in itself. However, there are a few things you should know before investing your time and efforts.

Parents should be aware that there is alot of gang symbolism involved in the communites these days. Part of building up your character includes obtaining special actions when you choose to make a new friend. If someone decides to make you an enemy, you lose these special actions and friendship links. The bad players that join these gangs do so for the sole purpose of making enemies to rob people of their special actions. Maxis and EA has lost all control of this and people are leaving the game rapidly. If you unknowingly move into a neighborhood these people don't like, you can be hit to the point of losing all of your friendships.

The other drawback is that in order to be a popular property you have to keep visitors coming in and staying. If you work hard enough you can be a top property. However, several of the players (mostly the online gangs) buy several accounts and keep non-roommate characters at their properties constantly. If you want to pay for four or five accounts and do this, you have a chance of achieving this game goal. Unfortunately, an honest player will never have a chance to make most of the game goals.

Aside from this, the actual technology behind the game is short of amazing. There are some graphic and system glitches, but nothing major.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Love the new and improved!
Review: This game is so much fun. I can't believe how many hours I've spent playing it. It just get's better all the time with constant updates and new content.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Bloody Rock and Roll
Review: This game is the peaches, I love to play every day! I didn't think it would be that fun, but I have come to conclusionm that I will never tire of the game, soooo fun. I love to create relationships with other Sims in THERE. It is fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game!
Review: This is a good game. In this new version there are jobs,pets,death,clothes,stores,trading,casinos,etc! Most of these are already in the game.

For those confused: This is NOT a new game. This only includes UPDATES that game out in the past year. This version has everything, so you don't have to download everything. It was created for dial-up and new players.

This is getting to be a better game by the day!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No longer worst game I played but still awful
Review: This is nooootttttttt a new game this is the same thing don't let the people eat your brain I am a loyal sims fan I like offline sims the pets and jobs make this game an o.k game not a good game like ever quest try it youll like it for a month theeeennnnnn youll quit

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Online is New and Improved
Review: This is the new and improved release of The Sims Online. I have been playing it since January 2003 and the game does nothing but get better and better. This new and improved release includes pets (dogs, cats, birds, iguanas, etc.), NPCs (maids, gardeners, repair people), and Jobs (you can work in a robot factory making robots, or a restaurant and serve customers).

I have found this game engaging and interesting. You can build your own property up and make it fun for other sims to visit, or you can decide to be 'homeless' and just wander about the city. I have participated in a scavenger hunt with a partner to find things throughout the city. I've been to a 'city fair' where players throughout the city teamed up to build and design a property with games and food and contests like a fair. I have proposed (although we haven't done it yet) a 'barn raising' in the style of the Amish barn raisings, to build someone a new property. I've built up my skills to be able to repair things and run my own repair business. I've built up other skills to be able to revive people from the dead.

The new Jobs are almost like 'quests' in that there is a whole promotion track. Each type of job has 5 different levels and you have to gain a promotion to go up a level. You can do the jobs with whichever players show up, or you can team up with your friends and all do a job together. Also it is completely up to you whether you choose to do the jobs, or whether you prefer to earn money by making gnomes or having your own repair business.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's like playing a whole new game!
Review: This review is from an actual player of this newer version of The Sims Online.

This is not a new game, but a new CD with all of the content added since inital release. It only needs to be purchased by new players, to avoid large download patches.

With the addition of pets, and career tracks, and other content into The Sims Online, it's like playing an entirely new game. Since the inital release of the game neighborhoods, stores, clothing racks, and casinos, to name a few, have also been added and greatly increase playability of the game. It never was a "mindless chatroom" and is much less so now, even though the primary aspects of the game are social.

In short - Would I recommend this game to a friend? Definitely, and I have. It is more than worth the $10 it costs (after the rebate) to try the game out free for a month. If you do so, look me up in Interhogan, and I will show you some of the many things that makes TSO such a great game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: TSO ROX!
Review: TSO is an excellent game its fun, enjoyable its almost like RL too i have experienced all sorts of emotion on the game from laughter to crying to crushes on sims! its tons of fun and the jobs r gr8 too i love to hate my job LOL pets r ADORABLE i LOVE playing with my 10 puppies all named the same thing HYPER! in general TSO is a gr8 game and i hope to see u there!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game I've ever played
Review: TSO is both the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. I've had more fun than I've ever had without getting out of a chair, but it's also made me stop doing things I should be doing in favor of playing. I'm hooked for life. Not only does it have all the features of The Sims offline, but it has soooo many more. There are about 4 times as many outfit choices as The Sims for PS2, plus there are the pets, and the NPCs (Non-Player Characters) who provide loads of entertainment. There are the jobs, which you actually get to go to, the places, which are created by players, and so are unique and always interesting, and the people!!! The other TSO players are the nicest people I've ever met. It's truly this big online community, and people are always helping people. There are even mini games like pizza making and band that require teamwork, and reward the group with money. It's just like having another life!

The downsides:
-you practically have to learn a new language (afk, g2g, mazing, greening, skilling, that kinda stuff)
-you have to stop and green all the time, which is where you fill your motive bars, this can get a bit tedious
-there are mean stupid people, despite what I've said above. I've never been in a city that doesn't have "mafias"

-you will learn TSO lingo fast, as long as you're not afraid to ask people what they're talking about
-you get used to greening, and just learn to entertain yourself while greening by chatting (TSO is like one giant chat room, only way more interesting)
-most of the people are great, and you can always put "ignore" on people you don't like, and they can't bother you. :)

I promise you will love this game. People have written songs about it. (Visit purplefreak.com) It's fabulous.

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