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The Sims Online

The Sims Online

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointing.
Review: I ordered TSO from the us, I was sooo excited since I love the other The Sims games and it seemed so great to play it online. So I spent most of my savings, got it in the mail and played it like, 3 times until I got really bored by it. it's simply boring. stick to the offline games or wait for The Sims 2, don't waste your money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: They've got Pets now, and I like it!
Review: I was an "original" TSO player when it first launched, and I admit, I was pretty dissapointed - it wasn't what I had hoped. Recently though, several friends who continued to play, that Maxis decided to add several different new features - one of them being Pets and Jobs and new NPCs. I love the Sims Unleashed and thought the Pets would be interesting to try out - so when the rebate came out, I decided to try it again since its only 9.99.

I love the Pets now! I have 3 cats and am thinkign about getting a job. Even though TSO is different to play than the regular Sims, I like the interaction and I really like the fact that it doesn't take up ALL my time - I usually only play about 5 hours a week. I'm actually a happy camper now!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good way to pass time...
Review: I'd say the sims online is good and bad...it is a very good way to pass the time.

The Good Sides:
You get to make your own sim....
You can make new friends
Make your own house...(with alot of work)

The BAD sides:
LAG...LAG...and some more lag...
Skilling takes hours to complete from 0.00 to 10.99
Money Making is very hard
There is alot of Scammers in TSO , so better watch out...

Overall , its 50/50...but I'd sugguest you wait till The Sims 2 (can't wait)Coming September 17th , 2004

Rating: 0 stars
Review: I've been playin the game since January 2003! It is the best game ever!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A player of Sims Online since last April
Review: If your a new player and enjoy the offline versions just be pre-warned you won't find all the objects from the expansion packs in the Sims Online, so if you buy this game and expect to find the fashion stage from Superstar or roller coasters from Makin Magic your will be disappointed, many of the objects from the expansions packs never made it in TSO.

Earning simoleans (in game money) is hard and sometimes frustrating, you study certain skills like cooking etc so you can earn more on money objects, but skilling can be very long and tedious, plus unlike the offline version your skills decay at a alarming rate the more you do.

New content is slow coming, again don't expect over a hundred new objects every 6 or 7 months like in the offline sims expansion packs, maybe 2 every 8 or 9 months if your lucky.

If you love to chat with moving characters then try the game out, if you love the offline sims and expect TSO to let you build a house and funish it right away you will be disappointed,I would recommend getting the game for about 10 bucks if you can and do the free trial if your a big sim lover.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The sims games
Review: It is a good game and keeps you occupied for hours. If you get bored with one family you can change it so that you have loads of different ones to play with. You can also make your own sims and choose their personality if you want to be original. Some sims are interesting and will get married and have babies but some are boring and are always depressed. It is a good game with thumbs up!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny life for a lazy/rich/begger review did i mention great
Review: its ok. a little pay per month. My best and favorite part of the game is when you get money, money really important in the game. If your really want to save money if you just started, go ask sombody to to live with them like roommates. A. You can either just stay there and slack off. B. Or work around the house and get rich then move out and your roomate will start begging for you to stay then you say "no" Then help a newbie and they become rich then you start begging.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beware - Very Addicting!!!
Review: My son bought this game (without realizing you have to pay monthly) but we signed up anyway. I used to get mad at the kids for playing too long and not wanting to get off the computer... until *I* tried it - I am so hooked its ridiculous! I even paid real life money to buy extra Sim money! Yep, you can do that and people actually make real money selling it! I think I most enjoy the "house decorting" part of the game. Making money is very time consuming but its fun to chat with other players.

I do NOT like the fact that we have to pay about $15 a month to play online. That is WAY too much for one game, especially when we also pay for XBox Online and PoGo! I wouldn't mind $5 a month - maybe. Anyway, I love this game and I am almost 40 years old!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Addiction not just a game but so much more
Review: ok imagine everyday life, in the sims online you can be whatever you want own a store make a night club be a roommate.in tso you have to study to build up your skills like in everyday life the higher the skills the more money you get paid to do job objects.you can build love houses deal with in game roof artist who can make pictures for you on your roof of anything to attract people.the best part is the chat you get to meet tons of new people i met so many new friends and i continue everyday i cant imagine life without tso its like a combination of the sims and aol in one for 9.99 i canceled my aol account thats how addicted i got

Rating: 0 stars
Summary: Sims Online Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: Sims Online rocks if you don't have this game or just bought it read this. Out of all the online games this has got to be the best one. you play with real people and you can get married it is SO addictive. WARNING: You will be addictive and not want to quit. if you are a starter read this.
The first thing you do is make a character you can make up 3 you can not delete a character intil 7 days.when you make friends you get more interactions. (you want to get interactions) you move with your mouse. click on other people to do interactions or click on you and you can do some interactions. on the lower right side the are map filters if you click on one some houses will pop up those are places most people visit. you can get jobs in the newspaper or go on a pc and look one up. thats about it look in the guide if i missed anything.

afk:away from keyboard
wb:welcome back
lmao:laughing my a** off
rotfl:rolling on the floor laughing
ty:thank you
np:no problem
tyvm:thank you very much
tysvm:thank you so very much
I play to my guy is named Maxie Foney and im in blazing falls.

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